I saw the

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New Harry Potter Roleplay
I saw the...

I saw the other roleplay was getting decidedly confused, and I didn't want to join this late in the story. Does anyone want to start a new roleplay? If you're intrested, please say so!

My character:

Cara Appledore

Appearance- Longish brown hair, glasses, 5'3"

Wand- beech, unicorn hair

Age-3rd year, 13

Extracurricular-Charms Club, cross-country flying

Other- nothing in particular


Please let me know if you want to join.


submitted by Emily
(June 29, 2009 - 3:27 pm)

I'll join! I love Harry Potter.

My Character:

Layla McKinley

Appearance-Black, straight, shoulder-length hair, hazel eyes, short

Wand- Oak, phoenix feather

Age- 3rd year

House- Ravenclaw

Extracurricular- Ravenclaw  Chaser

What house is Cara in, Emily?

submitted by Ella
(June 29, 2009 - 6:45 pm)

C'mon, people, join!

submitted by Emily
(June 30, 2009 - 7:38 am)

I'll join, if you don't mind! And I promise not to drag Bellatrix/Voldy into it, and not to forget my character entirely in favour of said villains.

Name: Adela Acker

Appearance: Average height (about 5'6"), athletic-looking (muscular and thin), pale, light freckles, dark red hair usually up in a ponytail or braid, rarely completely clean.

Wand: Willow, 14", unicorn hair.

Age/year: 15, fifth year

House: Ravenclaw

Extracurricular: Quidditch (keeper)

Electives: Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes

Family: Half-blood; her mum was a Muggle, her dad works at the Ministry (Department for Magical Games and Sports)

Question; what era will this be taking place in (Marauders, Harry's time, or Next Generation)?

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 30, 2009 - 12:05 pm)

My character:

Noel Hufotis


First Year, 11 

House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Ash (Core: Pheonix feather) 

Appearance: 4 feet, 11 inches tall, waist-length honey-coloured hair, red spectacles that are always falling down her nose

Extracurricular activities: Charms Club, Gobstones Club, Chess Club, hopes to be on Quidditch Team next when she's olde enough

submitted by Ima
(June 30, 2009 - 1:14 pm)


My character

Tree Wigginton

Appearance:  5'2

Light blonde hair down past shoulders just barely

Almond eyes

Very long eyelashes

Thin but wirey

Wand: 13 inches core:Veela hair (from great great grandmother)

House: Gryffindor 

year: 2

extra curricular:  Seeker, Charms CLub


submitted by Olivia W., age 13
(June 30, 2009 - 2:50 pm)

@Olivia- is almond reffering to the color or the shape of the eyes?

submitted by Emily
(June 30, 2009 - 7:41 pm)

Yay, people are joining! So far we have-

Me (Emily)-Cara Appledore

Ella- Layla McKinley

TNO (umlaut)- Adela Acker

Ima- Noel Hufotis

Olivia- Tree Wigginton

So, are we doing this in Hary's time, or like the other roleplay, in his kids time? In Harry's time... PROS: We can use old names like McGonagall and Dumbledore. CONS: We may have to incorporate some events from the book, like the Triwizard tournament. In Harry's kids time...PROS: Relative freedom CONS: We have to think of new names and new "fads." Oh, and Olivia did you get your charrie's name from the Wiggentree?

submitted by Emily
(June 30, 2009 - 6:11 pm)

In the hopes that it doesn't become too confusing, I too will join.

Name: Talia Claw

Age: thirteen, so third year

Appearance: dark auburn hair, silvery-gray eyes, 5'4

Personality: Not especially social, but has small group of friends. Good sense of humour, though sometimes sarcastic. Can get carried away when doing magic. Avid reader. Gets headaches frequently.

House: Slytherin, unexpectedly because the majority of her family were Hufflepuffs.

Family: Lives with mother and siblings. Has one brother, Sandallvin, in Hufflepuff, first year. Two younger sisters, eight and five, still at home. 

Extracurricular: None.

Regarding the era, if we're voting I'd say pre-Harry, like James' times.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.47, NJ
(June 30, 2009 - 6:45 pm)

Or we could do it in the Maurader's (James') time, and have both relative plot freedom and fewer teachers that we have to make up.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 30, 2009 - 7:49 pm)

Nope. I know a person with a last name of Wigginton and Tree Wigginton just sounded cool. I pesonally think we should do it in Harrys kids time. I am glad i am getting to do this rp.I was to late for the other one.

submitted by olivia W., age 13
(June 30, 2009 - 9:09 pm)

Let's do it in Harry's kids' time - we can still use some olde names (the ghosts, for example).

submitted by Ima
(June 30, 2009 - 7:51 pm)

I'm on at the same time as someone! Hi!

submitted by Ima
(June 30, 2009 - 9:12 pm)

Can I join this one?


My character: Cassie Michaels

Appearance: Red curls, freckly, tall

Wand: unicorn

Age: Second year; 12

Extracurricular: Quidditch; Chaser

Other - muggleborn


And I think it should be in Harry's parents' generation.

submitted by Lena
(July 1, 2009 - 11:19 am)

Yes, because a) we will still have relative freedom with plot and names and things, and b) it won't get confused with the other RP if it's set in a different era. Hopefully.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.48, NJ
(July 1, 2009 - 1:17 pm)

Maybe we should do it in the Marauders' time, it would be fun, and different from the other one. If we do this, however, we would have to include some of the students mentioned from that time... So, if we're doing it, we'd be including the following people that were mentioned in the books as being at Hogwarts then (tell me if I left anyone out):


James Potter

Remus Lupin

Peter Pettigrew

Sirius Black

Lily Evens


Regulas Black

Severus Snape


Bertha Jorkins (it never says the name of her house in the books, but if I were the Sorting Hat, that's where I'd put her)

On the other hand, if we did it in Harry's kids' time, we would have to include the following (from any house we want):

James Potter II

Albus Potter

Rose Weasley

Scorpius Malfoy

If we did it in Harry's time, we all know who to include, but I think we should do Marauders' time (although Emily should choose, having started this RP).

submitted by Ima Bookworm
(July 1, 2009 - 1:43 pm)