Welcome! This is
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome! This is the Kit Adoption Center and I am Moonspirit. I run this kit adoption center! I have five kits so far for anyone to adopt that will take good care of them! If you cannot take care of your own kit or you find a homeless one, bring them here! They will be adopted into good and loving homes. I promise I will make sure of that. All you have to do is fill out this form:
Your name:
How many kit you are giving:
Kit(s) name(s):
Your age:
Your clan:
Kit's clan or were kit was found:
Your description:
Every kit's description:
Do the kit(s) have any problem's such as sickness, deafness, blindness ect.?:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, ect.):
How long have you took care of the kit(s)?:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
(If you have not filled out this form if you are giving a kit to the adoption center, the kit will not be eligible to be here at all.)
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And if you want to adopt a kit, please fill out this form:
Your name:
Your age:
Your description:
Kit(s) you want:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, etc.):
Your clan:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
When do you want the kit(s)?:
Do you want to come here to get it or do you want me to deliver it (Them) to you?:
Wich clan do you want it delivered to? (If you want it (Them) delivered)
Who in your clan will take care of the kit(s) and what is they're place? (They (Or you) must be a queen):
(If you want a kit(s) and have not filled out this form, the kit(s) will not be yours until you do)
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Here are the kits to adopt:
Kitten 1:
A small female kit named Mousekit. Is a very pretty calico with sparkly blue eyes and is 4 moons old. Is shy, kind, sesible, loyal, understanding, and helpful. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 2:
A large brown tabby tom with green eyes named Branchkit. Is fierce, playful, loves to learn, friendly, and is 5 moons old. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 3:
A she-cat named Squirrelkit. Is a tortoiseshell with amber eyes and is 3 moons old. Is hyper, nosey, friendly, and loves to climb. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 4:
A firey orange tabby tom with mysterious green eyes named Flamekit. Is friendly, kind, helpful, mature, smart and is 3 moons old. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 5:
A black-and-white she-cat with blue eyes named Rosekit. Is 1 1/2 moons old Is friendly, loyal, enerjetic, and good at hunting. Is best suited to be a warrior.
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There are all the kits. The one you want has to like you, otherwise, you cannot chose him or her. You have to be at least 12 moons old to adopt a kit. You can adopt up to two kits and you can give as many as you want. Please give all the kits a good home. Thank you and may StarClan light your path! (Sorry this was so long, Admin.)
(January 11, 2010 - 6:04 pm)
All right; I'm heea (here). Hello!
I'd be glad to come to CrystalClan, but are you sure you'd want 2 apprentices? That would be hard. And at some point, ouwa Clan may have 3 medicine cats at a time! If we joined LavaClan, you wouldn't have to take on so much, at least as the same cat. Swanflight doesn't have an apprentice...
If you really want us to both go to CrystalClan, okay, but I just think it would be easier the utha (other) way.
(February 10, 2010 - 8:53 pm)
Hi! Lilykit, Moonspirit, you can join! But, DON'T COME TO OUR CAMP! If you do, you may die. Go to CaveClan, and when your and your kits are 6 moons old, you can come to camp.
(February 10, 2010 - 11:55 pm)
Windshine, of course you may have Flamekit! Thank you for giving a kit too! I am glad you are feeling better, and don't worry, I'm NOT mad at you. Lilykit, you are right. It would be hard to take on two apprentices and play more than two cats in the same clan. We will join LavaClan! Thank you, Beachstar, for letting us! We will stay in CaveClan until all of the kits are six moons old so they don't die. All right, everyone, let's go! (If anyone wants me to, I can still run this adoption center!)
(February 11, 2010 - 8:26 pm)
Thanks Moonspirit! Tell me if Windkit gets better.
(February 12, 2010 - 4:31 pm)
Your welcome, Windshine!
(February 12, 2010 - 10:43 pm)
Wait, but wasn't I adopting Lillykit???
(February 13, 2010 - 11:14 am)
I really don't know. It's Moonspirit's decision, and I'll be happy either way, so maybe you should ask her again, to see what she says. She may not have noticed your asking, or maybe she wants you to fill out the fowam (form).
(February 13, 2010 - 9:29 pm)
I did when I adopted Snowkit, Lightningkit, and Stormkit, but I'll do one again for you (Lillykit). :)
Name: Silverwind
Age:25 moons
Your description: soft silver grey with bright silver stripes
Kit you want: Lillykit
Place in clan: Queen (warrior when not queen)
My clan: Lavaclan
About Playing the Kits: She plays herself
About Picking Them Up: I'll come get her.
Who will take care of them: I will.
It would be great if I could adopt Lillykit, but if not, I understand! :)
(February 14, 2010 - 11:10 am)
I wanted you to be my kit, Lilykit, but-but I suppose if you really want to go with her, its o-okay...
(February 13, 2010 - 10:52 pm)
No, don't worry. I will be yowa (your) kit if it's impowatant (important) to you. Having stotted (started) this adoption centa (center), you suttinly (certainly) have as much right to adopt a kit as anyone else. And I'd be happy as yowa kit; I know I would. I just wasn't shuwa what the situation was, and you'a (you're) both really nice, so I decided that I'd just let you make the decision, instead of having to choose. So, I'll stay with you.
Howeva, when I become 6 moons old, of cowas, I'd have to just go to LavaClan fowa my apprenticeship and leave you to wait until yowa kits tun (turn) 6 moons old. But that's a really long way away!
Sorry, Silvawind.
I'm going to CaveClan now. Come on, Mama! It's over that direction, I think... *starts to walk overr to CaveClan*
(February 14, 2010 - 1:38 pm)
Don't worry, Moonspirit! Silverwind is in LavaClan! She'll be in CaveClan while you are! And, Lilykit is probably closer to Silverwind's kits age than yours. You'll get to see her become a warrior, apprentice, and everything! Don't worry!
(February 14, 2010 - 2:22 pm)
No, it's fine. I'll be Moonspirit's kit.
Thanks, though, Silvawind.
(February 15, 2010 - 12:31 pm)
Windshine: Hello! Just checking on Windkit. How are you doing?
Windkit: *breathes deeply* I'm dowa (doing) fiwa. (fine) I learna (learned) to do vees (these) ex-er-ci-zes that help me get betta (better) No one has adop, adop, a-dop-ted me yet. Pwobably (probably) because I'm sick. But I'm feewing (feeling) betta (better) now.
Windshine: Take care Windkit! *mutters* I wonder if and when someone will adopt Windkit.
(February 15, 2010 - 8:29 pm)
I am sorry, Silverwind. I am glad that you live in CaveClan/LavaClan. I-I suppose it's all right i-if you want to adopt Lilykit if we're in the s-same clan. I really did want her to be my kit. I-it's okay, though...
(February 15, 2010 - 8:39 pm)
I wunda (wonder) if I will eva (ever) be adopted. *sighs* I'm feewing (feeling) reawy (really) betta (better) now. But no one stiw (still) wants to adopt me. *curls up and sleeps*
(February 16, 2010 - 8:39 pm)