Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


AE CRUSH PT 2!!!!!!

ok, the last AE crush thread died so i am starting a new one. (mostly because Grey is upset because he wasnt in the last one) so, all AEs are sent mysterious letter that read this

dear AEs,

this letter is being sent to inform you that YOU have won a ticket to the Altargo Island Resort. our facilities span a small island resort with 5 star ratings. Please join us!

sincerely, Altargo Resort Manager

i hope everyone likes! to join the thread just fill out this AE sheet




Any Previous crushes?:


ok, here is Grey's sheet

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Description:Tall night elfe with midnight black skin and white hair. he wears a long sleeve black  shirt and brown pants

Any Previous crushes?: nope


we will start whenever the AEs want. (otherwise it could have concequences, never mess with an impatiente AE) also, the actual specifics can morph around as much as we want. i did not make it very detailed.

submitted by DRAGON, age 15, the library
(October 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

O-oh! Sorry, Arwen. 

And my answer is... yes, Serene, I'll go with you! *blushes* 

submitted by 8-Piece
(October 23, 2016 - 8:54 am)

*grey shuffles uncomfortably*

umm... sirirachawillyougotothedancewithme?

*Doublock bursts out laughing*

what are you laughing at?

are you seriously asking her out?


*doublock stops laughing*

ok... here it goes. Will someone ask me out?

*grey starts laughing, loud fight breaks out yet again* 



submitted by DRAGON and co
(October 22, 2016 - 3:30 pm)

Oh! I-oh! Um, oh! My, oh, wow!

I can take you to the dress designer today, if you want, Serene.

I-oh! Wow! My! Um, I-wow! Oh!

*Sighs* Serene, we get it. Come on, let's go to the dressmaker's. *Pulls away*


What on earth-Hazel, get out of here! End of post!

submitted by Serene, Arwen, Hazel
(October 23, 2016 - 1:08 pm)

(For those of you who didn't see my post, Beth and Bolton are now reconciled and dating again. No one heard that I said dating.)

Hey, guys. 

Hi, everyone, we are back. 

From what, you ask? Oh, from Starbucks. We brought frappichinos for everyone! 

Yep! Come all, and get a Frapp!  

submitted by Bolton and Beth
(October 23, 2016 - 2:06 pm)

I have no idea of what to say right now.

Neither do I.

So... Have you seen Eloise?

I don't think so. Why?

Well, I haven't seen her in a while, so I was wondering if she were with you.

I was thinking that she was with you.

Huh. Strange.

Yep. It's not like her to disappear randomly.

Let's go look for her! *runs off*

Pierre! Come back! *runs off after The Feline*

submitted by The Feline & Celeste, Have you seen Eloise?
(October 23, 2016 - 3:21 pm)

Uh.... Doublock??? W... W....


{Traslation: Will you go go the ball with Torstyn plz say yes or I'm gonna kill him}


*Snickering from the shadows*


GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! *Major facepalm*

Elsa, do you think... Ah... That you could maybe pass a message on to Feisty? Tell him I'm sorry for what I've said before, and I still love him, and I wish he could come back.  

Did you just actually say that?!? Geez... I'm still single people! 

submitted by Torstyn, age Sweating, Shaking
(October 24, 2016 - 3:30 am)

Sure, PSXtreme. I'd be happy to. Also, Cho wanted you to know she named a Minecraft horse after you. *waves happily as she starts leaving the room*

*shoots funny look at Torstyn*

submitted by Elsa
(October 24, 2016 - 6:52 pm)

*grinns sheepishly*

sure Torstyn (did I spell that right?)  

umm... Siriracha? Are you there?

grey, you only just posted asking her out

but she hasn't awnsered!

just deal with.

You did NOT just say that.

Seriously? You guys are fighting again!?!?

submitted by DRAGON and co, age 15, The library
(October 24, 2016 - 12:26 pm)


I'll....get back to you..... soon.... just a minute....


I still don't know. 

I'll get back to you.


submitted by Sriracha
(October 24, 2016 - 6:54 pm)

Siriracha, i would like to say that the reason i asked you out is that you seem like a wonderful, funny, over the top, insane AE and i would truly like to get to know you better. so will you please go to the dance with me? 

submitted by Grey
(October 25, 2016 - 8:29 pm)


[Two hours pass...]

I'm sorry,just...I need to say: You seem wonderful as well. Solemn (escept when you're INSANE, like me!) and kind (to most people). I just... don't like you like that. Can we still go together? As friends? I'm sorry. 


submitted by Sriracha
(October 26, 2016 - 2:15 pm)

Did you name your AE Sriracha after the yummy food bar? 

submitted by Daisy @Sriracha
(October 26, 2016 - 7:08 pm)

I named her after the hot sauce.

submitted by Applejaguar, age !!, New York
(October 27, 2016 - 2:07 pm)

When will the dance start?

Yeah, when will it start?

I have no one to go with, but I'm fine with that. I think I'll go on a separate post.

You have fun then.


submitted by The Feline, Celeste, & Eloise
(October 27, 2016 - 7:18 am)

She passed the message along. And Feisty-

Be quiet, you'll mess everything up. Um, I'm not mad at you, and the only way to say "sorry" that I can think of is, joining this thread and, um doyouwanttogotothedanceanddinner?*awkward silence*

Okay dokez, now that that's settled, here are the sheets:

Name: Feisty

Gender: Male

Description: Messy short black hair, pale skin, dark green eyes, #mischeviousgrinforever, black dragon wings with orange and red sparks through them. Can turn into a black dragon with orange and red sparks through his scales and is able to fly. 

Any Previous crushes?: ONLY CURRANT CRUSH. E-V-E-R.

Yeah, we all know. Oh boy don't we. And Licorice:

Name: Licorice le chat (the cat)

Gender: Female

Description: Long black hair, pale skin, light green eyes, black cat ears and tail tipped with white. She is a cat-girl, and can turn into a cat. Yeah, you think you're SUCH an Aristocat-girl, don'tchya, Licorice?

Any Previous crushes?: Grasshopper. And Fudimo seems to be gone.*sighs* So I suppose that I'm open.

Swift says "cydr". Apple cider! Yum! 



submitted by Coconut, Feisty & Co, age We forgot, In the bed
(October 27, 2016 - 11:38 am)