Welcome! This is
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome! This is the Kit Adoption Center and I am Moonspirit. I run this kit adoption center! I have five kits so far for anyone to adopt that will take good care of them! If you cannot take care of your own kit or you find a homeless one, bring them here! They will be adopted into good and loving homes. I promise I will make sure of that. All you have to do is fill out this form:
Your name:
How many kit you are giving:
Kit(s) name(s):
Your age:
Your clan:
Kit's clan or were kit was found:
Your description:
Every kit's description:
Do the kit(s) have any problem's such as sickness, deafness, blindness ect.?:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, ect.):
How long have you took care of the kit(s)?:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
(If you have not filled out this form if you are giving a kit to the adoption center, the kit will not be eligible to be here at all.)
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And if you want to adopt a kit, please fill out this form:
Your name:
Your age:
Your description:
Kit(s) you want:
What place are you in your clan? (Leader, deputy, medicine cat, etc.):
Your clan:
Do you want me to play the kit(s)?:
When do you want the kit(s)?:
Do you want to come here to get it or do you want me to deliver it (Them) to you?:
Wich clan do you want it delivered to? (If you want it (Them) delivered)
Who in your clan will take care of the kit(s) and what is they're place? (They (Or you) must be a queen):
(If you want a kit(s) and have not filled out this form, the kit(s) will not be yours until you do)
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Here are the kits to adopt:
Kitten 1:
A small female kit named Mousekit. Is a very pretty calico with sparkly blue eyes and is 4 moons old. Is shy, kind, sesible, loyal, understanding, and helpful. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 2:
A large brown tabby tom with green eyes named Branchkit. Is fierce, playful, loves to learn, friendly, and is 5 moons old. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 3:
A she-cat named Squirrelkit. Is a tortoiseshell with amber eyes and is 3 moons old. Is hyper, nosey, friendly, and loves to climb. Is best suited to be a warrior.
Kitten 4:
A firey orange tabby tom with mysterious green eyes named Flamekit. Is friendly, kind, helpful, mature, smart and is 3 moons old. Is best suited to be a medicine cat.
Kitten 5:
A black-and-white she-cat with blue eyes named Rosekit. Is 1 1/2 moons old Is friendly, loyal, enerjetic, and good at hunting. Is best suited to be a warrior.
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There are all the kits. The one you want has to like you, otherwise, you cannot chose him or her. You have to be at least 12 moons old to adopt a kit. You can adopt up to two kits and you can give as many as you want. Please give all the kits a good home. Thank you and may StarClan light your path! (Sorry this was so long, Admin.)
(January 11, 2010 - 6:04 pm)
Your welcome, Lilykit! I hope someone comes and adopts some of you kits soon.
(January 23, 2010 - 4:45 pm)
Me, too.
(January 25, 2010 - 8:34 pm)
Sn: *wails*
Li: Why will no one adopt us?!?!
Sn: *wails*
St: Please adopt us!!!
Sn: *wails*
(Darn, Snow LOVES to wail!!! BTW, when Snow, Lightning, and Storm are adopted, they will get clan names. I'm just waiting until adoption.)
Sn: *wails*
(here we go again....)
(January 26, 2010 - 11:44 am)
*Nuzzles Snow, Lightning, and Storm* It's okay, kits. You'll get a home. Shhhhh. . .
(January 26, 2010 - 8:14 pm)
Please! We need homes! Does every cat expect us to stay heeya (here) until weeya (we're) 6 moons old? There wouldn't be any mentowas (mentors) except for Moonspirit, and she can't train all of us!
Maybe I should call a Gathering and ask everyone to adopt us. Or I could post on a Clan's page asking the queens to adopt us. I just don't know...
(January 28, 2010 - 5:51 pm)
Sn: *calms down*
Li: Moonsprit, Will anyone ever adopt us?
St: *wails*
(Oh no.....)
(January 28, 2010 - 10:46 pm)
*Is learning to speak properly* *can pronounce the R sound in the beginnings and middles of words*
Moonspirit, I'm tieyud (tired) of waiting! Can I please post on a Clan's page and ask to join? I don't want to stay heeya foreva! Please?! And any otha kit that wants can come with me, right? And so can you, if you want, of cowas (course). I just want to be adopted!
(January 29, 2010 - 7:03 pm)
Everyone, I am happy to tell you that I am now pregnant with kits! When I have them, we could all go find a clan to join of your choice (You all must agree on one) and join! Is that a good idea? I could be your mother!
(January 30, 2010 - 7:23 pm)
Yes! That's wondaful!! Yay! A home at last! And a family! *jumps with joy, nearly as high as a SkyClan warrior*
But wait. Do you know the herbs? Because, if you do, that's great, but if you don't, maybe we ought to join a Clan before your kits are born. I don't know what to give to queens giving birth.
(January 30, 2010 - 11:13 pm)
Hi, Moonspirit, We posted on the LavaClan thread to try to find a home.
(January 31, 2010 - 1:03 am)
Well, goodbye then. After all, I don't think there'd be enough mentors for all of us. Right now, there are only about 7 mentors available there. And, there's a queen expecting kits, so that lessens the amount. And, Moonspirit will have kits, and they'll need mentors, too. So I'll stay with Moonspirit, and you'll live in LavaClan, I suppose. May StarClan light your path. Farewell.
(January 31, 2010 - 7:11 pm)
You found a home? That's great! I was just saying, I found out that I will have kits soon and I will be able to take care of the remaining kits here. I will be their mother! Now that you three found a home hopefully, I wont have to take care of so many kits. I wish you well and may StarClan light your paths! Lilykit, I think your idea is a goood one, beacuse I sure don't know many herbs myself. Does anyone have an idea about a clan we could join? I think I will have my kits soon, so we need to find one as soon as possible.
(February 3, 2010 - 5:28 pm)
Greetings, Moonspirit. I am the leader of CrystalClan, and we would welcome you, Lilykit, and your future kits. We have several kits there also and we also have a great medicine cat, Leafpool. Consider this offer. I will come back tomorrow at sunrise to await your decision.
(February 3, 2010 - 8:09 pm)
Thank you very much fowa the offa, and I'd love to join, but, well, I really want to be a medicine cat's apprentice. Leafpool already has an apprentice, and I don't want to make ha have 2! That would be really difficult.
Again, thank you, but unless I can't find a Clan with the position available, I'll just go somewhere else.
Moonspirit, I'll look around for a Clan, and then ask if you would also like to join. If so, let's go there.
I'll go such (search) now.
(February 4, 2010 - 6:13 pm)
Name: Windshine
Age: 18 moons
Your description: cream cameo tabby
Kit(s) you want: Mousekit, Flamekit, and Rosekit
What place are you in your clan: medicine
Your clan: looking for one
Do you want me to play with the kit(s): yes
When do you want the kit(s): when I am settled into a new clan
Do you want to come here to get it, or would you like me to deliver them: I would like to pick them up here
Who in the clan will take care of your kit(s): I'll tell you once I'm in a clan
(By the way, are there any clans I may join?)
(February 5, 2010 - 5:05 pm)