I Really Want

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Harry Potter Roleplay- never going too Die!
I Really Want...

I Really Want to do this HP Role Play that EVERYONE agrees will never "die."

submitted by Kat, age 12, A Place
(July 2, 2010 - 10:43 pm)

It's ok if you join ZB.

I like alternative 2 better! I think it would give the story a nice twist.


I sat next to James as the sorting hat called Ravenclaw. We were more confused than anybody. Everyone sat staring at the hat. I was the first to react. I stood up and yelled, "That's not right! There's got to be a mistake!" James grabbed my arm and pulled me down. Everyone was talking now. "What?" I asked. "I don't want to attract a lot of attention," he said. "But everyone knows that's wrong," I said. Suddenly the hat yelled before it could be pulled off Albus's head. "Wait a minute. WAIT!" Suddenly the whole room fell into hushed whispers. This was the first time the hat had ever doubted itself. "My mistake." The sorting hat sounded like what he had just said was a common mistake anyone could make. "Sorry, GRIFFINDOR!" it yelled. Everyone stared as Albus joined the Griffindor table. A handful of people clapped, but the rest stood in shocked silence. "What just happened?" I asked James. He looked as dumbfounded as I did. We were both clapping for Albus when he said, "I have no idea."

Was that ok? If you don't like it, you can change it, Kat. ZB, we'll think of a way to put you in the story. Maybe with Emily and Ava. If it's ok with NAME. Which I think it is.

submitted by ~Sam~
(November 29, 2010 - 7:26 pm)

Hi -- I'm new to Chatterbox, and I go by Savitri. I apologize for coming in so late, but I was wondering if it would be all right if I join. I've read through the previous posts, so I think I understand what's going on. Mind if I give a brief summary?


"James and his friends are excited for their second year at Hogwarts -- and James is even more thrilled when Ava, a pretty second year, sits in the compartment across from his. Ava, Emily (a girl who somehow managed to see Ava's invisible 'ears effortlessly), and the others in their compartment are obsessed with Quidditch, and are even willing to spy on the talented James for tips and manuevering to help them get on the team. James is enjoying his spot as the center of Ava's attention when someone unexpected boards the train -- Sam, an outspoken exchange student from America. After an embarrassing experience in the carriages heading to Hogwarts, James would do about anything to get rid of her.


"Later, at the start of the Sorting, Albus and Rose are being separated into their houses by an old Hat. Rose, surprisingly, is sorted immediately into Gryffindor despite her rather Ravenclaw-like tendencies. Albus, on the other hand, was the Sorting Hat's first ever mistake, having been sorted into Ravenclaw before a hurried correction to Gryffindor. The students and staff alike sit in stunned silence..."


Let me know if I got that wrong, or if I missed something. Also, please let me know if I can join!


♫ Savitri ♪

submitted by Savitri, age 15, Local Library
(December 1, 2010 - 8:50 pm)

Yup, Savitri you've got it pretty much summed up! And yes, of course you can join! I kinda want to help this thread 'cause Kat rarely ever posts anymore. Only on weekends and vacations.

By the way I think you're doing great at BAB, and we welcome you to Cricket!


submitted by ~Sam~
(December 2, 2010 - 9:53 pm)

Thanks for the welcome and the compliment, Sam! Sorry for not posting immediately -- I came down with a cold, and this is the first I've been out of bed. :)


I have two characters in mind, so is it all right if I play both? I'll write for both in my next post, but if anyone would prefer if I just did one character, I would appreciate it if you'd let me know. Their names are Luke Taylor and Paige Davies, and they are both first year Gryffindors. I can post character descriptions if you'd like, but most you can figure out from my post and the rest will be fun to wind in slowly. ;) As a note, I don't mind if anyone plays my characters, especially if I haven't posted in a while.



♫ Savitri ♪

submitted by Savitri, age 15, Local Library
(December 5, 2010 - 7:53 pm)

Ok, thanks! We're doing next Gen, right?

I sat down and looked at the rest of the first years. About 10 more. More than a quarter were in Gryffindor, and I was glad. I was looked forward to the new first years who were coming. I chatted with my friends, but only halfheartedly. Someone from Slytherin was staring at me, just staring. He would clap every once in a while and speak a few words to his friends, but just stare. I switched seats to across the table so that I didn't have to look at him. A cute little girl just skipped towards the table. She sat next to . . . Albus, was his name? I think that he was Harry Potter's son. And the girl was Ron Weasely's daughter. Food appeared and I started eating, still aware of the dude staring at me.

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:)
(December 3, 2010 - 10:26 pm)

Luke Taylor flushed as he was marched, face downward, down the Great Hall towards the front at the welcoming feast. Late, the very first day, all because he had missed the train. Luke didn't dare look up, knowing that all the students would be staring at him amidst the feasting. It just wasn't fair! If the Headmistress hadn't shown up at his house at the last second, he could have made it.


Suddenly, with a sickening thud in his stomach, he remembered why the Headmistress had shown up. He closed his eyes as if to shield himself against the thought, and then nearly tripped over the foot of the stool where the Sorting Hat still sat. Luke glanced up into the friendly face of Professor Longbottom, who gestured for him to take a seat on the stool. Just before the Hat slipped over his eyes, he could see that he was the last to be sorted, and he could feel himself flush even deeper.


Paige Davies looked curiously at the tall, blonde-haired boy hidden underneath the Sorting Hat at the front of the hall, along with the rest of the school. The Hat seemed to be taking an awful long time choosing his house, not at all like Paige's sorting. She'd been immensely relieved when the Hat called out “GRYFFINDOR!” nearly the instant the Hat was placed on her head. Paige began to feel very anxious for the boy on the stool, as the minutes ticked on. Though his face had been a ruddy scarlet when he'd sat down, he was now a pasty gray, and looked as if he were about to faint.


At long last, the Hat cried out “Gryffindor,” but it said it almost like a question, as if it weren't entirely sure. Paige clapped along with the rest of the Gryffindors, but wondered if perhaps the Hat was losing its touch – Hogwarts students were certainly going to have a lot to talk about in their rooms tonight, what with the Albus Potter incident and now this unknown boy whose name had never been called.


As the boy, still ashen-faced, came back down the hall, Paige scooted over to make room for him, but he just continued onward and disappeared out of the Great Hall's doors. Her last thought before returning her attention back to her partially consumed platter of food was, I wonder how he's going to find his way to his dorm.

submitted by Savitri, age 15, Local Library
(December 5, 2010 - 8:27 pm)


OMG! I am SOOO sorry I haven't posted in a while! I had a TON of tests last week! My teachers all wanted to make us take the tests BEFORE Christmas break! Don't ask me WHY they decided to do it last week cause I have no idea.


Hi! I'm posting with ~Sam~ today, though I normally don't. We both agree that we feel a bit uncomfortable because you guys are all 1st years, and without Kat posting we're the only 2nd years. Ok, ~Sam~'s yelling at me for saying that, but ya. (~Sam~: I am not yelling! Just don't put that! I don't want them to change their characters because of that!) Now she's annoyed cause I put that. Anyway, we might post together more often cause we live right next door to each other, but ya.

submitted by ~Sam~ & NAME
(December 11, 2010 - 7:04 pm)

Sorry for not replying for so long -- Christmas this year has been crazy!


I understand the problem with you being the only second years. It gets kind of boring if you two are the only ones causing any action in your year. I'm more than willing to change my characters to second years... Luke would have sat under the Sorting Hat because he had been homeschooled his first year, and so had yet to be sorted. On second thought, that idea might even work out better than my original one! :)


Another thought I have, though, is that since we're all posting on the same thread, there shouldn't be such segregation between the first and second years. We need to meld the stories together. After all, there's only a year's difference between the two, and they could easily be friends. Maybe in one class -- Charms, perhaps? -- the teacher could decide that one of the best ways to learn is to teach, so once a week s/he combines the first and second years and has the second years tutor the first years. Then we can work in some friendships. 


If you guys like that idea, I think I'd like to make Luke a second year (his first year actually at Hogwarts), and have this be Paige's first year. So, let me know what you guys think. Should we have double Charms (or any class, really) for first and second years, or do you have any other suggestions? I'd just like to get things a little organized so the story ball can start rolling. :)

submitted by Savitri, age 15, Local Library
(December 30, 2010 - 12:16 pm)


Ya! I think that's a great idea! So, just to re-cap-


Luke is 12, but a first year because he was home schooled, and Paige is 11 and a first year, and-


And we're doing double charms. Right? If that's right then Emily and Paige can be paired, and Luke and Sam? Or would you rather do that differently?

submitted by ~Sam~ & NAME
(December 31, 2010 - 11:19 am)

Selina is a first year too! But I like that idea about melding one of the classes together! Have we decided on charms? We're doing Next-Gen right, so wouldn't Harry Potter's kids be at Hogwarts?

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), /Selina
(December 31, 2010 - 1:56 pm)

Can I join? We're at the feast right? Ok, don't know what to write yet but I'll at least give a description.


 Name: Maria Arons

Age/ Year: First Year/ 11

House: Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I'm not sure.. Which would be better?

Best Class: Charms

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Physical Description: Shoulder-length brownish-blond hair, brownish-green eyes, medium height

Personnality: She's kind of quiet so people tend to think that she's odd but as they get to know her they warm up to her and understand her personallity. To people she knows she's acts very different. She's extremely smart and is a genius with a wand.

 Other: She's like Tonks (where she can change her hair color and stuff). 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(January 1, 2011 - 11:38 am)

Sorry for butting in here, as I am not going to participate in this, but I just wanted to say that your character, Elizabeth, sounds a lot like me in real life. The personality, that is, not the physical description. Hopefully I fit the "extremely smart" part too. ;)

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(January 7, 2011 - 2:57 pm)

Wink PS so I can join?

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(January 8, 2011 - 3:54 am)

I forgot something in other. Maria secretly likes Albus Potter. If that's Ok.

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(January 1, 2011 - 11:40 am)

WHOOPS! I meant to say that Selina was a second year!

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), /
(January 2, 2011 - 6:59 pm)