Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Me, staring at the CAPTCHA box: is that a n or a h?? Hmm, it looks more like an n, I'll try that.

My screen, every freaking time: The code you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct- 


submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(August 30, 2023 - 9:31 pm)

I know, right?!

when I grow up... I will be brave enough to fight the creatures that you have to fight beneath the bed each night to be a grownup...

Oh no. I have an n in the captcha, but at least this time it's much clearer inkling is saying "net"

submitted by Rainbow, age Teen, When I Grow Up
(August 31, 2023 - 10:11 am)

Oh, great, now my mom knows 'bout my crush on Chris Pratt.

I was hopin' she wouldn't suspect it, but thanks to Nancy Drew (Mom and I LOVE those games), she found out. All 'cause I said "I've watched this specific part of this bonus feature on The Lego Movie a billion times".

Well, they would've found out anyway. I mean, my ENEMY, Isaac, knew I was lookin' at... stuff.

And I almost got a virus from it.

But it was actually a scam.

But I didn't know, so I texted my BFF 'bout it and I didn't know he was there hangin' out with her brother (and my other ENEMY)

And I was like "I was doin' *insert thing here* on my phone!!"

And Rory said "What were you doin'?"

And Isaac said "Probably lookin' at somethin' Chris Pratt"


Yeah.... my lifes stressful right now.

I need a hug. Can someone give me a virtual hug, please?

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 15, Kitten Kingdom
(August 31, 2023 - 10:22 am)

*gives you a virtual hug*

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, the corn-infested Midwest
(September 1, 2023 - 4:01 pm)

Gee, I'm sorry...

*Bear hug* 

submitted by Hawkstar
(August 31, 2023 - 3:13 pm)

Anybody know when some of the CBers who left for the summer will be back? I know some are already, but we still haven't seen Scuttles, C&J, or Interrobang, and some more. I miss all the CBers who left for the summer!

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 31, 2023 - 3:48 pm)

There is this picture I saw recently that someone drew (it was on another website)....


...actually, I don't think anyone else would like it, it's my kind of thing.

I'm surprised that no-one's guessed my other CB alias yet.

submitted by Diamond Swordheart, Gemstone Palace
(August 31, 2023 - 3:52 pm)

Uhh... Zealatom??

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age She/her(?, The FireMist Sea
(August 31, 2023 - 6:06 pm)

Hmm, I've never tried to guess you, but...

Are you Ultimatum or Zealatom? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(August 31, 2023 - 6:30 pm)

Emekittycon Kitten?

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 31, 2023 - 7:17 pm)


submitted by Lord Entropy
(August 31, 2023 - 7:54 pm)

But I think Nyxie is also Genevievie (most definitely spelled wrong) and Mollybug, so... plus if you look at the RPs and then the Freshman thread...

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age They/them(, ?), The FireMist Sea
(September 1, 2023 - 12:58 am)

oh, cool i just guessed a random name. i only became active a couple months ago, i dont really know all these people that well.

submitted by Lord Entropy
(September 1, 2023 - 3:29 pm)

It's fine! And I've had my share of random name guessing! :)

(and maybe Nyxie actually is anyways, anything is possible (I live by this). Maybe everyone is the exact same or we're all controlled by the same creature! So there are no right or wrong answers!)

submitted by CelineBurninPossible, age Unlimited, Sea of Possibilities
(September 1, 2023 - 8:24 pm)

I be sure that you be Emekittycon Kitten

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 2, 2023 - 1:15 pm)