Ask CBers Questions!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Ask CBers Questions!
Ask CBers Questions!
Created originally by Lilypad, I believe (Thank you, Lily!!) and brought back into existence by yours truly!
So, recently, there has been an influx of CBers joining the Chatterbox. Which is wonderful! I love, er, seeing so many new faces! I, however, don't feel like I have met you all yet or actually had a chance to converse. And, hopefully, with the help of this game, we can all get to know each other a little better. :)
The rules are simple:
~Ask CBers questions! It could be a group question directed at everyone, or it could be a question for one specific person. Use the format "@[person you are adressing]" when asking a question, so we can tell it apart from the rest of your post.
~Please stay within the guidelines that are acceptable to the CB (meaning that if the question seems too personal, the person being questioned has the right to decline), and try to include everyone! I myself will start with a group question, to make sure nobody feels left out.
~Answer a question and leave a question! That way, the game can be continuous and will (hopefully) never end!
~Have fun!!
@Everybody: Do you participate in a sport? If yes, do you enjoy it? If not, but you could choose any sport to play, what would that sport be?
(July 16, 2018 - 8:30 am)
@Everybuggy- What is the origin of your username?
(July 23, 2018 - 9:04 am)
Well, everyone probably knows by now I have a crush on the Winter Soldier, I'm assuming. So that's part of it. I'm not entirely sure where the Agent part came from. But I was on the CB for the first time and I hadn't exactly figured out a username yet, so I was just like "What the heck, I'll use Agent Winter as a placeholder name until I figure out a better one." I'm pretty sure that's how I came up with the name, anyway.
(July 23, 2018 - 11:04 am)
Lyra was taken and Cockleburr just sounded so right to me. I have no idea where it came from, it just popped into my head.
(July 23, 2018 - 3:03 pm)
Viola is one of several names I was considering (and posting under) when I first joined Kyngdom. I added the question mark at the end because of the uncertainty that I would keep it--like saying "I guess you can call me Viola?". And then it stuck, and now I just like it this way. Although I get asked about it a lot, and I've learned that nearly everyone thinks it's because of and pronounced the same way as the musical instrument. It is not.
(July 24, 2018 - 1:38 am)
My username's 'first name' is a tribute to Tiberious Stormwind a critical role dragonborn played by Orion Acaba, who died fighting a white dragon. My favorite quote from him is ' I encourage PEace" Which weere written on his gravestone which is a marble statue of him after he was fround frozen in a block of ice by Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III. Rip. The last name is also to honor him since he was part fire dragon and well, fire. That, also combined with the fact that I like the way it sounds Tyberious Firestone.
(August 9, 2018 - 1:00 pm)
My name originated from the first ever RP I joined! It was Coconut the Dog's warrior RP. It was the name of my first ever OC who i dubbed Moonfrost. That is how I got my name and why I can turn into a black cat.
(July 23, 2018 - 7:28 pm)
Well, Soren is a character from Minecraft Story Mode, and I assume you all know by now that I'm obsessed with it. Three of my best friends (and some of my only friends XP) also play it, and we started calling each other names of characters from it according to personality. Gavin is Gabriel, Oliver is Ivor, Logan is Reuben, and I am Soren! At first I was Soren P. (The P standing for Potter, cuz I'm also obsessed with Harry Potter), but that was just to boring, so I started thinking of cool words. Infinity was one of the first things that popped into my head. Vióla.
And if you were wondering about my location, BeaconTown is Minecraft Story Mode's main character's home town.
(July 24, 2018 - 9:30 am)
Any other songwriters here?
(July 25, 2018 - 1:12 pm)
*shakily raises hand* mostly without words, I play the flute, so its mostly flute and piccilo and panflute, so... short and sweet. (I only play flute)
(August 9, 2018 - 1:03 pm)
@Soren: I don’t really play video games...
@Vyolette: Neko is Japanese for cat. I like Japan, I like cats.
@Pooki: Yes! I am mainly a poet, but poetry is similar to song so sometimes I put music to my poems and call them a song.
(July 25, 2018 - 1:30 pm)
Jwyn is a shortened version of my nickname, which is an altered version of my name. I use Jwyn as my username for almost everything, but I’ve always secretly wanted to change it to Indigo Feather.
@Pooki P.-
I think of myself as a songwriter of sorts, but I may not officially be one, as I haven’t written an entire song. However, most of my poems are written with song-like rhythms, because I write them with a tune in my head, and I’ve made a few partial-songs in my time.
@I can’t remember who asked this, but-
My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, but I also have a little bit of Hufflepuff too. I have not found out my patronus yet.
@Impunity Jane-
You like to needlefelt too? Way cool! What’s your favorite thing you’ve made so far?
What is your favorite thing to do on the CB? (SIs, SLs, SWs, RPs, Word Games, Lyric Threads, Happiness Threads, etc.)
I like SIs and Ski Lodges best.
(July 25, 2018 - 2:25 pm)
I like being able to interact with others, because, y'know... y'all so dang nice!
(August 9, 2018 - 1:05 pm)
Vyolette-- Around the time I joined the CB, I had recently gotten pet mice, and I was obsessed with them. When I decided to join the Chatterbox, I didn't want to spend a week coming up with a name like I usually I went with the first thing that popped into my head: Micearenice!
@Pooki P-- I write songs! They're usually short and for the piano. Lately I've been trying to learn how to use a midi-recording software with my keyboard, but the software is really confusing, so it's taking a while. What kinds of songs do you write?
Jwyn-- I'm addicted to writing ski lodges!! In the past two and a half years of my CB life, I've only gone a month without having one to write. I also enjoy Kyngdom and anything to do with it!
@Everyone: What are your career aspirations for the future?
I would absolutely love to be an author--I'd write novels, screenplays, etc. (The good thing about being an author is that you don't have to be a certain age to do it!) However, I think I'd equally enjoy being a movie director.
(July 25, 2018 - 6:32 pm)
@Jwyn: Just general chatting, writing, and art.
@Micearenice: I'm probably going into either cinematography, architechture, or politics. Most likely politics, so if someone named Avery is running for president in thirty or so years, send her a letter and be like, "Hey! I'm Micearenice! Remember me?"
@Anybody: One of the things on Jwyn's list was 'SWs'. Ummmm... what does that mean?
Star Wars? I'm just guessing without looking at the list or the whole thread.
(July 25, 2018 - 7:10 pm)
(Haha, okay, I'll do that! xD) I think SW stands for Solo Write.
(July 26, 2018 - 6:57 am)