Welcome! This is
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome! This is the Kit Adoption Center and I am Moonspirit. I run this kit adoption center! I have five kits so far for anyone to adopt that will take good care of them! If you cannot take care of your own kit or you find a homeless one, bring them here! They will be adopted into good and loving homes. I promise I will make sure of that. All you have to do is fill out this form:
Your name:
How many kit you are giving:
Kit(s) name(s):
Your age:
Your clan:
Kit's clan or were kit was found:
Your description:
Every kit's description:
Do the kit(s) have any problem's such as sickness, deafness, blindness ect.?:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, ect.):
How long have you took care of the kit(s)?:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
(If you have not filled out this form if you are giving a kit to the adoption center, the kit will not be eligible to be here at all.)
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And if you want to adopt a kit, please fill out this form:
Your name:
Your age:
Your description:
Kit(s) you want:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, etc.):
Your clan:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
When do you want the kit(s)?:
Do you want to come here to get it or do you want me to deliver it (Them) to you?:
Wich clan do you want it delivered to? (If you want it (Them) delivered)
Who in your clan will take care of the kit(s) and what is they're place? (They (Or you) must be a queen):
(If you want a kit(s) and have not filled out this form, the kit(s) will not be yours until you do)
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Here are the kits to adopt:
Kitten 1:
A small female kit named Mousekit. Is a very pretty calico with sparkly blue eyes and is 4 moons old. Is shy, kind, sesible, loyal, understanding, and helpful. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 2:
A large brown tabby tom with green eyes named Branchkit. Is fierce, playful, loves to learn, friendly, and is 5 moons old. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 3:
A she-cat named Squirrelkit. Is a tortoiseshell with amber eyes and is 3 moons old. Is hyper, nosey, friendly, and loves to climb. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 4:
A firey orange tabby tom with mysterious green eyes named Flamekit. Is friendly, kind, helpful, mature, smart and is 3 moons old. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 5:
A black-and-white she-cat with blue eyes named Rosekit. Is 1 1/2 moons old Is friendly, loyal, enerjetic, and good at hunting. Is best suited to be a warrior.
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There are all the kits. The one you want has to like you, otherwise, you cannot chose him or her. You have to be at least 12 moons old to adopt a kit. You can adopt up to two kits and you can give as many as you want. Please give all the kits a good home. Thank you and may StarClan light your path! (Sorry this was so long, Admin.)
(January 11, 2010 - 6:04 pm)
*a small weak looking kit wanders in her white and orange fur is matted and she looks sick* mew *cough* my name is Sunkit and my momma went to hunt with starcan 2 moons ago *cough* *cough* I am five moons old. *cough* *COUGH* I would like a new momma and a clan *COUGH* *COUGH* mew help me please
Here is Sunkit's discription
Name: Sunkit
age: 5 moons
gender: she-cat
pelt color: white with orange on the tail paws and nose
eye color: amber
personality: shy but once she is comfertable very lovable
wants to be a medicine cat when she is old enough
(January 15, 2010 - 4:42 pm)
Moonspirit: *Feeds kits with her milk* Here you go, kits. Enjoy! *Feeds other kits that dont nurse a large, plump rabbit and a mouse* Enjoy! *Gives kits some honeycomb and a moss ball to play with* Here, this is for you.
Kits: Thank you, Moonspirit!
Moonspirit: No problem, kits! Now call me if you need me.
(January 15, 2010 - 4:49 pm)
Hello? Does anyone want to adopt these kits? They need good homes!
(January 16, 2010 - 6:18 pm)
Greetings, Moonspirit. I would like to adopt a kit.
Your name: Moonpetal
Your age: 20 moons.
Your description: White
Kit(s) you want: Mousekit
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, etc.): Queen, Milk-giver
Your clan: KitClan (don't worry, all our kits come intently)
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?: Just so long as I can, to
When do you want the kit(s)?: Sometime soon.
Do you want to come here to get it or do you want me to deliver it (Them) to you?: I'll wait here.
Wich clan do you want it delivered to? (If you want it (Them) delivered): N/A
Who in your clan will take care of the kit(s) and what is they're place? (They (Or you) must be a queen): Me, I'm a queen.
(January 17, 2010 - 1:34 pm)
Moon: Sunkit, of course you can stay here! Moonpetal, you can have Mousekit. Please take good care of her. *Gets Mousekit* Here she is! Mousekit, this is your new mother.
Mouse: *walks over nervously* Uh, hi. I-I'm Mousekit. Were will we live?
Moon: Sunkit, you may have Whitecough or Greencough. Let me check you.
(January 17, 2010 - 7:13 pm)
Mousekit, We will live in KitClan. You have many brothers and sisters.
(January 18, 2010 - 3:11 am)
Moon: Thank you so much for adopting her! Please take good care of her!
Mouse: O-okay. Lets go now, Moonpetal!
(January 18, 2010 - 4:14 pm)
Hello. I have found a kit without a home.
Your name:
How many kit you are giving: 1
Kit(s) name(s): Lilykit
Your age: 240 moons
Your Clan: WindClan
Kit's clan or were kit was found:
She was a loner, and had lived with mother and siblings until they died of blackcough. She was starving, and sick, and she needed a home. I gave her milk
and herbs, and she's not sick anymore, but I'm a medicine cat, and I'm not allowed to have kits, even adopted ones. I'd give her to a queen in my own Clan, but no one has posted on the thread in seasons.
Your description: She-cat with mossy gray, olive brown, and flame red speckles call over her pelt, and dark, forest green eyes. Is kind, logical, practical, and very intelligent, but talks too much.
Every kit's description: A white she-cat with golden ears, golden eyes, golden paws, and a golden-tipped tail. Is half a moon old, shy (but not afraid to stand up for herself and say exactly what she thinks), kind, intelligent, stubborn, and hard-working. Really, really, really wants to be a medicine cat's apprentice, because she knows how it felt to have all her loved ones just die, and not be able to do anything about it, and she wants to save other cats from feeling such pain. Is too young to fully realize that even the best of medicine cats can't save everyone, but old enough to know that she certainly wants to help and heal as much as possible. Very loyal. A fast learner. Pronounces Rs as Ws and As because of young age, but will speak properly in just a few moons. In addition, I've only just told her about StarClan, but she seems to be grasping the concept really well already, and she really wants to learn to interpret their signs. Proud. Wants to be called Lilypool upon becoming a full medicine cat. Curiouss; asked the names of all the herbs Speckledfur gave her, and remembers them well.
Do the kit(s) have any problem's such as sickness, deafness, blindness ect.?: Not anymore. Well... *whispers in Moonspirit's ear* Don't tell her I said this, or she'll be offended, but she's slow and unathletic, and I really don't think she'd be at all good at hunting or fighting. Of course, the slowness bit may just be because I'm from WindClan, and everyone knows we're the fastest cats in the forest. However, I've been with cats from other Clans before, and they never seemed as slow as she did. But, she wants to be a medicine cat anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem.
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, ect.): Medicine cat
How long have you took care of the kit(s)?: A few days
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?: You can, as long as I can.
Please adopt her, some cat—well, as long as they'll have a medicine cat without an apprentice in 6 moons, that is. She really has her heart set on being a medicine cat.
Lilykit: Yes, please. Owa I won't have anywhaya to go. I wan' a home! I want a fam'ly, a motha, and fatha, and bwothas and sistas, like I used to have, but mowa than that. I want an entiya Clan of cats to whom I can weally belong. But I weally, weally don't wanna be a wawia, so don' even botha adopting me if I'd have to be one in whateva Clan yowa in. I want to heal wounds and ease pain, not cause them, even for the best of weasons. I know it's necessawy and I weally appweciate wawias do, but I just don' wanna do it myself. The idea of fighting and hunting simply doesn' appeal to me. And I wanna caywy StaClan's messages to my Clanmates. They need to know what theya ancestas are saying, and I wanna cause that knoweledge. I weally can't explain it any futha, but it's vehwy impowatant to me, mowa than I could possibly twy to explain. I think... I think I'm destined to be a medicine cat. But, what do I know, anyway? I'm not even a moon old yet...*sighs*
(Yes, please. Or I won't have anywhere to go. I want a home! I want a family, a mother and father, and brothers and sisters, but more than that. I want an entire Clan of cats to whom I can really belong. But I really, really don't want to be a warrior, so don't even bother adopting me if I'd have to be one in whatever Clan you're in. I want to heal wounds and ease pain, not cause them, even for the best of reasons. I know it's necessary, and I appreciate what warriors do, but I just don't want to do it myself. The idea of fighting and hunting simply doesn't appeal to me. And I want to carry StarClan's messages to my Clanmates. They need to know what their ancestors are saying, and I want to cause that knoweledge. I really can't explain it any further, but it's very important to me, more than I could possibly try explain. I think... I think I'm destined to be a medicine cat. But, what do I know, anyway? I'm not even a moon old yet.... *sighs*).
Speckledfur: I think you're right, though. You may be young, but you're wise for you're age. If I had to guess your age, I'd say you were already nearly 6 moons old, at least if I couldn't see your size...
Lilykit: Weally?!
Speckledfur: Well, except for the was you pronounce the R sound. (Cats don't know the alphabet, so 'R' is pronounce as it would be in a word, not as the letter R (ar).
Lilykit: I'll wuk on that. So anyway, if you want to adopt me, please say so. Goodbye, Speckledfuh. I suppose I may nehva see you again! I'll miss you so much! You saved my life.
Speckledfur: Goodbye, Lilykit. I'll miss you, too, more than you can imagine it.
*they touch noses in a farewell gesture, and Speckledfur departs* *Lilykit stares at a flower for a while, wondering what it's called, and what medicinal uses it might have*
(January 18, 2010 - 10:27 pm)
Of course I'll take her in, Spekledfur! Lilykit, would you like to meet the other kits?
(January 19, 2010 - 6:55 pm)
Yes, please!
(January 20, 2010 - 5:43 pm)
Okay, Lilykit. *Brings Lilykit to meet other, kits* Everyone, this is Lilykit. Why don't you all play for a while? Oh, and here's a treat for all of you. *Gives kit three honeycombs and two mice* Enjoy!
(January 21, 2010 - 11:44 am)
Li: Oh, thanks, Moonspirit!
Sn: Hi Lilykit! I'm Snow, that was Lightning, and that over there is-
St: Storm! Hi! *Three kits eat one mouse*
(I'm just wondering, since you said that a queen could only adopt two kits, could one cat adopt these three? Or, would a queen have to adopt two, then another cat in their clan adopt the other? Because, these three really need to be adopt them)
(January 21, 2010 - 7:48 pm)
Yes. I understand that you three want to stay together and I wouldn't want to separate you. Anyone who wants to adopt one of you now has to adopt all three of you.
(January 22, 2010 - 2:33 pm)
All: Yay! Thanks, Moonspirit!
(January 22, 2010 - 7:40 pm)
I wonder when I'll get a new home...
Oh, and thanks fa the honeycomb! (Thanks for the honeycomb)!
(January 22, 2010 - 10:26 pm)