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New Clan *Snowclan*
Hi! Welcome to...

Hi! Welcome to Snowclan. I am Dreamstar formaly known as Dreamfur. I am the leader of Snowclan.
If you would to join you please fill out this form:

Kit name:


Pelt Color:

Eye Color:

Special Markings: (like big paws or small ears)

(Please only give your kit name and I will give you your apprentice
name, I will also give you your warrior name when it is time but you
will get to choose) 

Here is mine:


Kit name: Dreamkit

Gender: Female

Pelt Color:Black with silver spots

Eye Color: Green

Special Markings: Long fur


Thats all you have to do!  Oh!  And please put your normal user name in the location box.

submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(September 4, 2009 - 8:19 am)

Well Dreamstar hasn't posted, so, Scarshadow gets to be leader, and I get to be deputy, even you can't deny that Whitelion! So what now?

submitted by Bluefire, age 12 moons
(August 11, 2010 - 8:48 pm)

What do you mean, "Even you can't deny that?" I hope I didn't sound like I was trying to stop you from being deptuty, because I wasn't. Honestly, I think you'll be great! I just wanted to make sure that Dreamstar didn't just happen to find this, like I did. So anyway, congratulations on your deputyship! (And Scarstar, congratulations on your leadership)! As to what we do... *shrugs* I think eventually something will happen...

submitted by Whitelion
(August 13, 2010 - 6:32 pm)


Sory about acusing you Whitelion, you kind of did sound like you were trying to stop me from being deputy, and Scarshadow from being leader. I'm sory if I sounded mean though ;) Well I can think of something that needs to be done! Quailkit needs to become an apprentice! THEN we'll need to think something up to do.

submitted by Bluefire
(August 16, 2010 - 10:00 am)

Sorry; I didn't mean to sound that way. I was just kind of worried Dreamstar might show up the next day or something and and be a bit upset that someone else had gone ahead and started leading it without her permission or anything, which was why I wanted to make sure she wasn't about to post. I'm sure you'll be great; it's just that since it was hers to begin with, if she was here, it would have been a bit unfair to stop her from leading. But that's just because she was already leading it, not because I think you and Shadowstar won't lead the Clan well—you definitely will, and really, I'm happy! No, you didn't sound mean, but I just want to let you know I'm not trying to stop you from being deputy, or Shadowstar from being leader, because I do want you to. :)

And yes, Quailkit does need an apprentice...

submitted by Whitelion
(August 17, 2010 - 1:26 pm)

Are MCB, Dawnpaw, or Znz here? If so, click below.


submitted by Kat, aka Rainfire an
(August 12, 2010 - 8:12 pm)

Wow! Leader! I think the name 'Scarstar' sounds really weird though... could I be Shadowstar? That sounds better.

submitted by Scarstar
(August 15, 2010 - 9:19 pm)


Yeah! Of course you can be Shadowstar! YOU'RE the leader! But I'm serious about giving Quailkit a mentor. He did say he wants a mentor he's NOT related to!

submitted by Bluefire, age 12 moons
(August 16, 2010 - 7:47 pm)

*I am Quailkit. That's why I don't want to have to mentor myself.*

Makes Quailkit apprentice to Bluefire.

submitted by Starshadow + Family!, aka. Kat
(August 17, 2010 - 7:50 pm)

Ok Quailkit, now that you're an apprentice, what do you want to learn first?

submitted by Bluefire, age 12 moons
(August 18, 2010 - 10:04 am)

(Oops, I put Starshadow instead of Shadowstar.)

((waiting 4 Bluefire's comment))

submitted by Shadowstar
(August 18, 2010 - 6:51 pm)

(What do you mean by <Waiting for Blufire's comment>? I already commented about being Quialkit's mentor, but he hasn't posted back yet.)

submitted by Bluefire
(August 19, 2010 - 6:43 pm)

Hi, I'm Robinpaw and I would like to be a medicine cat apprentice! I'll fill out the form that the old leader, Dreamstar, made. But can I please join as an apprentice?

Kit name: Robinkit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt color: Has a gray pelt, but with a red underbelly, hence the name Robinpaw.

Eye color: Blue

Special Markings: Is blind. Cannot see, but can hear, and feel, and sense very well.

Other: Has a very good memory for herbs.

Personality: Is very kind, and hard working, but gets slightly angry when people try to help her because she's blind, unless she needs it.

Goals: Wants to be a medicine cat apprentice.

Age: 8 moons

So can I join? *Walks over to the fresh-kill.* *Stumbles over a fallen branch* Mouse dung! *She sits down, her sightless eyes glareing ahead. *Mind me eating? I'm starved. *Stares over at Whitelion, she smells herbs on the she-cats pelt* Are you the medicine cat? *Her sightless eyes look curious.* What's your name? *she asks.

submitted by Robinpaw, age 8 moons
(August 18, 2010 - 8:02 pm)

I'm Whitelion. Hi! And yes, I'm the medicine cat here. What's your name?

submitted by Whitelion
(August 19, 2010 - 12:05 pm)


My name is Robinpaw, and if it's ok with your leader, can I join Snowclan? I am blind though, so every clan I've asked to join has turned me down. I understand if you don't want a blind cat as your medicine cat.

submitted by Robinpaw, age 8 moons
(August 19, 2010 - 4:56 pm)

If Shadowstar lets you join, you can certainly be my apprentice!

submitted by Whitelion
(August 21, 2010 - 4:15 pm)