The Debate Thread!
Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue
The Debate Thread!
The Debate Thread! Anything except politics and religion allowed here (though that could change). So, I know Oregano and Ima and maybe more people seemed interested in debate. List subjects you would like to talk about.
I just thought people might be interested.
submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(June 3, 2011 - 6:11 pm)
(June 3, 2011 - 6:11 pm)
I quite agree. There's also a woman with a serpent's tail in Greek mythology named Lamia who was betrayed by a man somehow, I think, and ever since then, she ate every man or chld she found. I'm not sure what she had against children, but eating men is evil. Unless you're not human and need to in order to survive, but even then it's certainly no better than eating women. Feminism, like all things, definitely isn't good in excess. Thinking that women are better than men is just as bad as thinking men are better than women.
I'm going to go read page 120 in Jane Eyre now. *does so* Yes, that was the sort of thing men paid attention to back then, in attraction. Maybe it still is, or maybe not; I really have no idea; I've never checked. There are much more important things than beauty and accomplishments, though. It is our choices, Harry, that makes us who we truly are, far more than our abilities. But somehow that doesn't seem to figure in with crushes. They can't be controlled, though, from what Ive heard, so it isn't their fault. I have no idea whether the things that get people attracted to men are any better; I've never had a crush, and I don't pay attention to others'. But then, people do seem to care more about looks and fame than personalities these days; that's why people get crushes on celebrities presumably. Girls are at least as susceptible to that as boys; in my experience, most seem to be more so. There are plenty of exceptions, of course; I'm one of them; that's just the way it seems to me, for the most part. So I don't think it's prejudice against women in particular as much as valuing the wrong things.
(June 20, 2011 - 3:45 pm)
@Robyn D.- Yeah, maybe... I'm still offended! :)
Circe... The one on that island...? Okay, I am rereading the series with my sister! I will keep a look out.
@Ima- I'm getting confused with the crush thing...? What are you talking about? I mean I understood what you wrote but... Yeah, I'm having trouble forming my question! :)
(June 21, 2011 - 8:51 am)
I was trying to figure out why someone had cited page 120 of Jane Eyre. I was trying to figure out what point they were trying to make, I suppose, except that I took paragraphs to do it, whereas you managed to do it in a couple of sentences. Oops. Basically, I don't really know any more than you do. Someone cited page 120 of Jane Eyre in the feminism discussion, and I suppose I was trying to figure out why.
Different editions of an old classic like Jane Eyre would likely have different pagination. The same words wouldn't necessarily be on page 120 in every edition.
(June 21, 2011 - 3:48 pm)
@ Elizabeth M.: I don't like China's one child law. I read in the newspaper ((Philly Inquirer) yes, I read the newspaper, I think it is important to do so)) today that in places with a population problem like China and India, many people still value boy children greater than girl children. Iif a couple is has a girl baby they will often put her up for adoption and try again for a boy baby. This is such a common practice that right now there is a much higher ratio of baby boys than baby girls. And that is a problem. awful.
(June 21, 2011 - 5:55 pm)
Oh my gosh! I didn't know that in all! That's awful.
Did anyone know that Greenland or Iceland (I forgot) is the most gender equal place in the world... Interesting...
@Ima- I probably have different page numbers because I have all the additional forwards and stuff... I don't know.
(June 28, 2011 - 10:00 am)
Iceland is also the only country with a 100% literacy rate.
(June 28, 2011 - 4:07 pm)
Literacy means that you read, right?
(June 29, 2011 - 9:57 am)
Yes, it can also mean knowledge about something in general (for example, some people talk about 'scientific literacy'), but not here.
(June 29, 2011 - 3:02 pm)
Oh, okay. Thanks! :) What's the debate about now?
(June 30, 2011 - 11:35 am)
I don't really know.,..
(June 30, 2011 - 2:58 pm)
Did you know that here in the U.S.A women and men aren't yet equal? Every year the Equal Rights Law has been suggested but not passed! SUPER UNFAIR!
(July 1, 2011 - 12:52 am)
(July 1, 2011 - 7:25 am)
Christina, what do you mean the Equal Rights bill is suggested but not passed?? I thought it was passed a while ago!!
I guess we can keep this debate on the same subject...unless people have suggestions of other topics.
(July 1, 2011 - 1:12 pm)
Yes, wasn't the equal rights bill already passed? Oh and Christina M., the "Yeah..." comment I wrote was in reply to Ima!
(July 2, 2011 - 3:56 am)
Equal rights amendment, I mean. Women and men are practically equal already but not legally. Women's suffrage (right to vote) has been passed but Alice Paul's Equal Rights Amendment has not been passed.
(July 3, 2011 - 12:17 pm)