Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


AE CRUSH PT 2!!!!!!

ok, the last AE crush thread died so i am starting a new one. (mostly because Grey is upset because he wasnt in the last one) so, all AEs are sent mysterious letter that read this

dear AEs,

this letter is being sent to inform you that YOU have won a ticket to the Altargo Island Resort. our facilities span a small island resort with 5 star ratings. Please join us!

sincerely, Altargo Resort Manager

i hope everyone likes! to join the thread just fill out this AE sheet




Any Previous crushes?:


ok, here is Grey's sheet

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Description:Tall night elfe with midnight black skin and white hair. he wears a long sleeve black  shirt and brown pants

Any Previous crushes?: nope


we will start whenever the AEs want. (otherwise it could have concequences, never mess with an impatiente AE) also, the actual specifics can morph around as much as we want. i did not make it very detailed.

submitted by DRAGON, age 15, the library
(October 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Jarnen...of course I'll go to the ball with you!

A while later, preparing for the ball in story form......

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH FROSTY!!!" Chilly wailed, pacing around the room in the room that she was using to prepare for the ball. "IT'S STARTING IN LIKE THREE MINUTES AND AND AND AND AND...." She shrieked. "Why are you having nerve attacks now?" He questioned. "Not like you at all..." He said, staring at her. "I DON'T KNOW!" She said, pacing again. "Well, I can't be there to 'console you'." He said calmly. "Wait, what?!" She asked, stopping, her mouth dropping.

"I'm ditching the ball. I'm a little tired of life stuff. Don't tell Princess Icicle. It's just I have places to be and this is just so hard right now. Every other AE will think that I got sick, right?" "R-r-right..." Chilly said, inwardly horrified.

And suddenly, a loudspeaker blared--"LET THE BALL BEGIN!"  

submitted by Chilly
(October 29, 2016 - 1:53 pm)


I'm so happy, yet devastated. I'm torn between my old feelings for Torstyn and my new ones for Diovald. And I don't know which ones are true love. One can only pray that it's Diovald I'm really in love with. 

submitted by Cho & FRIENDS!!!!!!!, Gotta go!
(October 29, 2016 - 6:59 pm)

ooh! the balls starting!

*doublock rushes off to find torstyn*

*Grey walks up to Siriracha*

so... umm... shall we go to the dance?

*smiles shyly at her* 

submitted by DRAGON and co
(October 29, 2016 - 7:12 pm)

Oh! Gosh, it's the dance already! AAAAAHH

I need a dress I need a dress I need a dress I need to CALM DOWN.

Sorry, of course I'll go with you! I hope I can find a dress and all that stuff really quickly. I might be a little late. 

Wow... I need to be more on top of stuff. 

submitted by Sriracha
(October 30, 2016 - 7:31 am)

Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! The ball is starting!

You're a lunatic, that's for sure, but you're my lunatic.

Aw... Actually, I don't know if that's romantic or not...

Yeah, I'm confused.

It's both romantic and not romantic.

You're confusing me even more.


submitted by House Owner's AEs
(October 30, 2016 - 8:27 am)

Ahhh!!! A dress! I need a dress! 

Calm down, Serene...Leafpool, didn't you get her a dress?

Umm...I couldn't find an avatar creator....

Oh no!

Well, can't you just describe it? 

I guess....

Serene is wearing her light brown hair in coronet braids with a green flower pinned on one side of her head. She got contact lenses for the ball, (because glasses aren't exactly romantic) which match her brown eyes. Her dress is  dark green, with one strap over her left shoulder. The skirt is made up of ruffles going nearly down to just above the floor. She is wearing medium green sparkly sandals, (obviously not beach sandals) with a small heel. That's about it....

Ooh, it's so pretty! Thank you, Leafpool! *Runs off to put on dress and do hair*


submitted by Serene, Leafpool, and Arwen
(October 30, 2016 - 11:17 am)

Oops, forgot Charming's sheet. Here it is: 

Name: Prince Charming, but his friends (AKA everyone) call him Charming

Appearance: Basically the fairy-tale prince: Brown hair, kind blue eyes, no freckles, an enchanting smile...

Personality: Kind, open minded, nice, compatible. He has a ton of friends, and most people he meets like him immediately. He's usually calm, and can deal with Queenie's annoyingness calmly.

Crushes: Queenie! 

Other: He speaks in bold. 

submitted by Alexandra
(October 30, 2016 - 8:03 pm)

Ok, here are Grey and Doublocks outfits.

submitted by DRAGON , age 15, The library
(October 31, 2016 - 12:31 pm)

Charming reminds me of somebody. Somebody I hate. *unsheaths claws*

You're still mad at him, Pierre?


Pierre, calm down. 

*starts crying**runs away*


*runs after The Feline* Pierre, come back! I understand, but murder is not the answer! 

submitted by House Owner's AEs
(October 31, 2016 - 4:07 pm)

Wait... what? 

submitted by Alexandra
(November 1, 2016 - 3:13 pm)

Hey y'all! I'm Swummer, an IE.

I'm just checking in on my inferiors, the AEs. 

Just kidding! Of course they aren't inferior.

By the paw, (yes, I meant paw), an IE stands for Independent Ego. Lol.  

submitted by Swummer, age Lol, I'm in a pool, duh.
(November 1, 2016 - 3:21 pm)

Toast to the IEs! 

submitted by The Feline
(November 2, 2016 - 4:10 pm)

Name: Gap

Gender: Uh... one sec... let me check... yup. Male.

Appearance: Let me go look in the mirror... one sec.... okay. Let me see... grey hair, about... hm... shoulder length. Maybe a bit above. I'd say I'm about 5'7, and I've got that 'lean' look goin'. The eyes are a deep blue, like, almost startling even. I have on a pair of dark blue jeans, a light grey hoodie, and no shoes. Umm...what else... let me see.... oh! I'm kinda pale. Kinda.

Personality: Meet me! 

Old crushes: Nope. Nada. No. 

P.S.~ This is anew AE... just lettin' ya know.

submitted by Gap, My Mind
(November 3, 2016 - 7:35 pm)

I walk into the ballroom with my blue and black suit on. And there is Ella!


submitted by Jack
(November 3, 2016 - 10:22 pm)


Psst! Before Elle hears:

It's Elle. You said it was Ella. I'm just trying to help you out here. Here's my advice: Don't get her name wrong, or she's gonna freak.

Brooklyn! What are you doing here?

Um... trying to find Cho to see what she thinks of me changing my name.

Oh. Okay. Cool.

>thinks about what Brooklyn just said<


I'm just thinking about changing my name, Elle. Don't worry, I'm keeping you and Snyder Fan.

Oh, no. You can get rid of Snydey. But me... I'm too perfect too keep.


Oh, right! JAAAACK! It's me.

>bolts for the door<

>smooths down green, pink, black, and white ball gown.< Hi, Jack. How are you? >Touches perfectly coffed curls, and giggles<  

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(November 4, 2016 - 1:57 pm)