Your ranting station!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Your ranting station!
Your ranting station!
Here, you can say whatever's on your chest. There WILL BE NO JUDGMENT HERE, just a few rules and one suggestion.
1. No cussing. The Admins are good at trimming, but please give them a break and replace any bad words with various words that have no negative meaning except when used emphatically.
2. Don't tell anybody off. I don't want to see any 'Nobody cares' or stuff like that.
Suggestion: You don't have to use any anonymous name. If you feel like it, I'm not going to hold you back, but the main point of this thread is so that we can come around you and uplift you, and it's kinda hard to do if we don't know who we're doing this for.
Nihil says 'uwin'. I win what?
submitted by Rogue Wildling
(November 24, 2018 - 7:41 pm)
(November 24, 2018 - 7:41 pm)
Hey, Leeli,
I'm sorry you have to go through all this. I'm going to try to respond to as much as I can, in no particular order.
Firstly, it is okay to have problems. Everybody has problems. Everybody has feelings. Sometimes these feelings get the best of them, and that is totally okay. It's a part of what makes us human. It can be difficult to acknowledge that your problems deserve just as much attention as someone else's, but they do. Problems should not be a competition. We should be helping each other get over every problem, no matter how small, and if your problems aren't as "important" as someone else's - they are! They're important to you, and therefore they're important to us. We don't run out of advice, you know? Someone could post here about how angry they are that they can't make their makeup look right and that deserves just as much priority as someone who feels insecure all the time because everyone's problems are valid, and I think we often forget that as soon as we have our own problem.
When it comes to dance. I know exactly how you feel. I don't dance, but I do baseball and soccer, and I often feel like I'm one of the worst on the team - certainly not the best. But that's a product of how biased we are when it comes to ourselves! I think humans have this natural instinct to view ourselves through a lens of how badly we're doing instead of how well we're doing, and this can really hurt our self-confidence and blow little things out of proportion. I highly doubt you're as bad as you think you are, and I'm sure there are some things you can do better than the other two girls in your class. It's just difficult for you to notice them because you're judging yourself.
Also, I know the pain of not being very flexible - I can't touch my toes! But please don't hurt yourself trying to become more flexible - that'll hurt you more than it helps. Practice every day; if you find yourself getting frustrated, stop, take some deep breaths, get a drink of water, then keep going.
I understand the body issues thing, too, and I wish I could take my own advice. But here's a little exercise you can do to keep yourself from thinking bad thoughts about your appearance. When you look in the mirror, don't linger on the things you dislike. Actively search for things you like. Wow, my hair looks really nice today! Hey, I really love the color of my eyes! I have a bad habit that involves pulling out my eyelashes, so I always commend myself when I have a full set of lashes with no gaps or bald spots.
Also, wear things that make you feel like you look nice. I have a fabulous pair of green pants I wear every chance I get (I'm wearing them right now, actually!) because they do make me feel fabulous! So do skirts, dresses, and dangly earrings, when I wear them. Find out what those things are for you, and wear them as often as you can! It really makes you feel so much better about yourself!
I can't speak much to the bit about Christianity; I'm agnostic. But I think the fact that you want to be able to do these things speaks to your faith. Sometimes it's hard! And you can't force yourself to feel things that you don't feel! But you're not giving up on God or on your faith, and that speaks to your character.
It's okay to pretend sometimes. It's okay to not want to talk about your problems to everyone you meet; that's totally valid. Just find yourself an outlet; you said you had people to talk to, and that's great. I hope you're not afraid to rant like this, here, again in the future. As I said before, there's nothing wrong with having problems, and we'll always be here for you. <3
(January 22, 2019 - 2:29 pm)
Thank you, St.
I definitely agree with you about being biased and viewing ourselves through how bad we are instead of how good we’re doing. I can tell a lot of times when I’m doing it—I even know that it’s not entirely true—but unfortunately it’s really hard for me not to do.
I really like your advice to look in the mirror and try to find things you like instead of focusing on what you don’t. Sadly, that’s also hard for me. But I’ve been trying to do it more. Thankfully, I almost always like my hair (actually I can get rather vain about it...), so that’s usually something I can use to my advantage. I also totally agree with what you said about wearing things that make you feel and look nice. I have several things like that, and you’re right, it definitely helps! In fact, I have on a great pair of leggings right now that make me feel fabulous.
Thank you for all the advice, it does help. And I’m sorry you’re going through some of the same things, because I know how hard it can be, but it’s also nice to know I’m not the only one.
(January 24, 2019 - 10:29 am)
First of all. *hugs*
Okay, so Leeli. I had seen you say a little while ago that your CBversary was coming up, and I was planning to, on your CBversary, explain to you how much you mean to me and say some other things. But I've changed my mind and I think now would be the best time to say those things. After that, I'll address some of what you've written.
(I'm basically just going to say what I was vaguely thinking of saying when your CBversary came up.)
So...Leeli. This might be a little long. I have a lot of backstory, because my brain seems to think it's necessary to what I'm saying and I'm bad at editing. Anyway. A while ago, when I was newish to the CB, I had a lot of idols. That was when I was newer and younger and happier, and before everybody started leaving. I mostly idolized the "popular" people--the ones that everybody knew and noticed and complimented. I won't name names but you know. I was sort of stuck in this place where I wanted to be just like the ones I idolized, I wanted to be as cool, popular, and well-known as them. At the time, there was at least one thread where everybody was listing their CB friends. I didn't really get the idea of online friends; I 1) did not think I'd ever be good enough or popular enough to have people want to call me friend, 2) thought that having online friends was kind of a weird idea, and 3) just, I guess, felt like online friends were unnecessary and not very important or something like that.
But then things changed. A lot of my idols left. I went through some painful CB times. I started being a little less/a little more active. I started having more real-life problems. I sort of stopped idolizing CBers, faded away from that, and pretty much blended into that generation of CBers that had contained my idols.
In 2018, at least, I even started to understand the term "online friend" a little bit better. It really just means a friend.
Last year, I made many threads asking for emotional help, advice, and sympathy. I really needed it. And Leeli, you were there. You've helped me a lot. Now, you are the one person on the CB that I would actually venture to call a friend--after so long a time of thinking I didn't need actual friends online. I feel like we kind of go through a lot of the same things and issues, and we're a little bit the same. We've worked together and share some of the same views. And you have always helped me out and made me feel better. All this has made me realize that I kind of--no, really--think of you as a friend, and I have for a while now, I've just never said it. I'm so grateful to you for all your helpfulness, and I hope that I can return the favor if you ever need it.
I don't know if I was intending to post all that but anyway I would be honored to call myself your friend, in essence, and it turns out that the time for help came before I even got to promise it.
So with that long weighty thing out of the way, here's another.
No! Leeli, you are good at things. I'm heartbroken for you that you think your work isn't good, but I LOVE your poetry. You can put down feelings and emotions into words in a way that I wish I could. Some of your poems are so beautiful and relatable they make me want to cry. And your art? It's gorgeous. I love your inking, and the way you draw people's eyes, and your proportions. I haven't seen much of your writing but I've read a little bit of your stuff. It's really good. And hey, I'm bad at math, school, and interacting with people too. You should be prouder of your work. It's admirable. And I've seen you get even so much better too.
Dance--I can't relate to this as much, but my best friend in real life does ballet. (All the time oh boy) I think there are always people who are better than you, and always more who are worse. How about you do this: Go into class knowing that these girls are maybe going to do it better than you, but tell yourself you're going to do the best you can do, and that's going to be pretty darn good, and try to take inspiration from what these girls do instead of turning it into regret in your own current abilities. And, if you're so bad at this, how come your teacher invited you into the class?
Also for self-image-self-love, there are going to be people who look better than you and people who look worse. I'm not the happiest with how I look either, (but I also get good days, bad days. Sometimes I think I look really awful on one day, and then I love how I look sometimes. This is a physical thing. I have bad hair sometimes, and my complexion seems to like to alternate between pale and spotty, and perfectly smooth and colored nicely. And my face is sort of asymetrical...blah blah blah) but, well. I think this is probably kind of the wrong attitude, but usually I'm grateful that I look better than some other people. And if you think you look good sometimes, that's a step in the right direction. Also, from what I've seen of your hair it's pretty epic.
Maybe you think you're all these things, but also list the good things about you. You do help people. You've helped me. You are really good at politely stating how you disagree with people. Your writing, your art--they're good. You're really kind. And about being a Christian? Like St. said, you're still a Christian and at least you know you're not very good at it, but that's okay because you're trying, at least, and I think that's all God wants.
I'm sorry about the comparing. You just should know that you have so much good, and yes you can get better, or you can be miserable because there are better people out there, but also it's good to be happy with what you have; it's hard though.
If you know that you're valuable, that's good, but I think telling people "you're valuable, you're loved" over and over again doesn't help because most people have already heard that and it's like "Okay, yeah, I'm valuable and people love me, but what do I do now?" Think of individual people who love you, pretty things in nature, and all the things you can do, even if you think you're not that good at them.
(If you have a problem, no matter what it's still a problem and needs to be fixed, right?)
I understand pretending. I actually do that. Usually it's in front of my friends, because I have something about my life to explain to my friends, especially my best friend because I tell her almost everything, but none of my friends know about it. It's partly about how I'm scared of the future and my future. But every time I see my friend, I just think about how much work and time it would take, and I'm bad at explaining things, so I always push it away and talk about something else.
You can always come and rant to the CB if you really need to. Even just to get it out. But I will always try to read it. Because we love you here on the CB, and isn't that what friends do?
This is almost my own mini-rant on the benefit of someone else.
(January 23, 2019 - 7:39 pm)
Oh, Leafy. *hugs* Thank you. It means a ton to me that you would consider me your friend—even more so that I’m the only one on the CB who gets that title. And I feel like we go through a lot of the same stuff and have a lot in common too. And, I’m not sure if I’ve ever said it, but for awhile now, I’ve thought of you as a friend, too. Including you, I think there are only three people on the CB whom I would call my friends.
Also, I think your whole backstory about all the CB idols and everything was interesting, because that’s a lot like how I was when I first joined. I looked up to all the older ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ CBers, and wanted to be like them. I don’t think I really understood online friends back then either.
Thank you so much for all the compliments to my writing and art and poetry—I’m honored that you think I’m so good. I think deep down I know that not everything I make is bad—some of it is even good. I know that I’m not bad at everything. But I still feel like I am a lot of the time. I’m not sure why.
I’m going to try to take your advice about dance. But I think...what if I tell myself I’m going to do my best, but then I don’t? I think I end up getting mad at myself sometimes because I think I could’ve and should’ve done something better. But in the end, I guess the most you can do is try.
I feel a little bad now, reading over my original comment. I hope it didn’t sound whiny or anything, and I also hope I didn’t burden anyone with all my woes.
And I just want to say thank you, Leafy, because your whole comment meant a lot to me and it really did help, and I’m so glad I’ve been able to help you in the past, and I’m really grateful to you for being here for me now that I need to rant, and I’m just gonna be honest here and say that when I posted my comment, I was actually hoping you would read it because I needed someone to sympathize with me and I knew you would. So just—thank you. <3
(January 24, 2019 - 11:13 am)
If you get mad at yourself because you think you could've/should've done something better, then just remember there's always next time, and in the meantime you can try to improve on whatever you messed up on. A lot of the time I get annoyed or upset because of something I did or said, especially around other people, when I didn't really know what I was doing and then later realized it was the wrong thing to do or say, and then I think of all the other things I could have done instead, and usually figure out what the right thing would have been to do, and it irks me. But I guess I just need to remember that I can't fix it, but I can always try to be better next time. Maybe you can too...?
No, it didn't sound whiny. Most people have troubles that they need to talk about sometimes.
Eeee! -thanks. It made me happy to hear that.
(January 24, 2019 - 7:25 pm)
I don't know if I would exactly call this a rant but...
I can't stand myself. You see I was a real ignorant kid and four years ago my life just fell apart. I was hospitalized and wasn't even allowed to walk by myself. That did bother me but I was able to stop it with the help of friends. Then I learned that I had a twin brother. I know it seems illogical but I just can't help but feel that his death is my fault. I just can't get over it. I feel like no matter what I do I can't make up for it. I just want to make him proud. You'd think that after knowing about it for four years I would be able to tolerate it but it just gets worse. And the truth is (I know some of you guys don't believe in ghosts or anything but) I've heard him. It was late at night and I was wide awake crying over how I thought it was my fault. All this sudden I just heard "It's OK, I'm right here". I just immediately fell asleep. It's comforting to know that he forgives me but it just makes me feel worse in a way. If He can forgive me for moving on for living while he is dead, then he must be a much better person than me. I hate talking to others about how much it bothers me. I hate people seeing just how weak I am. I hate that I can't just live with it.
I also lived a pretty solitary childhood. Not many friends. I mean I had them. I was just homeschooled and all of that. And now I can't stand people helping me. Like I said before I was hospitalized and all that. Ever since that I just keep telling myself "you're fine." "You've seen worse." I just hate people seeing me weak. Right now I'm on crutches due to a tennis injury. Friends at school are offering me chairs or asking if they can carry my bookbag or running ahead to open the door you know just normal things to do if someone is injured but I can't stand it. I get really hostile sometimes about it when I know they are just trying to help. I just keep on telling myself to push on. Not to act so weak. Do it for your brother. It puts a lot of pressure on me and... I just always feel so furious with myself. I can't look in the mirror and be proud anymore. I want to tell my friends at school but I feel like I would just bother them. Just bring them down with me. Make them change the way they see me. I have found different ways to relieve my anger but they work only for a few months then it's just back again. I just hate not being fine. I've got to be fine. And if I can't do it for myself then do it for my brother.
(January 22, 2019 - 7:27 pm)
I know people say this so much and it never really helps, but I'm gonna have to say it too. No one's perfect, and it doesn't seem fair to yourself, even with your brother, to expect yourself to be any better. You don't have to be perfect. You don't even have to be especially good. I personally think your brother would be proud of you just for living.
P.S. Unsolveablez says "bfgo" The BFG?
(January 22, 2019 - 10:23 pm)
Hey. I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I have a dead brother, too.
He was my older brother’s twin. I don’t think about him much, and I’ve never heard from him, but I wonder what he would’ve been like if he had lived. What I would’ve been like. I wonder how my life would’ve been different. I asked my brother, and he feels the same way. I know it’s different. I’ve known about him basically forever, although I only recently found out that his ashes are in a box in the living room.
I know you feel responsible for your brother’s death, but you aren’t. If you ever were, he’s already absolved you of that. And it doesn’t sound like you’ve moved on. You’re still worrying. But you have more to worry about. He doesn’t. He’s dead. He gets to chill in the afterlife forever, his biggest concern being you. He has nothing but time on his hands, nothing better to do than work it out with himself and forgive you. But you, you’re alive. You get all the glory and all the stress of living. You need to eat and sleep and do homework. And you can make him proud by doing exactly that. Taking care of your needs and desires. Living life to its fullest and being happy. Doing whatever it takes to achieve that, even if it means asking for help. You always can, you know. You don’t have to pursue this alone if you don’t want to.
It’s okay to accept help. You don’t have to do everything yourself, even if you can. Accepting help doesn’t mean you need it, and not needing it doesn’t mean you should never accept it. And if you do need it, then you need it, and you should get what you need. There is no shame, no weakness in doing so. You can’t do everything yourself and you shouldn’t be expected to. I daresay you aren’t even expected to. Can’t play tennis against yourself, now can you?
If you absolutely cannot stand receiving altruistic help, if you absolutely must prove your strength, turn around and help anyone who helps you back at the very next opportunity. Help them right in their face! Help other people, too. You can.
It’s okay to be in pain. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be mad at me for talking to you about all of this. It’s okay to be upset. It doesn’t have to last.
Go hike up a mountain and talk to your brother. Go have a picnic and think of him. Go graduate from high school and be that one kid who gets to make a speech and dedicate your speech to him if it makes you happy. Do what makes you happy, even if it includes not being happy.
Ah, shoot. I have one more thing to say but I have to go. I’ll be back.
(January 31, 2019 - 10:11 am)
@Leeli, first of all, don't ever say your art sucks. My art sucks. Just go to the art thread and there's proof. Your art is so real, beautiful, and unique. You can draw wonderfully, and don't believe otherwise, because it's so, so true.
If you really like dance and want to do it, just go for it! And, who knows? It's quite possible that one of the 2 girls thinks she's really bad. And just because you might think someone can do it better doesn't mean you don't have strengths. I don't have much to say n this point; I've never been too serious about anything active. Sorry.
As for not being a good Christian, you love God, right? And you're making an effort to show it. That's all He asks for. Plus... I've found that it's rare that people actually do want to go to Mass. So you're not doing anything wrong.
Try to change she's prettier to oh, she looks nice, change his art is better to he drew that well, and they're much kinder to that was nice of them. I know it's crummy advice, but Leeli, everyone has done this. Everyone. By no means are you alone on this. We all feel like we could be better sometimes. They might be comparing themselves to you.
We all have 'issues' at at least one point in our lives. There's nothing wrong with feeling bad and asking for help. You never have to feel forced to stay one way in the CB; we accept whatever you say, however you say it.
I'm not very good at advice giving, but I hope I've been at least a little helpful. We're always here if you need us.
@... , ohmygosh, that's awful! I'll keep you and your brother in my prayers. As for his death being your fault, unless you were consiously aware of your actions hurting him, then it by no means is your fault. It's totally OK to feel sad or mad about it when you do.
Even if you've seen worse, that doesn't mean you can't be hurt right then. And when people are trying to help, try to remember they're just being kind. And hey, if you're not in the mood, just politely say "It's alright, I got it". This isn't very good advice, but I don't have much else. Sorry.
(January 23, 2019 - 5:31 pm)
Thank you, Soren. I appreciate all of your advice. And it does help. But by the way, I don’t think your art sucks! I loved your drawing of Reuben from awhile ago.
(January 24, 2019 - 11:50 am)
Thank you. That really means a lot. I just guess I try to live two lives just because of it and the truth is I can't I can only live mine.
@Soren Infinity
Thank you Soren. The thing is he died before birth and I was just the lucky one. That's why I kind of blame myself because it could be my fault. No one knows for sure.
(January 23, 2019 - 7:53 pm)
Thank you. That really means a lot. I just guess I try to live two lives just because of it and the truth is I can't I can only live mine.
@Soren Infinity
Thank you Soren. The thing is he died before birth and I was just the lucky one. That's why I kind of blame myself because it could be my fault. No one knows for sure.
(January 23, 2019 - 7:54 pm)
So, I've ranted about this thing a few times. Never on the CB. But the thing is, the more you rant about something, the more it feels like you sort of . . . can't rant about it anymore. That's it. You're done. You've gotten your advice, you've talked more than enough, you can deal with this now.
But I still can't?
The problem is, I don't have friends.
Or maybe I do. I don't know.
I don't think I've known how to actively make friends since I was tiny and self-consciousness wasn't a thing. By the time it mattered, I had my friends, in elementary school. And then I went to middle school. And that was okay. I made friends pretty quickly. Then I made other friends. And I sort of continued amassing friends throughout the few years I was there.
In eighth grade, though, something switched. I think it was my closest friends at the time. There were three of them, but come eighth grade, our little friend group got a lot bigger. And don't get me wrong - I liked the people in it. But they weren't my friends, and I never felt as comfortable with them as I did with the initial three. And they were always together. I still sat with them, but I retreated. I did homework or - more often - read. I loved Tuesdays and Thursdays because it meant I got to spend my lunch period working on the yearbook and didn't have to go to the cafeteria.
I had other friends too, of course; you don't go to a school for three years and not know people. I had my train friends, the ones I rode the train to school with. We were good friends, but - if this makes any sense - we were close friends on the train, and just friends everywhere else. And, as just friends, we had higher priority friend groups.
I had my two friends from homeroom too. They were probably my closest friends at that time. But one of them (I'm going to give these two names), L, had a whole bunch of other friends that neither me nor the other girl, S, knew. And she'd ditch us for them in a heartbeat. S also had her group of friends, though due to a bunch of drama she drew closer to us as the year went on.
But, comparatively, that was pretty great.
Because now I have exactly one friend. And that's L!
High school gobbled up everyone and spit us out in lots of different schools and now I have to meet people alllll over again.
L was one of I think five people from my middle school to go to my high school. And now I'm her priority, which feels nice. But I also . . . get sick of L. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely person. But she only talks about herself, and she's an awful conversationalist. I have trained myself in the art of a balanced conversation - answer a question! ask a question! listen! answer a question! ask a question! listen! - and body language. She has not. It's frustrating to spend a large amount of time with her sometimes because of that. Not to mention we can only spend lunch and Latin together because we don't have any other classes in common.
But I don't have anywhere else to turn. Because as I said, I don't know how to make friends!
I've been told many times that I'm a nice person. I hope that's true. But mostly I'm a nice person because I've trained myself how to be nice, and I'm too shy to say anything other than what I'm certain will put me in someone else's good graces. And because I'm so shy, I can't take the step to get from acquaintance to friend. There are so many people I'm on good terms with and genuinely like! But it's January! They all have their friend groups by now, and I don't know how to get myself into one. All I have is L.
Not to mention that conversation makes me panic.
Especially texting! I used to like texting! But I feel like there's so much more pressure! Because you're typing and not talking, you have to be good at conversation. You need to know how to respond to things, and in a respectable amount of time. And that doesn't sound that hard, but to me it really, really is. And it causes me a lot of stress and anxiety to text, or DM, or whatever.
Have you ever noticed how ridiculous texting language has become? We have so many ways just to show that we're making a joke! I like using xD, but I avoid using it because it's an emoji that so many people make fun of. So I default to "haha" with people I don't really know, except usually one of the acronyms would actually fit better, but those acronyms just are not my thing and should I be sacrificing my personality to fit in and add a ring to my sentence or - ?
That debate alone can take up a good two minutes when I should be having just a regular conversation with someone!
But in public situations I clam up. I'm in my school's GSA and I love it there. But I also get really anxious because there are a lot of people there that I want to like me, and I usually end up sitting in the corner, trying to wipe the sweat off my palms and not make whatever nervous habit I'm defaulting to be too conspicuous. (I have so many nervous habits.)
Once we had a very emotional GSA meeting. Most of the members went down to the art room to make a poster, and the rest of us stayed upstairs and talked about our mental state. (some people were not in a very good mental state, and I felt awful. While I like to think I'm good at giving advice online, I tried it a few times during the meeting and trailed off after the first few words because I felt like I was saying something dumb. Also, I'm a very empathetic person, and once someone started crying, I did too, and people were worried about me even though they didn't need to be.) After the meeting was over, everyone was heading out, but I needed to go to my locker and get my coat. One of the club leaders asked me if I wanted someone to wait for me, and I instinctively said no. But I actually really did want someone to wait for me, and I felt like crying on the stairs because I was so dumb, I should have said yes, except if I did then someone would have to wait for me and I would feel like I was inconveniencing them and also it would have been awkward because I don't know anyone in the GSA - or in school in general - enough to make small talk all the way to the train!
A few nights ago I actually started crying because of events (that did relate to the CB), and once I had tried to calm myself down, I started crying all over again because I realized that my only best friend lives in Virginia and there was no one I could just . . . go out and get ice cream with or get a real, solid hug from if I needed one.
There is absolutely no one I can spill my secrets to IRL. That I can talk to about anything other than school and TV shows. I'm so lonely, all the time. My brother during dinner today said he'd much rather be lonely than hated by everyone. But I don't think being hated would be so bad; at least people would talk to me. And if I was hated, I'd have enough bravery to actually talk to people enough that they would hate me.
Anyway, it was easy for him to say. He's popular. He has a girlfriend. (he's TWELVE but that's another matter.) I don't understand how he does it.
Oh. And my best friend. Well, the best friend I thought I had, C. I've known her since she was born. Our moms were college roommates. We were super close when we were little, even though she lives in New Jersey (I live in New York). As we got older we made other friends, which was fine and expected. We're still close and we go to sleepaway camp together every summer and I love spending time with her. But one or two years ago I called her my best friend, and she was surprised. I don't know what sort of surprised, but she was sort of like, "I'm your best friend?" and I was like, ". . . Yeah?" and we sort of dropped it, but it stuck in my head because what if we weren't actually best friends?
And, goodness, I could go on and on. About how I felt like I was taking up all of C's time when we went to summer camp together. About all the people I want to be friends with but aren't. About the dumb "family" therapist who I wanted to talk to about this, but who completely ignored me and focused on my I've-Got-A-Perfect-Social-Life brother. (at least he's told me to stop coming now. No use keeping up that charade.) About my parents, who I feel like I can't talk to about anything serious anymore because they don't help. But I'm almost out-ranted, and this is long enough, anyway.
I don't know. I'm just tired and upset. And I really, really just want a friend.
(January 24, 2019 - 12:26 am)
(January 24, 2019 - 1:16 am)
*hugs* I’m so sorry you have to go through this, St. But man—I can relate. I completely get the feeling of being lonely. I’m lonely a lot too.
A few years ago, we moved from St. Louis to Kentucky, where we live now. And I love it here so much—I wouldn’t leave Kentucky for the world. But all but one of my closest friends were in St. Louis. The nearest friend I had after we moved here lived in Tennessee—a few hours away from us. I’m just as close, or closer, to all of them, and I know we’ll always be friends, but we don’t get to see each other often. And I still don’t have any friends here, besides my pets and animals (and I don’t know what I’d do without them). So it gets pretty lonely.
I’m homeschooled, so I can’t relate much to the school things. But it also means that I have less opportunities to meet people and make friends. My church is tiny, there are only six kids total when we all show up, and I’m the oldest by a few years. So the people I could potentially be friends with and interact with regularly are mostly limited to other girls at dance and a few people I've met through my art teacher.
And I so feel you about the shyness and everything. I don’t know how to make friends either. I clam up in public situations too. And conversations freak me out also! And texting is hard, and you’re right, it’s so complicated it’s ridiculous.
I’m sorry, because I’ve kinda turned this into my own rant now, and I don’t have much advice for you, because I have the same problems. But I guess—and I know this sounds cheesy—just try to be yourself. This is something I sometimes struggle with, especially when texting or communicating online. I’ll find myself thinking things like, does she use emojis this much? Should I word it the way she would? Things like that, and then I think, it doesn’t matter what the other person/people would do. Say it how you would say it, use the emoji that you would use. Like I said, this is something that’s hard for me too sometimes. Even when I’m texting my best friend or posting here on the CB! But I think it’s important to be yourself and not pretend to be someone else.
Oh, and this might be obvious, but also, smile. My mom tells me this a lot, but a smile goes a long way. Just smiling and saying hi to someone is a great start.
Other than that...I don’t really know. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I haven’t been much help. But like I said, I have the same problems, so I don’t have much advice. I’m sorry you have to go through all this, and I hope it gets better for you. I think it will get better. Another thing my mom has told me is that this age, the teen years, is the hardest age to make friends, and that everyone has trouble. So even if it seems like you’re the only one struggling with this, you aren’t. It’s tough for everyone, and we’re all just figuring it out. Just know that we’re here for you, whenever you need to talk or rant or get things off your chest. And though it might not be the same as a real, solid hug, we’ll do our best to send virtual ones. <3
(January 24, 2019 - 11:47 am)