In other words,
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
In other words, a way for us to flatter each other immensely.
A lot of big shot writers- and debut authors and Other Authors- get interviewed and those interviews sometimes make it to a publisher's website, fansite, YouTube, TV sometimes, etc. etc.
Well, now it's time for the authors of the ChatterBox to get star treatment!
Every other day, someone will get picked to be Interviewed. Fellow CBers will post 3 questions i.e. Why did you start to write? and then the Author of (every other) Day will answer them (for their alloted 2 days of CB Stardom!). And then after their 2 days are over, they'll choose someone else to interview (or they could let me choose since I have too much time on my hands... *hinthint*)! And repeat repeat repeat. This is a good way to get everyone prepped and ready for their future real-life author interviews. And it's also fun. And flattering.
Try to pick someone who posts frequently, since they only have two days to answer des questions. (an easy way to do this is to click "Last Reply" on the thread twice so you can see who posted recently_
Now lettuce begin!
Let's start with... (*searches Inkwell and BaB for frequent post'er*)
From the information that I can gather in a few seconds, the intelligent SC is a frequent post'er on RPS. She is currently a part of the Deaderlands RP (which she also started) in which she plays/writes as Peter Pan. She is also part of the RP started by the phenomenal ARPS which currently has no title. She writes as Juliet Butler in said RP. There is a countless number of other RPs and RRs which she is a part of and/or started.
She was a participant- and winner- of the 2011 NaNoWriMo. Her hobbies include the delicate and renowned art of Running Like a Maniac, playing the piano and chorus. The music she novels to includes: New Divide and Famous Last Words, and the music she listens to when she is not novel'ing includes Muse, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and- occasionally- Greenday. She currently lives Somewhere In the Universe but also vacations to Narnia on occasion.
Her works include but are not limited to:
The Guardian Angiks of Demok High (a novel written for NaNoWriMo)
Endeyrory Pracea also known as Endey the Slayer in An Untitled Dragon RP (started by the amazing Tiffany W.)
Cartmer Tylara Animesti Tasbreeyard vika'Drom in New Character Lounge (which she also started)
Hephaestus in Mythology RP (started by the ever-so-smart Choco)
Nyx in Mythology RP
Shade Chase in Put-Your-Character-In-A-Room (started by the amazing Quintus) Shade Chase was also featured in another Character Lounge
Dante Rossi in Steampunk Fantasy Circus That Definitely Didn't Copy The Night Circus By Erin Morgenstern (started by yours truly)
Q&A Time!
(try a minimum of 3 for Maximum Flattering but more is always appreciated I'm sure)
Q: When did you start writing?
Q: Who is your favourite character that you have written? Including both original fiction and RP characters.
Q: Which character that you wrote would you say is most like you?
(sneaking in an extra few questions)
Q: Which character that you didn't write would you say is most like you?
Q: If you could write a story of your life, what would be the title?
And I probably stole half those questions from some interview or English worksheet. ;)
Now let the games begin!
(and if you were wondering, when I do my research, I do my research well) ;)
(April 6, 2012 - 11:37 am)
Isn't it time to pick a new author?
(July 28, 2012 - 12:32 pm)
(July 31, 2012 - 5:07 pm)
Oh dear, this post seems to have been abandoned... :( It was the most popular thread and then it got down so far it had to be topped. Sadness...
(August 1, 2012 - 4:38 pm)
(August 1, 2012 - 5:22 pm)
If no one suggests anyone, then I will have a turn in two days.
(August 1, 2012 - 5:28 pm)
Go Sakura!
1. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
2. If a villain you wrote met said character, what is the first thing he would say?
3. Does ice cream exist?
(August 2, 2012 - 11:01 am)
1.Darth Vader, probably. Or R2D2. Or C3PO. Or the ewoks.
2.Let's see. I'm going to use Orlin (right now she's an encantress that is waging war on the rest of Enackra). Orlin to Ewoks: Hiiiii! Wow, you guys are CUUUUUUUUtttteeeee. Just like a little teddy bear! I wanna take one home! Yeah,.... I don't really like Orlin.
3.Ice cream may exist, but I don't eat ice cream so it may not to me. But then again, just because an item doesn't exist for one person, does that mean it doesn't exist? As Solembum puts it: "Knowing is independant of being. I did not know you existed before you bumbled in here and ruined my nap. Yet that doesn't mean you weren't real before you woke me." While we're on the topic, can something exist with out a name, and can knowledge be obtained without names? Certainly, an object may appear to exist with out a name, but knowleggde can not. Names are language, aand without langueage one merely has their senses. Certainly, we may view objects and hear, taste, smell, and feel them, but without names their is little way to hold onto these memories. Nevertheless, for a short time, knowledge is gained.... Sorry. Just don't give me philosophical questions, and I'll be okay.
(August 3, 2012 - 11:47 am)
Okay! If I'm the next author, here's a bit of bakground!
I write recklessly and without caution. I must have writtenn at least 30 short stories/novellas/novels by now. I usually write fantasy stories, but I've lately gone into comedic script writing. Some pieces worth mention:
-Last year I found in a box under my bed a modest collection of little plastic dinosaurs and a pile of fairy junk that my grandmother gave me (for some reason which I can not fathom, as I have never believed in fairies.) There was this one book filled with ludicrous pictures of happy little flower fairies and chipmunks and rainbows and stupid things like that. I then posed a challenge (to myself) to write a story with a nice theme and plot line and all, for each of those horrid little pictures. I'm about half way done, and it's been rather fun.
-There is probably nothing I enjoy more than to go to a friend's house, tromp around in their backyard, and make a fantasy country or two and then write a story about it. I have at least 5 maps and stories now.
-Enackra. Enackra, Enackra, Enackra. Enackra was the name of a trilogy I wrote when I was in second/third grade. It ended with my main character (Jenny) finding a magic world called Enackra where everyone has odd and potentially dangerous magical talents. Enackra has to stay closed all the time to prevent the people inside from getting out. So someone on Earth is the Keykeeper and has to guard the key with their life (he he several have already died). Enackra is an ongong project with short stories, series, novels, screenplays, and comics about it. Right now, Enackra is going through a war. Most of my characters have died but I'll share some of my the current ones: . Mag. Mag is an old soreceress who goes around casting random spells and constantly surprising me. Mag is great. . Gridj. Gridj was my first antagonist. He's an evil wizard who has two voices (meaning he can say two things at once). He's Kind of a snake, he hisses and moves like a snake. Gridj is my favorite character. . Sinthi. Sinthi was added in fourth grade. She's really smart but Sinthi is a clutz and her hair causes things to explode. I don't really like Sinthi all that much, I wonder why she hasn't died yet. . Luca. Luca arrived near the end of fith grade. He is really creepy (especially now that Mag gave him fangs and wings) but he spontaneously combusts from time to time, so he hasn't died yet. He flirts with just about every girl that passes by. . Amarelle. I created Amarelle last year, and there is no way I'm getting rid of her. Amarelle looks like this really shy, really cute little girl but she is fiercly protective of Luca (I don't know why) and lashes out at just about everyone who Luca flirts with, and then yells at him later. My nickname for her is "Caps Lock Girl" . .Brun/Chroose. One guy who has two distinct personalities and names. Brun speaks all in qoutes from various things and riddles and Chroose is just .... Crazy. Trust me.
Well, that's about it. See you guys later.
(August 2, 2012 - 11:06 am)
Yeah, good idea, let's go back and do it again! Keep asking questions; I have a million more for all you CBers.
(August 2, 2012 - 2:05 pm)
1. What's the one name you reuse most often?
2. If you were a famous author, what talk show would you most want to be on?
3. Do you prefer swimming or diving?
(August 3, 2012 - 12:08 pm)
1. For some strange reason, everyone in my fairy series that I mentioned who misbehaves has a name that starts with V. And I don't know why. I really like the letter V, and the only person I've ever met with a V name was a really nice girl a year older than me, so I have no clue why. But those are their names, and can't change them. And on a completely unrelated note, I must have written at least 5 Andys by now. Why do I like the name Andy? I don't know.
2. I don't know any talk shows besides CPR because I don't have a TV and I don't listen to the radio much. So NPR it is.
3.Well, .... (this is akward) .... I can't actually swim because I don't like the feeling of water on my neck .... so I guess I would have to sa I prefer drowning ..... which I nearly did once....
(August 5, 2012 - 6:59 pm)
I think I will answer Olive's questions.
1.Let's see. I started making stories long before I could read, but I never wrote any down (nasty habit I am still in). I think the first really written story was one I wrote when I was about 5. I found it recently and, from what I can tell of the handwriting, it was about a Typhlosion (that's a pokemon) that was in the rain and was sad and, after a Pikachu rrefused to share its umbrella, a Meowth agreed to share its umbrella with the Typhlosion.
2.I've written waaaaay too many characters to have a favorite. Probably one of the crazy, warped, twisted, unwhole Vilians MWA HA HA who are in cahoots with the Sugarbowl.
3.One of the characters that is me. I write myself into a lot of stories because I write some what crazily and I want to join in the fun. Some times I just base characters off me. Or sometimes I base characters off my friends.
4.Oh, God. Let's see. From the Inheritance cycle, I'm a lot like Angela. And i have Galbatorix-ish fantasies. In The Westing Game (I LOVE The Westing Game), I'm a lot like Turtle. Or Sam Westing (heh heh). Or think of some crazy character that has about 5 different personalities, and that's pretty much me.
5. I actually narrate every thing I do in my head and give it all chapter titles. 6th grade: The Sign on the Band Room door and other tales from Middle School Or this Summer: Chapter (whatever number I'm on) in which Sakura talks to books. Yes, I have been talking (outloud) to books. Or more specifically to book characters. I have been so bored I will just now say, completely at random, "So, tell me, Thorn, is sanlgli shell really good for digestion?" I think I have gone completely crazy.
(August 3, 2012 - 2:16 pm)
If I'm reading a book and something doesn't go the right way, or a character doesn't see what's blatantly obvious, I literally SCREAM at the book. Oh, and I do believe I'm insane, sooo.....
(August 4, 2012 - 5:28 pm)
Yes, well, I will have conversations with various book characters when I'm not reading, usually several different characters out of different books.
(August 5, 2012 - 6:50 pm)
(August 14, 2012 - 5:13 pm)