Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


AE CRUSH PT 2!!!!!!

ok, the last AE crush thread died so i am starting a new one. (mostly because Grey is upset because he wasnt in the last one) so, all AEs are sent mysterious letter that read this

dear AEs,

this letter is being sent to inform you that YOU have won a ticket to the Altargo Island Resort. our facilities span a small island resort with 5 star ratings. Please join us!

sincerely, Altargo Resort Manager

i hope everyone likes! to join the thread just fill out this AE sheet




Any Previous crushes?:


ok, here is Grey's sheet

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Description:Tall night elfe with midnight black skin and white hair. he wears a long sleeve black  shirt and brown pants

Any Previous crushes?: nope


we will start whenever the AEs want. (otherwise it could have concequences, never mess with an impatiente AE) also, the actual specifics can morph around as much as we want. i did not make it very detailed.

submitted by DRAGON, age 15, the library
(October 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Well, the school year's starting to get more intense, and I'm getting more homework, so I've been on here less the past few days, but I'll try to be on more! 

submitted by Alexandra
(October 18, 2016 - 4:12 pm)

Hmm. . . Cortana's never been really into this kind of stuff. Maybe it'll be good for her!

What?! Noooooo!!!!

Yes! I'm definitely signing her up!! *grins evilly*


Name: Cortana

Gender: Female

Description: Shape-shifter, her default is a tall auburn haired girl 

Any Previous crushes?: Nope!

No! Stop! What are you doing? 

Signing you up for the AE crush thread, of course!

I thought you were joking !

I wasn't.



*Glares for awhile*

*Grins evilly* 

I'm gonna sign Chester up!

Mrow? (Translation: What?) 

Yes, you Chester! It'll be great

Meow. . . (Translation: Umm. . . Are you sure?) 

Chester's a CAPTCHA— he can't join

Stop being a party pooper, September! Plus, Chester wants to go

MEOW! (Translation: NOT AT ALL) 

ANYWAYS, before September says anything else:

Name: Chester

Gender: Male

Description: Yellow cat with orange patches

Any Previous crushes?: No

Pressing submit now!!! MWHAHAHAHA 


submitted by September & Co.
(October 15, 2016 - 10:18 pm)

I thought I posted one, but apparently it disappeared into the great unknown...

Name: Wordsy Owly

Gender: F

Description: She's outgoing and fun-loving, and loves anything that's an adventure. She also loves trying new things, but doesn't like it when someone's better at them than she is The's very social, and makes friends with everyone. She's usualy cheerful, and not too insane, although she's bad at taking dares.

Any Previous crushes?:None yet.

Wait, Booksy. Where are you leaving me?

Ooops, got to go, bye!

Where are you... Oh, never mind. Time to make friends with some AEs that are less boring than my sis. 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(October 16, 2016 - 11:37 am)

Can we start, please? I'm eager some people? *Glances at 8-Piece*

Serene, what was that?

I-I-never mind. 

submitted by Serene
(October 16, 2016 - 12:08 pm)

*notices* Oh... hey, Serene. Nice to meet you!

submitted by 8-Piece
(October 17, 2016 - 2:52 pm)

CAPTCHAs can totally sign up. Here is chatter's sheet (he talks in italics)

Name: Chatter

Gender: boy

Description: black fire salamander with fire running along his back

Any crushes: nope 


Wyyd? Translation: why you do this?

come on chatter, it'll be fun!

nowo. Translation: no it won't. 

For once I  with DRAGON. You should totally come Chatter.

thank you grey

gmbl: Translation: grumble 

submitted by DRAGON , age 15, The library
(October 16, 2016 - 1:10 pm)

Ok, this is the perfect time to introduce my other AE, Doublock.

Name: Doublock

Gender: Girl

Description: see picture

Any previous crushes: Nope 

She will talk in bold italics.

hello, nice to meet you.

hi, I'm grey. Are you seriously a pirate?


submitted by DRAGON , age 15, The library
(October 16, 2016 - 6:13 pm)

I am here to...

Take the stupid leash off me. I am not a dog.

No, but you are a very irresponsibe elf.

Hello Doublock.

Are you trying to flirt and failing, or do you just sound like you are?

No. Besides, we have gone over this.


That I am a cold, hard, mean elf.

So this is now a cheesy soap opra? He is an elf, and she is a pirate,


This is very entertaining.

And you are totaly flawless yourself.


submitted by Jack and Zekrar
(October 16, 2016 - 11:42 pm)

Well, I'm already in love, so I think I'll be leaving.

Oh no you won't. You will stay and enjoy this thread.


submitted by The House Owner, & The Feline
(October 16, 2016 - 7:15 pm)

tEm go buy tEm flakes from tEm.


Can I go back to my room now?

Chilly, you've been like this since--*his eyes flicker with recognition.* Chilly.


Go see Jarnen. NOW.  

submitted by Chilly and Frosty, age AGELESS, Dunno
(October 17, 2016 - 12:49 pm)

I'm waging war against all girls. Well, Daisy and Beth, at least. Do you know what they did?! I don't want to repeat it, but it was despicable! Who wants to help me?


Yes, he's crazy. But *giggles* you should've seen the look on his face. The complete post is on the Sleepover/party thread on DtE.  


submitted by Bolton- and Daisy.
(October 17, 2016 - 1:03 pm)

I will help you, fellow male Æ.

submitted by Jack
(October 17, 2016 - 5:35 pm)

Huzzah! Together, we will conquer and show those puny AEs and CBers! 

submitted by Bolton
(October 18, 2016 - 6:50 am)

That's MY line. 

submitted by Thorn
(October 18, 2016 - 12:33 pm)

Um, no, really, that's my line. But changed.

Changed... how?

"Alone, I can torment and mystify those puny AEs and CBers!"

...of course. What did I expect? 

submitted by MewFour
(October 18, 2016 - 1:37 pm)