Who else hates

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Harry Potter Rant: Haters
Who else hates...

Who else hates Harry Potter? Please say someone does. I can't go through life thinking that I'm the only one that thinks the poor characterization, unnecessary filler text and boring, predictable plot lines. I'll say more, but I want to make sure that nobody will be super offended.

submitted by S.E.
(October 15, 2015 - 9:12 pm)

I agree with you! zyyc

submitted by Leaf of Love
(October 27, 2015 - 6:50 pm)

There IS plot!



The entire plot was based on the Bible and the Resurection!  In the end, it's representing the entry into Heaven. Everything makes total sense if you understand it!


*spoiler ended


As for understanding it, have you ever red The Scarlet Letter? Go try reading that, then read Narnia. 

submitted by S.E.
(October 23, 2015 - 4:56 am)

No, I agree: I hate the Ron and Hermione thing. I mean, can't a boy and a girl be friends?



submitted by Applejaguar, age 10, New York
(October 24, 2015 - 7:32 am)

Narnia!!!!! I think Harry Potter is NOT as good as Narnia! Everybody who thinks it is has already been picked up and been eaten by Aslan.

submitted by Lucy P., age 12, Narnia
(October 22, 2015 - 3:14 pm)

I agree; Harry Potter does not beat Narnia and doesn't even come close to Lord of the Rings. 

My opinions on the characters:

Hermione: I like you, but in the last book you were a little flat.

Ron: You're lame. No way around it. I always shipped Harmony.

More tomorrow! 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 22, 2015 - 8:57 pm)

I'm here again!

Look, Narnia, again. I'm sorry, but I... Extremely dislike Narnia. This, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, and Alice in the Wonderland. 

Narnia: The ending.

Alice: The ending. I didn't read the second book, so I shouldn't be saying anything, but...

Lord of the Rings: Too many people, too many battles, too many enemies. And too much story building instead of plot.

I know, my points are a bit on the unsecure side.

And Percy Jackson... Well, I hate it a lot for its main character.

Also, on Harry Potter. When I said it was the best thing that ever happened to me... Well... That may have been exaggerated. I never liked Harry Potter as a character, mostly because he was a gryffindor, and since he was a gryffindor, he was arrogant. And... I hate arrogance.

But, Harry Potter is the base of most books published later than it. It set who the main character should be like, what his/her friends should be like.

Ron, for example, is seen MANY times in different books. Every young writer thinks,'Oh, wow, harry potter did so good, I should replicate it exactly!"


One last point: You Narnian Greek Rings(Narnia+PJ+LotRs) will never get to my side of the story. I will never, ever, change your opinion. However, I realize your points on your end, so I would like you to understand my points.  

submitted by ...
(October 22, 2015 - 9:51 pm)

I forgot to mention that it's also Christian! Whereas Harry Potter is NOT!

submitted by Lucy Pevensie, age 12, Narnia
(October 23, 2015 - 9:22 am)

Really? I didn't find Narnia as being Christian...Then again I'm not Christian so how would I be able to tell?

submitted by OtR
(October 23, 2015 - 2:12 pm)

You might only really be able to see the Christian message in it if you are Christian, but you really only see it in The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, but it is shown in The Dawn Treader, and The Last Battle.

Explanation: Aslan is portrayed as God. The Witch and the other evil guys are portrayed as the Pharisees. In the bible the Pharisees had Jesus crucified (Aslan was killed on the stone table.) Then Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. (Aslan came back to life and disappeared, supposedly back to his father Neptune.)


submitted by Cho/Lucy, age 12, Narnia
(October 24, 2015 - 7:35 am)

Woah, woah, woah. So you're saying that Narnia is better than Harry Potter because of this? I don't mean to get all frustrated but... Like Somebody, I'm not christian. And not everybody is Christian. Also, you said that Aslan is portrayed as God. This seems untrue, as for your later sentences it seems that Aslan is portrayed as Jesus.

And besides, how does that make it any better? Harry Potter doesn't get into religious affairs, which makes it so that ANYONE can read it, not just Christians.

Sorry if this is a bit rude. I'm just frustrated. 

submitted by ...
(October 25, 2015 - 12:14 pm)

*quietly* And it's better that HP because of that? 






submitted by Somebody, age >:( , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(October 24, 2015 - 11:48 am)

No! That's NOT what I'm saying! It is Christian and that's good from my perspective, but it doesn't mean that nesasaraly it's better than Harry Potter! You've also got a different viewpoint than me! I actually really like Percy Jackson and that's NOT Christian! And I'm definitely NOT better than you even if I AM Christian! I'm sorry if that's what I made it sound like :(

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 25, 2015 - 1:11 pm)

oh.... I never knew there were people who hated Harry Potter. I'm just saying I love it. And that's my opinion about Harry Potter. And yours is that it's not good. I'm not going to argue that if you think Harry Potter is bad then you have horrible taste in books, witch isn't true, I think you have very good taste in books, I'm not going to insult your taste of books because it's IMPOSSIBLE to alter someone elses opinion. So bye! I hope you have a book that you love as much as I love Harry Potter!!!!

submitted by Chinchilla
(October 23, 2015 - 11:27 am)

Actually, I do agree with Brookiera- some of the most-loved characters in HP were Mary Sues in less definite forms. Let's take a few examples.

Hermione Granger. Gosh. Seriously. She's never been my favorite character because she's just so predictable. "I solved the mystery but I'm not going to tell you!" "I got top marks in everything!" "I got really emotional!" is pretty much Hermione's life in a nutshell. Smart and emotional, there's nothing really else to it. And while there's nothing wrong with being smart, and Hermione is a really great example for people, it gives for a kind of flat and static character.

Cho Chang. Just the lover. That's it. The one who causes lots of problems emotionally for Harry. End of story.

That's only a taster. I can't believe I'm talking bad about Harry Potter, but like all things it has its faults. Debating isn't really my thing, because I always ge the other persons' points.... so.... I just like to discuss things instead. A friendly discussion. "Oh, yeah, Harry Potter's great, I love it, but you're right, some of the characters are pretty flat."

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 23, 2015 - 4:26 pm)

I think that the characters are fine, but there seems to be not that many wizards in the wizarding world, and there are so many gaps!!! 

submitted by Leaf of Love
(October 23, 2015 - 7:48 pm)