Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride month! :)

submitted by AutumnArtist(A.A.), age 14
(June 28, 2018 - 10:12 am)

your choice to label yourself is your own endeavor. the New testament, (or at least the writings of the apostle Paul, some of which are dueterocanonical, it depends on your denomination and personal beliefs) actually encourages not getting married, if  you choose that

of course, i'm not representative of the entire religion, but i don't think you'll be very harshly criticized for being aroace by many Christians

submitted by Lord Entropy
(June 26, 2024 - 1:30 pm)

you don't have to be repulsed to be aroace. that just means you're not interested in personally having those kinds of relationships, or maybe you experience them differently (like if you're demi or grey). There are other labels too like romance favorable or romance neutral - it's a very common thing! and of course you can be Christian and aroace :D so if you like those labels you can look into them but you never have to use any label even if it fits you;

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 26, 2024 - 4:34 pm)

There’s been a lot of “don’t worry about labels” on this thread and while that’s totally true i also want to clarify it’s totally cool to like labels. I’m somewhere in the middle - i mostly use microlabels but just because that’s how my gender is and i find thinking about that sort of thing cool and the "normal" lables like girl and boy don't always make sense to me - but a lot of people can find labels very important and validating and that’s cool too. By don’t worry about labels i just mean that you don’t have to stress about them, and you don’t have to define yourself by them, and if you don’t fit completely (like you’re lesbian but occaisionally attracted to men or such) that doesn’t really hurt anyone. Also personally i’ve seen a lot of hate towards people who use microlabels (especially “cringier” ones) so just clarifying :P 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 26, 2024 - 4:40 pm)

oh and also - you don't have to only have one gender, or orientation label! Even if they might seem contradictory (like agender and maverique (which is basically a gender that's present and not masc, fem, neu) and female), it's totally possible. and of course gender inequals pronouns :D

also side rant i hate being bigender in the "fem and masc" way because obviously i'm assigned one of those at birth and so the dysphoria is too bad for me to be that one very much even though i hate being strictly the other... although i'm other genders too, and don't know if i actually feel masc or fem outside of presentation, but eh. if i actually came out i might start dressing more like that gender though, just for fun. and i'm certainly not that gender in the way they want you to be that gender. anyway it's just that i get dysphoria either way 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age Siegfried, ~Swan Lake~
(June 26, 2024 - 4:51 pm)

yeah my religion judt dosen't really get LGBTQIA+ and I'm cis and straight...but I still support anyone in need! I'm Christian, and my specific religion might not really understand LGBTQIA, but I believe God loves everyone, no matter who you are. And everyone just is different. I am completely fine being cis and staright, and I don't struggle with identity, but what I do struggle with is my older sister has special needs that is a whole big family drama for me. 

submitted by anonymus
(June 26, 2024 - 4:52 pm)

I totally get that, I'm cis and straight and a Christian as well. I don't hate anyone who's LGBTQ+, I believe God loves everyone and wishes for everyone to be with him. BUT I do understand a few of the romantic labels, for example I've been researching the aromantic spectrum for myself because it's just a label that describes the way you experience romantic attraction :)

which, by the way, I figured out I'm aroace, but more specifically cupioromantic/grayromantic, because I want/like/am able to see myself in romantic relationships, I just don't feel the attraction :D hooray for finally figuring myself out!!

submitted by idk? if I wanna say?, should I tell my username
(June 27, 2024 - 10:49 am)

and honestly romance can be good, but most of the time it ends in heartbreak

submitted by anonymus
(June 29, 2024 - 12:26 pm)

So my parents might know I'm ace? Maybe? Not really? My dad might know? Idk if my mom knows though, she sometimes talks about me eventually getting a boyfriend and I keep saying that I'm not interested in a boyfriend, but she keeps saying that'll change.

idk why I'm posting this or if it even makes sense 

submitted by Darkvine
(July 3, 2024 - 12:45 pm)