Hello everybody!! This

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New Clan!!! Blueclan
Hello everybody!! This...

Hello everybody!! This is a new clan and we really need a leader, a deputy, warriors, elders, apprentices and queens!! I am only the medicine cat but I will need an apprentice because I am growing old and will hopefully join the elders soon. So... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the clan!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Rainmist
(February 27, 2010 - 11:45 am)

Colorstar leaped onto the highrock just as a loner walked in. "Everbody gather under the highrock for a clan meeting," said Colorstar. Skypetal (the loner) was curious so she padded over to the clearing under the tallest rock she could see.  Colorstar thought, but she could not think of any warriors to mentor the third of Yellowflame's kits. Then, she looked down to see a blue-gray she cat staring up at her with deep amber eyes.  She leaped down and asked the new cat, " what is your name?" The cat replied in a soft voice, "Skypetal." Colorstar wondered if this might be the right cat to mentor the third of Yellowflame's kits. "Do you think you might be ready to mentor a kit?" Colorstar asked. "Yes," was the quiet reply, "I have watched all of your training sessions in secret."  "Then will you join our clan?" Colorstar asked. "Yes," again was the reply.

(I forgot the ceremony so i will do my best.)


Goldenkit, your mentor will be our newest clan member, Skypetal. *Skypetal walked up and touched noses with Goldenkit* "From now until you become a warrior your name will be Goldenpaw."

( i dont have much time so i will make this quick

Yarrowpaw, mentor is Leafmist

Flamepaw, mentor is Colorstar 

submitted by Colorstar and, skypetal
(May 19, 2010 - 7:29 pm)

(Darkstripe your Brighttallon, am I right? Cool, I'm Hayfur!)

"Colorstar, I think that I'm ready to be a warrior. What do you think, Silkfeather?" 

submitted by Orangeflame
(May 19, 2010 - 9:04 pm)

"OK, Yarrowpaw, we can begin now," she meowed. "Let's go to the sandy hollow."

submitted by Leafmist
(May 20, 2010 - 9:04 pm)

(how did I know? Haha what if we attacked Crystalclan then i could control a battle-not that I want to.) Bored. what if we went on a huntin patrol?

submitted by Darkstripe, age 15 moons, Camp
(May 21, 2010 - 4:30 pm)

I am so proud of my kits!! I know they will be a great help to the clan. Hey Darkstripe do you want to come with on a hunting patrol we could also collect herbs.

submitted by Yellowflame, age 24 moons, camp
(May 23, 2010 - 11:20 am)

(Yeah, that would be bad! And, I just had kits!) I stretched my screaming joints and padded out of the new camp. Flowers were every where, and the smell almost made me forget about my aching joints, graying muzzle, and slowness in my step. I would be joining the elders soon, and watching my bouncy and energetic daughter becoming a warrior. (When will that happen, by the way?!)

submitted by Orangeflame
(May 23, 2010 - 10:34 pm)

Okay, Yellowflame, let's go!

(ah yes. you just had kits. BTW I am three cats on ther now.)

submitted by Darkstripe, age 15 moons, Out huntin and
(May 24, 2010 - 3:40 pm)

(Is this a CrystalClan reunion or what? I play Autumnstar, Lionslash, and several other cats!)

"Patrols!" she announced. "Who would like to come with me on patrol? I would like 3 cats as well to go hunting."

submitted by Silkfeather
(May 24, 2010 - 6:12 pm)


submitted by Orangeflame
(May 24, 2010 - 7:33 pm)

Leafmist can we battle train? I really would like to be the best fighter in the clan!!

submitted by Yarrowpaw, age 6 moons, Sandy Hollow
(May 24, 2010 - 7:35 pm)

I hate cleaning out moss. It is so annoying! All of the elders complain so much.

submitted by Goldenpaw, age 6 moons, Elders den
(May 24, 2010 - 7:36 pm)

Oh thank you so much for making me an apperentice!! I will be a great help to the clan, I promise!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

submitted by Flamekit, age 6 moons, Colormist's den
(May 24, 2010 - 7:38 pm)

*stalks mice!* *jumps!* *catches!* "Fraumfrumfrumph." "ptw!" "I mean, it's nice going on patrol!"

submitted by Darkstripe!, age 15 moons!, Hunting with Ye
(May 26, 2010 - 7:39 pm)

"Oh, my joints are terrible! I'm moving to the elders den." I walked up to Colorstar's cave, and told her I wanted to retire.


submitted by Orangeflame
(May 26, 2010 - 10:56 pm)

*leaps onto highrock*

Listen up everycat, I have two ceremonies to do first. Orangeflame has made a request to join the elders.

Orangeflame, is it your wish to retire to the elders' den?

Oramgeflame: It is (I think, tell me if you think otherwise).

Then starclan wishes you many years of rest *touches noses with Orangflame*


Sockpaw is now ready to become a warrior!

Sockpaw, do you promise to do the duty of a warrior, uphold the warrior code, respect starclan, and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?

Sockpaw: I do (I hope)

Then by the powers of starclan I hereby commend you a warrior in your turn, Sockpaw, from this point on your name will be Socktail in virtue of your courage and readiness.

submitted by Colorstar
(May 27, 2010 - 8:12 pm)