Chatterbox: Down to Earth
members of Team Zoodle, gather here! together we shall devise a plot to vanquish all anti-zoodlers! :D
current members of the team: Darkvine, Scuttles, and Echo Hallowswift
if you would like to join, just ask on this thread with '@vine' at the end of your name.
@anti-zoodlers who are reading this- you have permission to form an anti-zoodle team. you also have permission to launch a siege on this thread. just be warned, the zoodle-snakes here are far bigger than the ones on other threads. plus they have sharp teeth and spikes.
@neutral CBers, if you would like to post on this thread but not join, you may as long as you don't attack. that would be taken as an act of war by the zoodle-snakes, and I highly advise you not to arouse their anger.
@everyone- please do not attack the anti-zoodlers (same goes for them) on any threads where that would be unwelcome, such as RPs, Ski Lodges, ect.
the zoodles shall prevail! -Darkvine
(February 11, 2023 - 10:41 am)
what are zoodles?
Jibbers says iymun
Zuchinni cut into strings like spaghetti.
(February 25, 2023 - 2:40 pm)
Zoodle-snakes are spiky green snakes that resemble a cucumber. They also squeak :3
(February 25, 2023 - 3:27 pm)
Okay, I am caught in the cuteness. *pulls out squirt gun* give me your zoodles now.
I must join. Let me join and defend these wonderful little squonks.
(February 25, 2023 - 5:57 pm)
Ok, I kind of deserve that. Fair enough, Admin. Fair enough.
(February 25, 2023 - 3:29 pm)
Uggh, we've been captured. Let us go, you nonexistent Zoodle fiends!
*Draws double-barrelled orange juice blaster, points it at Zoodles* Now untie me and Poinsettia please, or I shoot. (Shoulda restrained our hands, Darkvine)
(February 25, 2023 - 4:19 pm)
*frees Flamarestii and Poinsettia*
Sorry, Darkvine, taking prisoners is not worthwhile. The pika and the mongoose are very fond of all the anti-zoodlers, and are likely to get cross.
*very very cute mongoose and pika growl and look adorably cross (they are dangerous however adorable, though)*
*scoops one of them up*
(February 25, 2023 - 6:59 pm)
Oh, and I forgot to add - if you're considering that you are still recruiting your forces in your base, and have zoodles, you are wrong. Darkling blew up all nonexistant zoodles and your base, too.
(February 25, 2023 - 7:01 pm)
*throws chocolate cake at the zoodles, and at Darkvine and pangolin*
*uses orange juice to wash off pomegranate juice*
*sprays orange juice everywhere and escapes out the back door, taking a few zoodles as hostages*
(February 25, 2023 - 9:34 pm)
I'm afraid that your information about zoodles is incorrect. Zoodles are not allergic to chocolate cake, so throwing chocolate cake at them does nothing except gives them a nice meal for free. Also, they are not allergic to orange juice, and many of them like orange juice. Next, our zoodles are already in the other base, whose location has not been revealed yet, so you cannot take them as hostages here. One more thing. The pomogranete juice that Suki blasted at you stains very easily, only in about 1 hour, so you cannot wash off the pomogranete juice with orange juice. In fact, orange juice stains even more.
(February 26, 2023 - 12:38 pm)
Shall we go invade the Magic Room? I believe they are making Darkling Repellent over there.
Also, I brought some baby zoodles as hostages! *zoodles squeak adorably* But I won't do anything to them.
(February 25, 2023 - 9:35 pm)
Oh no you don't. I took you hostage, and Flamarestii! You're NOT getting away that easily!
*standing in the Magic Room doorway*
also, Darkling did not explode Zoodle Base. Darkling exploded the anti-zoodler kitchen in an attempt to end an argument about whose kitchen it was.
zoodles, plan C!
*the hostage zoodles squirm around and bite things*
(February 26, 2023 - 11:56 am)
(February 26, 2023 - 8:39 am)
Poinsettia! How dare you! Taking cute, adorable, little baby zooodles hostage!
*throws pomegranates, splattering Poinsettia with juice*
*rescues baby zoodles*
(February 26, 2023 - 10:27 am)
(February 26, 2023 - 5:03 pm)
(Walks into the Magic room)
( sprays anti-AZ spray )
Warning: AZs will suffer headaches and unconscious......
(February 26, 2023 - 8:05 pm)