
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



There's a thread about vegetarianism, but no one ever talks about the meat industry.  Isn't it the most revolting thing you've ever heard of???  All vegetarians:  Do you eat eggs, milk, fish, or seafood?  Sea animals, actually.  
submitted by BellaTrix
(December 24, 2008 - 9:22 am)

Eh heh heh heh... ;)

submitted by BellaTrix, a nerdy a
(January 2, 2009 - 8:38 am)

Wow, there are a lot of vegans and vegetarians on this site--go you!  I hate to say it but I'm not a vegetarian.  I tried once but it was too hard.  I also think that eating meat is healthy (in moderation), and that it CAN be good for the environment.  Here is my reasoning.  Mostly my family tries to get free-range meat, so that we don't support animal cruelty.  And as for the environment, eating wild game is actually good.  My family eats deer, bison, and elk.  This helps with overpopulation.  If there are too many deer then there is not enough food--especially where there are no natural predators to eat the deer.  I'm sorry to say that I disagree with vegans.  I think it is perfectly OK to eat milk, eggs, and other animal products.  I say this becuase a cow will produce milk and chicken eggs naturally.  However, I think giving animals lots of hormones is really sick.  I am a HUGE supporter of organic food and free-range meat.  I think that if we must eat meat (which I must. haha) then it should have at least led a good life.

submitted by Wendy C., age 16, Ohio
(January 2, 2009 - 3:52 pm)

I strongly disagree.  A chicken lays eggs to produce more chickens: it's like eating her babies!!  As for milk, it's for the calf, not us.  Killing wild game?  Hmm...  that's a hard one...  But I have to say I still don't think it's right.  

Please don't be offended!!!  I have nothing against you!! *smiles weakly*      
submitted by BellaTrix
(January 2, 2009 - 6:55 pm)

Okay. Let's get some facts straight. Living on a farm with egg-laying chickens and milk-producing goats, I immediately recognized a small problem in your post. Chickens can still lay eggs without a rooster, then there are no babies. Many people don't know that. So next time you're at the store, see if the egg carton says "fertile" on it.  

Also, at our farm, we let the goats give their kids most of the milk and we drink the rest, so even if it's not for us, at least we aren't stealing it from the baby.  

On the matter of hunting and vegetarianism in general: The main reason I became a veggie was that we were debating eating our precious baby boy goats. Of course I refused, but then I thought, if I can't kill an animal, why should someone else kill the animal I so I can eat it?  Is it just because it's easier to remove yourself from the whole process? 

I must admit that I broke my vegetarianism once on purpose, and that was when these really awesome guys brought a deer that had been hit by a car to our school for a wilderness program. They had seen it get hit (something I would NEVER want to see!), and so it was really fresh. Their plan was to salvage the skin and meat, if it was good, and we got to learn how to skin a deer at the same time.  And when the meat came to a school potluck a few days later, I ate it. It agreed with my philosophy about killing animals, since the deer died from a car. 

So that's my horribly revolting story about eating a deer. Sorry if you felt sick, or if I offended anybuggy.  


submitted by Willa , age 12 6/4, here
(January 3, 2009 - 9:11 pm)

Okay, I'm breaking my resolution, but just this one post!

Eggs may not be alive when they're laid, but what if human babies were "laid"?  Even if they're not alive, they're still babies, aren't they?  They might not be alive then, but they're going to be!  Would you eat them?
About the milk: think about it.  Do you know of any other animal that drinks milk from another animal's mother?  A different species?  It' completely unnatural.  Plus, most people are lactose-intolerant and and most milk has pus in it.  Ew.  
I think I put too many things in Italics... :)
submitted by BellaTrix
(January 4, 2009 - 10:43 am)

Unless the egg is fertalized, though, it won't be a living thing! If you buy eggs that haven't been fertalized, you aren't harming any animal!

submitted by Koffee, age 13, In a cup
(February 8, 2009 - 2:44 pm)

No offense, BellaTrix, but I think you have a very bad point. Baby's are alive when they are born, so why are you comparing something that is alive to something that is not alive? Plus, humans and chickens are 2 completely different things.

submitted by Mary Jo, age Georgia, 12
(February 8, 2009 - 5:24 pm)

They're alive when they're BORN, but not as a fetus.  And how are they "2 completely different things"?  

submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(February 9, 2009 - 12:04 pm)

Oh, and to answer your question on how they are 2 completely different things, humans are God's chief creatures. We were given the animals by God, mind you, Who gave us the right to eat them and use them as we wish. That doesn't mean we should be cruel to them, it just means that we can eat them because we are above them and they provide nourishment, means of travel, lots of things. It's so ridiculous to compare them to humans.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 12, Georgia
(February 9, 2009 - 1:47 pm)

So you think humans are "above" animals? *shakes head sadly*

submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(February 9, 2009 - 9:43 pm)

Exactly what I am saying. Sorry if you're offended, I'm just stating the truth.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 12, Georgia
(February 10, 2009 - 12:00 pm)

Okay.  Just do this for me.  PLEASE!  Read Jane Goodall's book In The Shadow of Man.  It's really interesting, and it'll make you see how close we really are to chimpanzees.  And if it doesn't, you'll just have more evidence against me.  Deal?  Please??   

submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(February 11, 2009 - 9:14 am)

You'll have to excuse me for not reading the book...sorry! But I will say this: We did evolve from apes. If you're a creationist and believe that God created the universe in 6 consecutive 24 hour days, than you're pretty much ignoring all the evidence that proves we did evolve from them, that God has given us the gift to discover. How do we know that time was the same when God created the universe? Maybe a "day" in that time was millions of years! And man is still evolving. At some point in time, God put a soul into us. Sorry this is such a late comment.

submitted by Mary Jo, age Georgia, 13
(April 5, 2009 - 8:01 pm)

Oh my goodness, did I say we did evolve from apes in that post? Ugh, sorry, I didn't mean that.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13, Georgia
(June 29, 2009 - 8:51 am)

Did Adam and Eve not have souls? Or do you not beleive in Adam and Eve? And sorry BellaTrix, I do beleive humans are above animals. Very spesifically because I beleive humans did not evolve from animals.

submitted by Emily L., age 14, WA
(July 1, 2009 - 5:49 pm)