Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


AE CRUSH PT 2!!!!!!

ok, the last AE crush thread died so i am starting a new one. (mostly because Grey is upset because he wasnt in the last one) so, all AEs are sent mysterious letter that read this

dear AEs,

this letter is being sent to inform you that YOU have won a ticket to the Altargo Island Resort. our facilities span a small island resort with 5 star ratings. Please join us!

sincerely, Altargo Resort Manager

i hope everyone likes! to join the thread just fill out this AE sheet




Any Previous crushes?:


ok, here is Grey's sheet

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Description:Tall night elfe with midnight black skin and white hair. he wears a long sleeve black  shirt and brown pants

Any Previous crushes?: nope


we will start whenever the AEs want. (otherwise it could have concequences, never mess with an impatiente AE) also, the actual specifics can morph around as much as we want. i did not make it very detailed.

submitted by DRAGON, age 15, the library
(October 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Hello. How are you doing?

(Fails horrible at talking for a minute.)

Shoukd we dance? 

submitted by Jack
(November 4, 2016 - 4:43 pm)

Aw, you want me to dance with you?

>Dancing Through Life from Wicked plays<

Come on! This is perfect! >leads Jack onto dance floor<

>Looks around in a panic< Pinkie? Where are you?

>sees Pinkie over by the door< Pinkie!

>Promptly throws plate of tuna pie on the ground.<



submitted by Elle and Snyder Fan
(November 5, 2016 - 3:12 pm)



And yes, I would love to! 

submitted by Pinkie PIEper
(November 7, 2016 - 7:47 pm)

Hello...Chilly? You here? Please tell me you're here. I'll just uh...wait for you over by the food tables. 

Gosh, suits are uncomfortable. 

submitted by Jarnen
(November 5, 2016 - 11:38 am)

Name: Flick

Appearance: Has a shock of dark orange hair that stands straight up, bright green eyes, and a lean build. Wears a pair of brown overalls, a forest green T-shirt, and no shoes.

Personality: For real? ...

Past Crush:  None.

submitted by Fick, Everywhere...
(November 5, 2016 - 7:15 pm)
Oh, I'm so excited!  I look in the mirror, and smooth my long shimmery blue dress one more time and give my hair a final twitch.  I twirl in front of the mirror, then leave my room.  When I enter the  ballroom I gasp.  This is going to be so much fun!
submitted by Sofia
(November 5, 2016 - 8:41 pm)

Where are you!?!? Grey and Doublock are going out of their minds worrying about whether or not you dumped them, or got lost, or forgot to come, or were eaten by ninja polar bears. Please meet them at the ball!

submitted by @Torstyn Siriracha
(November 7, 2016 - 11:58 pm)

I'm so sorry. Sriracha has been unexpectedly eaten by a ninja polar bear, and...

Sriracha: Just kidding! Here I am. I'll post more a little later. Sorry, Grey. And, Doublock, when I ran into this thread I think I spotted Torstyn running after me. I think he'll be here soon.

submitted by Applejaguar+Sriracha, age !!, New York
(November 9, 2016 - 3:14 pm)