Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

This year the girls in our homeschool co-op decided to put on a play of snow white. I was director. The next week we met, all of a sudden another girl was director, and snow white (The lead role...) was co-director. I decided it was fine, and tried to just be a few animals in the play instead. Then, when the girl who was director wrote the script, she left out both of my minor roles...that was the end of the school year. I told my mom how I was feeling about this play, and what was going on, and she said that during the summer the play would just kind of fizzle out. At a mom's meeting for the co-op, the teacher of the drama class for next year asked if she should just let the girls continuet their play for the class, instead of putting on something else. my mom said no, that's not a good idea since theres a little drama going on with the play they're doing. She made it sound like nothing, but still the next day the mom of the director and snow white texted my mom. They asked what was going on, and mom told them, making it sound again like really nothing to worry about, because it wasn't at the time. but at the end of the year party the two girls came up to me, apologized, gave me a bunch of gifts and said that they really, really wanted me to be co-director, and they really, really wanted my creative ideas... I didn't really want to be in the play at that point, but I didn't know how to say no, so i agreed. Thing is, although I was director in name, I still was excluded from the little group.Right now what i'm doing is just coming up with excuses why I won't do it when we have summer park days with the co-op.

the other day my friend and her sister texted me, saying that they had two friends over, one named abby, and another we're not supposed to know, and they won't tell us. The next texts that came through were "why are you such an attention seeker, and so snobbish it's getting on my last nerve", and "You shouldn't even get a part in the play, you're such a baby." Then the next one was "You're the one that made the play all awful." I was so confused. next came "you went to your mom right away, we were there". and then "I'm so sorry my  sister told abby the password to my phone and the only reason she knew about the play was because she saw the script in my room." I was even more befuddled then, because how did this random friend know all this? at ballet class that night my friend's sister came into the waiting room and my sister asked about who sent the texts. She said "abby's a made up  character, it was me with glasses on in the picture. It was actually a different friend that i won't say her name." 

How did this random girl know all this? she didn't, we're pretty sure. It was probably just the two girls and their friend messing around and thinking it was so funny what they were saying. After that, when i got home, i texted:"My feelings are really hurt, and i dont' really feel like you are telling me the truth about what happened earlier. When is a good time to call and talk?" And the next day they said they were telling the truth (???) but if i still wanted to talk i could. I said i did, and so now we're kind of waiting. Mom and dad want to call their parents and talk first, since right now what they're going to say will probably be unhelpful and hurtful.

Sorry this is so long, i just needed to vent.......

submitted by AvaraStar, age Elven, Mines of Moria
(July 1, 2024 - 9:34 am)

Don't apologize. You have the right to vent and to be upset. I'm so sorry all of this happened, and I really hope you figure out what's going on and it gets better. 

submitted by Amity@AvaraStar
(July 1, 2024 - 10:19 am)


submitted by AvaraStar
(July 1, 2024 - 12:46 pm)

I am so, so sorry. That is awful. *gives you an optional hug and your favourite things and whatever else makes you feel a bit happier* we're here for you to talk or for anything really <33

submitted by WildWolf@Amethyst
(July 1, 2024 - 3:51 pm)

Thank you so much! Y'all are the best <3

submitted by Amethyst@WildWolf
(July 2, 2024 - 9:41 am)

Time to make myself a pretty boy for my Howl cosplay on the 4th.

submitted by GloomyBear
(July 1, 2024 - 6:22 pm)

anyone at a creative writing camp rn? it seems like a hub for CB ish people...it is very unlikely but there is a chance...

submitted by Lupine
(July 2, 2024 - 1:40 am)

Oh you're so lucky!! I'd LOVE a creative writing camp! Maybe I should ask if I could do that next summer... but no, not at the moment, but I AM at a weeklong overnight camp that's pretty fun :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, hiatus
(July 2, 2024 - 2:36 pm)

Ooh that sounds fun! Unfortunately, I'm not. I'm at a game design camp.

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 2, 2024 - 5:23 pm)

Me: *is watchin' the movie Wonka*

Me: *Thinks to self* Mr. Fickelgruber is the most British man I've ever seen in my life.

submitted by Thunder, age 16, Lightnin' City
(July 2, 2024 - 9:28 am)

my dog is dying.

he has hemangiosarcoma and he's only going to live for two more weeks max. it's incurable. i don't know how to turn off my crying and all i can think about is that when we got a new puppy, he got so much less attention and i wish i had cuddled him more and hugged him more and i just can't deal with this right now

we're having an early birthday party for him because he's not going to make it to october and i'm definitely going to be crying the whole time. and my best friend who moved to australia won't be able to say goodbye.

and i feel bad that real people are dying everywhere and he's only a dog why am i so sad? it's just that he's been around for my entire life, since i got home from the hospital to now. it felt like he'd never die he'd be there forever. and now i have to say goodbye to him? right after my grandma just died of cancer too? i need a big hug and i really wish this wasn't happening.


I'm so sorry to hear this, Anastasia. It's okay to be sad and okay to cry, you don't need to feel bad. Your dog loves you very much and it sounds like has a had a beautiful life being loved by you. Sending you a vritual hug and sending your dogs virtual pets. - Admin

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(July 2, 2024 - 9:44 am)

I'm so sorry, that's really hard. I'll be back with more if you want later maybe (like next week ://), but *big hugs* and sending love to you and your family (including your dog) <3333

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, hiatus
(July 2, 2024 - 2:40 pm)

I'm so sorry. That's really, real sad. And yes, real people are dying, but your dog is a part of your fam7ily, right? He's an important part of your life, it makes sense to feel sad. You don't need to feel guilty. (Although ig me saying that might not really help that much? But just confirmation that your feelings are valid <33) Sending you as many virtual hugs as you need and virtual pets for your dog like the admin said.

submitted by WildWolf@anastasia, age 13, :((
(July 2, 2024 - 8:38 pm)

Realized at the last second that there was a typo, meant to say 'really, really sad' at the start not 'really, real sad'. 

submitted by WildWolf
(July 2, 2024 - 8:39 pm)

i'm so sorry :( of course you're sad - something not being human doesn't make it any less valuable or heartbreaking to lose. i really don't know what to say but *big hugs*

submitted by @anastasia, Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 3, 2024 - 6:18 pm)