Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Oh my Gandalf, I can hardly believe the rat incident XD Perhaps it just had a very acute longing for soup at that moment? And as for the lemonade, well, inflation you know... Anyway, your summary of events did make me laugh, but looking at it seriously that does sound like a lot. Sending positivitea your way <3

submitted by Amethyst, scarlet flame
(September 2, 2024 - 10:14 am)


submitted by Jaybells, Lost in the Insanity
(September 2, 2024 - 10:43 am)


submitted by riddle_wren, age Oddities!, Lost to the Sands of Time
(September 2, 2024 - 7:27 pm)

that must be so annoying. I'm flabbergasted at the idea of the rat, but all the rest of it, I agree, sounds unpleasant :/ I hope the semester improves, at any rate. And at least it gives you lots of good stories to tell - people will always want to hear about drunk rats, I expect :P

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 3, 2024 - 6:02 am)


sadly, L most likely won't go :(

ok anyway my outfit is going to be a black kneelength shoulderless dress with doc martens RAHHH IT'S KINDA GOTH AND EMO AND I LOVE IT and im gonna wear black pantyhose and long silver jewelry RAHH

one of the only dresses i'll wear ngl 

submitted by riddle_wren, age Oddities!, Lost to the Sands of Time
(September 2, 2024 - 9:44 am)

Hi y'all I'm still alive dw


AAAAAAA my school starts tmrw!!! For those of y'all in the same boat or like tbh just in general: good luck (or as the characters in my new hyperfixation say, NO MOURNERS!!!) 

submitted by Rainbow, Ketterdam
(September 2, 2024 - 5:35 pm)

Lucky, I suppose. My school already started and there's already a math test tomorrow...

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 2, 2024 - 6:57 pm)

RAINBOWWW *tackle-hugs if you want it* hello again!! Good to see you!!! And thank you, good luck to you too!! NO FUNERALS!!!!

...okayy deluge of exclamation marks :P

submitted by Celine@Rainbow, Ankh-Morpork
(September 3, 2024 - 2:01 am)

Eeee, thank you!!!! So nice to see you, to!!!!! <33333!!!

submitted by Rainbow, HIGHSCHOOL?!
(September 6, 2024 - 10:08 am)

No mourners, no funerals! Favorite character @Rainbow?

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(September 3, 2024 - 6:01 am)

~Wylan van sunshine~ (I don't like calling him Van Eck bc Jan is the worst, so I usually go for Van Sunshine or Hendriks), he's such a mood (very autistic-coded and I LOVE IT). I also rly like Jesper bc also mood (adhd-coded!) and Nina is so freaking awesome. What abt you? I've traded so many monologues w/one of my friends abt SoC, my gods... also I get to write an essay on it for school bc it was my summer reading!! YAY.

submitted by Rainbow@WiLdSoNg, HIGHSCHOOL?!
(September 6, 2024 - 10:17 am)

RAINBOW *optional tackle hugs* How've you been? And yep, same boat - school started today and let's just say I'm missing June a lot :| Good luck to you too!

submitted by Amethyst@Rainbow
(September 3, 2024 - 12:55 pm)

Hiiii!!! Thx for the hugs <333333 I've been pretty good, albeit tired. I just went to the theater production orientation and I knew before I wanted to act, but we went through all the different crews you could be on and it's so cool and I can't wait but auditions are TUESDAY ack but Cinderella so dancing! ballgowns! yay! also I'm happy bc for the first time since 5th grade, I'm going to the same school as one of my elementary school bffs so I've been hanging out w/her a bunch at school and I think I'm starting to make friends?? there are sooooo many ppl tho!! 'cause this is my first year in public school and my grade now is like the size of my old school (middle and high school combined) so it's rly weird. but yeah thx :) how's your school?

submitted by Rainbow@Amethyst, HIGHSCHOOL?!
(September 6, 2024 - 5:07 pm)

Tuesday?? Hoping you survive the suspense :/ I love acting too, or think I do lol - I've never done it in any sort of professional way, but it's sO much fun. Cinderella, that's so cool :D Yay, it must be great to be with someone you actually know! And congrats on the making friends bit, that's really good news. Anyway, I'm homeschooled, mostly by my mom who's a great teacher, because we don't like the schools around here - the education you get is terrible, and they teach you to basically nOt tHiNk and so my sister went to elementary school for a few years and then we both started homeschooling. I've been wondering lately whether I should just go to a proper school, because shriek I want to make irl friends, but the kids around here probably wouldn't be at all my type anyway and as I said the whole school system isn't good, so I'm kind of in a Very Big Dilemma :/ School in itself has been pretty good so far, though! Nothing too intense up til now :)

submitted by Amethyst@Rainbow
(September 8, 2024 - 10:14 am)

I'm thinking about getting a Pixie cut this Thursday..... I really hate how heavy my long hair is, and I've always like short hair. The only problem is that I don't think my mom likes pixies cuts, my dad is chill about it, but every time someone asks my mom "Wow, she's really going short?" My mom doesn't answer. How do I explain that short hair would make managment and everyday problems a lot easier, but also explaining that I really like short hair?

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 Epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(September 3, 2024 - 8:33 am)