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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New Clan *Snowclan*
Hi! Welcome to...

Hi! Welcome to Snowclan. I am Dreamstar formaly known as Dreamfur. I am the leader of Snowclan.
If you would to join you please fill out this form:

Kit name:


Pelt Color:

Eye Color:

Special Markings: (like big paws or small ears)

(Please only give your kit name and I will give you your apprentice
name, I will also give you your warrior name when it is time but you
will get to choose) 

Here is mine:


Kit name: Dreamkit

Gender: Female

Pelt Color:Black with silver spots

Eye Color: Green

Special Markings: Long fur


Thats all you have to do!  Oh!  And please put your normal user name in the location box.

submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(September 4, 2009 - 8:19 am)

I meant I couldn't see your commment. It wasn't up yet.

"Can you show me some fighting moves?"

submitted by QuailPAW!!! + Family
(August 21, 2010 - 12:20 pm)


Sure! (I have the guide book so I'm just going to pull stuff from that.)

Back kick: Judge the opponent's distance from you carefully; then lash out with your back legs, taking your weight on your front paws.

Belly rake: Slice with unsheathed claws across soft flesh of opponent's belly. If you're pinned down, the belly rake quickly puts you back in control.

Front paw blow: Frontal attack. Bring your front paw down hard on your opponent's head. Claws sheathed.

Front paw strike: Frontal attack. Slice downward with your front paw at the body or face of your opponent. Claws unsheathed.

This is a killing blow that should NEVER be used unless nesasary.

Killing bite: A death blow to the back of the neck. Quick and silent and sometimes considered dishonorable. (I totally agree, unless it is absolutly necessary.) Used only as a last resort.

So practice all of those on me, all EXCEPT the killing bite. *Stands in the clearing waiting for Quailpaw to jump at her.*

submitted by Bluefire
(August 21, 2010 - 1:55 pm)


Of course you can join! But, as of now, we only have two Warriors,  Bluefire and me, and one apprentice, Quailpaw. I think, unless, you can do two cats and have one be just a regular apprentice, you should hold off on being Medicine Cat, unless you honestly have never been one.



Yes, I agree. If you have no objections, Rainfire will be your mentor.



Yes, please be an apprentice with me!

submitted by Rainfire, and my son Quai
(August 21, 2010 - 4:29 pm)


Wait, I don't get it. And, I must remind you, I'm BLIND! I CAN'T be a regular apprentice! AND Whitelion said I could be her apprentice! But I don't get it, what do you mean by "I think, unless, you can do two cats and have just one be a regular apprentice, you should hold off being medicine cat, unless you honestly have never been one?" Do you mean that the only way I can be medicine cat apprentice is if I make TWO cats, and have one be a regular apprentice, and me be a medicine cat apprentice?

submitted by Robinpaw
(August 21, 2010 - 5:20 pm)


(Just forget my last post)

I guess I'll be Rainfire's apprentice, but I'm blind, I don't think that would work out, that's why I wanted to be a medicine cat apprentice, because I don't think I can be a warrior apprentice!

submitted by Robinpaw
(August 21, 2010 - 5:28 pm)

It dosn't matter that your blind, you'll just have to work harder.

You must listen very closly, *Whispers* can you hear that? The rustling of leaves? The sound of tiny feet? That's a mouse. Wait until the rustling stops, and the sound of tooth on grain starts. Then, PONCE! *She pounces and lands on a mouse.*

I did that with my eyes closed, and I can see, so my other senses aren't as in tune to my suuroundings as yours. I have confidence that you will be as good a Warrior as anycat.

submitted by Rainfire
(August 22, 2010 - 2:47 pm)


Got it. *Looks around, emideately sences a mouse.* That ones mine! *Copies Rainfire EXSACTLY* *Turns around holding up her catch proudly.* How was that?

submitted by Robinpaw
(August 23, 2010 - 7:26 pm)

Hello  I am Robinflight, and am deputy.  I was earlier, and the reason I have not been posting is that I was on vacation.  Okay?

submitted by Robinflight
(August 22, 2010 - 6:27 pm)


Sory but I'm deputy now. You were gone to long. Sory

submitted by Bluefire
(August 23, 2010 - 7:24 pm)

Weeeell.... This thread died, and I brought it back to life.  Then I waited for someone to post, so that I could have something to say.  Then I posted somewhere that I would be gone for a few weeks(look on teh Lakeclan thread).  Then I came right back.  You can't say that I was gone for 'too long'. I was on vacation, without time for looking on the Chatterbox.

submitted by Robinflight
(August 26, 2010 - 6:59 pm)


That was amazing Robinpaw, The best I've ever seen any apprentice do on their first try!



Bluefire's right, you've been gone from Sun Clan to long.

You can still be a Warrior though! we only have two in the clan.



Crouches down in hunting crouch and leaps at Bluefire, who dodges and rolls over only to find herself pinned down.

"Is this good eneugh for you Bluefire?"



Quailpaw is built strong and stocky, while I imagine Bluefire being smaller, and speedy.


submitted by Rainfire+Shadowstar!, aka kat. Who pl
(August 24, 2010 - 8:11 pm)


That was great Quailpaw! *Pushes him off, and gets up.* Ok, next I want you to try this battle move: Runs towrd quailpaw, when he thinks she's going to pounce on him, she pounces over him. Then she turns around and pounces on him, unexspectedly. Her weight pushes him down. She swipes at his face a few times with sheathed claws. Then she gets off. Ok, now you try it on me! *Waits for Quailpaw to leap.* Don't forget that this move is made to surprise you're opponent. Try it.


Your right. Bluefire is a smaller cat and speedy, but not THAT small. She is biger than Quailpaw right now when he's an apprentice, but when he's a warrior, he will be biger than Bluefire.

submitted by Bluefire (aka NAME)
(August 26, 2010 - 8:38 am)

(Sory Kat, but I don't have a name like that. This is the first, and only, character I have on BAB.)


Realy?! Thats weird. I've always been in seccond to my kin. My older sister, Dawn, and my brother, Red. Thats one of the reasons why I dicided that I needed to be medicine cat. Well, I guess I've improved. Whats next? *Stares at her prey hopefully.*

(By the way, Whitelion hasn't been posting that much. I wonder what happened?)

submitted by Robinpaw
(August 26, 2010 - 8:48 am)

Don't worry, she's probably okay.  I've just started school, so I may not be on every day.

submitted by Robinflight
(August 29, 2010 - 12:23 pm)


Rainfire. I'm ok with hunting. But what about battle? I can't do NORMAL battle moves, so how am I soposed to fight? *Looks at the ground sadly.*

submitted by Robinpaw
(August 26, 2010 - 8:53 am)