Cricket Readers Recommend
by Stephenie MeyerIt's a really good story about loving somone no matter how different you are from each other. It's not just a love story, it's really good. It'ss up there with Romeo and Juliet for romance.
submitted by Katie D., age 13
(October 12, 2008 - 2:23 pm)
(October 12, 2008 - 2:23 pm)
'Sides, Bella's unrequited love for the Dark Lord was more tragic than... that other Bella's "unrequited" zombie-love for Edward in NM. After all, that other Bella only became a speshul snowflake sparkly vampire with no weaknesses because of her undying love for Edward. Bellatrix, on the other hand, went to Azkaban for fourteen years, then died for him. After he went out of his way to be cruel to her, I might add.
I hate it when I'm talking about HP and mention "Bella" (meaning Bellatrix, obviously), and the Twihards descend. :( Poor Bella had her nickname stolen by a Mary Sue.
(July 15, 2009 - 4:15 pm)
I think your comment was a little offensive in two ways:
1. There is a boy in my grade who enjoys the Twilight series. So you can't say boys can't or don't like Twilight.
2. How do you know that more people in the world like Twilight than hate it? I think it's a balance if you look at it in a philosiphical way. Plus, that poll is an opinion not a fact. And I COMPLETELY disagree with the fact that it's the 3rd most popular book in the world. First, where did you get this information?? Second, I disagree! I believe the classic books like Great Expectations, Jane Eyre and etc. are the most popular, not Twilight, a mere fad.
(April 2, 2009 - 7:19 pm)
Did you know that 83.765% of all statistics are made up on the spot?!?! Particularly the ones that are preceeded by the word "like." Besides, every single Harry Potter book has much better writting, plot, and characters. Period.
(July 15, 2010 - 4:22 pm)
I do not want to appear cynical in any way, but I feel that Twilight was rather disappointing. I was expecting something with more depth but I feel the book was shallow. Kudos to Stephenie Meyer to try and put a new spin on the age-old vampire stories, but I felt the "vampires" were not realistic enough for my tastes. I also felt that the characters were flat and were not well developed, and the plot did not branch out enough, it was too narrow. Stephenie Meyer had a great idea for a romance novel, but I beieve she did not develop it enough to be real literature. I'm not saying that if you like it you don't know anything about good books or if you don't like it way to go, I believe that any book that allows the reader to experience different perspectives or enjoy a sense of wonder is worthy of recognition. If the book allows you, as the reader, to feel emotions anger, sadness, happiness, love etc. then it has accomplished a goal; but if the book can go farther than that, then I believe it is literature.
(By the way if you could please refrain from cutting others' comments, that is their opinion you do not have to share it!!! They have just as much right to say their opinion without opposition. I do not mind replies, but if you could reply in a mature way and try to remain unbiased it would be appreciated. Rueben, I thank you for your insight, but I would like to know more on why you dislike Twilight so much. Thank you!!)
(January 11, 2009 - 3:11 pm)
This is a First Class Book! The whole series is just great! Suspense and action together creating the best series since Harry Potter. (But I'm sorry Cricket readers under 10--the last book is not appropriate for you.) Everything is awesome about it from the covers to the plot! Your heart will be pounding from the start! Read it!!!
(January 15, 2009 - 8:22 pm)
Of for goodness sake, the last book is FINE. I was SHOCKED by how well she managed to skirt around the issue. I mean, seriously, if I didn't know better I would have thought it had been written by a six-year-old.
(January 17, 2009 - 1:37 am)
Gghghgh... No. Just... No.
It's poorly written - SM has a very, very passive voice and is redundant, boring, predictable. I mean, basically every single sentence in the series uses "was". Passive, passive, passive.
All the characters are complete Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Every. Single. Stinking. One. They are also all FLAT characters. Flat, flat, flat, flatflat. For example:
Bella: "OH, EDWARD, YOU'RE SOOOOOO GORGEOUS AND HAWT AND BEAUTIFULL! *drool*" repeat. repeat, repeat. "Edward, turn me into a vampire, Edward, you're so BEAUTIFUL and GODLIKE!!! *drool*" *is a jerk* *is a prat* *whines* *and whines* "EDWARD, you're so HAWT!" *drool* "I can't do ANYTHING." and so on.
Edward: "I am dangerous. And hot. And I could kill you whenever I so choose." ..."Oh yeah you're very stupid." *kiss* repeatrepeatrepeat. *sparkle* *kiss* "I'm very dangerous". *kiss* *sparklesparkle* "I could kill you." *fails utterly to do bloody, gory vampiric things* and so on.
Jacob: "Hi Bella." *fawns* *is ignored* *is the only almost-decent character in the story, at least until he goes all Lycan on everyone*
Plot is fail. Fail, I say, FAIL! I mean... Vampire baseball. Really. And THAT is what she used to kickstart the plot? Even I can do better than that, and my writing is MADE of fail.
Seriously. This woman can't write to save her life.
I will admit, the idea could have grown into something truly spectacular. Seriously, in the hands of a good, skillful, and probably non-mormon author, Twilight etc. could have been one of the greatest works of vampire fiction out there.
But it's written entirely in passive voice. There is literally no blood. The action lags, the romance is redundant and mostly centered around Bella's truly vapid descriptions of how gorgeous Edward is.
And for the love of my great aunt Helen, the vampires SPARKLE.
(January 17, 2009 - 1:33 am)
I totally agree with you! At first, I kind of liked it, but it got so boring! It's just the same thing over and over again, like you said! I totally agree with the vampires that sparkle thing. What's up with that? I have a couple of friends who are obsesed with the book and Edward. At first I thought, Oh well, they can pretend to be in love with someone who doesn't exist. It's getting really annoying, and they are taking it way over the top. Any suggestions? Anyone? For those of you who don't like Twilight, read East! It's sooooo good! And no one sparkles!
(January 18, 2009 - 5:36 pm)
That was HILARIOUS!! I don't like Twilight either.... I read the back of the book and was too creeped out to go any further. The last one sounded really weird especially. Like... corrupted. I can't see how anyone could like it. And I like the part about how they sparkle. It doesn't make sense, but it was funny anyway:)
(March 23, 2009 - 6:16 pm)
Ö, I NEED to meet you. I completely agree. And Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight. You can't even compare them.
Another thing you can't compare: Romeo and Juliet vs. Twilight. There is absolutely no connection. Twilight is a happily-FOREVER-after ending, and Romeo and Juliet ends with fiver deaths: two suicides and three murders. By the way, Romeo is pretty cheesy in R&J, but Bella in Twilight is practically MADE of cheese. I mean, come on. I would not pay $20 to read this kind of writing.
Also, ten-year-olds should probably not be reading Twilight. This is a free country, so you can read it if you want to, but if the movie was rated PG-13, I would not read the book. Books leave so many more things open to your imagination.
We need to stop wasting time on this mediocrity and start spending time on things that really matter (such as the TWO-THIRDS of the world that does not have enough food to eat).
And, to reiterate, Harry Potter is a million times better than Twilight. (And isn't it interesting that both authors are female?)
(November 5, 2010 - 3:41 pm)
Wow TNÖ! I just laughed my head off about that comment. I love it! Even though I like Twilight that was hilarious!
(April 15, 2011 - 12:56 pm)
I am sick and tired of this book. Someone recommend something good!
(January 19, 2009 - 5:20 pm)
Twilight. Heh. The only reason people like it is because it kicks up their hormones. Bella is BORING. Edward is an idiot. I mean, if you really love someone, protect them! Don't just sit around and say "Oh sorry! I nearly killed you a million times! I'm dangerous! You should get away from me! . . ." and hate yourself. *rolls eyes* Bella is under a spell or something. "Oh Eddwwaaarrdd!!" Ugg. It's just . . . Uhh, sensual. Teenage girls love it just for that. I wonder if Cricket will edit that . . .
(January 25, 2009 - 8:25 pm)
Hey, I have to say Twilight is the best book series EVER!!! I have my walls in my room covered in posters and I can hardly fit any more on and the second movie hasn't even come out yet! I read the whole series and my fav part is when Alice says
"Speaking of Italy and sport cars that I stole there, you still owe me a yellow Porsche."
I just finished rereading Eclipse for the 6th time and I got it for Christmas. I read Twilight 3 times, New Moon 2, and Breaking Dawn 7! I love Edward, Bella, Alice, EMMETT, LOL, Jasper, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme, and Bella's baby, Reneseme. I love it and I can't believe Stephenie Meyer is that good at writing books and the other day I was on her website and there was this link about the top 200 books of 2008 and guess what the first 4 were
1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Breaking Dawn
4. Eclipse
My fav book is Breaking Dawn.
(January 29, 2009 - 5:16 pm)
My favorite was Twilight.
(February 3, 2009 - 9:25 pm)