I Really Want

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Harry Potter Roleplay- never going too Die!
I Really Want...

I Really Want to do this HP Role Play that EVERYONE agrees will never "die."

submitted by Kat, age 12, A Place
(July 2, 2010 - 10:43 pm)

YES! I have been waiting for quidditch, and sorry about the short plot lines. There's just not a lot to write about in carriages. So let's get to Hogwarts already! ((I'll try to make my wrieing longer, and more detailed, k?)) (( I HATE homework! My Science teacher gives out like 6 TONS! I completely understand, but I'm glad you're not offended.)


The carriages came to a stop, and I looked back at my friends; they were all quiet. The things that James had said might have been enough to make everybody quiet. I jumped out of the carriage, glad for something to do. All of us walked through the Hogwarts doors and into the great hall. We all picked seats at the Griffendor table and waited for Dumbledore to start talking. ((Ok, I know he's dead, but I couldn't think of anybody that could take his place, it just seams weird. How about we pretend that he's still alive just for this Role Play?)) I looked around for Ava and Emily and immediately found them. Emily and Ava were deep in converstation. About what? I don't know. They sat down close to us. I figured it was best not to mention them being there after what had happened in the carriage, so instead I decided to talk about quidditch. I looked at James. "So, we're going to the field Friday Night, right? I really need to get those moves down." "Ya." He nodded. "So, do you know any of the first years? I think I recognise Professor Longbottum's son, and, oh look James! Albus is up at the front! I think that's Rose Weasly next to him, right?" I recognized the poofy red hair of Rose Weasly from when I had seen her while looking for a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. I turned to James; he looked confused. I realised that it must be because I had said that I saw Albus, and I had never met his brother before. "Albus looks like Harry. That's how I know who he is," I explained. James nodded. "Ya, I guess he does look like my dad."

((Sorry for playing James ;))

submitted by Sam B.
(September 28, 2010 - 3:17 pm)

YAY! Were  at Hogwarts now! Typing about being in the carrages was kinda boring. If you didn't count the whole Sam James situation. That was funny.


I looked at James and Sam. Sam was pointing towrd a boy that I recognised as Albus Potter. He looked so much like Harry, I was amazed. I tapped Ava on the shoulder. "Hey, look. It's Albus Potter, James little brother. I wonder if he'll be in Gryfandore?" Ava looked up. "I bet so. I mean his dad was like, the most true Gryfandore ever, besidse Godric Gryfandore." Ava said. I nodded. But I still wondered. Albus middle name was Servus. The same name as the Slytharin that killed Albus Dumbledore. I wondered why Harry had named his son after the man that was known to the world as one of his worst ennimies. I shook my head, and dicided not to worry about it. Instead I focused on the sortting that was just starting. "I remember just a year ago, we were doing that." I said happily to Ava. She nodded. "Yup. I remember when yours barly touched the top of your head when it shouted Gryfandore." Ava said, lost in memory. I nodded. "Ya, same with you." I was glad that Ava and I were such good friends. Dispite what had happened on the train with the exstendable ears. At that moment I dicided to go to the library after dark, and try and figure out why I could see things that were invisable. I was muggle born, so my parents could never have put a charm on me that aloud me to do that.

((Sory 4 playing Ava kat))

submitted by NAME
(September 30, 2010 - 4:06 pm)


submitted by A PERSON, age AN AGE, A PLACE
(October 3, 2010 - 5:00 pm)

Ok, can you please not do that? It's kind of offensive.

submitted by NAME
(October 10, 2010 - 11:51 am)

Afine, ak.

submitted by A PERSON
(October 14, 2010 - 6:20 am)

I'll post as Sam later. By the way, kat, I don't wanna be mean, but the last time you posted was September 26, like 20 days ago!!! Please post!

submitted by kat plz post!, aka Sam B. ((I'
(October 16, 2010 - 9:30 am)

By all means PLAY MY CHARACTERS. There would be no point if we only made our own people do stuff. And I think Minerva McGonagall is Headmistress now, which means Neville Longbotom is the teacher who does the sorting.

I'll try to post over the weekend!

submitted by Kat
(October 21, 2010 - 7:59 pm)

Cool. Thanks, Kat. And I think you're right about McGonnagle and Nevil. But then, who's the transfiguration teacher?

submitted by Sam B.
(October 21, 2010 - 8:55 pm)

I dunno. Lets just make someone up! That way their all we expect from. We can do that for Defence Against the Dark Arts to.

submitted by Kat
(October 23, 2010 - 7:37 am)

I got it:

Dafense Agenst The Dark Arts: Arnold Longstalf (Profesor Longstalf)

Transfiguration: Mitilda Haven (Profesor Haven)

Headmistress: Minerva McGonagle (Profesor McGonagle)

That ok? kat, could you post as Ava and James to make that official?

submitted by NAME
(October 23, 2010 - 6:29 pm)

Good! But I don't really have time now...

submitted by Kat
(November 17, 2010 - 10:54 am)

Ya it's ok. You weren't posting anyway.

submitted by Sam B.
(November 17, 2010 - 7:35 pm)


I jumped out of the carriage and started walking towards the school. My friends caught up to me.

"Wow..." said Ethan. "First years are small."

I grinned. My friends would always be there.

submitted by Kat/Ava and James
(November 25, 2010 - 12:03 pm)

(I just wanted to put that moment with James in there.) 



The Sorting was long! It didn't seem so long when I had been sorted! I guess it just seemed over when we sat down for the first time...

"Potter, Albus!" Profesor Haven shouted.

The whole room broke out in murmuring, the complete opposite of the silence last year that had been the result of James Potter's turn. I absently glanced at the Slytherin table, and my eyes fell on Peak Vassar. He was grinning. He looked over at me. I gave him a murrderous look and turned back to the sorting.


alternative 1: At long last the hat yelled, "Griffindor!" and the tension broke. Liric and Ebony moved aside for Albus who reluctantly sat down in the empty place.

I leaned forward to talk to him. "Hi, I'm Ava," I said kindly. His eyes lit up, "OOOH, you're the one who James is always talking about. I heard a giggle escape from Liric's mouth, and I immediately glared at them. They were trying so had not to laugh that they looked about to burst.


alternative 2: At long last the hat yelled, "Ravenclaw!" Ravenclaw? My thoughts were echoed around the room in incredulous whispers. "What?" said Liric confusedly, "the son of Harry Potter got into Ravenclaw?"


I can't decide what alternative to stick with. Help me decide!!!

submitted by Kat/James and Ava
(November 26, 2010 - 11:32 am)

I guess that it would be too late for me to join. But if not, I guess I'll start my profile

Name: Selina

Gender: Girl

Age/Year: 12/2nd

House: Gryffindor

Electives: ???

Best Class: Defense against the Dark Arts

Favorite Class: Defense against the Dark Arts 

Physical Description: Average Height, thin, papery skin, long brown hair, pretty even without makeup

Personality: Fun to hang out with, not very quiet, not the popular type,

Other: Wonderful at quidditch, her dad was a werewolf, She's a pure-blood but doesn't rub it in.

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), age ima goddes, Mount Olympus,
(November 28, 2010 - 1:00 pm)