Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

*snaps in solidarity*

submitted by Rainbow , age Datum:Lost, Questioning the universe
(August 23, 2023 - 3:45 pm)

For real though, I concur. It's so exhausting wearing an emotional mask all the time, and feeling pressured not to let it crackle even when people ask "are you ok?"

I'd say luckily for me, I've recently made a good friend who is willing to check up on me and have me check up on him, and actually tell each other how we feel, even if it's not pretty. It feels incredibly liberating to be able to talk to an actual person, face to face, and tell them "I'm having a really bad day" and not have them freak out, like 'ew, emotions??? And negative ones at that? what kind of pscho are you???'. It also feels nice being able to be that person for others, even if I am super awkward and don't really know how respond. I try my best just to look those feelings in the eye, acknowledge they are there and difficult but necessary to deal with, and listen. There doesn't need to be an 'answer' or 'advice' or brushing the upset person off. Just be there for them, and if you're lucky you might even get that back when you're feeling not great either.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in Áit Dorcha
(August 23, 2023 - 7:51 pm)


submitted by Rainbow, Hi
(August 23, 2023 - 4:03 pm)


Random Thoughts/Things? ... 10165 1 min 40 sec ago
by Rainbow

Also, just wanted to mention that I haven't been able to think of any book recommendations that have to do with the American Dream; sorry about that :/ I'll let you know if I come up with any, though!

submitted by Poinsettia@Rainbow, a sea of crystal waters
(August 23, 2023 - 4:07 pm)

Hi, it's me, back from summer break! I missed you all! Hope you had good summers (mine wasn't nearly long enough, can anyone lend me a time machine to go back??)

submitted by Flamarestii
(August 23, 2023 - 7:22 pm)


*optional tackle hug*

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(August 23, 2023 - 11:34 pm)

*totally tackle hug!!* How are you doing?! Any big writing projects at the moment? I read some Agatha Christie over the summer- I think you had a thread on her books on the BaB a while back? Anyway, see you around! :D

submitted by Flamarestii, happy
(August 24, 2023 - 3:18 pm)


Ahem, yes, quite lovely to see you again too! I haven't been super active until... Well, yesterday, so lucky coincidence! I've been trying to college whilst preparing for senior year and balancing internships, volunteering, working, marching band and time to unwind knowing this is my last summer to be semi-free with my friends. :')

It's been pretty hectic, and a bunch of my friends just graduated so they've gone of to Uni, which reminds me of our impending doom and the fleeting nature of life which makes me want to curl up and watch some classic 90's mystery anime, but then I remember I should do Duolingo so my Japanese is more fluent, and when I go  there I see a notification from Jwyn (one of the friends who just graduated and moved to college) and it makes me sad so I go on the CB, which reminds me of a recommendation someone gave out, so I want to listen to music but then I hear our marching band songs in everything which is a little stressful and not at all relaxing in my free time so I realise that I should write my own song, so I go to my keyboard, however I then realise that I can't write music in a way that makes sense, so I go cry on a videocall to my music-buddy about needing to collaborate on a song, and he gets distracted talking about DND and then I realise it's getting kinda late and also I'm broke AND WHY HAVEN'T I ERITTEN ANYTHING SUBSTANTIAL TODAY and I should check up on my dog to make sure she's not freaking out (it just kinda happens sometimes, thanks to my stepmum being a nurse who works weird shifts, so they nap together during the day and she gets restless at night) so I go downstairs but then I see my father just standing there and he's like "let's do some coding now" and that reminds me of videogames, and guess what Genshin has a new update and THERE'S THIS NEW AREA CALLED FONTAINE AND YOU CAN EXPLORE UNDEWATER NOW plus there's a bunch of new characters which reminds me of my gaming friend, and I realise we haven't talked/texted in like a whole week and a half and is does she even exist and omagosh what if nothing is real, also I have to look up this very strange thing but then I get distracted by a video cause it's from a channel I really love, which reminds me of that comic series I wanted to start reading over the weekend and also I forgot to take some of my meds today and OH NO IT'S DAY TIME NO MORE FREE TIME AND NO SLEEP FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS AHHHHH-

Anyway. I might need help. Just maybe. 

submitted by Jaybells, Drowninggg
(August 24, 2023 - 11:44 pm)

I'm sorry you're feeling like that :( I'm starting junior year of high school and can relate to some of the business/pressure too, it's just exhausting. If you ever want to have a friend-to-friend chat thread and talk through some stuff (or fun things like books too!!), I'm always here to help. <3

submitted by Flamarestii, fireflies
(August 26, 2023 - 11:34 am)

Ahh Flamie (can I call you that?), welcome back!! You probably don't know me, but I've read you around. I really like your name! I was wondering, recently I've been going through my old Cricket magazines from 2020-whenever and I think you mentioned something about entomologists in the letterbox? Do you like bugs? Anyways, nice to have you back, hope you had a good summer break!

Feiya says FERVT. Wasn't there some CBer called Fervent Writer back then? 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age I<3BUGS!!!, The FireMist Sea
(August 24, 2023 - 2:47 am)

Yes, I believe they're called Lyric now.

submitted by Avara, she/her
(August 24, 2023 - 12:14 pm)

Yeah I used to be FerventWriter. I changed it because somehow it got turned into FerventWinter...lol

submitted by Lyric, age Excluded, At school (break)
(August 24, 2023 - 2:24 pm)

Hi, you can definitely call me Flamie, and I love your name as well! My Dad is an entomologist and keeps his bugs in my bedroom because it used to be his office! I don't mind bugs except for an irrational fear of tachinid flies. My favourites are honeybees and Sphinx moths. I've been reading you around too and it's great you've joined the CB!

submitted by Flamarestii
(August 24, 2023 - 3:22 pm)

Flamie!! Hi!! I've missed youuuu~ How are you doing these days?

And... *pauses dramatically* shall we start up our old chat thread again? (Only if you'd like to continue chatting though!)

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(August 24, 2023 - 9:24 am)

Yay Poinsettia! Of course I want to keep doing our chat thread, I was hoping you would ask!! Would Amethyst like to reboot it as well? 

submitted by Flamarestii
(August 24, 2023 - 3:40 pm)