Chatterbox: Down to Earth
members of Team Zoodle, gather here! together we shall devise a plot to vanquish all anti-zoodlers! :D
current members of the team: Darkvine, Scuttles, and Echo Hallowswift
if you would like to join, just ask on this thread with '@vine' at the end of your name.
@anti-zoodlers who are reading this- you have permission to form an anti-zoodle team. you also have permission to launch a siege on this thread. just be warned, the zoodle-snakes here are far bigger than the ones on other threads. plus they have sharp teeth and spikes.
@neutral CBers, if you would like to post on this thread but not join, you may as long as you don't attack. that would be taken as an act of war by the zoodle-snakes, and I highly advise you not to arouse their anger.
@everyone- please do not attack the anti-zoodlers (same goes for them) on any threads where that would be unwelcome, such as RPs, Ski Lodges, ect.
the zoodles shall prevail! -Darkvine
(February 11, 2023 - 10:41 am)
thank you for joining! :D
(February 16, 2023 - 2:56 pm)
Jay can help in the hospital wing, he's first aid and cpr certified, and he can also help Scuttles make cannons and weapons.
Chaser will be an excellent soldier. All he needs is a zucchini blaster.
PS Even Knowt the CAPTCHA approves of the zoodles. He can't say 'zoodle' cause it's six letters long, but he can say [zoodl], which is basically the same thing.
PPS Right now he's saying [xyriy]
(February 17, 2023 - 9:38 am)
I have a banana cannon!
(February 16, 2023 - 6:47 pm)
Excellent! It will help greatly if we are attacked.
(February 17, 2023 - 10:07 am)
We must have as many weapons as possible. Zoodlists, manufacture your own weapons for battle using this form, but do not fill it out until you have read the rest of this post with important points.
Size(small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically):
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread:
Here are the classes:
Class A: Can be operated quickly and are small.
Class B: Takes long to operate and is large, but is also long-range.
Class C: Large cannons, but uses facial recognition software to target anyone who is known as a current Anti-Zoodler.
Class D: Small, but uses facial recognition software to target anyone who is known as a current Anti-Zoodler.
Here is my form:
Name: Zuchinni-propelled Zuchinni cannon (ZPZG)
Fuel: Zuchinni, also Zoodle noodles
Class: A
Size: S.
Creator: Golden Lion Tamarin
Method of transport: by hand. Concealed within pockets.
Notes: It is class A but is very long range.
Name: Long range zoodle noodle authentication cannon (LRZNAG)
Fuel: Zoodle noodle
Class: C
Size: M
Creator: Golden Lion Tamarin
Method of transport: Concealed within a zoodle snake-protected container
Notes: Also long range.
(February 16, 2023 - 7:22 pm)
When do we attack the Anti-Zoodlers?
(February 17, 2023 - 10:34 am)
Name: Banana Cannon
Fuel: Bananas, banana slices, banana cream pies.
Class: D
Size(small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically): small
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread:Concealed in socks
Notes: it is a cannon, but small. It is a mini cannon about the size of a eighth-size violin. No oneknows how everything fits and never will.
(February 17, 2023 - 10:42 am)
(February 17, 2023 - 4:37 pm)
Heres the specs of the cannons we're manufacturing to be placed around the base:
Name: Zucchini/Zoodle-Noodle Product Stationary Defensive Cannon (ZZ-NPSDC
Fuel: Any zucchini or zoodle-noodle based product, can also fire live zoodle-snakes behind enemy lines if nessecary.
Class: C, can also be auto-operated.
Size (small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically): L
Creator: Scuttles, based on the cannon located on the map made by Darkvine.
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread: Stationary, must be carried on a transport and set up in new location.
Notes: Should be protected by zoodle-guards to prevent from being used against us. Can also be used offensively, but carefully, because we do not want it overtaken and used against us.
(February 17, 2023 - 6:24 pm)
Great idea, Golden Lion Tamarin!
here's the first cannon I put near the main entrance:
Name: the Short-Range High Power Zucchini Cannon
Fuel: large zucchini, although zucchini bread and banana bread can be fired from it.
Class: D
Size(small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically): L
Creator: Darkvine
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread: this cannon is mainly for defense if our base is attacked, it takes a lot of effort and planning to move it.
Notes: the controls on the cannon are rather simple, so that the zoodle-snakes can use it.
(February 17, 2023 - 8:29 pm)
Here is a list of our weapons.
Name: Zuchinni-propelled Zuchinni cannon (ZPZG)
Fuel: Zuchinni, also Zoodle noodles
Class: A
Size: S.
Creator: Golden Lion Tamarin
Method of transport: by hand. Concealed within pockets.
Notes: It is class A but is very long range.
Name: Long range zoodle noodle authentication cannon (LRZNAG)
Fuel: Zoodle noodle
Class: C
Size: M
Creator: Golden Lion Tamarin
Method of transport: Concealed within a zoodle snake-protected container
Notes: Also long range.
Name: Banana Cannon
Fuel: Bananas, banana slices, banana cream pies.
Class: D
Size(small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically): small
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread:Concealed in socks
Notes: it is a cannon, but small. It is a mini cannon about the size of a eighth-size violin. No one knows how everything fits and never will.
Notes: long-range cannon for firing at the anti-zoodlists!
Notes: a long-range hand-held trebuchet for launching
Name: Zucchini/Zoodle-Noodle Product Stationary Defensive Cannon (ZZ-NPSDC
Fuel: Any zucchini or zoodle-noodle based product, can also fire live zoodle-snakes behind enemy lines if nessecary.
Class: C, can also be auto-operated.
Size (small, medium, large are S, M, and L specifically): L
Creator: Scuttles, based on the cannon located on the map made by Darkvine.
Method of transport to anti-zoodle thread: Stationary, must be carried on a transport and set up in new location.
Notes: Should be protected by zoodle-guards to prevent from being used against us. Can also be used offensively, but carefully, because we do not want it overtaken and used against us.
In total, we have 6 weapons: ZPZG, LRZNAG, BC, ZGPC, HZT, ZZ-NPSDC. We must prepare to fight. I am keeping track of the Anti-Zoodle thread. They're planning to attack soon, though there have been no recent developments of the plan, so we have time to prepare. Let us attack as soon as possible. Preparing the LRZNAG, BC, HZT, and ZZ-NPSDC, the automatic weapons, for battle.
(February 17, 2023 - 8:50 pm)
*throws chocolate cake at non-exsistant zoodles around emergency entrance*
*Origami, meanwhile, distracts non-exsistant zoodles at the main entrance, and therefore those are the ones that sQeAk IrRiTaTiNgLy*
*sneaks into the ammunition room, while Origami goes into the kitchen (for pies) and eats any possible pies that are there*
Ha ha! I have gotten into the base without any zoodles being able to stop me. This is positive proof that there are no such things as zoodles! I have won! Furthermore, I have control of all your weapons, and YoU cAnNoT aTtAcK mE!
Anti-zoodlers unite!!! WE WILL WIN!!!!!!!
(February 17, 2023 - 10:13 pm)
TEAM ZOODLE! The anti-zoodlers are attacking!
(February 18, 2023 - 9:26 am)
*Fires LRZNAG straight at Amethyst, causing them to swallow part of the noodle* (I do not know Amethyst's pronouns, so I am using "them" as a placeholder for now). Zoodlists, we will WIN! *fires all other class c/d weapons, oh wait they fire themselves*. More weapons required. FIRE!
(February 19, 2023 - 12:07 pm)
You don't have my cannon! haha
(February 18, 2023 - 10:47 am)