This thread is
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
This thread is
This thread is to commemerate all the people on the Chatterbox who have DISAPPEARED into thin air. Well, maybe not disappear, but just haven't posted in ages. And for those who have actually left, does anyone else have any means to still connect with them, like with Nano and stuff?
Here is a very rough list of the people who I've been missing lately:
Blackberry E.
the doctor/Sir Doctor of Tardis
Joe the Stickfiddler and Daffodil
Fire Eyes Phoenix (where did she go; she was here for like a month and then went poof)
TNO (always shimmers in and out of the CB like a wraith)
And of course Lottie and Mag Fan threw in the towel for good. :(
I know with the start of school there isn't much time for the CB, but why did everyone seem to go at once? Lonely Everinne here; I miss the old gang. Not that the new gang isn't awesome, but I have a grown-up feeling of nostalgia right now.
(October 8, 2014 - 12:32 pm)
And I DID join because of CS (cough cough) which I (cough cough) won (cough cough), and I think it's wrong to judge people by the time they joined and/or to call them newbies. This place isn't complicated and we are not rude.
(vanishes, irritated.)
(October 27, 2014 - 7:11 pm)
We're not judging you by the time you joined. We're not judging anyone period. Newbies is just a term we used not to be negative but because we were talking about older people and newer people. Nothing derogatory. Good for you for winning CS. We don't think that just 'cause you're new that you can't write as well or anything.
Look, there's no judging going on. This is merely a thread to talk on people who have left. Nothing more. So please don't take things we say the wrong way, we aren't attacking.
(October 27, 2014 - 10:08 pm)
Congratulations on winning.
(October 29, 2014 - 4:24 pm)
I'm back! Scratch that, I might be back. I don't know. I'm about to do NaNo so who can say.
Anyhow (sigh) fighting. I think it's okay for the "oldies" to be a bit mad/reminiscent of when the CB was a more sleepy easy-paced place. I also think it's okay for the "newbies" to feel like their CB is better. It's a different CB, that much is for sure. CS has overwhelmed a lot of "oldies" (myself at least) and it's been harder for me to connect with any of the newer CBers (partially because I'm never on). The reason I myself at least haven't joined any new RPs is because I'm far too busy and the threads created by "newbies" seem to go at a faster, more excited pace. Like the "newbies" themselves, if you want to say. I don't know if this has all been said a thousand times, but I just browsed through this thread and was rather upset to see you all fighting. It upset me especially when Squeak said we wouldn't ever treat each other as equals. Perhaps he's right, but I'd like to think not. Perhaps both groups can reach common ground where they can accept that while they're not exactly the same, we're all CBers at the core.
(October 28, 2014 - 5:35 pm)
Hey everyone look who's back! :)
(October 29, 2014 - 4:22 pm)
Wait, I thought you thought we "Newbies" made it too chaotic. So why do you wish it was livened up with old CBers ? Is their livening up better ? This is proably rude of me, but I don't get it and I think I have an excuse to be offended.
^ Me.
(October 29, 2014 - 6:11 pm)
Indigo, we aren't really mad, just sad about the fighting. But thanks for admitting that it was you. That takes a lot. And like everyone else has said, we don't want to offend anyone--we're just talking how the CB has changed (or that's at least the drift I'm catching). I hope everyone, newbies and oldies alike, will be able to cooperate. And to Squeak, I kind of found it rude that you said newbies will never be treated the same way as oldies. I really don't think that is true. Here at the CB, everyone is tolerate and excepting of everyone, and it's supposed to be like a tight-knit family. Us oldies don't think of ourselves as the highest supreme gods or anything. We all want to be friends! So I hope you will stick around and think about what I just said. :)
(October 30, 2014 - 10:56 am)
Hey! We missed you!
(October 29, 2014 - 7:03 pm)
I joined in July too Brookiera. YEA I'M A NEWBIE, CAN YOU DEAL??????
(November 15, 2014 - 4:00 pm)
I guess I'm a "newbie" too. To tell the truth, I didn't even know Cricket CB existed before Crowd Sorcery came up.
(January 2, 2015 - 2:54 pm)