I saw the
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
New Harry Potter Roleplay
I saw the...
I saw the other roleplay was getting decidedly confused, and I didn't want to join this late in the story. Does anyone want to start a new roleplay? If you're intrested, please say so!
My character:
Cara Appledore
Appearance- Longish brown hair, glasses, 5'3"
Wand- beech, unicorn hair
Age-3rd year, 13
Extracurricular-Charms Club, cross-country flying
Other- nothing in particular
Please let me know if you want to join.
submitted by Emily
(June 29, 2009 - 3:27 pm)
(June 29, 2009 - 3:27 pm)
This must be luna lovegood! Hannah said to herself. Luna's eyes were big waiting for an answer. "Yes". agreed Hannah. When she thought this was too short of an answer she quickly added "Yes I do too". She blushed. The sorting hat cried out it's last sorting of the year "Gryffindor!" Dumbledore walked around the table, and behind the podiam. "now the sorting has ended let me properly welcome you all to anouther year at Hogwarts. Let me remind all first years the forbiddan forest is off of bounds. and let us all give a warm welcome to our new defense against the dark arts teacher, Dolores Jane Umbridge! The little lady stood up and tilted her head forward in appreciation to the clapping. Hannah looked at the little woman, she worea pink shirt and skirt, with a matching pointed hat. on her shirt was a pendant of a kitten and lined with gold trim. to top it all off she was wearing a pink cape lined with gold to match the pendant. Hannah barfed in her mind. So much pink is enough at a point, thought hannah. now let the feast begin!" At Dumbledore's words all the dinner food appeared on silver platters. hannah was so parched she didn't even look at the food, she immediatly grabbed a pitcher full of pumpkin juice. She poured the juice into her golden goblet.and took a long quenching drought. now she spooned mashed potatoes, corn, cheesy broccoly, bread, cranberry sauce, bread and herb chicken onto her plate. Hannah saw out of the corner of her eye luna reaching into the pocket of her robe. she turned around for a better look. Luna took out a whole potato, skin and all! "um luna?" she said timidly. "yes? replied Luna, turning to hannah. "why did you, um, bring along a potato?" ' i find potatoes you grow yourself taste better then ones you find right in front of you." she said all of this like it was the simplist thing in the world. "oh. Hannah said. "you have a garden?" "oh yes of course!" me and dad have practicaly everything! did you see my earrings?" luna asked pulling the blonde hair away from her ears so Hannah could see them better. "Oh yes, I have never seen radishes turned into earrings before." ' you really like them?!' asked Luna excited. "yes" hannah replied. "yes" agreed luna. " me and dad "trained" them to grow on bushes!"
to be continued (sorry my fingers are tired)
(July 14, 2009 - 2:32 pm)
OK, that sounds good to me.
(July 14, 2009 - 3:43 pm)
To Hannah's new thread (which will go to the last page as soon as I write a comment).
(July 14, 2009 - 4:01 pm)
I'm joining!
My charrie:
Name: Serene Fowle
Appearance: Spiky, red hair, avarage height, tanned skin, green eyes
Wand: Vine, phoenix tail feather
Age: Newly sorted, 10
Extraccular: Quidditch chaser
Other: Is sorted into Slytherin, parseltounge (is this okay?)
Backstory: Pureblood (obviously), descendant of a Gaunt, came to Hogwarts and nearly had a hatstall with the sorting hat taking 4 minutes, 59 seconds, was finally sorted into Slytherin
(December 11, 2016 - 3:32 pm)
Serene ~
I was first to be sorted. The sorting hat drooped over my eyes and, evidently, thought for a long time. By the time it cried out, "SLYTHERIN!" I was ready to scream. I went over to the table decorated in green and silver and sat down. A boy with blonde hair near the end of the table seemed to be making snide remarks about the table decorated in red an gold. After dinner, I was led by a prefect to the Slytherin first-year girls dormitory."Pureblood", said the prefect. We entered the room and were immiedietally hit by a damp smell. We were led to a chamber for four and found our beds. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered what I would do tomorrow.
(December 11, 2016 - 4:46 pm)