Evolution VS Creation

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Evolution VS Creation

Evolution VS Creation


I read through this thread and was caught up in how interesting it is! I decided to make a new thread with some questions that struck me while reading this one. 

-What do you believe?

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

-What happens when you die?

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

-How do we know that science is right?

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

...quite frankly, how do we know that anything in the world is right, unless we see it with our own eyes...and how do we know that our eyes aren't lying?



@Admins, please link this? Thank you!! 

When I got to the end, I saw that Hermione had topped it, I like that she was trying to top the oldest threads, but I also agree with Butterfly about keeping the old parts of the CB in...well in peace.

submitted by Silverwaxwing, age 14, The World
(August 13, 2017 - 6:31 pm)

Okay, let me say this now and make it clear. I am very firm in what I believe, and I might express my opinions strongly. Please don't be offended by my posts. 

 -What do you believe?

I believe that God created the entire universe. I do believe in small-scale evolution, such as natural selection, but I definitely don't think we came from monkeys.

-Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

No one can prove anything for certain, but I can prove a lot about creation. 

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?


-What happens when you die?

I believe that when you die, if you're a Christian, you go to heaven, and if you aren't a Christian, well, you go to...the other place. I'm sorry if you aren't a Christian and this came off a little harsh.

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

My thought process is that God created the first chicken when he created the other birds, and that the first chicken then layed the first egg.

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I think ideas hatch from our minds...

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

Again, I'm not really sure what you meant by this...

-How do we know that science is right?

Because, well, we can see it in action every day. Science is always right. If there's a problem, it means we got science wrong.

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

Well, I could go on a ten-page rant about MAPS and statistics, and lots of proof and stuff...but I'm not sure any of you want to hear that. I'd be happy to explain if you really wanna read my spew, though.

I think Creation vs. Evoloution could be a very interesting conversation, but let's all remember to kind and respectful of one another's beliefs as well, because it could also turn into a heated argument.  


submitted by Leeli
(August 14, 2017 - 5:58 pm)

Actually, the scientific theory isn't that humans decended from monkeys, it is that humans and monkeys share a common ancestor.

-Sorry, I don't mean to offend you or anything, and I know this is arbitrary, but a lot of people think that is what the theory is, when in actuality it is different.

submitted by GreenMango
(August 16, 2017 - 6:23 pm)
submitted by Toppi Wingfeather
(August 15, 2017 - 10:03 am)

I don't want to offend anyone, and I certainly don't want to come off as rude. If I do, I'm so sorry.

-What do you believe? Um, well, I don't really have a religon. My mom is a Christian (She reads the bible, although I don't think she goes to church.) and my dad is an Atheist. So I get to choose for myself, I guess. I do believe in Evolution.

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are? I think, until we die, there is no way we can prove anything for sure. And even then, what if there is nothing after death, so, because we won't exist, we won't know or be able to prove anything?

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago? I don't think so.

-What happens when you die? This is a question I've thought about often, thinking about what many different religons teach us. And I have come to the conclusion; I have absolutely no idea. I would like to think, though, that there is something nice out there eventually for everyone.

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?I believe in evolution, so the logical answer (to me) would be the egg. If chickens gradually evolved from dinosaurs, then wouldn't each generation get slightly closer to a chicken until the eggs laid by the generation before hatch into a chicken? 

-Do ideas hatch from eggs? I don't know quite what you mean by this one.

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind? Not sure about this one either.

-How do we know that science is right? I agree with Leeli.

-How do we know that the Bible is right? I don't think and religious text could ever be 100% right. I also haven't read the bible, so I can't really say much about this one.

submitted by Pepper Star
(August 15, 2017 - 10:36 am)

I am not in any way forcing my beliefs upon anyone.

What do you believe?

I believe in God and that Jesus Christ is God's son and came down to Earth to die on a cross so that we may be forgiven. In short, I believe in the Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I'm also a creationist and don't believe in evolution. I believe adaptation is real, but not evolution. Besides, evolution is only a theory. 

Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

I can. There's so much evidence that God is real. So, so much. I can give you an artistic representation- For every painting there is a painter, for every story there is an author, and for our creation, well, there is a Creator.  

Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

Yes, we will.  

What happens when you die?

When you die, if you accepted Jesus as your Savior and as the Christ and as the the son of God, then you'll go to heaven. The problem with the statement, "As long as you're Christian you'll go to heaven," is that anyone can say they're a Christian and not accept Jesus. As for people who don't, it's God's final judgement. It's not my right to determine the fate of everyone. But also, God isn't some mean, scary big dude upstairs. He's a loving and grace giving God. If he wasn't, it would be hard for most to believe in him.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The chicken. When He made the Earth, God told the creatures to, "be fruitful and multiply." Therefore, the egg came after the first chicken.

How do we know that science is right?

Depends on the type of science and what that science says.  

How do we know that the Bible is right? 

It's historically very accurate. But the good, simple way of putting it is that it's God's Word, so it is true. ^^ 

submitted by Killim
(August 15, 2017 - 1:13 pm)

Exactly! I'm so glad we agree. 

submitted by Leeli
(August 15, 2017 - 8:20 pm)

Please note I have no intention of offending anyone, I'm just stating my opinion.


-What do you believe?

I believe in science. Simple as that. 

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

I'm pretty sure I can prove almost anything if I've got enough time to research it. 

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

Who knows? We can't exactly carbon date the big bang. 

-What happens when you die?

Now this is interesting.  I don't know what will happen. No one really knows do they? Maybe nothing happens at all. Maybe the moment you die your mind blinks off and that's it. You're gone. On the other hand, I've never liked the idea of heaven. It seems wrong. What if there was one person who was the most wonderful, kind, amazing human on earth, but was an atheist? According to the bible, this person would go to hell, no matter how incredible they were. 

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg came first. Eggs evolved long before chickens did. 

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

Well where else would they come from? They can't come out of your brain. That would be silly.

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

I don't think so. I don't think there even is a God. And if there was, I'm definitely not a fan of his work.  

-How do we know that science is right?

We have miles and miles of paper and ink proving facts using equations, evidence and common sense. 

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

We don't. Some of the stuff in it may be historically accurate, but most of it has no proof. It was written thousands of years ago for heavens sake, the writers probably still thought the earth was flat.

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(August 15, 2017 - 4:33 pm)

I will follow the crowd and post a I-hope-not-to-offend-anyone and these-are-just-my-own-opinions message.

Also, I am posting anonymously because this is a sensitive, fluid topic, and my beliefs on it may change. I don't feel ready to post my name with it. Don't ask why. Also, please don't try to guess me--even if you are sure you know who I am. 

-What do you believe?

I'm Jewish, and I believe in G-d. I also believe in evolution. I believe that the story of creation found in the Torah can be logically synthesized with the theory of evolution, which makes both creation and evolution correct.

-Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

I could explain it, but it would take an essay. Proving it would require to prove evolution and then to show off the essay, and honestly, I can't do that. Unfortunately, we can't always have all the answers.

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

I don't know. If we did find out, t would be amazing to know.what happened..but we would also lose some of the awe that comes with not knowing. I think that where we came from is less important than what we do now. 

-What happens when you die?

Again, I don't know. I will find out when I die, but I won't be able to tell you guys! 

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg. The modern chicken hatched from an egg of a chicken-like ancestor. 

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?


-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

I'm not sure what this means. 

-How do we know that science is right?

We can prove it with logical, peer-reviewed evidence! Also, like Leeli said, we can see it happening right before our very eyes! I am typing on science!!

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

We don't. But we can choose to believe it. 

submitted by Anonymous
(August 15, 2017 - 5:43 pm)

 I'm going to take a leaf out of Anonymous's book and post this without my name. I don't really want to be associated with any harsh feelings. Also, like everyone else, I hope this doesn't offend any one and I don't mean it to at all.


-What do you believe?

Ok, so I'm a Mormon, or a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I believe in God, his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. I believe that they are separate beings. There's a whole awful lot more that I believe, but I can't really say it all. If you have any more questions (which you probably won't because I'm not all that interesting and I don't think you guys really want five paragraphs telling you what Mormons believe), then tell me. 

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

I don't know if I could exactly prove to anyone, but I know for a fact that my beliefs are true because of the feelings that I have had. I've had several testimony building experiences that have strengthened my knowledge of my beliefs. If someone asked me if I would deny it or be killed, I would be killed to tell you the truth. 

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

I believe that when we die, all of that will become clear. 

-What happens when you die?

Well, my religion believes that there are three kingdoms of Heaven: The Celestial, the Telestial, and the Terestrial. Depending on how you live your life, you will be judged into one of these three kingdoms (there is a Hell, but only if you are like really, really, really bad). The Celestial is the highest glory, where you get to be in the presence of God. Note, even the lowest degree of kingdoms is still more awesome than earth life. So it's not like you are either saved or damned. Still, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever the heck you want on Earth, because there will still be consequences. 

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Ya know, I think the egg maybe. I don't know. 

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

I don't really know what you mean. 

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

I think that God is the greatest scientist ever because He wasn't just like, poof! There's Earth! I think that he had to create everything scientifically and logically. 

-How do we know that science is right?

Science can be tested and proven in some cases. In other cases, we don't really know. For example, do we really know what happened in 9,000 B.C? No, we don't. But, using eveidence, limited though it may be, we can make educated guesses as to what happened way back when. 

-How do we know that the Bible is right? 

I think it all comes down to how you feel. I believe the Bible and other scriptures are true (because I am Mormon we also have The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price) because I have read them and I have learned of their truth. I think that scriptures weren't meant to be factually proven. I think that they show God whether or not you have faith and believe or know of their truth by studying and praying. 

submitted by Someone
(August 15, 2017 - 7:27 pm)

(Please don't be offended by anything I write here)

-What do you believe?

Both sides of my family are Catholic, although my dad's is a little more laidback about it. Anyways, I've been raised in a very religious household, and like most Catholics, I believe in evolution. Catholics don't believe in literally interpreting The Bible, but we do believe that God created the Universe. Because, like, God's "seven days" might be totally different from ours, God can't be defined by time or space. So, yes, I believe in evolution.

Another thing- I believe that humans evolved from monkeys, but somewhere along the line God created us with souls to make us different from animals.

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

Evolution is a theory, but it makes sense. I don't know if they can prove it (I don't research that kind of stuff or know anything about it really) but it seems to be a logical explanation of how we got here. I can't prove that God created the Universe, but that's what I believe.

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

Maybe with a time machine...? I hope that we'd be able to.

-What happens when you die?

I believe in some sort of afterlife for everyone. I was at this bible camp-ish thing for teens and one of the teachers said something that made me think: she said that maybe God is so merciful that everyone could go to Heaven, even "sinners". Also, Catholics believe that non-Catholics/people who aren't baptized can still go to Heaven. I don't know what comes after we die, but I think if you live your life as a good person then things will work out for you.

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well, I believe in evolution, so the egg.

-Do ideas hatch from eggs? 

??? What? 

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

Sure! I believe that God created the universe and everything in it, so yes! 

-How do we know that science is right?

I'm quoting Nebula- "We have miles and miles of paper and ink proving facts using equations, evidence, and common sense." 

-How do we know that the Bible is right? 

In some places, it is historically accurate. In other places it was not meant to be taken literally (just a story that teaches a belief, like that the universe was created by God). So we can know that in some places it is right and in other places it is only a lesson or parable.

submitted by Bluebird
(August 15, 2017 - 8:19 pm)

Um, I'm sorry, but humans aren't the only animals with 'souls'. I believe EVERYTHING has a soul. Every creature feels things, they get sad, happy, excited, disappointed, just like us. They all probably even have more of a soul than humans, and therefore understand much greater things than we do, like life and death and common sense vs. math and what true happiness is. I think society corrupts us into thinking other things and thinking we're smarter when were really dumber beings who came up with a whole bunch of stuff that we thought would help us understand things a lot better but really is just taking us farther from the good and happiness and truths. Yes, I've thought about this a lot. That might not be real, but it does prove a point that we try to control everything and everything always hast to make sense. Also, animals definitely have souls, and please don't tell me otherwise.

submitted by U-know-who
(August 15, 2017 - 10:53 pm)

*takes deep breath* ok i must have a say in this. Please dont kill me Admins, or anyone else, but i am an Aeithist and i have different ....beliefs.... than you. 

Before I start, all ya relligous people, can you explain why the bible or whatever other holy books you have, are right? Because I've only heard bits and pieces of them, and I want to know what you all so deeply believe in.

Can you prove your ideas? 

Well, maybe. I'll try. I'm an Aeithist, so I think there is no God, for those of you who don't know. I'm a perfectly normal human being that is very similar to you. I believe that something happens when we die, reincarnation probably. Now I cannot prove this, it's only a hope in a way, but I think can prove that there is no God. I think if there was a God, there would be peace. A benevolent caring being (in some of your own words) would not egg on his subjects to kill each other, and do other horrible things. He would not allow them to hate one another. Also, we would sense him. He would show signs, to all of us, not just the people who beleive (because a benevolent being would want everyone to have a happy after life in heaven) and maybe talk to us, or help make our lives better. And everyone would know, if he was real, because he would make himself known and worshiped like gods in all the other stories. I think God is just a way to blame things you do on other people. Like saying 'oh, my life sucks, its all Gods fault' or 'God made me do that, I didn't mean to', thats not owning up to your mistakes. And I think it also makes you feel usless, because everything good you do, YOU BLAME IT ON GOD. You don't think for yourselfs, or at least you dont think you do. You are your own person, SO BEHAVE THAT WAY. I think Jesus was probably a real person, someone who came up with the concept of Christianity. I personally belive that he was a crazy person shunned by society that thought that he was the son of God, and may have written it down and told children who would believe him, and therefore causing all sorts of relligon wars and discrimination.

will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

No. we probably know as children, but society brainwashes us into thinking other things. I hope we dont figure it out, really.

What happens when you die 

Reincarnation. I hope, at least, because otherwise we would be wandering soles, or everything will be just....black.....*shudders* Or maybe you become grass, then a gazelle, then a lion, then grass again, because circle of life, man *turns on Lion King*

which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg, right? Because ancestors laid the egg which hatched into a chicken?

do ideas hatch from eggs? 

Sure, why not? 

Is the scientific universe in Gods mind?

No. again, I believe there is no such thing as God.

How do we know that science is right? 

Ah, well, theres Laws and Properties that work for everything....and it's too much work to explain so wait a few years untill you're in high school.

How do we know that the Bible is right?

I beleive it's not. And if anyone cares to give me a part of which that i can prove wrong, give it your best shot.  


Concerning your statement: "I think if there was a God, there would be peace." Many/most people who believe in God also believe that He gave man free will, and man does not always make the right choices. And Christianity as an organized religion was not begun until after Jesus died on the cross.


submitted by U-know-who
(August 15, 2017 - 10:40 pm)

Actually, Admins, Christianity has started before Jesus died on the cross. Yes, it indeed did spread and become much more significant after his death, but it was still there before hand. 

submitted by ---
(August 16, 2017 - 9:01 am)

I would also like to add that God does indeed reveal himselves to people that do not believe in him. I know that for a fact as it has happened in my family. 

submitted by Killim@U-know-who
(August 16, 2017 - 1:01 pm)

With what you said about Jesus, I'd like to ask you something. If Jesus was just a wackjob, why did so many people during that time turn to him and recieve such hope? And why would they even listen to him or his disciples if he was shunned or crazy?

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 17, 2017 - 6:49 am)