Ask CBers Questions!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Ask CBers Questions!
Ask CBers Questions!
Created originally by Lilypad, I believe (Thank you, Lily!!) and brought back into existence by yours truly!
So, recently, there has been an influx of CBers joining the Chatterbox. Which is wonderful! I love, er, seeing so many new faces! I, however, don't feel like I have met you all yet or actually had a chance to converse. And, hopefully, with the help of this game, we can all get to know each other a little better. :)
The rules are simple:
~Ask CBers questions! It could be a group question directed at everyone, or it could be a question for one specific person. Use the format "@[person you are adressing]" when asking a question, so we can tell it apart from the rest of your post.
~Please stay within the guidelines that are acceptable to the CB (meaning that if the question seems too personal, the person being questioned has the right to decline), and try to include everyone! I myself will start with a group question, to make sure nobody feels left out.
~Answer a question and leave a question! That way, the game can be continuous and will (hopefully) never end!
~Have fun!!
@Everybody: Do you participate in a sport? If yes, do you enjoy it? If not, but you could choose any sport to play, what would that sport be?
(July 16, 2018 - 8:30 am)
Ah, yes. *nods sagely* "Everything is ours". The cat philosophy, as some call it.
(August 17, 2018 - 1:09 pm)
eeh good enough
(August 18, 2018 - 11:25 am)
1.) What was your reason to join cricket? And what was your inspiration to continue?
I think I stumbled upon the CB by accident. I had been getting Cricket for a few months and of course had seen the CB mentioned here and there. I came to the cricketmagkids site for some other purpose and clicked on Ladybug(I think) instead of one of the other characters. She brought me here and I decided to poke around. Four years later, I'm still here because of the wonderful community that is the CB.
2.) What is your favorite quote that represents YOU?
I don't really know about the representing me part. I'll think on it. For now, here are some of my general favorite quotes.
"Never judge a book by its movie." -Idk
"I have confidence in sunshine. I have confidence in rain."- The Sound of Music
"You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?"- Louisa May Alcott
3.) Book recomendations (seriously I just finished a book and dont want to wait for the next one to come out :l)
Here's some of my favorites across many genres. I avoided Harry Potter and the like to try and avoid listing books you've already read.
Big Little Lies(see my review on the Random Recommendations thread in BaB for warnings), Heartless, The Neverending Story, and The Book Thief.
I definitely failed at the lesser known book part of that. My mind went completely blank!
4.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
And then run around and get stuff from the highest shelf.
5.) What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
Uh...a dog?
6.) In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
You need to be careful, but it can open you up to new worlds.
7.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
A bunch?
8.) What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
Something that would make people nicer. Like a conspiracy that your entire future depends on how kind you are at any given time. Does that count as a conspiracy? XD
9.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see? (this is probs just me XD)
I'm pretty good with invisible things staying invisible.
10.) Is cereal soup?
11.) If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
Everything I know, I guess.
Which three fictional character would you go on a road trip with?
If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you meet?
(August 17, 2018 - 10:11 pm)
Sorry that there aren't any spaces in between the end of the last answer and the "@_______". I wrote this somewhere else and copied it over, forgetting about the format switch.
(August 17, 2018 - 10:49 pm)
@Rogue Wildling - This might seem like a random question, but...What are your thoughts on the Twilight Saga (if you have read it)?
(By the way, anyone can answer this question, though I probably know what most of your answers are going to be xD)
(August 18, 2018 - 9:08 am)
@Licenced Bookworm, The Morrigan, Cassian, and Azriel, I would love to meet Sarah J Maas!
@Everyone, Whats the longest you've gone without sleep? I've gone two days before I passed out in math class.
Terry? No that's not the teacher's name and Its not your buisness.
(August 18, 2018 - 6:07 pm)
I have never gone two days without sleep before.
Also! @Everyone. Does anyone else like the smell of the linen closet? Or is it just me?
(August 24, 2018 - 8:51 pm)
I love just sitting in the linen cubbard (excuse my strange way of saying things, my mom's south african so I say weird things like Rugby tackle and Linen cubbard :p)
(August 27, 2018 - 7:14 pm)
@Darkking- XD Probably around 15-16 hours. If I had gone without sleep for two days, I wouldn't have lasted anywhere near as long as you.
(August 28, 2018 - 8:15 am)
@ LilyPad I'm a Gryffindor
@Impunity Jane I would be a babysitter, but no one I know believes a 13 year old is old enough to babysit.
@Jwynn I love participating in SIs and RPs. I also just like going through various threads and seeing what everyone's up to.
@Micearenice I want to be a Principle dancer with the American Ballet Theatre. Lots of people don't take me seriously when I say that, because so many little girls want to be ballerinas when a teenager says that, they laugh likes it's a ridiculous fantasy, like wanting to be a princess.
@LilyPad I love fall, the weather, the sweaters, the cinnamon, pumpkin and apple scents in everything, and Halloween. Yes I bullet journal, I'm currently using a lined spiral bound notebook, but I'm hoping to buy a dotted notebook soon.
@Bluebird I play a little piano and take singing lessons.
@Fireburst I normally use my kindle fire for anything on the internet including the CB, because I have easy access to it but I prefer the family computer because it's easier to type on.
@Soren Infinity I would definitely save my best friend, although after I was sure she was okay I would try to save the warrior too because I'm that kind of person. But I am always first and foremost loyal to my family and friends.
@Darkking probablyw around 27 hours, that was a few weeks ago and I unintentionally stayed up all night watching Netflix.
@Moonfrost when I was younger I would just sit under the bottom shelf of the linen closet with a flashlight and a book. XD now I'm too tall to do that anymore.
@Viola? How do you pronounce your name? I remember seeing somewhere that it's not like the instrument and...... yeah
@Everyone This is so random, but if your crush was going to ask you to the school dance, would you rather they asked you straight up or do some big showy ask in public? I would rather they just ask me. Although all of my crushes are fictional so care at all even if they didn't ask me to go to the dance, just to see that they were real would be awesome!
(August 31, 2018 - 10:21 pm)
@Darkking I think 18 and a half hours, if I did the math right. (Summer nights when I voluntarily only got 5 1/2 hours of sleep. Those are the days.)
@Satin well, it would bound to be noticed anyways. My crush is on Captain America. XP
(September 1, 2018 - 9:34 am)
*happy/sad laughter* I would be too shy for said crush to even know I exist...
You said that like it's happened before
that's because he has
I really hate it when that happens
*really annoyng violin music in backround* Will you stop that
(September 1, 2018 - 2:01 pm)
(September 24, 2018 - 6:25 pm)