Chatterbox: Down to Earth



This is a place for us to state, debate and discuss politics!  I encourage everyone to do so rationally and maturely, and would ask that all participants would refrain from abuse, even when in the heat of an argument, and that some of the more mature subjects would not be presented here. The Admins wll not publish any inappropriate comments.

However, I would discourage anyone from participating if they are easily offended, or dislike having their views challenged.

This may not be a popular idea, but I wanted to give people a chance to present their views and discuss the larger issues in our world today. I hope that this idea takes, and that it will also be enjoyable and informative! :)

I will begin by introducing a topic that is curently at large in America, but is also, I believe, appropriate for CB. I would ask the Admins to correct me if I am mistaken. :)

So-- what do you all think about the idea of including women in the military draft? 


This thread is now closed for new comments.



submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(February 28, 2016 - 3:12 pm)

Agreed. I think Hillary and Trump are terrible!

submitted by Elmodaisy
(June 11, 2016 - 12:32 pm)



submitted by Solomon M., age 10, salem,or.
(May 30, 2016 - 11:54 am)

I think women should be included in the draft.  I am very with feminism, and there were lately the first 2 women that completed like the most difficult training course in the US to be deployed in Israel and they were not deployed with the rest of the men.  I think that women can do all the things men can and are able to do, and sometimes better.  Women can serve the country too.  I, as a female, want to partly become a Navy SEAL, or just part of some kind of Coast Guard.  Women rights are important to me, and I am totally with feminism.


About presidential elections, I want Hillary to win.  I am strongly against Trump, and I think Trump has a better chance at losing if Hillary wins than if Bernie wins.  In VT the 2 presidential primary nominees were Bernie and Trump. 

submitted by Muse of Ninja's, age 12, Ye Banks of the Old Loch
(March 2, 2016 - 8:20 pm)

Well, I was going to criticize/yell in fury about Donald Trump, but then I saw the words "rationally and maturely," and decided not to.

submitted by Elena P.
(March 2, 2016 - 9:02 pm)

I'm only going under this name for the Politics Thread.....I don't want to ruin my reputation or have my fellow CBers think any less of me due to political views.


@Elena P.


Please, anything but Trump. Please. Please.


I can't believe it's Hilary VS Trump.....I just cant believe Trump is the Republican nominee. I am.......horrified, I guess is the best way to put it. I can't get my mind around it, I just can't.  but it's real. It's happening. And it's kinda scary.

Typically I try not to be super passionate about politics or offensive in front of my friends.....but Trump is just one subject I just can't be calm about.

I know I just said a bunch, but hopefully we won't focus too much on Trump.


I just think it's so unfair that the extreme ones are the ones who get the attention...there are so many more people that are more moderate, not super Democrat nor super Republican..........

When Trump first said what he said about Mexicans, everyone was shocked and horrified. So many 'Dumped Trump".....Univision stopped showing his show, NBC and  Macy's fired him.....and then that beauty paegeant he sponsored or soemthing.....people spoke out against him. Stood up.

But what now? People have "accepted it". Have people reacted as strongly to other things he's been saying, far worse things? Not really. And that, I believe........it'snot right. 

But I guess that's how society is today, isn't it?  We give so much attention to (and therefore ENCOURAGE and FUEL) the loudest people....whether its loud in a good way or a bad way.....whether in politics, or with performers, for example.   Think about some of those pop singers, or those rapper dudes who cuss all the time and say horrible things and everyone continues to give them attention, because they think its funny or entertaining or they actually agree with it or whatever.....honestly.  It isn't right. And unfortunately, that's how things are right now. 




Whoa, I jsut typed a lot! I really got my feelings out, didn't I?

Sorry, I'll try not to say so much.......


submitted by ELO
(March 3, 2016 - 1:45 pm)




calmly: Trump is the worst candidate ever to run. The first two things he says he will do (build the wall and ban immigration) are completely unconstitutional. 

Signing off before I start screaming.






submitted by Politics_Geek, age Immortal, Nowhere, Anywheresville
(May 18, 2016 - 9:27 am)

I love politics and debating. I’m very libertarian. If I could vote I would write in Rand Paul, I really don’t trust Cruz.. I dislike Republicans but dislike Democrats even more ;). @Muse of Ninja’s, the question is not whether women can serve in the military, it’s the question of whether they are forced to serve in the military. It doesn’t make sense to tell women that they have to serve when many(not all women) aren’t as fit to serve in the military. What is it people like about Hillary? I’m not being judgemental, I want to know. What do people think about Apple refusing to open the San Bernardino shooters phone? I think apple has every right to refuse to open his icloud account.        

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(March 3, 2016 - 12:59 pm)

OMG its Trump and Hilary.

submitted by Hootsie
(March 3, 2016 - 1:46 pm)

About the military draft.....

Wait, there's a military draft right now?! 


No, there's not a draft right now. The USA has an all volunteer military. However, I believe young men of a certain age are required to register for the draft, so in case the draft is reinstated, the list of eligible people will be ready.


submitted by Owlgirl
(March 3, 2016 - 6:18 pm)

No!! No Trump!!! AHHHH!!! He wants to build a wall. Sounds exactly like part of the plot from my book.


submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(March 3, 2016 - 11:22 pm)

He's actually the nominee?!! I don't think they've selected the nominees yet...no, it can't be.....right?! Trump's being president would be akin to the end of America as we know it. 

*runs off to scream*

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(March 4, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

YAY! I am So glad so many people are participating!!!!!!

I do not support Hillary OR Trump. I think the Government is so messed up that nobody is really trustworthy--there is no perfect Presidential Candidate. So we have to go with the best one we have. Someone who will take us a few steps forward back to what America is supposed to be. I'd say Cruz or Rubio. Yes, neither of them are perfect, butwe have to take the best we can get. The truth is, if Trump and Hillary go vs, Hillary will probably win. I wonder if somebody hired Trump to run for Republican Nominee so Hillary would win?!?!?!?!? Anything's possible in this big game we like to call Politics. :(

I'd like to remind everybody to fully read and attempt to understand someone's comment before they disagree with it, so that this is actually a debate and not just a Random Ranting Ring.  Thanks you! :) :) :) :) :) :)  

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(March 4, 2016 - 4:40 pm)



Okay, so it seems like most of us are not strongly for Trump or Hilary. (Off topic comment, I find it somewhat amusing that we always refer to Hilary by her first name. There's a girl named Hilary in my home room, and she hates it when people call her Hilary Clinton.....but it gets better....there's also a boy in my homecoming named DONALD, and he's like, "DONT CALL ME DONALD TRUMP!". I'm not joking.....this is true.)


Okay, let's pretend we're eighteen and now eligible to vote. Yay. And we WILL vote....right? RIGHT?!  Yes, we will, because it is SO IMPORTANT to vote. Don't be that person who is like look, I am just one vote, it's ok if I don't vote, in fact it may be helpful cuz that just isn't true. Because right now, there are thousands of people like that in the US.....and that's not good. 

Alright, sorry, ELO, stay focused!

Pretend youre old enough to vote. Who would you vote for: Trump Or Hilary? If  you're not sure, well, then who do you think is the least worst?

I would definitely vote for Hilary, because I just ......please not Trump. 





submitted by ELO
(March 4, 2016 - 7:28 pm)

I personally like Hilary Clinton and Ted Cruz, and I have no idea why.

submitted by Mei M.
(March 4, 2016 - 8:37 pm)

Clinton! I would vote for her even if she wasn't against Trump. Some people are saying that she's a liar or cold-hearted. Please- explain to me why you think this. I don't get why everyone is so against her! She's a feminist who will help families and America. 

submitted by Bibliophile , age 12, Chicago, IL
(March 4, 2016 - 9:36 pm)