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~Kit Adoption Center~ Adopt a kit now! >Click here!<
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Welcome! This is the Kit Adoption Center and I am Moonspirit. I run this kit adoption center! I have  five kits so far for anyone to adopt that will take good care of them! If you cannot take care of your own kit or you find a homeless one, bring them here! They will be adopted into good and loving homes. I promise I will make sure of that. All you have to do is fill out this form:

Your name:

How many kit you are giving:

Kit(s) name(s):

Your age:

Your clan:

Kit's clan or were kit was found:

Your description:

Every kit's description:

Do the kit(s) have any problem's such as sickness, deafness, blindness ect.?:

What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, ect.):

How long have you took care of the kit(s)?:

Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:

(If you have not filled out this form if you are giving a kit to the adoption center, the kit will not be eligible to be here at all.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And if you want to adopt a kit, please fill out this form:

Your name:

Your age:

Your description:

Kit(s) you want:

What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, etc.):

Your clan:

Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:

When do you want the kit(s)?:

Do you want to come here to get it or do you want me to deliver it (Them) to you?:

Wich clan do you want it delivered to? (If you want it (Them) delivered)

Who in your clan will take care of the kit(s) and what is they're place? (They (Or you) must be a queen):

(If you want a kit(s) and have not filled out this form, the kit(s) will not be yours until you do)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here are the kits to adopt:

Kitten 1:

A small female kit named Mousekit. Is a very pretty calico with sparkly blue eyes and is 4 moons old. Is shy, kind, sesible, loyal, understanding, and helpful. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.

Kitten 2:

A large brown tabby tom with green eyes named Branchkit. Is fierce, playful, loves to learn, friendly, and is 5 moons old. Is best suited to be a warrior.

Kitten 3:

A she-cat named Squirrelkit. Is a tortoiseshell with amber eyes and is 3 moons old. Is hyper, nosey, friendly, and loves to climb. Is best suited to be a warrior.

Kitten 4:

A firey orange tabby tom with mysterious green eyes named Flamekit. Is friendly, kind, helpful, mature, smart and is 3 moons old. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.

Kitten 5:

A black-and-white she-cat with blue eyes named Rosekit. Is 1 1/2 moons old Is friendly, loyal, enerjetic, and good at hunting. Is best suited to be a warrior.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There are all the kits. The one you want has to like you, otherwise, you cannot chose him or her. You have to be at least 12 moons old to adopt a kit. You can adopt up to two kits and you can give as many as you want. Please give all the kits a good home. Thank you and may StarClan light your path! (Sorry this was so long, Admin.)

submitted by Moonspirit, age 20 moons, ~Kit Adoption C
(January 11, 2010 - 6:04 pm)

Hello. I am a Lavaclan queen. I j- j- just l- lost three of my kits during birth. Only one survived. Lightning, Storm, Snow? Can I please adopt you?! I have one daughter, Oceankit. You could be her siblings! Please!

submitted by Silverwind
(February 5, 2010 - 11:37 pm)

Of course! Good bye, Lilykit and Moonspirit and soon to be born kits! Tell LavaClan which clan you join and I'll be sure to visit!

submitted by Snow,Lightning,Storm
(February 6, 2010 - 2:28 am)

Oh, sorry! Here's my application!

Name: Silverwind
Age:25 moons
Your description: soft silver grey with bright silver stripes
Kits I want: Snow, Lightning, Storm
Place in clan: Queen (warrior when not queen)
My clan: Lavaclan
About Playing the Kits: They play themselves, I believe.
About Picking Them Up: I'll come get them.
Who will take care of them: I will.


submitted by Silverwind
(February 6, 2010 - 12:57 am)

Windshine, Rosekit has been adopted already, as has Mousekit. I can't tell you whether you can adopt Flamekit.

I'm looking for a Clan. 

submitted by Lilykit
(February 6, 2010 - 3:02 pm)

Whoops. Thanks anyway. 

submitted by Windshine, age Secret, Vast Forest
(February 7, 2010 - 9:40 am)

Maybe we should join LavaClan. It's the only Clan whose medicine cat doesn't have an apprentice, and maybe more cats will join by the time your kits ah (are) ready to be apprenticed. I'm shuwa (sure) they will, actually, since you can choose when they turn 6 moons old.

((The only slightly troubling thing is that they have a horrible disease that only takes kits. However, I think a StarClan cat just posted with the solution to that disease. All kits go to CaveClan with their mothers until they're 6  moons old, or until LavaClan  has enough of the herb CaveClan will give them to completely end the disease. Of course, I'd understand if you still don't want to join, but it seems like the best option to me.)) What do you think?

submitted by Lilykit
(February 6, 2010 - 8:53 pm)

Dear Moonshine, I would loooove to adopt an kittens who have not been adopted already.

As many as possible please, I do love the young ones. 

age: 3 moons

color: Gray, and black

description: mysterious, wise, humorus


I have three of my own, and I would like more now that they are all grown up, and big proud warriors. Sunpelt, Moonleaf, and Fernpath, ooooooh I do miss them.

Please Moonshine, show me some adoptable kits...

submitted by Shadowpool
(February 8, 2010 - 9:39 am)

 Did you say you wa (were) 3 moons old?! That means you'd be a kit yowaself! I don't think kits can adopt other kits...

 Anyway, I think I'm the only kit left. There is Flamekit, but Windshine has offered to adopt him, and he hasn't said whether or not he wants to be adopted by her, so for now you can't adopt him, and I doubt you'll ever be able to. Why wouldn't Flamekit go with Windshine?

 I'm sorry, but I really, really want to be  a medicine cat's apprentice. In CaveClan, I'd be theyud (third) on the waiting list. That doesn't sound promising.

 If Moonspirit will take me to LavaClan, I'd have to live in CaveClan first, until I'm 6 moons old. I'd get to see you, at least, that way. Come to think of it, I suppose you could adopt me, if you fill out the application form, and prove that yuwa (you're) not a kit, but you'd almost never get to see me after I'm 6 moons old. I'd kind of rather have a mother in my own Clan...

 Howeva, Moonspirit hasn't posted in a long time. Whera (where are) you, Moonspirit? If you don't post, I might have to just leave and ask if I can join LavaClan, then join CaveClan with Shadowpool - if she isn't a kit.

 Shadowpool, please tell me that you made a mistake and you're not a kit.

 Moonspirit, PLEASE POST. 

submitted by Lilykit
(February 8, 2010 - 9:53 pm)

Lillykit, you mentioned that you wanted to be in Lavaclan, right? If you want, I can adopt you. I just adopted Storm, Lightning, and Snow, and I have one other kit of my own (Oceankit). You could join us. I'd love it if you did!

submitted by Silverwind, Lavaclan Queen
(February 9, 2010 - 7:08 pm)

 That would be wondaful! Thank you! It's just that...

 Where is Moonspirit? I think she's gone away. I wanted to say goodbye to ha. Now I don't think I'll be able to. 

 Moonspirit, please post!  I'll wait 2 days, and if you haven't posted, well, I think I'll just join LavaClan, with Silvawind adopting me. 

 Well... She hasn't posted since the 3rd. Maybe I'll just go ahead and go.

 Moonspirit, if you're reading this, then goodbye! I'll miss you, and neva forget you. Goodbye.

 Silverwind? Do I go to LavaClan first, to ask to join, or is that too dangerous because of the disease?

 Oh well. Just take me wherever I'm supposed to go, please. And hello, by the way.

submitted by Lilykit, age 2 moons
(February 9, 2010 - 10:17 pm)

I am SOOOOOO SOOOOO sorry I didn't post!Embarassed I have been REALLY busy! Please forgive me! I promise to post as often as I can! Okay, let me check the thread and answer to all of the posts I can. Lilykit, please don't leave!!! Frown

submitted by Moonspirit
(February 10, 2010 - 1:00 pm)

Autunmstar, it is very nice of you to offer for us to join CrystalClan, but Lilykit wants to be Medicine Cat Apprentice. (Oh, just so you know, everybody, I play Leafpool! Autumnstar, if you want, I could have two apprentices, I KNOW that would be A LOT of work for me to play so many cats in CrystalClan, including Leafpool, Hollytail, Hollytail's kits, Moonspirit, and Moonspirit's kits! Do you think thats a good idea? Windshine, you can join CrystalClan if you want! Also, Moonshine, I'll see wich kits you can adopt in a moment. Hold on. I'll continue another post in a moment!)

submitted by Moonspirit
(February 10, 2010 - 1:10 pm)

Windshine, you can have Flamekit! I'll have to reply to the rest of the posts later, cuse I GOTTA GO! SORRY! :(

submitted by Moonspirit
(February 10, 2010 - 1:13 pm)

I AM SO *coughs* SORRY, MOONSPIRIT! I still haven't found a clan and I'm *coughs* really sick. *coughs* I'm not in the correct shape *coughs* to raise kits. *coughs* and no kit deserves to go through what *coughs* I'm going through *coughs* right now. *coughs* I might *coughs* soon, and I know *coughs* I'm trained in *coughs* medecine *coughs* but... but... I am to weak... so so sorry.

submitted by Windshine, age Secret, Vast Forest
(February 10, 2010 - 6:28 pm)

*breathes deeply* I am feeling better and I was hoping I can still adopt Flamekit. I have posted on CrystalClan, but I haven't gotten a reply. I am deeply sorry about saying I am not able to raise Flamekit. It was a dreaded mistake. If you are angry, I understand. But may I still adopt Flamekit? Oh, and while I was hunting for some kill, I found a kit. She reminds of a SkyClan warrior, and I am hoping to join the CrystalClan, so, you understand right? The poor kit seems so sick. I have done the best I can. But so far, I haven't understood her ailment. I believe it may be a new sickness. Unknown to us. I'm pretty sure she is not contagious. I have actually been getting better. I think that this kit might be best to join SkyClan. Here is her description:

How many kit(s) you are giving: 1

Kit(s) name(s): I do not know. I believe she was abandoned. She is still barely a moon old. But I call her Windkit. (like what I used to be called)

Your age: 18 moons

Your clan: Hopefully CrystalClan

Kit(s) clan or where kit(s) was found: near a stream behind a moss-coated boulder fully-covered by a blanket of thick moss. Near suffocation. 

Your description: Cream cameo tabby

Do the kit(s) have any problems: Yes, Windkit is pretty small and breathes shortly and rapidly. Her cheeks are usually a dark pink I do not know the name of her disease. I believe it is unknown.

What place are you in your clan: Hopefully medicine  

How long have you took care of the kit(s): a week

Do you want me to play with the kit(s): Only if she is strong enough 

Please take care of Windkit. I am dreadfully sorry I cannot take care of Windkit. But I will do my best to make sure Flamekit has a good home. (by the way, Windkit is cream coloured like me, but she has this small brown ,mark on the back of her head. A birthmark maybe.) Thanks. 


submitted by Windshine, age 18 moons, Vast Forest
(February 11, 2010 - 10:38 am)