Ask CBers Questions!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Ask CBers Questions!
Ask CBers Questions!
Created originally by Lilypad, I believe (Thank you, Lily!!) and brought back into existence by yours truly!
So, recently, there has been an influx of CBers joining the Chatterbox. Which is wonderful! I love, er, seeing so many new faces! I, however, don't feel like I have met you all yet or actually had a chance to converse. And, hopefully, with the help of this game, we can all get to know each other a little better. :)
The rules are simple:
~Ask CBers questions! It could be a group question directed at everyone, or it could be a question for one specific person. Use the format "@[person you are adressing]" when asking a question, so we can tell it apart from the rest of your post.
~Please stay within the guidelines that are acceptable to the CB (meaning that if the question seems too personal, the person being questioned has the right to decline), and try to include everyone! I myself will start with a group question, to make sure nobody feels left out.
~Answer a question and leave a question! That way, the game can be continuous and will (hopefully) never end!
~Have fun!!
@Everybody: Do you participate in a sport? If yes, do you enjoy it? If not, but you could choose any sport to play, what would that sport be?
(July 16, 2018 - 8:30 am)
Practice. I draw all the time; on my schoolwork, in my sketchbook, occasionally on myself, and of course in my actual art classes, which are rather informal and a lot like what I do on my own. I've been carrying around a sketchbook since fourth or fifth grade, and I've had manga drawing books that taught me a couple of basics like proportions, although they were in a very specific style. I have nothing specific to recommend, but practice definitely helps. I've gotten so much better in the past few months alone. And also gone through two or three sketchbooks. *laughs*
(July 21, 2018 - 7:32 pm)
@Admins, what is your favorite: genre of music, animal, and passtime? And do you realize what awesome admins you are?
These are tough questions! Genre of music: indie rock. Animal: snow leopard. Pastime: knitting and crocheting...also reading, gardening, going to live concerts, watching old monster movies... it's hard to choose!
(July 18, 2018 - 10:21 am)
@Admin- Knitting? Knitting and crocheting?? Someone else on the CB knows how to/likes to knit?? Awesome!! :D What're you working on currently?
Yes, I am obsessed with knitting and crochet! I am currently crocheting a vest that I am designing for a big yarn festival that we have every year in Chicago, and I'm also knitting a sweater that uses up a bunch of scraps, so it's very colorful but also taking a long time. It's a great hobby and I love making things I can wear. I try to make things to give away as gifts, too.
(July 18, 2018 - 7:00 pm)
@Admin- Wow, cool! I don't crochet, only knit, but I can imagine how difficult it must be to crochet a vest! I'm currently trying to tackle my very first baby sweater as well for my little newborn cousin. XD Slowly, but surely, it's coming along.
A baby sweater is a great project! You just have to keep making things, and keep challenging yourself to make something a little harder than the last thing you did. Slowly you will grow your skills and be able to make anything you want! Of course I am still learning, too. I just took a class to learn how to knit socks and it was great to have a teacher show me that.
(July 19, 2018 - 10:52 am)
@Admin- XD Yes! And to think that last year, I was still only knitting washcloths, here I am with a baby sweater! Knitting socks is very difficult. Everything I've learned about knitting, I gleaned from knitting booklets or YouTube videos, so socks were a challenge. XD But once you get the hang of them and know the basic pattern, you can just kinda veer off and get creative! I've made my little sister socks from a pattern that was intended for adults. XD
It sounds like you are well on your way to becoming a great knitter. I taught myself to crochet when I was 11 using books from the library-- I wish I would have had YouTube back then, too!
(July 19, 2018 - 11:40 am)
I don't participate in any sports xD
My Patronis is a dolphin, and my house is Hufflepuff.
(July 18, 2018 - 2:48 pm)
@Admins, what's your favourite food?
@EG, where have you been lately? I haven't seen you on the CB for ages; I really miss you. What's your favourite book genre?
@Gracia, I love your name! When did you first join the CB?
@Imputy Jane, is your name from a book or something? If not, what was it inspired from?
I love a good wood-fired pizza with sausage and lots of veggies!
(July 18, 2018 - 11:23 pm)
There's a book by Rumer Godden called Impunity Jane that's one of my favorite children's books. My IRL name is also Jane, so I tend to use Impunity Jane as an online name.
(July 19, 2018 - 11:59 am)
Nevermind, I just realised you changed your name. Were you Allie?
(July 19, 2018 - 8:13 pm)
Heh well, I'm answering these questions a bit late, but my hobbies are reading, writing, sketching, fangirling, uhhh, obsessing over LOTR and Harry Potter and Keeper of the Lost Cities in particular under the fangirling and reading categories.
SPEAKING of Harry Potter, that leads up to the other question. My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, and my patronus is a Granian winged horse.
Oh and piano and walking my dog are my sports, xP.
@Everybody, if you have a funny story about your pet(s), I'd love to hear it!
(July 20, 2018 - 5:20 pm)
@Aspen- we just got two new kittens and they are ADORABLE! One really cute thing they do is sleep in this little basket we have on the porch where they are right now together. They also are escape artists! The minute you open the door they'll be by you. And they love to jump onto the windowsill and usually end up falling off.
Once my dog (as a puppy) got her head stuck between the railings of our deck XD
And I have a somewhat crazy story about my aunts' dog Lola (aunts' is plural on purpose). So starting at the beginning, my Aunt A had breast cancer a few years ago and my Aunt MJ, who lives in the Dominican Republic, came home to take care of her while she had a surgery, and she brought one of her many dogs, Lola, with her. My aunt A fell in love with Lola and asked if she could just keep her, and my aunt MJ said yes because she had like 10 dogs back home (she lives on a farm). So anyways, fast forward a few weeks, (when my Aunt MJ had flown back home) my grandma goes to feed Lola because Aunt A is gone for some reason, and Lola gets out. And runs, and runs, and runs. They put notices on Facebook and everywhere. Finally, they found her at the airport, which wouldve meant she had to run across a highway! XD but anyway, she is safe and happy now, and has been for 2 years here.
Do you have any funny stories about your pets (if you have them?)
(July 20, 2018 - 11:50 pm)
Our cat thinks she's a dog and our dog killed a rattlesnake. She bit it behind the head, dropped it on the porch, it was half dead and wriggling. bleeding everywhere. Poor snake, but yay, JUNO! I'll add rattlesnake to your list of victums, including 1 wild turkey and around 500 lizards. With one two foot long lizard in it's own section.
(August 9, 2018 - 12:43 pm)
Yeah xD
(July 22, 2018 - 6:24 am)
My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, but I don't know my patronus.
Funny story about my pet, huh? Let me think... sometimes my dog licks the air, and it looks pretty funny. And he tries to eat the carpet sometimes. But once my family was sitting on the couch with a blanket over our feet, which were resting on the ottoman. Then our dog started shimmying under our feet and, like, wrestled with the blanket. It was hilarious.
(July 21, 2018 - 8:13 am)
I have a funny story about my pet (though you kind of had to be there for it)!
So my pit bull mix Casey is terrified of fireworks. (She's terrified of pretty much everything.) She also loves to eat the dry grass clippings that show up right after the lawn's been mowed. So I was taking her for a walk on the fourth of July and she was eating grass, and she was in the middle of chewing a mouthful when these fireworks went off. So she perked her ears up, and somehow all the grass fell out of her mouth. It's kind of hard to describe the funniness of it, but it really was hilarious.
(July 21, 2018 - 8:56 pm)