@Ice WolfI f

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

@Ice WolfI f

@Ice Wolf

I found my TARDIS keys! I know that you like to pull pranks and stuff, but, just out of curiosity, what did I do to deserve this? I mean, I get the lava, but Waffle-eating Venus Fly Traps? That's just overkill. Also, I melded my key to my hand, so you'll have to chop it off if you want to steal my keys again.I am also upgrading the security to my bunker. A lot. With fire. and Doom. And Flamethrowers. Did I mention fire? If you steal my keys again, I will perosnally load EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF DATA IN YOUR LAB with Never Gonna Give You Up sung by none other than Rick Astley. So... yeah. Turns out I'm not as much of a stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerfherder as revously imagined.


Also, Kilp says uoou. That's a palendrome. TACOCAT! RACECAR! ECT!  I don't think uoou is a word though...

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(May 7, 2017 - 4:25 pm)

Rae, that picture is amazing. AMAZING I TELL YOU!

*Pulls a random healing potion out of my fez and chucks it at Ice Wolf* There ya go. *Watches potion splash three feet away* Hu'tegh! I'm terrible at throwing stuff! *Walks up to Ice Wolf* "Throws healing potion on the ground* 



*Get LAST healing potion* *Gives it to Ice Wolf* Drink it. Should make your foot get fixed.



1. It's blue.

2. It's a box.

3. It just appears out of nowhere.

4. It takes Milo to a different dimension!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(June 1, 2017 - 6:07 am)

YES!!! Oh my Gandalf, that is BRILLIANT!!! And it could be the TARDIS, like, the Doctor's! If he got the Chameleon Circut fixed! I need to write fanfic. Now.

What if, in the really far future, he gets lonely beacause no one believes in him except the really little kids? So, he disguises his blue box, and slips it into their bedrooms. They wake up, and, of course, because they're curious, go inside! It takes them to magical places and times. Sometimes they appear to be in danger, but they aren't because the Doctor is with them, in disguise. (Like Tock!)

They remeber those journeys all their lives, and the people they met and made friends with. When they are older, some of them trick themselves into thinking, "It wasn't real, just imaginary friends. Everyone had one of those." And it makes the Doctor sad, but he knows that he made the world better, even if just for a moment, for some young child. 

submitted by Rae
(June 1, 2017 - 1:52 pm)

Woah. Das DEEP.

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 1, 2017 - 3:20 pm)


submitted by Rae
(June 1, 2017 - 6:40 pm)

I haz to prepare myself. We're going to watch Blink tonight...

submitted by Rae
(June 3, 2017 - 4:16 pm)

Alright, allons-y!!!


There is a man who does not live on this earth. He does not live in this time. He is immortal, ageless, and yet ever-changing. He flows from one form to the next like a River, a sweet, clear, deep, ancient River, with a birthplace shrouded in mist. And he knows things.

He knows the feel of fresh grass under his feet, and of cool water splashing his face. He knows who and what is able to hurt him, and who he can trust. He knows what it is like to be trapped in a metal room, with no way out. He knows fear. 

This man has seen so much. So, so much. He has seen the birth of our world, and the ending. He has seen unimaginable horrors, but he still has hope. He can tell that the love and passion all throughout time and space will continue, even through dark and pain and fright. He would swear that there is always light in the dark, however deeply buried it might be. 

And though he is certainly not human, he could be. He has felt everything we have and more. He knows about death. The man knows what it is like to lose someone, to have them slip through your arms as if they were never there... 

Though she (or should I say I?) did not die. Not yet.

The man has felt as if both of his hearts were being slowly stabbed and then trampled. Becuse of me, my kind. Was it my fault?  

submitted by Rae
(June 3, 2017 - 5:11 pm)

Ummm... is this like fanfic?  Cause I'm kinda confuzzled.

Kilp says corc by the way. Maybe he's opening a drink?

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 4, 2017 - 7:40 am)

It's a thing I wrote from Rose's perspective, when she was driving back home from the beach after Doomsday. I guess it's fanfic

submitted by Rae
(June 4, 2017 - 9:28 am)

I thought it was from Rose! Ramble on!

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 4, 2017 - 2:56 pm)

And I had to capitalize River. It was necessary. 

submitted by Rae
(June 5, 2017 - 2:45 pm)

I agree. Completely nescissary.

Have you read Wheel of Ice by Stephen Baxter? It's whole BOOK about one Docotr Who story, and its reeeeeeeeeealy good. 

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 9, 2017 - 11:27 am)

No, I haven't! I'll put it on my ever-lengthening want-to-read list. Also, I'm working on another part of the Allons-y Chronicles. (Yes, that is what I decided to call my long, depressing pieces of writing from Roses POV.

submitted by Rae
(June 9, 2017 - 3:31 pm)

You could make almost anything sonic. Screwdriver? Pen? Yep! Watch? Flashlight? Probably! Heck, you could make a sonic penguin!

submitted by Rae
(June 12, 2017 - 7:04 pm)

lol, now I want a sonic Penguin. James Bond is a TIme Lord BTW.

1. He changes appearance, and seems to get younger every time

2. His watch is TOTALLY sonic.

3. He's a Brit.

4. He had the same car in Skyfall that he won in Goldfinger, but the Skyfall Bond was born AFTER the events of Goldfinger.

5. He wears a Bowtie!


Soory 'bout that. I like connecting people to Time Lords. Maybe it's one of the side effects of Dimension Hopping. 

Kilp says crvr

Cars Virtual Reality? I know you're exited for the new Cars movie, but I don't think Virtual Reality is the best policy. I don't think they make Toucan-Sized Goggles, anyway.

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 13, 2017 - 6:28 am)

Are all Time Lords Brits, or... are all Brits Time Lords? Think about it for a bit, and tell me what you think. 

submitted by Rae
(June 13, 2017 - 2:00 pm)