Evolution VS Creation

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Evolution VS Creation

Evolution VS Creation


I read through this thread and was caught up in how interesting it is! I decided to make a new thread with some questions that struck me while reading this one. 

-What do you believe?

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

-What happens when you die?

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

-How do we know that science is right?

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

...quite frankly, how do we know that anything in the world is right, unless we see it with our own eyes...and how do we know that our eyes aren't lying?



@Admins, please link this? Thank you!! 

When I got to the end, I saw that Hermione had topped it, I like that she was trying to top the oldest threads, but I also agree with Butterfly about keeping the old parts of the CB in...well in peace.

submitted by Silverwaxwing, age 14, The World
(August 13, 2017 - 6:31 pm)

Okay. Deep breath. I'm going to have to answer this in small parts cause I don't want to get mad and say what I don't mean.

First, You are taught evolution before you can think for yourself. U said you're not taught evolution when you're 4, but I think you are. when you were 4 (or when you learned to read in my case I was under 2, my brother was 8, we're both normal.)Someone probably handed you a dino book that started "billions and billions of years ago". thats teaching evolution. Thats making a young kid think the earth is billions of years old rather than only 6000, now that kid will believe that for most of their life. I have to stop here.

submitted by me
(August 23, 2017 - 9:04 am)

@Admins, I posted something a couple days ago under @U-know-who@Riddler. Where did it go?

Hi @Killim, try posting again. We had a few things get deleted.


submitted by @Admins, Killim
(August 24, 2017 - 12:42 pm)

I feel like I need to say this because people are getting it wrong. No one can force you to say the Pledge. This is because of the first Amendment to the Constitution. The government can't force you to say anything about religion, including 'under God'. So, yeah. You DO NOT have to say the Pledge of Allegiance. 

submitted by AnotherJewishPerson
(August 23, 2017 - 10:48 am)

Can we please stop arguing over this? it's making me and some other people I know irl and here uncomfortable.... 

submitted by -----
(August 23, 2017 - 8:11 pm)

I think that as long as it stays contained in this thread and remains a polite exchange of ideas rather than an argument, it should be fine. However, there have been times where some of what has been said on here I have felt to be a little... harsh? Pushing the boundary somewhat. Nothing super serious. I think we need to remember to express our own opinions, not degrade the opinions of others.

And don't forget the golden rules of internet kindness! 

1) Always, always, always proofread. Not just for spelling and grammar and such, but read it from the perspective of someone else. What would they think about it?

2) If you're angry when you write something, don't post it. Wait till later, when you're not angry anymore, then read over it, and post it if you so choose. This will give you time to calm down. I have made this mistake MANY times, said things I didn't mean, and regretted it later.

3) And finally, don't say anything on the internet that you wouldn't say to someone's face in real life. It's easier to be rude on the internet. Its efficient interaction makes it easy to forget that everyone you talk to is a real person behind the screen, just like you.

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(August 24, 2017 - 12:08 pm)

@Abi thank you, I'm glad you posted that, those are all very good things to remember! :)


Also, to add to what Abi said, be careful how you say things on the internet. I have found, mostly with texting, that things sound differently while reading them. e.g. Someone might say. 

"Hi...I'm really upset and I don't know what to do about it." 

In real life this person might be a wonderful, amazing, strong, person who has a great sense of humar and this would be a joke, but don't be sure it is a joke. Think about it, or ask them to explain. Even if it is putting yourself up to being shot down (in a good way!) with another joke, it is better to be laughed at by a dear friend then to start a fight. 

So think about what you say and how this could hurt/make other people feel. 

And yes...this has happened to me and it broke my heart. 

On a different note, I'm really enjoying reading this thread and as long as people continue to be respectful, I hope that this will continue to be an interesting/wonderful thread!!! :D 

And one more thing- I just want to thank the Admins so very much for all they do for us here on the CB! It is so wonderful to speak to people all over the world and the CB is a great and safe way to do it!! Thanks so much, Admins!!! 



submitted by Silverwaxwing, age 14, The World
(August 24, 2017 - 6:52 pm)

You don't have to read it or engage in it if it makes you uncomfortable.

submitted by @-----
(August 24, 2017 - 12:44 pm)

Alright ima start with the Pledge because everything else is bound to be a lot longer. No, the government doesnt force you to say it, but your princible, teachers, and peers do. If not you come off as snotty and disrespectful, or in more crazy cases, someone dangerous. So, actually, you do haveta say it, no matter what the government says. No one wants to be that one bratty kid. 

Alright. Evolution. What Bluebird posted was proof of what im saying. Sure, there are kids books about dinos, but there are also kids books on creation and such. I don't think stuff like that leaves much of an imprint, no little kid could remember the exact date of the dinosaurs. Like, I read all sorts of books on the animal ship (see, i dont even know what its called) and all i remember is that some old person put a bunch of animals on a boat. All kids will remember about dinosaurs is that there big, scary monsters with teeth and claws. *takes another deep breath* alright, where was I? Oh yes. I mean, its okay to keep it as it was in historical document form, but in my opinion, it shouldn't be a school textbook.

And how do you know the dinos never existed? We have physical proof. Fossiles, footprints, fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, those are all from the dinosaurs. Oh, and some where frozen in ice, so we have skin and flesh proof too. And there were some found dead on an island, not full dinsaurs but a very close evolution of them. And the Ice Age, there are cave paintings, spears, footprints, fossles, everything that shows that we may have evolved from something else.  

I'm interested in hearing your opinion about how the Bible is reliable. That its even real, and not a book of colected folklore from over the centuries? 

submitted by U know who
(August 24, 2017 - 6:04 pm)
Great thread Silver :) This is really fascinating! 
What do you believe? I believe in Christ Jesus, ( OK bear with me now, I've got reasons XD)  and that he came and died for our sins  because he greatly loves us. 
 Can I prove my believes, no matter what they are? Well, there are a bunch of things that should be covered with this question, but for now I'll cover of the main one.  The authenticity of the Bible. First, I believe I heard someone mention that in the Bible couldn't be trusted because of its age and it couldn't be changed over the years. (Y'all are rocking these questions, I'm impressed!)  first, let me take you back to the World War II era, in the Judean desert near the Dead Sea.  One day, when a local shepherd wondered off to find a missing sheep, he came across some random caves in the foothills. This is very common in that area. But for some reason, no one knows exactly why, the shepherd dicided to explore the cave.  Inside he found some old jars that were found to contain scrolls. Skip ahead some years, when archaeologist begin studying the scrolls. To their utter astonishment, the scrolls contained ancient copies of every old testament book except Esther and Nehemiah. Some scrolls were even dated as old as 408 BC. After further study, it was found that aside from the language being written in an ancient language (whood've thunkit?) like Hebrew and Greek,  and some different grammar, the stories and concepts were the same. So that meant the Bible had been virtually unchanged for over to millennia. Second, we need to shed some light on the characters themselves. First, I'll mention Pontius Pilate. (The Roman leader who gave permission for Jesus' crucifixion) not much was known about him until 1961, when I limestone block was found in ancient play house. The limestone block was put there is some sort of honor, put in place for the prefect of Judea, Pontius Pilate. Then, there is Jesus himself. Known as one of Romes best historians, a man by the name of Tacitus, (who was a Roman leader also)  had many writings about the country during that time. But in one of his writings, it was found that he spoke of Christianity, and how the Roman leader Nero Was trying his best to stamp out the religion. But in his writings, Tacitus said: 
"Nero  substituted as culprits and punished in the most unusual ways of those  headed for their shameful ask. Period. Whom the crowd called "Christians."  The founder of this name, Christ (Christus in Latin) ,  had been executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate."  So not only do we have the store call writings mentioning he's us, it also mentions his crucifixion. Those are just two of the more important people in the Bible. In fact, over 50 other bible characters have been mentioned three other ancient history of the writings! So, if the Bible has been accurate up to this point, I just oracle evidence lines up with the Bible, I believe we can trust it. Something to add, (DONT FALL ASLEEP IM ALMOST DONE XD)  I also heard that Jesus could have existed, just not have been the Christ he claimed.  Okay, i've established the authenticity of the Bible to the best of my ability, so let's work on from here. What's The evidence Jesus actually came back from the dead like the Bible says? Well, first off, if Christ was mentioned in historical documents ASIDE from the Bible, as well as his crucifixion, we are on a roll as far as evidence. So why in the world with the rest of the Bible be any less accurate? The authors just decided to start lying randomly?? Also, three things happen in the story. first Jesus' tomb was discovered empty by two women close to Jesus we are waiting for it. At first, they thought he was the tombs guard,  or had been the one to move the body. When they confronted him though, he told them it was in fact he, Jesus. Also, the disciples had multiple like encounters with Jesus the first when they ran to the tomb and found it empty, less than an hour later. And finally, because of preaching Christianity by the disciples with the resurrection at its center, the religion grew exponentially. So how would you go from having that many people hate you, and kill you, to having a huge following shortly afterwards because the people saw it was true. After hearing the disciples preach, as well as Jesus ALIVE, that would have had the huge affect that it did, and it makes sense that Jesus then would have had the following that he did by the people that had before hand not believed in him. OK sorry for the rant, I'm done XD 
Will we ever find out what happened so long ago? I don't know, at least as far as creation and stuff goes. If we have some huge scientific breakthrough we could.
What happens when you die? Well, that parts somewhat fuzzy to me in some areas. I believe in the I-Ternal afterlife, personally. No some areas of that or fuzzy to me also. But some interesting points were brought up on this topic to. (No this won't take an hour to read like my last one)  I believe in an afterlife, which for me is quite comforting to think that after wife in this sad world, after you die you go to see your lost friends and family, and God. That's pretty cool. Another thing I want to bring out is someone said that people who have near death experiences and see God are simply hallucinating or dreaming. First, there are quite a few people who have claimed to have had these experiences. Not just a person here or there. For one thing, almost every experience throughout the country has been similar in the major ways,bright light, heightened senses, and seeing God. Now, if you want to believe these experiences or simply lies or medical problems, you can do that if you want. But you're going to half to say these many people are either all complete liars or they are having hallucinations. If that's the case, we either have a fantastic CDC project like we have never seen, or a looot of people who are willing to lie. Also, look at it this way, a lot of these people are very successful, very well respected individuals. Some have even been doctors and scientists dead set AGAINST religion who have said these things have happened to them. Think about it. If you start going around telling people you've seen God, that is not going to benefit you very much. A good number of people are going to think you're crazy, and then you have a high risk of hurting yourself, your career, and social position. That's HAPPENED. So, why would anyone do that unless they actually met God? 
 Which came first, the chicken or egg? Kentucky fried chicken WOOO! 
Do ideas hatch from eggs? *clonks  head* figuratively I guess XD
Is the scientific universe and God's mind? I don't believe so. I mean, I'm a physical human being, we live in a physical world, so why  would we be in a mental existence?
How can we prove sciences right? Because science can be tested and proven. At least as much as our limited brains can comprehend. 
How can we prove the Bible is right? Aaaugh I'm too tired and lazy just re-read my first answer XD
 I've also seen some people talking about how God can't be loving if he exists. Look, it's true. Bad things happen in the world.  World leaders threaten to destroy each other and each other's populace, the KKK and other racial groups are trying to hurt and stand out other nationalities, ISIS is trying to annihilate innocent individuals,  but look, these are our HUMAN weaknesses. We are a corrupted race. My belief is that that's not how God created us and wanted us to be. Why doesn't God stop it now? Here's my opinion: That wouldn't be free will for one thing, I mean it's our own choices being done. My religion teaches that God sent Jesus because he wants us to be a loving race again.
submitted by Will T.
(August 24, 2017 - 6:26 pm)

Great explanation, Will! Later, when I have more time, I'll take what Will said even further and prove the Bible with M. A. P. S. 

submitted by Leeli
(August 25, 2017 - 8:54 am)

Admins, why did you delete my post? I understand if you had to edit or omit some pats, but the entire thing? I don't think that it was worded impolitely. In fact, I believe that i rather respectfully voiced my opinion and mentioned things like multiverse theory and how we have pictures of the 14-billion-year-old primordial plasma from the birth of the universe. I said that the universe is strange and beautiful, god/s or not. I'm very confused and rather upset as to why you thought it was called for to delete my entire post, admins! I'm sorry if I sound angry -- I am. I do not take kindly to being silenced, and I definitely do not tae kindly to the deletion of facts from the discussion. 

Cappie says cbcv. Yes, the CB should be a place for civil discussion, and that INCLUDES the stating of FACTS. 


We suggest that you submit your post again. This is a topic on which we do not usually invite discussion on the Chatterbox, and the admins are trying to monitor the discussion appropriately. There are several admins (and one on vacation), and we do not always see the comments in the full context of the discussion or know what has been previously posted or edited.

We appreciate everyone being especially respectful on this thread, since feelings can run high. We plan to allow the thread to continue for a little while longer, depending on the nature of the comments.







submitted by Back from the Dead, Angered and Upset
(August 24, 2017 - 8:48 pm)

@U-know-who, I meant that I wasn't always a Christian and had my own stubborn doubts until He helped me through what I have to say the darkest time of my life. 

@Will T., I really like the points that you bring up. That's the amazing thing about the Bible is that it is so historically accurate.  

submitted by Killim
(August 25, 2017 - 1:20 pm)

Okay.. I hope the arugeing is over..

What do you believe In?

Well, I don't have a religion...., but I believe in evolution, not creation. I'm not sure if god is real or not. But I do belive that evolutationis real, and that animals have souls, and should be treated equally.

Wiill we ever find out what happened so long ago?

Maybe? Whose knows.

What happens when you die? 

I like like to think we go to heaven., but what if theirs just blackness when we die?  ***shivers*** We can never really no since we can't ask the people who died cause there dead.  

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Its kind of hard to explain this one, but logiaclly it was the chicken who came first. Chickens make eggs, therefore the chicken would come first..but dinsouras came from eggs... I can't answet that question. 

Is the scinfic universe in God's mind?

I don't know how to answer that one, but since I don't really believe in God I'm going to say No.

How do we know scince is right?

Reecords. Things have been proven.

How do we know the bible is right? 

Not to offend anyone, but I don't think the bible is right. Sure the histroical records are right, but some of it seems impossible.

...Quite frankly how do we know that anything in the world is right, and whose to say are eyes arn't lying?

Daunting question. I don't know how prove that anyhting in the worl d is real. I guess its faith, but maybe are eyes aree lying to us, and we can't handle the truth so we refuse to believe the world isn't real because if we knew that we would go insane?  

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 26, 2017 - 1:15 am)

I forgot to add one of the questions.

Do eyes hatch from eggs?

Idk what this means 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 26, 2017 - 1:17 am)

I haven't been on the Chatterbox in a really long time, but I decided to come on today, found this thread really interesting, and wanted to contribute. I, like everyone else, intend no offense towards anyone.


Also, warning: Spoilers for Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, as well as The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon


What do you believe?


I consider myself an atheist with a bit of agnostic thrown in (I'll explain the agnostic bit in a later question).  I've never been religious, but I totally respect anyone who is.


Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?


SCIENCE! I think we can prove a lot of science, though at this point, even in the foreseeable future, we can't prove everything fully, like someone said about theories/laws. For example, the Big Bang. I believe in it (well, mostly; I'll get to that in a second), and we have some evidence, but at this point, I'm pretty sure we can't prove it fully. On the Big Bang, personally, I believe it, except for one thing: matter/energy can't be created or destroyed. That's always been the rule, so why would it have been any different then? I don't know what the explanation for that is, that's just my thoughts on it. However, I still totally believe in the Big Bang.


Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?


Probably not in the foreseeable future. Like I said, some things are really difficult to prove fully.


What happens when you die?


Okay, book time!


I think the scary reality is that you just die; it's just over.


However, theres an idea I really like.




In The Amber Spyglass, the last book of the His Dark Materials trilogy, it ends up that when you die, you become part of the energy/matter of the universe, forever. I like this, because it goes along with the "Matter can't be created or destroyed" thing. I don't remember what else the books says, but I'd like to think that your consciousness fades away over time, and once it's completely faded away, you become part of the matter/energy of a new person, with a new consciousness, and that's why you can't remember any hypothetical past lives. That's the agnostic part.


Something that fits with this pretty well, so I thought I'd mention it; at one point, the characters are discussing something like this, about believing in God, and one of them says that they kind of think that God is love (which I think someone else mentioned); like that it connects everyone. I want to add what I just mentioned onto this; I like the thought that if there's a God (which I personally don't believe), it's not what people think of (a man in the sky or heaven), but it's synonomous with love, which is synonomous with the energy of the universe.


Anyway, just an idea I liked.


(Wait, does that mean that if there is a God, you become God when you die? I don't know, I didn't think about that part. Thoughts?)


Again, to clarify; I believe you just die, but I like the idea of the other thing.




 What came first, the chicken or the egg?


Like people said, the chicken isn't the only thing that lays eggs, other things came first, therefore the egg. 


Do ideas hatch from eggs?


Ideas come from wherever you want them to!


Is the scientific universe in God's mind?


I don't believe in God, so I wouldn't say so.


How do we know science is right?


Lots and lots of hard work over lots and lots of years.


How do we know the Bible is right?


I'd like to think [insert any religious text because this applies to any of them] is right if you want it to be? Like, whatever you believe is correct for you? For example, if you believe in the Bible, God exists, and is however you imagine he/she/it/them for you individually? Like, say, two people are Christian but see God somewhat differently, each of them is correct for themselves? And I don't believe in God so he/she/it/them doesn't exist for me? Does this make sense?


Maybe there's a bit more agnostic than I thought.


Again, I didn't intenf to offend anyone in any way. This is a reallycomplicated subject and it can be seen in many different ways.


And I would love thoughts on this! 


submitted by Atheist
(August 26, 2017 - 4:34 pm)