Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

on my way to throw my old computer off a cliff!

submitted by GloomyBear
(June 18, 2024 - 12:00 pm)

I'm so excited! I get to go to my friend's house and spend the night and we're gonna camp in their backyard and have s'mores and I haven't seen her in like, what feels like forever, although I think I actually saw her on Friday... Anywho, I'm so excited cause her house is awesome! And I have Hamilton stuck in my head! Yippee! Wink

submitted by Morgana le Fay
(June 18, 2024 - 1:55 pm)

In case you were ever wondering, you can fit about four highschool freshman under a small picnic table! Why do I know this? Because we're not allowed to eat lunch in the shade, and have to resort to clinging to the wall of the theater department's shipping containers or crouching under tables despite the 100 degree heat. If we try to stand in the shade of the school building, we get shooed away for "safety reasons". If we try to go further out in the field to hide under the two or three skinny and dehydrated trees, we're herded back for "safety reasons". It's the dumbest thing. 

submitted by Vi, very angry about this
(June 18, 2024 - 4:09 pm)

I have been inspired; from now on I will try to stay really positive!

I've tried it all of today because I've been having a tough time and honesty it made me cry more because my school friends are kinda excluding me and I'm trying to be fine with it, it's just we're not gonna see each other much/maybe ever so it kinda stings, but I have other things to do. Like make money. And be totally happy. Alone. :D


P.S. I finally grew my nails out! ...But I cut my hair. It's really short on the back and sides but longish on the top/front so I kinda have bangs, but like curly. I look really masc, so I like it a lot, though my mum does not.

I'm trying to be more active and just get out there, idk if it's the manic in me or how long this will last, but I'm going to try to make it work. Let's hope for the best! :) 

submitted by Jaybells, Seoul w/ Tess&friends
(June 18, 2024 - 11:44 pm)

Yayyy, that's great!!! About your nails and your hair and positivity! Also Ik you didn't ask but I love to say this anyway so I'm gonna say it because LITERALLY so CUTEEEE, and also it helped when I was at school trying to be happy alone, you can look up:

- spider paws

- dino comics (they're actually called dinos and comics I think? Not to be confused with dinosaur comics, which is a totally different thing!)

- blow-dried cows

- snakes with hats

- sea sheep (they can photosynthesize too!!)

kinda just happy things to look up bc I mean LOOK AT THAT :D but anyways, that's really great, and hoping for the best!!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(June 19, 2024 - 12:58 pm)


Like... Seoul, South Korea Seoul? 

submitted by Hawkstar@Jaybells
(June 19, 2024 - 2:24 pm)

Does anyone know how to calm down/shut up one's brain bc its 11:30 and quite literally all day my brain has just like: "gravity, dont mean too much to me / im who ive git to be / these pigs are after me, after you / run away, like it was yesterday / when we could run away / run away from here! / ive got a bulletproof heart / you got a hollow point smile / we had our runaway scarves / got a photograph dream on the getaway mile" (lyr) while also being like (simultaneously): "if my velocity starts to make you sweat / then just dont, let go / the emergency rooms got no vacency / so we just (4x i think) / GET UP AND GO! / who they want you to be, whovthey wanted to see / leave the party with me and never go home!" (Also lyr) while also being like: "sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls / every time you lose it, sing it for the world / sing it from the heart, sing it till youre nuts / sing it out for the ones thatll hate your guts / sing ut fir the deaf, sing ut for the blind / sing qbt everyone you left behind / sing it for the world (2x)" (also lyr, also that music video is so sadddd like whyyyyy not the fabulous fourrrrrr (not the beatles in this case)! Whyyyyyy i liked themmmm esp party poison. Well i like their hair. Idk much abt the character and none if them are hot bt also theyre guys soooo) while also at the same time figuring out the notes of the intro and first 3 verses of black parade w/o looking it up or a piano so im rly just guessing though i started doing that in my dream last nght?? while still singing all of nanana in my head oh and maybe a sprinkling if the kids from yesterday, too, for good measure. I mean i love those songs but all of them in my head at once all day?? And all save for black parade and nanana i heard for the first time YESTERDAY??? I swear this hyperfixation is sure ragin'... but oh my gosh theres killjoy comicssssss (must read!) and also i read 1 2 and 3 of umbrella academy (may or may not be bc of who the author is... okay it is the reason) and theyre rly good though if anyone knows what happens in book 3 plz tell me idk any of what happened, and also im sorry but the abt the author was kinda weird/funny in the first two. Like the last line of the first is "he is also in a band", like yeah ofc thats what hes known for i think?? Thats why im reading it?? And then the second one, the picture... like yeah ik they go back in time to dallas where jfk was and stuff byt like why for your picture do you dress up as jfk??? Im still rly confused by that but okay. Anyways wow its almost 12 and im rambling bc no one else will tolerate me just blabbering on and on abt mcr! One more thing though: i found a (fan i think??) killjoy comic with the fabulous four and the girl and they find makeup and party poison does the colorful lightning bolt across their face with the extra color on one side and a dif character (not sure which one sorry) is like "your look is kinda familiar" but party is like "nah no ones ever done this before" but ik who did! David bowie! The ziggy stardust look! And then along eith that when i heard vampire money yesterday i got very happy bc of the line "sparkle like bowie in the morning sun" bc bowieeeeeeee yayyyyyyyyy anyways wow its midnight i should sleep esp cause i didnt have like any energy today and didnt get to see much of anything in mesa verde bc i was soooo tired and we left that place and not goin back so yeah goodnite dr death (/ref)-i mean i gotta go and just sleeeeeeep (/ref)-okay for real now byeeeeeeeeeeeee 

wait just a sec: congrats wildsong on the tournament!!  And happy belated bday tea'n'tacos! And congrats, peri, on your awards (and yayyy fellow 8th grade grad)!!

okay for real goodnight yall ill be back at some point also very sorry for all the typos and run on sentences, i might have mentioned its late and im tired and also kinda hard to type on this device so yeah

(also btw all lyrics belong to mcr) 

submitted by Rainbow, With the Killjoys
(June 19, 2024 - 1:10 am)

First of all, I LOVE reading all your rants so much, just fyi they're so entertaining :) ALSO, it's honestly impressive you have that many lyrics in your head at one time!! And I really have to listen to some mcr still... ok but I think you were maybe asking for advice? When my brain won't stop and I'm trying to sleep, I find that what helps me most is just lose myself in a peaceful daydream, though idk how helpful that would be for you. Maybe singing the lyrics aloud would help (I honestly sometimes just belt out Disney songs when I'm trying to sleep lol the rest of my family sleeps late so they're (sorta?) fine with it (later than ME, so that's pretty late...)), or if they're songs you'd rather not belt out, I whisper the lyrics. Or maybe replacing all the music with counting numbers (counting doesn't really help me, but eh maybe it'll help for you?). Or I think you're doing like visiting the national parks rn right so sometimes it helps me to go through/imagine living through the next day's events, like, waking up, getting breakfast, making a checklist of everything you'll need, leaving and seeing all the stuff at whatever national park you're going to...? Usually I even go as far as to imagine what conversations I'll have, which also helps for the next day because small talk is NOT one of my strong suits... but idk. Good luck though, and have fun!!!! :DDD

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(June 19, 2024 - 12:48 pm)

First of all, I wanna say that your first sentence abt liking my rants makes me so happy-oh my gosh, it made me cry last night bc yay at least someone is willing-even happy-to read/listen to me go on and on abt something I love (bc like w/my irl friends and fam (other than Lux) it's basically just me talking at ppl abt stuff I love but that's bc I wanna share it with ppl I love in any way and I'd be happy if ppl would add on but ig the way I talk that doesn't come across? Or they just don't know what I'm talking abt but yeah) so thank you so much for that. (side note that completely unrelated but why am I shaking) Oh and yeah that planning out what I want to say the next day in my head at night? I do that all the time. Like every day. And throughout the day too. Also I def suggest you listen to MCR! Its my current hyperfixation... my favorite songs are Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) (from Danger Days, which is my favorite album) and I'm Not Okay (I Promise) (from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge), but the first one I heard was Teenagers (from Black Parade) bc of a pjo playlist thing I found once... and ofc Welcome to the Black Parade is iconic, and probably would be a good place to start? Also I finally listened to all of black parade (save for cancer but I've got my reasons for that) and yeah it's good but I'm still impartial to Danger Days (my favs in that are Na Na Na, Bulletproof Heart, Sing, Planetary (Go!), Destorya (for the most part though there's one thing that's kinda ehhh in it), The Kids From Yesterday (almost made me cry a little bit ago), and Vampire Money, which is basically half the songs so), but planterary go is very fun to dance around to.) so yeah :) 

submitted by Rainbow@Celine, age Killjoys, Make some noise!
(June 20, 2024 - 1:07 pm)

You can also try singing another catchy song in your head. Just not too much, otherwise it might replace the others. (This happens a lot to me too...) Or try reading a dull book that can bore you to sleep, or pretending that you're in a shop and buying lots of things whose names start with one letter of the alphabet.

submitted by Seadragon
(June 19, 2024 - 6:28 pm)

I tried the alphabet-shopping last night, and woah, it worked like a charm, thank you! I started with "A" and found Apples, A will to live, Apple Cider, Apple juice, Answers, and I think that was it... but I mean I don't remember anything after that so I def fell asleep :D

submitted by Rainbow@Seadragon, Vampire Money (cmon!)
(June 20, 2024 - 12:53 pm)

"I'm not sure if life's passing me by or trying to run me over." - a relatable quote I saw on a sign today

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in summer rain
(June 19, 2024 - 7:38 am)

Just wanted to say, I finally looked up pictures of sea sheep (since you'd recommended that a couple of times) and thank you, they're sO cUtE!!!! I mean who knew anything looked like that... it's hilarious how much they look like sheep, but not at the same time <33

submitted by Amethyst@Celine
(June 19, 2024 - 2:25 pm)

Actually, I only know about sea sheep from Darkvine :) but YESS they're adorableeee <333 I love them sm and will keep telling people to look them up until everyone knows what they look like >:)

submitted by Celine@Amethyst, baaa~
(June 19, 2024 - 6:09 pm)

Oh yes, I think I remember Darkvine mentioning them! But absolutely we must reform the world to sea sheep adoration :}

submitted by Amethyst@Celine, age baa baa, sea sheep have u any wool
(June 19, 2024 - 8:21 pm)