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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New Clan *Snowclan*
Hi! Welcome to...

Hi! Welcome to Snowclan. I am Dreamstar formaly known as Dreamfur. I am the leader of Snowclan.
If you would to join you please fill out this form:

Kit name:


Pelt Color:

Eye Color:

Special Markings: (like big paws or small ears)

(Please only give your kit name and I will give you your apprentice
name, I will also give you your warrior name when it is time but you
will get to choose) 

Here is mine:


Kit name: Dreamkit

Gender: Female

Pelt Color:Black with silver spots

Eye Color: Green

Special Markings: Long fur


Thats all you have to do!  Oh!  And please put your normal user name in the location box.

submitted by Dreamstar, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(September 4, 2009 - 8:19 am)

Can I join or what?

submitted by Cloudkit/ZB
(July 13, 2010 - 2:22 pm)

Top top top top top can i join?????

submitted by Cloudkit/ZB
(July 15, 2010 - 6:42 pm)

top top top top can i join?????????

submitted by Cloudkit/ZB
(July 15, 2010 - 6:43 pm)

Rainfire--I am Rainfire, I wish to re-create Sunclan.

This is my kit, Quailkit, and I:

We both have pale blue eyes. She has a white tail tip.

This is Qualikit's Father, Scarshadow:


tabby-cat-path.jpg tabby cat image by Skyfurrow

We will all join.


Scarshadow--I can be Leader. I am not ambitious. I am fair, and loyal too my clan. I have not been leader before. I will need a Deputy, and a Medicine Cat.


Quailkit-I hate being homeless. I want to be a warrior! I'll be strong, fast, and loyal. I am 6 moons old, I need a mentor! Please father, I want a mentor I'm not related too.


Rainfire-Will any one join us?

submitted by Rainfire and Family
(August 7, 2010 - 1:45 pm)


submitted by Topper, age top, the top
(August 7, 2010 - 1:47 pm)


submitted by tttoooppp, age tttoooppp, tttoooppp
(August 8, 2010 - 2:47 am)

I'm still here! I'm the medicine cat.

submitted by Whitelion
(August 8, 2010 - 9:17 pm)

Good going Whitelion! As Medicine cat It's your choice. May I lead Sunclan?

(Spamboy says dave!)

submitted by Scarsadow and Family
(August 9, 2010 - 5:12 pm)

Let's wait until... the 11th. If Dreamstar hasn't posted by then, you can be leader.

submitted by Whitelion
(August 9, 2010 - 10:18 pm)

Hi I'm Bluefire! I wish to join Sunclan and become it's deputy! Sice Scarshadow is probubly going to become the new leader, could I be deputy? You already have a medicine cat Whitelion, so you will need a deputy anyway. Post and tell me. I'll do a description:

Pelt: Blue-gray

Eyes: blue

Personality: kind, loveing, un-ambitious, sarcatic, gets serious when needs to, loyal

Goals: Wants to be deputy, then posibly leader

Special Marks: Both of her ears are ginger, giveing her the name Bluefire

Gender: She-cat

submitted by Bluefire
(August 10, 2010 - 11:06 am)

I am deputy, and the reason that I was not posting is that I was on vacation!

submitted by Robinflight
(August 22, 2010 - 6:22 pm)

Have Patience Bluefire, wait until the 11th. If Dreamstar has posted by then... she will decide if you, or Scarshadow, shall be deputy.

submitted by Rainfire(and Family), Sunclan
(August 10, 2010 - 12:50 pm)

OK, I'll wait, besidse thats tomarow anyway. If Dreamstar DOES post again, that doesn't mean that everyone elce who ever posted on Sunclan (Snowclan) will  come back to, so what will happen then? I guess one of us will be deputy, and Whitelion will be medicine cat Rainfire, you will be the queen. Quailkit will be an apprentice, and one of us will be a warrior, so that works out fine.Laughing

submitted by Bluefire, age 12 moons
(August 10, 2010 - 2:04 pm)

Dreamstar posting doesn't mean that everyone else will post. Maybe they don't check BaB anymore.

submitted by Whitelion
(August 11, 2010 - 12:38 pm)

Maybe they don't check BAB anymore, but we should have a new leader, and deputy. Then if the other ppl post again, they can be what they were before, and if they don't post, then it's ok that we made a new leader, deputy, and everything else.

submitted by Bluefire, age 12 moons
(August 13, 2010 - 8:41 pm)