Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

That's awesome!!! Have so much fun!! :DD

submitted by Celine@pangolin, Sofia ~
(September 13, 2024 - 3:00 pm)

Well I got my role in the musical (Cinderella) (I'm not ella that's just the show we're doing) I'm ensemble/footman i mean at least it's more than general ensemble??? i just hope i get to dance... i was hoping to wear a ballgown or whatever tho and idk if ill get to do that :( but still? idk

oh im also dressed up as jesper fahey today and i love my jacket 

also apparently this one person thinks im cool and wants to be friends with me despite only having seen me in the halls :D 

submitted by Rainbow, scheming face? definitely
(September 12, 2024 - 8:57 pm)
aw, sorry you didn't get the part you wanted :( ensemble/footman's still pretty cool, though, and you're gonna rock it! <33 also yay, jesper fahey!! i keep forgetting to tell you this, but your soc posts always make me so happy :] i really need to get around to rereading those books sometime!!
submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(September 12, 2024 - 9:14 pm)

Does anyone here know Glitch Productions? I watched the last MD episode last night and omggg

submitted by Writing_in_the_Dark, age 15, School, lol
(September 13, 2024 - 6:52 am)

OMG! ANOTHER MD FAN! Wasn't it awesome!!??? Ok, don't judge me, but my fav character is Cyn....

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 13, 2024 - 10:04 am)

Same!!! >_<

she was so silly in the finale (she exploded a planet but thats okayyy shes just a little guy)


submitted by Writing_in_the_Dark, age 15, School, lol
(September 13, 2024 - 11:27 am)

I think my boyfriend watches Glitch Productions, or at least MD.

submitted by Thunder, age 16, Lightnin' City
(September 17, 2024 - 10:12 am)

Should I wear a pink sparkly cowboy hat to see Chappell Roan in two weeks? I feel like I kind of have to. I'm not sure what the rest of the outfit would be though. I'm sooo excited to see her!! Ethel Cain, Laufey, Hozier, Maisie Peters, Conan Gray, Renee Rap, Julien Baker, Bleachers, and more will also be performing, I can't waittttt

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(September 13, 2024 - 8:07 am)

I can't help any with outfit choices haha but have so much fun!!!

submitted by Celine@Silver
(September 13, 2024 - 3:03 pm)

OMG YOU GET TO SEE CHAPPELL ROAN!? AHHHHHH OHUISGUJWMYFYTD THATS SO AMAZING!!! Yes you should wear the sparkly pink hat, that sounds so cool! And Hozier is going to perform too!? That's so cool! I want to hear all about it! 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(September 13, 2024 - 6:10 pm)

Cast list came out today, and I got the part I wanted! I'm playing Adam in my school's production of Theory of Relativity, which means I get 3 songs that consist of a singular note: E. (Technically E3 and E4, but 'tis still The Same Note). I am so excited! Romance and pi, here I come!!!

submitted by ZetaLupi, THE STAGE!
(September 13, 2024 - 9:48 pm)

I don’t know anything about this show but as an alto... I can relate :')

submitted by Vi
(September 14, 2024 - 9:57 am)

Yes, as an alto, the number of times I have looked at my music and thought "oh there's another E" is very high lol

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Somewhere in the stars
(September 14, 2024 - 2:51 pm)

I recommend the song Alto's Lament by Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich, it's hilarious

submitted by Vi
(September 14, 2024 - 4:37 pm)

Today we had our first company call and idk if I'll get any lines bc they didn't assign most ensemble lines in our first read-through today. But there are some rly funny lines in it. and at the end we played "captain's coming" and for "shark attack" my new friend dropped me/she fell oops 

also today I'm wylan van "sunshine" (my favorite <33333) and I'm so happy I got compliments on my hair (I don't have it any different than usual but okay), makeup, my necklaces (specifcally the butterfly one, I was told it rly matches the outfit), my usual bracelets, sweater vest, pants, and overall outfit (my friend who introduced me to soc said it was the best cosplay yet <333), oh an the writing on my hand lol. I love wylan he's such a mood aaaaa (I'm wearing my sun necklace bc that's why we call him wylan van sunshine) 

also that's it i love janani k jha (j. maya) so much I've now listened to all her songs and i like them all this never happens and she's gonna write a full album of just greek mythology-inspired songs i love this so much i love her music sm my fav is achilles heel but i also love machine learning and library card and so many others aka all i love them sm i suggest listening to her she's awesome and deserves way more recognition she's also like a genius i think even before she was in college she won a world championship for competive punning 

also i def feel more like i have friends at school <333333 

oh but i have wedding tmrw and the next day a bat mitzvah of a friend from elementary school and it's so nice that she invited me <333

but i also have sm homeworkkkkkk ughhhhh 

also i have a lot of art to post on the art thread but thats the problem it's so much it'd take maybe two hours lol 

oh and for one of my classes, academic seminar, we had to take a selfie then trace it and like add personality and whatever so in the background of my picture im putting posters of many thing i love and i'm actually just like copying the fonts for all and for some artists like copying pictures of them/the picture for passing papers in that one case and so rn i have wof, soc, epic, tsoa, janani k jha, mcr, pjo, jessie paege, and egg :D (I need to add more like hadestown and maybe like a small pile of books i like but not enough for posters like cold girls and every body looking and fish in a tree and skyward and twelfth grade night and a chance to fly and this is our rainbow oh and ofc i need art supplies and a sappho poster and maybe my fav flowers like violets and hyacinths and green carnations and other queer-coded ones oh and maybe a monty python and the holy grail thing oh and maybe a sword oh and im coloring my hair rainbow despite not having rainbow hair oh but i also have cerberus there as well oh and maybe add clawed_beauty101 and crazycae things bc they're both so cool the world needs more ppl like them oh and maybe sub-radio as well idk there's prob more but i dont need to say everything im so tired)

submitted by Rainbow, scheming face? definitely
(September 13, 2024 - 9:57 pm)