Hi! Welcome to

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New Clan *Snowclan*
Hi! Welcome to...

Hi! Welcome to Snowclan. I am Dreamstar formaly known as Dreamfur. I am the leader of Snowclan.
If you would to join you please fill out this form:

Kit name:


Pelt Color:

Eye Color:

Special Markings: (like big paws or small ears)

(Please only give your kit name and I will give you your apprentice
name, I will also give you your warrior name when it is time but you
will get to choose) 

Here is mine:


Kit name: Dreamkit

Gender: Female

Pelt Color:Black with silver spots

Eye Color: Green

Special Markings: Long fur


Thats all you have to do!  Oh!  And please put your normal user name in the location box.

submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(September 4, 2009 - 8:19 am)


submitted by Sunrisepaw
(November 1, 2009 - 10:11 pm)


submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(November 1, 2009 - 10:20 pm)

*is unconcious*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 2, 2009 - 11:07 am)

*Is panicikng*

Uhhh... Help! Should  we remove it from Faithpaw's eye? Help!

submitted by Robinflight
(November 2, 2009 - 8:36 pm)

*wakes up* *yowls* Ah! *gasps* (weakly) Dreamstar. Get me two large poppy seeds. *Dreamstar gets herb* Thanks. *eats them* *waits a few minutes* *whimpering* I need water-soaked moss, marigold, pine, a wad of leaves, thyme, chamomile, mint, and one more poppy seed. I also need a flat rock and a round one, too. *whimpers* H- h- hurry! *is given supplies* *eats seed* *crushes pine with rocks* *wraps cobwebs around leaves* *puts pine on cobwebs*  *grips onto stick* *pulls* *presses leaves with cobwebs and pine to eye* *almost passes out* The pine will numb it. *winces* Eventually. . . Can I get a strip of bark and more leaves and webs? *wraps leaves again and adds marigold and pine* *puts leaves on eye* *wraps bark around head to hold the leaves in place* Whitelion where are you?! *eats other various herbs* *passes out again*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 2, 2009 - 11:00 pm)

Whitelion! For Starclan's sake, come quick!!!

submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(November 4, 2009 - 8:09 pm)

Ohhh! Owww! Can I get a poppyseed please? No, scratch that! I can get it! *gets up and, very unsteadily, walks to the medicine cat den* *raises a paw to grab a poppyseed and snatches one off the shelf* *eats one* *lays down and falls asleep*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 6, 2009 - 6:59 pm)

I'm so sorry I couldn't come, I was really busy and couldn't get on! I hope you'll be all right...

You've done amazingly on your own so far! Let's see... Here's some willow bark—it'll ease the pain without  making you go unconscious again. And here's some chamomile for overall strength. *gives her various more herbs*

submitted by Whitelion
(November 6, 2009 - 7:44 pm)

Kit name: Leafkit

gender: male

Pelt color: Golden with black splotches

Eye color: Amber

Special markings: unusually big teeth, and big paws

submitted by Leafkit, age Age 10, Leafstorm
(November 7, 2009 - 10:27 am)

Thanks, Whitelion. *goes to sleep* *starts to get a fever* *eye looks infected*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 7, 2009 - 7:15 pm)

*trains Windpaw and Silverpaw* *teache them hunting skills* *teaches fighting skills* *has them memorize borders*

submitted by Rosepetal&Sunnylake
(November 7, 2009 - 10:51 pm)

*gives Faithpaw more herbs*

submitted by Whitelion
(November 7, 2009 - 5:24 pm)

*definitely has fever, which is very high* *eye is infected* *hasn't woken up*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 10, 2009 - 10:55 pm)

*Is getting very sick*

submitted by Faithpaw
(November 14, 2009 - 5:00 pm)

*gives Faithpaw celandine, chamomile, and lavender*

I wonder whether... *gives her garlic, marigolds, and more lavender* *prays to StarClan for her* *gives her more herbs*

Faithpaw! *says her name several times, loudly*

*gives her more herbs*

submitted by Whitelion
(November 14, 2009 - 5:37 pm)