Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride month! :)

submitted by AutumnArtist(A.A.), age 14
(June 28, 2018 - 10:12 am)

Perfect timing! Just last month, the singer Nemo from Switzerland became the first non-binary artist to win Eurovision. 

Also, can someone explain what aromantic is exactly? 

submitted by Sinusoidal
(June 2, 2024 - 10:49 am)

yeah totally! as someone who's pretty sure they're aroace, it's hard for me to understand the concept of romance but I'll try XD being aromantic is like simply not feeling any romantic attraction. I don't personally want a romantic relationship either. I have a fuzzy grasp on romance but whatever it means to you, I probably don't feel that—and I'm perfectly happy without it! some common misconceptions: it also doesn't mean I'm incapable of love somehow, I just simply don't feel the romantic version, and it's completely separate from being asexual—you can be aro but not ace or ace but not aro. both aro and ace are spectrums and there's a ton of sub-labels. you can also be aro and want/be in a relationship—it says nothing about your actions, just your lack of a certain type of attraction. I'm not sure exactly what kind of definition you were looking for but I hope this helped?

also happy pride y'all :D

submitted by Hex
(June 2, 2024 - 1:26 pm)

yayyyy happy pride month!!!! im pan, although questioning maybe omni? anyway i love celine's stuffed animal with the flag i totally need to do that (though surreptitiously, my parents would lose it lolz) 

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(June 3, 2024 - 7:46 am)

happy national egg day XDD (totally unrelated but also it's in june what I'm convinced that's on purpose)

(eggs are symbols of closeted trans people if you didn't know haha)

submitted by Hex
(June 3, 2024 - 11:11 am)

WAIT REALLY?! :0 that's pretty cool! I was just thinking National Egg Day as in the artist egg who writes songs about her girlfriend and stuff :) (and on a related topic, also happy Love Conquers All Day!)

Feiya says UYYGF lol :) 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, passing papers
(June 3, 2024 - 2:33 pm)

okay, i have to make my annual pride month post, because it's a tradition for me and also a time capsule of past years (since 2020!). not much has changed-- i've thought of my orientation as increasingly vague for quite a while, and i prefer to call myself queer or sapphic now, although i haven't completely dropped the label of "bi". labels, to me, are how you convey a really complex thing in a simple way to other people, not something that Needs to be a huge part of your identity. but that's just me, and honestly i do hope someday i'll figure out a more specific label that feels like me.

also, i hope i get to go to my first pride parade! 


submitted by Azalea, age 17, the pink pony club
(June 4, 2024 - 7:07 pm)

Happy Pride Month, everybuggy! This is your reminder that people are always changing and you don't have to stay with one identity forever!

When I was first figuring myself out, I identified as genderfae (genderfluid with only feminine genders) and pansexual. I still used my dead name. My pronouns fluxuated from she/her to they/she, to they/them. 

When I first came out, I identified as nonbinary with they/xe pronouns. I went by Zeke. I was panromantic apothisexual. 

Now, I identify as a demiboy with lots of xenogenders. I primarily use he/they pronouns but I like neopronouns too. I usually go by the name Zee, but I've been wanting to change it to other things too, and have been going by Jester and Angel privately. I'm omniromantic and demisexual, with a prefrence for feminine people. But I'm still questioning things!

All of this is okay. You could have it figured out immedietly, or it could take years. You can wait to come out, come out very quickly, or not come out at all. There is no exact timeline for being yourself. Take your time. Go at your own pace <3

submitted by Writing_in_the_Dark, age 14, The Mindscape
(June 5, 2024 - 11:18 am)

For the first time I think I might be aromantic questioning. NOTE QUESTIONING. I'm 11; I'm not sure at what time I'm supposed to be able to understand romance but I simply don't. If by now most kids my age understand romance and already start to have crushes and that I think I might be aro to some extent. I can still feel platonic love of course but have never understood romance (unless said romance refers to romance languages from Europe, but i digress)

submitted by Sinusoidal Polyglot
(June 5, 2024 - 4:05 pm)

that makes a lot of sense. I'm a few years older than you and have identified as aro for maybe two years but it's still a struggle to believe sometimes. like realistically I know there are people my age and younger who worry about romance and uhh not-ace stuff but it's hard to figure something out if all you have to go on is what you don't feel.

but that's ok! I have time, you have time, and at the end of the day labels are only if you want them. best of luck, Sine :D

submitted by Hex@Sine
(June 5, 2024 - 7:39 pm)

I have seen many situations in which people around my age are worrying about romance and that. If you are a few years older than me, and have identified as aro for two years, does that mean you started when you were about a year older than I am today? If so, it probably makes sense for me to be somewhat aro.

I just looked at the aro flag and it is beautiful; I like the green/gray contrast; I'll post my own drawing of it later but am a bit frustrated that there are so many different shades of green.  

Joe cool says noruz. WHAT????????? That's the actual name of the Persian New year holiday. I can't believe Joe Cool is saying words in another langauge

submitted by Sinusoidal Polyglot
(June 6, 2024 - 12:49 pm)

Happy Pride Month <3!! I'm non-bianary and my orientation is... omni?


I removed the flag, since we don't allow images or artwork you haven't created. Consider drawing this one and submitting it again! - Admin

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age hpypride!!, Up in the Clouds
(June 5, 2024 - 3:43 pm)

sorry :(

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age hpypride!!, Up in the Clouds
(June 5, 2024 - 4:42 pm)

Happy pride month! I might be bi questioning and maybe demiromantic. Still figuring it out. 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 6, 2024 - 2:14 am)

am i female? am i enby? do i really CARE what pronouns people use for me? i wouldn't mind and would actually kinda like to use he/him or he/they/xe pronouns. for some reason, lately i've been wanting to use he/him pronouns more. which leads me to another question, goshdarnit: am i genderfluid? gender is a whole flipping mess. AM I TRANS? augh.

and orientation is worse. ugh. am i bi? am i straight? i like guys, but do i like girls? i've never met an enby person before (besides myself) to crush on. so i'm kind of stuck.


submitted by endless_parodies, age Oodles!, Lost in a Faraway Galaxy
(June 6, 2024 - 12:50 pm)

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I was here! I left the CB around 2020-ish, but I still like to hop back in around Pride Month. I myself am a queer man, so I like to celebrate it here. And, I want to add a quick aside here, it's really awesome seeing how open and accepting everyone on the CB is. It's very comforting to see. It also sounds like a lot of you are just recently coming out/discovering yourselves, so I want to leave you all with a few words of advice.

Don't put yourself in a box, first and foremost. Not only are you going to change a lot as you get older, sexuality and gender is also way more complicated than it seems, and most people probably don't fit cleanly into any label. If you want to search for a specific label that fits you, go ahead, but I found that wasn't right for me. Just using general umbrella terms always felt more freeing to me, because I didn't have to fit a specific role or feel a certain way. I could just be queer, and that can mean a lot of things. And on that note, don't be afraid to be different. Don't stick to the norms; do your own thing. You can be nonbinary and use she/her or he/him pronouns. You can be transgender and still use your birth name. You can use they/them pronouns and not dress androgynously. It doesn't matter-- you're still you. Do what makes you feel the best. 

And here's something not a lot of people talk about, but it feels worth mentioning-- don't worry about not being 'LGBT' enough. If you're a straight trans person, that's still valid. If you're bisexual and mostly attracted to one gender over the others, that's fine. You're still part of the community. Don't try to force yourself to be too much at once. And if you're not sure who you're attracted to? That's normal. You're young. You have a lot of time to learn about yourself.


Well, anyway, that's all I have to say. Happy Pride and keep being yourselves.

submitted by Sybill, He/him
(June 6, 2024 - 6:37 pm)