Hello everybody!! This

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New Clan!!! Blueclan
Hello everybody!! This...

Hello everybody!! This is a new clan and we really need a leader, a deputy, warriors, elders, apprentices and queens!! I am only the medicine cat but I will need an apprentice because I am growing old and will hopefully join the elders soon. So... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the clan!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Rainmist
(February 27, 2010 - 11:45 am)

I'll go back to camp to warn the Clan! *does so*

submitted by Darkstripe, age 15 moons, Running to warn
(April 19, 2010 - 7:05 pm)

tastes the air. "Oh no. I smell it too. We must warn the Clan. COLORSTAR while we were on patrol we smelled a rouge!!!" she warned. "What should we do!"

submitted by Leafmist
(April 19, 2010 - 8:20 pm)

"AARG! THEYRE IN THE CAMP!" *goes to protect nursery*

submitted by Darkstripe, age 15 moons, Fighting rouges
(April 20, 2010 - 3:15 pm)

"Ohh, StarClan help us!" She whispered as she ran to guard the nursery with Darkstripe. "Leafmist, Orangeflame, and Hawkwing, go and attack the rouge. Scarletpetal, I don't want you to go anywhere near it! You have less battle training that an apprentice!" (no offense, you've been stuck in the nursery for FOREVER!!) 

submitted by Colorstar
(April 20, 2010 - 10:06 pm)

Scarletpetal shook her head.

"Colorstar, although I haven't been in this clan for very long, I know how to fight quite well. I was a clan cat for a while until our entire clan was destroyed, my family and friends murdered." He voice sounded cold and bitter. "As a rouge I learned many new fighting techniques, also. I have plenty of experience." Hawkwing slashed at a badger as he called over his shoulder,

"She's not someone you would want to be in battle against, Colorstar, trust me. I've seen her fight plenty of times." Scarletpetal dipped her head, embarrassed at her mate's praise.

"This clan doesn't "kinda" have a medicine cat! I am the medicine cat!!! I post plenty!! And I healed Silkfeather very well!" Spiritflight called from the other side of the camp, where he was tending Silkfeather. "We don't need to go running off to Rainmist every time somecat steps on a thorn or get their tail stuck in a bramble, however wise she may be!!! I am perfectly fine healing cats without others getting involved!"

((Sorry, I'm not really this made, my character is. But still, I do post! That's not really fair to say that about me, Sockpaw.))

submitted by Hawkwing & Family, Spiritflight &
(April 20, 2010 - 10:41 pm)

She bunched up her muscles and got ready to attack. "What do you me to do, Colorstar?" she asked through gritted teeth as she unsheathed her claws and imagined them slashing off a rogue's fur.

submitted by Silkfeather
(April 20, 2010 - 10:12 pm)

"Silkfeather, I need you to guard the apprentices den. That doesn't mean full out fighting, just fighting to protect young cats."

submitted by Colorstar
(April 21, 2010 - 9:11 am)

Slashes claws against the rouge's flank. "ORANGEFLAME COME HELP ME!" she yelled across the clearing as the rouge pinned her down. But then she turned and sank her teeth into the rouges neck forcing him to release his grip. But then the rouge jumped at her. " Orangeflame PLEASE HELP!!!" 

submitted by Leafmist
(April 21, 2010 - 4:37 pm)

(I'm sorry!!! Argh!!)

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 21, 2010 - 6:39 pm)

"Of course!" She ran across the clearing and swiped at the rouges flank. It released Leafmist and turned to Orangeflame. "Thanks." Leafmist whispered into her ear as she ducked under him and swiped across his stomach.

submitted by Orangeflame
(April 23, 2010 - 11:25 am)

"I I think there gone. Hopefully they don't come back!"

submitted by leafmist
(April 23, 2010 - 1:56 pm)

He batted at a rouge, and glared at it. even though it was not bleeding too badly, it ran off.

"Hey Colorstar should we get a party of cats to chase away the rouges?"

submitted by Darkstripe, age 15 moons, Camp
(April 23, 2010 - 2:43 pm)

"Sure, Darkstripe. Leafmist, you, and Hawkwing can go and search the territory. I'll go with you." She gathered the patrol together to leave for the forest. "Come on, let's go!"

submitted by Colorstar
(April 23, 2010 - 5:15 pm)

"OK thanks, Colorstar," she meowed. "I think I saw it run to the east of our camp so maybe we should check there."

submitted by leafmist
(April 23, 2010 - 8:17 pm)

This is the final alliances page. I don't think it had any changes, but I'm just going to post it.


Leader: Colorstar: She-cat

Deputy: Silkfeather: She-cat

apprentice: Sockpaw: She-cat 

Medicine cat: Spiritflight: Tom


Darkstripe: Tom

Leafmist: She-cat

Orangeflame: She-cat

apprentice: Forestpaw: Tom?

Hawkwing: Tom

apprentice: Oceanpaw: She-cat?

Scarletpetal: She-cat

Nightflower: She-cat

apprentice: Oceanpaw: She-cat?


Sockpaw: She-cat

Forestpaw: Tom?

Oceanpaw: She-cat?

Bluepaw: She-cat?





I hope that that helps! 

submitted by Colorstar
(April 24, 2010 - 1:27 pm)