Hello everybody!! This

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New Clan!!! Blueclan
Hello everybody!! This...

Hello everybody!! This is a new clan and we really need a leader, a deputy, warriors, elders, apprentices and queens!! I am only the medicine cat but I will need an apprentice because I am growing old and will hopefully join the elders soon. So... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the clan!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Rainmist
(February 27, 2010 - 11:45 am)

(Sorry, when I made my posts your posts weren't on yet.)

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 25, 2010 - 3:32 pm)

LALALA...wow. we did good, didnt we? i dont smell-or see-much.

submitted by Darkstripe
(April 26, 2010 - 4:04 pm)

"Sockpaw! Do you want to battle train?" she asked.

submitted by Silkfeather
(April 26, 2010 - 6:20 pm)

"Sure, Silkfeather, let's go!" They walked out of the camp and to the battle training area.

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 26, 2010 - 7:00 pm)

"Okay, what move would you like me to do know?"

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 27, 2010 - 7:40 pm)

"Colorstar is there anything you would like me too do?" she asked. 

submitted by leafmist
(April 27, 2010 - 10:02 pm)

"Leafmist, join a patrol with me, okay? I'll take Silkfeather, Sockpaw, and Nightflower. We're going hunting!" She led the party outside and stalked down a shrew.

submitted by Colorstar
(April 28, 2010 - 9:14 pm)

"Ok Colorstar." she meowed as she padded over to join them. "We should catch as much prey as we can now since leaf-bare is coming soon." she meowed worriedly. "Hopefully Spiritflight is stocking up on catmint incase anyone comes down with greencough."

submitted by leafmist
(April 29, 2010 - 11:05 pm)

WAIT a muinite...sockpaws training with his/her mentor!

submitted by Darksripe
(April 30, 2010 - 5:40 pm)

A cold wind started up, revealing the first signs of leafbare. "Hm, I guess I better remind Spiritflight to get more catmint. She padded into her den, seeing that Sockpaw had left her a freshly caught black bird. Colorstar lied down in her nest, and sleep soon came over her. When she awoke, a cold snow-storm was outside. Nothing to worry about. I've dealt with snow before. No big deal. She walked outside to join a hunting patrol. When she returned, the camp was covered with snow. "Oh no, not my camp!! Why did this happen??" The whole camp was covered with snow, and she called franticly to see if cats were alive. "Hello? Is anyone there? Hello??" Luckily, most cats were out on patrol or out for a walk. But she still didn't know how many cats were out of the camp. She raced out through the territory yelling, "All BlueClan cats meet at the Herb Clearing for a Clan meeting!" She yowled.

submitted by Colorstar
(April 30, 2010 - 9:00 pm)

Sockpaw heard Colorstar's yowl and wondered what the matter was. "Come on, Silkfeather. Colorstar wants us to go to the Herb Clearing! Let's go!"

submitted by Sockpaw
(May 1, 2010 - 10:17 am)

"OH NO! Colorstar what are we going to do are we going to have to leave camp?" she meowed. "Hopefully Spiritflight has lots of catmint because in this weather some cats are sure to get greencough. Good thing we don't have any elders right now, they would never survive."

submitted by leafmist
(May 1, 2010 - 11:20 am)

Orangeflame awoke from her nap with a cold chill. She looked around, and she was covered with snow. Well, not exactly covered, but all around her was snow. She was sitting in a clearing, with a tree above her head in a small clearing. "Hello? Hello, is anyone there???!!!" She started to paw at the snow wall, but it only made it worse. "Colorstar? Sockpaw? Is anyone there? I'm stuck in the snow!"

submitted by Orangeflame
(May 1, 2010 - 9:48 pm)

Leafmist heard Orangeflame's call. "Orangeflame!" she trudged through the snow trying to find out where the call was coming from. The wind ruffling her fur and her tortoiseshell pelt covered in snow. The call sounded again. This time she knew exactly where it was coming from. "Orangeflame! Orangeflame can you hear me! Oooovvvveeerrr hheeerrree." Orangeflame rasped coldly. "Oh no! Orangeflame! How am i supposed to get you out!" Then she found a rock. She heaves it over and pushes it to try and break the snow wall. It left a small opening but not big enough for a cat to squeeze through. "Orangeflame i need you to slips your paw into the hole and try to push away the snow. I will help." After awhile the hole was big enough and Orangeflame was free. Then the two cats trudged over to the medicine clearing with the rest of the Clan.

submitted by leafmist
(May 2, 2010 - 12:27 pm)

"Oh, t-thank St-StarClan y-yo found m-m-m-me!!" Orangeflame shivered even though Leafmist licked her and ruffled her fur the wrong way. "Mom!! Mom, your'e alive!!" Sockpaw rushed up to her mother and pressed her muzzle against her fur. "Oh, you're so cold!"

submitted by Orangeflame, Sockpaw
(May 3, 2010 - 7:40 pm)