Palace of Dreams;

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Palace of Dreams;

Palace of Dreams; A Non-Death Ski Lodge

The renowned Palace of Dreams was created purely from imagination, once upon a time ago. It is Located in the In-Between, somewhere in the middle of life and death, good and evil, sushi and tacos.

The City of Illusions sprawled both elegantly and chaoticly over a large majority of the Dreamscape, with the Palace at it's heart. The rest of the Dreamscape consisted of the mountainous, fragrant, and mildly wild jungle of Thoughts.

But more information on that another time. After all, some hopes and dreams last forever.

The Palce of Dreams never wears the same dress more then once, so to speak. It is fluid, always changing shape, size, style and color. For instance, one day it would be a large, sleek (though admittedly drafty) medieval castle, stay that way for a month, the abruptly change into a big farmhouse only to switch to a modern mansion the next day.

The rooms never stayed the same long either. Something new always popped up, as dreams do. But, as dreams do, old things also rolled back through.

And the best thing? You could reside here. Easily. All you have to do is imagine.

Who's offering sanctuary, you wonder? Well. That depends.

If you read this in the past, then, I'm offering. Mr. Yesterday, a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sure to see you soon.

If you're reading this now, then I'm the on asking! Miss Today, at your service!

And finally, if you are reading this in the future, then it happens to be myself, Mx. Tomorrow, telling you all this.

Rather confusing, isn't it? Aren't you reading all of this in the past, present, AND future, technically? Perhaps it would be best to assume we are all extending an invitation.

We will be accepting and unlimited number of CBers (and CBer's only, please). There will be no explicit to NO violence, blood, or pickles, given this is a non-death ski lodge. Pickles are rather murderous on a bad day.

Slots will close on June 21st, and the first part of this ski lodge will come out around a week later. I will not be revealing my CBer self until the end of this ski lodge. Anyone leaving for the summer, I'd be happy if you entered regardless, so long as you actually want to! You could always read once you return :)





Regular wear: 


Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?:

Design a room (be creative!):

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*:

Are you a dreamer? What type?:

How easily do you forget something?:

Favorite season/s (and why?):

Opinion of physical exercise:

How does the word "magic" settle with you?:

What made you decide to accept our invite?:

What is wrong with this statement?:

What qualities do you value in a friend?:

Ask a question:


Thank you for emerging yourself briefly into the In-Between~ 

*We apologize for the tedious length of this form. 

submitted by ~The Time Trio~, age Never same, Always changing
(May 30, 2024 - 12:08 pm)

Name: Morgana le Fay, or Morgana for short

Pronouns: She/Her

Appearance: Average height for my age, freckles, long light brown hair in a tangled pony-tale, blue eyes, glasses

Regular wear: In warm weather, athletic shorts and a T-shirt and sneakers. In the winter, black leggings, tall boots w/ heels, shirt w/ plaid flannel over it.

Personality: Extravert, for sure. I consider myself a mixture of the Friend, the Class Clown, and the Nerd. I hate being by myself.

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: I totally agree with Lyric, although I do admit, I was about to say in-between or maybe even good... Anyways, I'm a Christian, too, and I agree that everyone is a sinner and no one is truly good. I'll go with bad.

Design a room (be creative!): A large open-space area painted white w/ some simple dark green patterns across the wall. A cozy corner by the window for reading. The bottom half of the wall is covered w/ bookshelves, all full of books. The bed is one of those bunkbeds with a desk underneath- I forget what you call them. The desk is completely organized. The whole room is organized by color. Green is the main color. And purple. There is a disco ball and LEDs.

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: *chuckles a little?*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: I dunno... I daydream some... or alot... I think... maybe... 

How easily do you forget something?: Depends. I'm great long-term, but occasionally I'll forget where I put something or something like that.

Favorite season/s (and why?): Fall. It's so pretty with all the colors, and it means that Summer, a time where I practically never get to see my frineds, is over and now I get to see them every week and I love decorating and it means that its almost CHRISTMAS and also there's Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Opinion of physical exercise: Soccer!!

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I love it. It makes me feel all good inside. My life seems so boring when compared to the word "magic".

What made you decide to accept our invite?: I'm new to the CB. I didn't want to do it at forst, but I ended up deciding because I mean, you have to start somewhere, riiight??

What is wrong with this statement?: OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY!!!! It's not a statement!! 

What qualities do you value in a friend?: Humor, a good story, trustworthyness, loyalty. I'd be friends with any sort of person but I want to make sure I also have some Christian friends. 

Ecclesiates 4:9-10

Ask a question: Why do I have to ask a question?

Other: Nada.

submitted by Morgana le Fay, Here
(June 9, 2024 - 3:03 pm)
submitted by ~Topping Trio~
(June 12, 2024 - 1:50 pm)



submitted by Topoisomerase, age enzyme, Methionine
(June 14, 2024 - 6:04 pm)
submitted by WildTOPPINGWolf, cant wait for this2start!
(June 16, 2024 - 6:48 pm)
submitted by top
(June 18, 2024 - 1:50 pm)
submitted by TOPstar
(June 19, 2024 - 2:17 pm)

Spots will be officially closed at midnight of today, and the first part of the ski lodge will be out some time in the next week. Wednesday/Thursday, most likely. Thank you, everyone, for entering!

submitted by Announcement! , age Never same, Always changing
(June 21, 2024 - 10:57 am)

Kindly fill out your forms at earliest convenience.

~The Time Trio~ 

submitted by @Parody& LunaSM
(June 21, 2024 - 5:37 pm)

Day 0, Part 1



Poinsettia was sitting idly on her couch, staring out the window of her house, an open and unread book on her lap. The day beyond the glass was beautiful; the sky was blue and cloudless, the trees bright with summer green leaves, and a familiar front yard littered with small flowers. Birds were loud, Poinsettia could hear them even now. She was, however, unable to appreciate the beauty of the world at the moment, or the novel balanced on her knees. 

With a puzzled sigh, Poinsettia’s thoughts turned to the invitation that she’d received weeks before. It had said she needed to accept it by June 21st, though she’d filled it out the day she’d received it, it had said nothing about exactly when she’d be collected, or how. The invite had vanished when Poinsettia had filled out the form, as if it had never existed. 

It was almost a week after the 21st, but Poinsettia hadn’t received any indication of a confirmation or anything. She was starting to think the “wonderful” Palace of Dreams was all a big scam.

A copper coin landed suddenly on Poinsettia’s open book, startling her. She looked over at the doorway and saw Amethyst, her fingers outstretched from the thrown coin. She smiled and came over, settling herself on the cushion beside Poinsettia. 

“Penny for your thoughts, Setti?” Amethyst asked.

Poinsettia picked up the penny and turned it over in her fingers, clenching it loosely in her fist. 

“Just thinking about the Palace of Dreams. What if it was a joke, the invitation?”

Amethyst easily followed her thoughts. She hummed quietly, then replied, “Do you remember if there are any instructions we may have missed?”

Amethyst had also received and accepted an identical invitation, and, like Poinsettias, it had disappeared upon completion of the form.

“No…” Poinsettia said finally.

They were both quiet for a moment, then Amethyst pipped, “Didn’t it say something along the lines of; “and you could come here too, all you have to do is imagine?’”

Poinsettia blinked, tossing her head to get her long hair away from her face. “ Sounds familiar, actually. We could give it a shot.”

Amethyst smiled. “Let’s close our eyes and concentrate, then.”

Her hand curled around Poinsettias fisted one, and both girls closed their eyes. Both imagined. 

Poinsettia imagined what the Palace would be like, what the City of Illusions would feel like. Colors flashed under her eyelids, before swirling into darkness. A sickening nausea hit her stomach, and she lurched with Amethyst at the sudden movement. A shrill whistle echoed in their ears.

<3 <3 <3

Poinsettia opened her eyes. 

She was still seated, though not on her comfortable couch, but on something like a bench. The seat was velvet red and cushioned, the back a smooth, hard wood. Amethyst was beside her, still holding her hand. She let go, and Poinsettia opened her hand, warm penny still in her palm, She slipped it absentmindedly into her pocket.

Across from her was an identical bench, and two familiar faces looked back at her. 

“Moon Wolf, Lyric, hi!” Amethyst said.

Lyric smiled shyly, and Moon Wolf replied to the greeting, brushing dark hair behind her ears.

Poinsettia was glad to see them, and smiled as well. “Hey! How’re you guys?”

“Almost motion sick,” Lyric said with a grimace.

With a jolt, Poinsettia realized that she and the others were swaying. Expanding her senses, Poinsettia found that she could hear puffing of an engine, and the almost soothing clatter of wheels. A window to her left, which lit the small space, showed a blur of color.

“A train?” she guessed finally.

“Think so,” Moon Wolf shrugged.

“Have you two been on long?” Poinsettia asked.

“No,” Moon Wolf said, “I think we all arrived at the same time.”

“How-” Amethyst started to ask, but was interrupted by the crackling of speakers.

“Attention, passengers!”

The girls all got quiet and listened.

“This is your conductor speaking. I’d like to personally welcome the soon-to-be guests of the renowned Palace of Dreams to the Train of Thought. I hope you’ll remember that, it would really be a shame if you accidentally got off before your station.

“Anyway, we are currently trundling along in Life, and it will take approximately 5 hours and 12 minutes until we reach your destination. Please remain in your compartment, lunch will be brought in about an hour. Until then, lay back and enjoy the trip!”

The speakers fell silent.

“Well,” Poinsettia remarked. “I’m glad that we’re on the right track then, so to speak.” She smirked.

“Which is good,” Amethyst agreed. “Anyway… what was I saying?”

“Careful,” Moon Wolf said teasingly. “You lost your train of thought.”


Departed: 0

Present: 18

@Amethyst & Poinsettia, I'm fairly certain you two are sisters. I hope it was fine that I started this with both of you in the same house!

submitted by ~The Time Trio~, age Never same, Always changing
(June 26, 2024 - 2:14 pm)

:) yayy the first part! I love the train of thought and right track concepts lol

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(June 26, 2024 - 8:23 pm)

Yay!! I’ve been looking forward to this! Your writing style is so amazing. :DDDDD

submitted by WildWolf
(June 27, 2024 - 12:44 am)

I love your writing style sm and the train of thought and all the wordplay there is so cool!!! :D

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, the Train of Thought
(June 27, 2024 - 11:17 am)


submitted by th3mysticw0lf
(June 27, 2024 - 12:04 pm)

You wrote the dialogue well :) And I really like the last paragraph! It just ties everything up really well without the need of a cliffhanger.

I have no idea who you are...maybe KatanaLuna? 

submitted by Lyric, age :D, commenting
(June 27, 2024 - 12:42 pm)

Oooo! I really like the train of thought thing and your writing is really good!

submitted by Hawkstar
(June 27, 2024 - 12:42 pm)