In other words,

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

CB Author Interviews AKA Author of (every other) Day!
In other words,...

In other words, a way for us to flatter each other immensely.

A lot of big shot writers- and debut authors and Other Authors- get interviewed and those interviews sometimes make it to a publisher's website, fansite, YouTube, TV sometimes, etc. etc.

Well, now it's time for the authors of the ChatterBox to get star treatment!

Every other day, someone will get picked to be Interviewed. Fellow CBers will post 3 questions i.e. Why did you start to write? and then the Author of (every other) Day will answer them (for their alloted 2 days of CB Stardom!). And then after their 2 days are over, they'll choose someone else to interview (or they could let me choose since I have too much time on my hands... *hinthint*)! And repeat repeat repeat. This is a good way to get everyone prepped and ready for their future real-life author interviews. And it's also fun. And flattering.

Try to pick someone who posts frequently, since they only have two days to answer des questions. (an easy way to do this is to click "Last Reply" on the thread twice so you can see who posted recently_

Now lettuce begin!


Let's start with... (*searches Inkwell and BaB for frequent post'er*) 



From the information that I can gather in a few seconds, the intelligent SC is a frequent post'er on RPS. She is currently a part of the Deaderlands RP (which she also started) in which she plays/writes as Peter Pan. She is also part of the RP started by the phenomenal ARPS which currently has no title. She writes as Juliet Butler in said RP. There is a countless number of other RPs and RRs which she is a part of and/or started.

She was a participant- and winner- of the 2011 NaNoWriMo. Her hobbies include the delicate and renowned art of Running Like a Maniac, playing the piano and chorus. The music she novels to includes: New Divide and Famous Last Words, and the music she listens to when she is not novel'ing includes Muse, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and- occasionally- Greenday. She currently lives Somewhere In the Universe but also vacations to Narnia on occasion.

Her works include but are not limited to:

The Guardian Angiks of Demok High (a novel written for NaNoWriMo) 

Endeyrory Pracea also known as Endey the Slayer in An Untitled Dragon RP (started by the amazing Tiffany W.) 

Cartmer Tylara Animesti Tasbreeyard vika'Drom in New Character Lounge (which she also started)

Hephaestus in Mythology RP (started by the ever-so-smart Choco)

Nyx in Mythology RP

Shade Chase in Put-Your-Character-In-A-Room (started by the amazing Quintus) Shade Chase was also featured in another Character Lounge

Dante Rossi in Steampunk Fantasy Circus That Definitely Didn't Copy The Night Circus By Erin Morgenstern (started by yours truly)  


Q&A Time!

(try a minimum of 3 for Maximum Flattering but more is always appreciated I'm sure)


Q: When did you start writing?

Q: Who is your favourite character that you have written? Including both original fiction and RP characters.

Q: Which character that you wrote would you say is most like you?

(sneaking in an extra few questions)

Q: Which character that you didn't write would you say is most like you?

Q: If you could write a story of your life, what would be the title?


And I probably stole half those questions from some interview or English worksheet. ;)


Now let the games begin! 


(and if you were wondering, when I do my research, I do my research well) ;)

submitted by Olive
(April 6, 2012 - 11:37 am)

Yay! Go Admins!

Who's currently your favorite author? I can't name one favorite author. I like to read any good story that also teaches me about another time, place, or culture. My favorites include John Steinbeck, Harper Lee, Stephen Vincent Benet, Daphne Du Maurier, Pearl Buck, Victor Hugo, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, J.R.R. Tolkien, Scott Turow, and John Grisham. Authors for young people whose work I still enjoy include Richard Peck, Virginia Euers Wolff (The Mozart Season, one of my all-time favorite books), and J. K. Rowling.

What's the best part about being an Admin? Being the first to read all these comments from you awesome Chatterboxers!

Which place in the world that you've been to is most memorable? This is another really tough question! I'll say it's a tie between the Grand Tetons, Lake Louise, and southern Italy.

submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 15, 2012 - 12:58 pm)

A different Admin, answering the same Qs:

Do—or did—any of the Admins write stories/poems/plays/etc? Yes to all three! But mostly plays these days.

What do you think of us Chatterboxers when you see our posts come in? You surprise me just about every day. Good job.

What else do you do? Cricket-wise, editing and writing for the magazines Ladybug, Spider, Cricket, Cicada, and Muse (and their websites). I also help with Babybug, Click, and Ask.

How long have you been Admin? 4 months.

What are your opinions on giraffes? There is one giraffe who lives in a zoo in Chicago and who has a lot of trouble keeping its tongue in its mouth. This is funny, cute, and sad all at once. On second thought, it’s only sad if the giraffe takes itself too seriously and doesn’t realize how charmingly goofy its lolling tongue makes it look.

Do your kids (if you have any) read Cricket? No kids.

How do you end up being an Admin? The Lady of the Lake rose up out of the water…

Who's currently your favorite author? At this VERY SECOND, I’ll say Anton
Chekhov—I just saw a great production of his play "Three Sisters." He also writes some great short stories; check out "Oysters." But ask me in two seconds, and I might tell you somebody else. 

What's the best part about being an Admin? Not having to enter a CAPTCHA (and of course hanging out with you crazy/cool guys.)

Which place in the world that you've been to is most memorable? Skellig Michael, a rainy little rock off southwestern Ireland where some medieval monks built a hermitage. I touched a wild puffin there. By accident. 

submitted by Admin
(July 16, 2012 - 12:44 pm)

Admins! Who will the next AoEOD be?


It's you, Ivy! We pick Ivy.


submitted by Ivy
(July 16, 2012 - 11:47 am)

Ivy! Questions:

1. If there was only one person left in the world, and you had to talk to that person, who would it be?

2. If you were the only person left alive in the world, what would you do?

3. If you could be change your name, what would you change it to?

4. What song were you listening to last? 

submitted by Everinne, age 13, The Midnight Sun
(July 16, 2012 - 4:19 pm)

 Yay! Thanks Admin!:D

Everinne's Qs:

1. If there was only one person left in the world, and you had to talk to that person, who would it be?

Someone who was obbsessed with all the same books that I am, so I could talk about books, and they woulden't get sick of listening to me!

2. If you were the only person left alive in the world, what would you do?

I would sit and make macrame. Just kidding!(Random Kane Chronicles reference) I would read Harry Potter, find food to eat, sleep, and avoid being eaten by other animals.:)

3. If you could be change your name, what would you change it to?

 Thats hard. Currently, probably Catrin, Fira or Sophie. ( Catrin is my character from the Dragon RP, and Fira is a character that I haven't used yet. I like using unusual names for characters.)

4. What song were you listening to last? 

Ummm...either Set Fire to the Rain, or I Don't Want to Miss a Thing( by Jessica Sanchez)

submitted by Ivy, age 12, Camelot
(July 17, 2012 - 9:18 am)

1. Have you ever had an I.V.?

2. Are you allergic to poison Ivy?

3. Do you sing "The Holly and the Ivy" at Christmas?

4. Are you still located in Camelot? 

submitted by Gollum
(July 17, 2012 - 9:28 am)

Ivy? questions for you!

1. What is your favorite book that starts with a Q?

2. What is your  least favorite book starting with Q?

3. If one of your characters woke up in a underground evil lair,what would he/she do?

4. Would you rather be a zookeeper, or the rollercoaster person who controls the ride? 

submitted by Maple
(July 17, 2012 - 11:44 am)

Go Ivy!

1. Does your scariest villain like roller coasters?

2. What is the funniest gift you have ever given for someone's birthday?

3. Do you have teeth? 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(July 17, 2012 - 4:11 pm)

 Gollum's Qs:

1. Have you ever had an I.V.?

Yes, one of the times I broke my arm.

2. Are you allergic to poison Ivy?

Uhhh not sure. Never gotten Poison ivy. I've had poison oak, though.

3. Do you sing "The Holly and the Ivy" at Christmas?

Yep. Even though my name isn't really Ivy.

4. Are you still located in Camelot?

Of course!;)

Maple's Qs:

1. What is your favorite book that starts with a Q?

The only book I can think of that starts with a Q is The Quest for the Secret Keeper. (Oracles of Delphi Keep)

2. What is your least favorite book starting with Q?

Can't think of any.

3. If one of your characters woke up in a underground evil lair, what would he/she do?

Depends who, but they would probably hide, then try to escape.

4. Would you rather be a zookeeper, or the rollercoaster person who controls the ride?

Neither, but if I had to choose, a zookeeper.

Melody's Qs:

1. Does your scariest villain like roller coasters?

No.They would make him barf.

2. What is the funniest gift you have ever given for someone's birthday?

I can't remember if it was Christmas or my mom's birthday, but she asked for more time, so my dad and I went to the grocery store and got her some thyme.

3. Do you have teeth?

Of course not!!!*sarcasam*


submitted by Ivy, age 12, Camelot!
(July 17, 2012 - 7:17 pm)

Ivy,your days are up! who will the next author be?

submitted by Maple
(July 20, 2012 - 7:43 am)

@ Ivy:

You have a character named Fira? So do I! Great minds think alike... :)

submitted by Everinne, age 13, The Midnight Sun
(July 19, 2012 - 6:36 pm)

@ Everrine, that's so funny that we both have characters named Fira!!!

The next AoEOD will be.... ~Sam~!

submitted by Ivy
(July 20, 2012 - 5:44 pm)


1. What other planet would you like to live on?

2. Would you rather be R2-D2 or C-3PO? (Random)

3. What weapon would you use in a battle? 

submitted by Everinne, age 13, The Midnight Sun
(July 21, 2012 - 10:21 am)

1. Do your characters like tank tops?

2.  Who's your favorite celebrity?

3. Would you ever kill off a character? 

submitted by Calling Sam, Melody
(July 22, 2012 - 11:14 am)

This thread has the fifth-highest number of posts I think. :D You guys are so awesome! And yeah, I ditched the CB for a bit. ^.^ Explanation: Facebook and tennis and friends' houses and movies. :D

In your favourite story, who would play the main character in a film adaptation?

What's the evillest thing a charrie you wrote has ever done?

What's the nicest thing a charrie you wrote has ever done?

submitted by Olive
(July 22, 2012 - 2:23 pm)