Palace of Dreams;

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Palace of Dreams;

Palace of Dreams; A Non-Death Ski Lodge

The renowned Palace of Dreams was created purely from imagination, once upon a time ago. It is Located in the In-Between, somewhere in the middle of life and death, good and evil, sushi and tacos.

The City of Illusions sprawled both elegantly and chaoticly over a large majority of the Dreamscape, with the Palace at it's heart. The rest of the Dreamscape consisted of the mountainous, fragrant, and mildly wild jungle of Thoughts.

But more information on that another time. After all, some hopes and dreams last forever.

The Palce of Dreams never wears the same dress more then once, so to speak. It is fluid, always changing shape, size, style and color. For instance, one day it would be a large, sleek (though admittedly drafty) medieval castle, stay that way for a month, the abruptly change into a big farmhouse only to switch to a modern mansion the next day.

The rooms never stayed the same long either. Something new always popped up, as dreams do. But, as dreams do, old things also rolled back through.

And the best thing? You could reside here. Easily. All you have to do is imagine.

Who's offering sanctuary, you wonder? Well. That depends.

If you read this in the past, then, I'm offering. Mr. Yesterday, a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sure to see you soon.

If you're reading this now, then I'm the on asking! Miss Today, at your service!

And finally, if you are reading this in the future, then it happens to be myself, Mx. Tomorrow, telling you all this.

Rather confusing, isn't it? Aren't you reading all of this in the past, present, AND future, technically? Perhaps it would be best to assume we are all extending an invitation.

We will be accepting and unlimited number of CBers (and CBer's only, please). There will be no explicit to NO violence, blood, or pickles, given this is a non-death ski lodge. Pickles are rather murderous on a bad day.

Slots will close on June 21st, and the first part of this ski lodge will come out around a week later. I will not be revealing my CBer self until the end of this ski lodge. Anyone leaving for the summer, I'd be happy if you entered regardless, so long as you actually want to! You could always read once you return :)





Regular wear: 


Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?:

Design a room (be creative!):

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*:

Are you a dreamer? What type?:

How easily do you forget something?:

Favorite season/s (and why?):

Opinion of physical exercise:

How does the word "magic" settle with you?:

What made you decide to accept our invite?:

What is wrong with this statement?:

What qualities do you value in a friend?:

Ask a question:


Thank you for emerging yourself briefly into the In-Between~ 

*We apologize for the tedious length of this form. 

submitted by ~The Time Trio~, age Never same, Always changing
(May 30, 2024 - 12:08 pm)

Name: Moon Wolf

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: wavy ish black hair that's almost elbow length, Asian, skinny, tan-ish, smaller than average, moon pendant necklace

Regular wear: since it's summer, light blue jean shorts, or a light purple skort, a white shirt with a purple Crescent moon and wolf in the center, light purple jacket, ponytail in the afternoons

Personality: INFJ, creative, smart, caring, quiet until talken to, prefers to listen rather than talk unless with good friends, bookworm

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: I suppose in between, leaning towards good?

Design a room (be creative!): at night forest like room with a purple night sky full of stars with the view of a milky way, and a light purple bed with white stars, a Crescent moon glowing in the sky like a night light at night, in the day the room is a lavender field with a light blue sky with few clouds, a lavender purple beanbag chair, a lavender desk with cute stationary, basically everything is lavender colored with some white to match

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: *tries to stay serious but inevitably laughs*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: a bit, I suppose I dream up stories if that counts, hmm not really a daydreamer honestly (does nightdreamer count?)

How easily do you forget something?: quite easily!

Favorite season/s (and why?): winter because snow! And pretty!

Opinion of physical exercise: necessary but not liked

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I love it! Such a mood (but if I saw it irl, I'd probably be more surprised)

What made you decide to accept our invite?: its summer!

What is wrong with this statement?: it is a question 

What qualities do you value in a friend?: intelligence, caringness, dependability, shared interests, empathy

Ask a question: have you been to taiwan?

Other: ty

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(May 31, 2024 - 8:10 pm)

This looks so cool! Reserving!

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(June 1, 2024 - 8:19 am)

This looks so cool! I'm so excited for it :D

Name: Poinsettia, Setti is my nickname.

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance: I have long, wavy dark-brown hair that falls to my waist. My eyes are green, with flecks of gold. I have a straight nose and a small chin. My skin is fair/golden.

Regular wear:  Usually jeans and a bright-colored top, with a sweater or a hoodie if it's chilly. I like to wear accessories like belts or earrings. And I love ankle boots. My hair is usually loose and stylish-messy, or else in a ponytail.

Personality: My characteristics include flair, wit, loyalty, creativity, vibrancy, and energy. I have lots of ideas, and I like to undertake new projects, moving easily from one thing to another. I can be bad at talking if I'm not at ease, though. I'm friendly, sensitive, fun-loving, and passionate about life and its "small" joys, as well as a variety of topics. I enjoy arguing and have what might be called a strong character.

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: Good.

Design a room (be creative!): A square bedroom with white-washed walls, on which are painted watercolors of bare branches and flowers in a Japanese style, with cool blue/green colors. The ceiling has a paper lantern hanging from the ceiling. There's one deep-set window, with crisp white curtains hanging from it. In one corner is a stone desk, with rough notepaper, a blue cup of pens and pencils, and a paperweight. A matching table sits under the window, with old-looking decorative books on one end and a vase of ferns on the other. The floor is bare. There's a small bed along one wall, with a sage-green coverlet and white pillows. The overall vibe is "cool fresh place where you really want to be when it's a hot summer day."

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: *joins you*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: Yes, I'm a dreamer, of multicolored and vivid dreams each more beautiful than the last.

How easily do you forget something?: Sorry, what was the question again?

Favorite season/s (and why?): Spring, because the way life starts bursting out everywhere, from the trees that suddenly turn green, to the flowers that come up in every garden, is just amazing - plus the weather is the best. And also summer. Because summer >:)

Opinion of physical exercise: It's very nice. I love going for walks and hikes. But I don't like doing housework, and I abhor the kind of exercise you do in a gym. 

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I find it intriguing and mystical, but it also makes me slightly apprehensive. But if someone told me that I could get magic powers, I would go do it as fast as possible. Unless I just discarded the idea, because magic doesn't really exist anyway... 

What made you decide to accept our invite?: The FORM >:) And also the fact that I love the concept of ski lodges, but not the death part, so I was so excited to see a non-death one! Plus, the form and the introduction make me think it's going to be pretty intriguing.

What is wrong with this statement?: The fact that there is no statement, only a question.

What qualities do you value in a friend?:  A sense of humor, an ability to enjoy life and not get worked up and melodramatic about it, enthusiasm, self-confidence, a streak of argumentative-ness, loyalty (aka, someone who will not go off and ditch me), someone who's intrigued by new ideas for their own sake, someone who perceives how I'm feeling even when I don't talk about it

Ask a question: Why?

Other:  my packing list includes a writing notebook, an art notebook, extra clothes, pens and pancils, a water bottle covered in swirls of glitter, snacks (amaranth bars, granola, cheese that magically won't spoil), my flip phone, my laptop, and some wind. Don't ask how I got it into my suitcase :) Oh, and a rainbow.

submitted by Poinsettia
(June 1, 2024 - 11:49 am)

Name: WildWolf

Pronouns: She/Her

Appearance: Brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes, light tan-ish skin. (Sigh, very boring lol. I should make myself a CB appearance sometime shouldn't I)

Regular wear: Blue jeans and a colourful t shirt.

Personality: Enthusiastic, silly, introverted, loyal, caring, and always ready to learn something new.

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: In-between

Design a room (be creative!): You enter the room under an arched doorway, and do a fingerprint scan on the doorknob to be let in. The walls are lavender, and walnut bookshelves completely line one wall, with all the books lined up by genre and series. There's a giant bean bag chair, a bed frame the same walnut colour as the bookshelf with a comfy mattress and a big duvet that you can bury yourself in on top. There's also headphones, a tablet, and a Nintendo switch with Tears of the kingdom on it for when I want screen time.

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: What's so funny? Did I miss a joke? Am I completely behind in all society? AHHHH

Are you a dreamer? What type?: Yes, I would say I'm a story dreamer. As in, I make up all kinds of stories and worlds in my head when I can't fall asleep at night or am on a long road trip.

How easily do you forget something?: Well, I would say... what was the question again? Ah yes, I am very forgetful unfortunately. 

Favorite season/s (and why?): Summer, bc duh no school, but also fall bc even though that's when school starts it's so pretty outside and such a nice temperature.

Opinion of physical exercise: I like it! But I'd usually rather be reading. But biking, ice skating, and playing in a playground with my sibs are all very fun.

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: Books! Fantasy! Dragons! Harry Potter!

What made you decide to accept our invite?: I love ski lodges so much and I was so bored and I like filling out forms so :)

What is wrong with this statement?: It's not a statement, it's a question.

What qualities do you value in a friend?: Kind, a good listener, funny, willing to try new things

Ask a question: Can we guess who you are?

Other: Tysm I'm so excited!!!

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, She/Her
(June 1, 2024 - 12:23 pm)

Anyone may guess me, but I won't confirm nor deny any identity guesses until the end of this ski lodge

On another note, I am very happy on how many of you have so far accepted our invitation!

submitted by ~The Time Trio~, age Never same, Always changing
(June 1, 2024 - 5:40 pm)

My nickname is Verde.

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 1, 2024 - 11:02 pm)


Name: starry sky

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: 5’6, with curly shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin

Regular wear: I love floral prints, buttons, ruffles, babydoll tops, cutoffs, leggings, and crewnecks

Personality: enfp-a

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: I think everyone is in between, so I guess me too…

Design a room (be creative!): the walls are painted sky blue, the bed a messy tangle of floral quilts and comforters. There is a window seat that looks out onto a meadow dotted with brilliant blue flowers. Other windows, these ones open, look out into a deep wood, bounteous with animals and plants. The closet is small and stuffed to overflowing with clothes and trinkets. The rug is blossom pink, knitted out of immense boredom two winters ago. Flower garlands hang from the ceiling and walls, and all the windows have cream-white shades dotted with daisies. 

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*:*ahahahaha*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: I dream about things that will never happen, that I never think will happen, simply for the sake of dreaming

How easily do you forget something?: I forget important things easily, but always remember the little ones

Favorite season/s (and why?): Spring! I love flowers, birdsong, warm weather, and knowing that school will soon be over…

Opinion of physical exercise: depends what it is…I love running in the woods on a sunny morning :)

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I think magic  can exist within the hug of a good friend, within the crevices of a place you love more than anything, within the strongest sparks of feeling deep inside you

What made you decide to accept our invite?: It seemed too interesting for me to go about my days without being a part of it

What is wrong with this statement?: uh…it isn’t a statement

What qualities do you value in a friend?: kindness, sense of humor, non-judgmental-ness, empathy

Ask a question: if you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Other: I’ll be traveling quite a bit this summer, but I’ll try to pop in when I can :)

submitted by starry sky
(June 2, 2024 - 7:53 am)

Ahaha I must join :))

Name: Amethyst

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: Long, dark, wavy hair; brown eyes; slender but not skinny; average height or a bit over

Regular wear: Wearing skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a jade-green halter top for this ski lodge

Personality: Warm, creative, friendly; a fighter, a dreamer, someone who loves to laugh

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: Let's say in-between

Design a room (be creative!): It has peach-colored walls, a window with a curved top (preferably looking out onto a sunny ocean) that has a deep, comfortable, cushioned window seat, and tons of bookshelves that line one or two of the walls. There are a couple of white ledges built into the walls as well (that is, the walls that don't have bookshelves), and there are one or two things artistically laid out on them: a seashell, a book lying down, a small sculpture of a bird, etc. There's a golden-brown wood desk with intricate carvings between the legs, a couple of chairs, and a couch with one or two cushions. There are glass double doors looking out onto a hallway/another room, unless this is a bedroom, in which case there's just one door that's white.

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: Oh yeah, that was such a good joke! My uncle loves it *laughs too*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: An utter dreamer, who'll come up with anything you can imagine and who loves any of the most beautiful and impossible dreams there are - from a single fragrant flower to a fantasy universe

How easily do you forget something?: Not that easily, I remember stuff that happened lAsT yEaR - impressive, aren't I? ;)

Favorite season/s (and why?): It's difficult to pick, but I'd say maybe spring because it's the beginning of the year and winter's just over, or summer because everything about summer is amazing. (Except just realized my answer was the same as Poinsettia's lol)

Opinion of physical exercise: It's all right, in small amounts, but I'd rather not carry a heavy box upstairs or try to lift an elephant

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I'm not sure how prepared I'd be to plunge into a completely new magical world, but I love the word - it's impossible, enchanting, and alluring to the extreme.

What made you decide to accept our invite?: Because non-death ski lodges yayyy :D And the form looked fun, and the whole thing looks fun

What is wrong with this statement?: It's made up of wORDS nooooo I'm afraid of words /jk

What qualities do you value in a friend?: Loyalty, a sense of humour, a complete understanding of me, liking what I like, being ready to laugh and be silly just because it's fun (as long as it's not something dangerous or anything ofc)

Ask a question: What are you asking me??

Other: I'm looking forward to this :))


submitted by Amethyst, spring enchantments
(June 5, 2024 - 8:13 pm)

Name: Blossom

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance: Wavy blonde hair, fairy wings, very pretty

Regular wear:  a forest green dress made from ferns and flowers woven together 

Personality: Cheerful, thoughtful, caring, brave, but shy if you don't know her 

Good, bad or in-between: Blossom is definitely good, and will sacrifice anything for her friends.

Design a room: Blossom lives in a small clearing in the woods, with a carpet of flower petals decorating the floor. Stones sit for chairs and a table in the middle, and a cushiony bed made of moss sits on the floor. A canopy of leaves arches overhead, and Morning Glories tangle around the surrounding trees.

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: Blossom laughs when she's happy

Are you a dreamer? What type: She is a romantic daydreamer, and can often be found gazing up at the sky with a dreamy look on her face. 

How easily do you forget something: She doesn't forget anything. Somehow, she always remembers...

Favorite season and why: Spring! Blossom is a spring fairy, so her magic is more powerful in spring and she overall just loves how the world looks in that particular season.

Opinion of physical exercise: Flying. Blossom can fly, but since she is still young it takes up a lot of her magic to do it for a long time. 

How does the word "magic" settle with you: As a fairy, Blossom is partly pure Spring magic, but she can get nervous around other types of magic.

What made you decide to accept your invite: She had a strange feeling that someone needed her at the Palace of Dreams and decided to accept. 

What is wrong with this statement?: You are trying to be tricky with me

What qualities do you value in a friend: Honesty, standing up for what is right, and caring for the other person.

Ask a question: Why? 

submitted by T
(June 7, 2024 - 9:51 am)

Name: Lyric

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: black hair that is really thick and gets caught in my glasses a lot, tannish-yellowish skin (idk what color it is),  dark brown eyes

Regular wear: It's summer, so jean shorts and a short sleeved shirt, with a black hairband on my right wrist and a purple and rose gold watch on my left wrist. I'm wearing the glasses I mentioned before, which are lilac and brown and pink. I'm not very fashionable...I wear basically the same type of outfit every week, with occasionally a necklace. On Sundays, I wear a dress or a long skirt with maybe a necklace or a ring. 

Personality: ISFJ, alert, can be serious at times, kind, sensitive, gentle, empathetic, asks too many questions about usually obvious things (need to get out of the habit of doing that haha), gets obsessed with things really easily and can't stop thinking about them,  loves to help and comfort and encourage, optimist when it comes to others, pessimist when it comes to myself. I'm shy and don't really say much until I get to know everyone and feel comfortable in an environment...which can take from a few days to a few months. 

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: I'm a Christian, so I believe that every human on earth who has every lived and will ever live is sinful, so none of us are completely good or bad, but we have equal potential to be either. And since I think it would be very prideful and boastful and deceitful of me to say that I consider myself good or good enough to be in-between, I will consider myself as bad.

Design a room (be creative!):'s a bedroom with gum-blue walls and smooth, white satin curtains around two windows. Outside, there's a view of the ocean. There are two wooden bunk beds in the room, with painted seashells stuck to the ladder and the boards. The top bunk is filled with a bunch of hello kitty and beanie boo and squishmallow stuffed animals (but mostly pillows), but the bottom bunk has blue blankets, and a pillow, and one of the squishmallows sitting on the pillow and smiling, because stuffed animals are always pressured to smile, and if one of them decided to frown someone would be sure to panic and stuff them in a drawer or a convenient attic. There is a desk near the bunk bed with an hourglass filled with white sand sitting on it. The sand is not currently falling. Next to it, there are numerous papers covered with function equations and poetry and random drawings of roses, as well as a bunch of small white statues and shells, that are a little bit dusty. Oh yes, and there is also a bunch of pencils and pens on the desk, and too much scratch paper with Math and scribbles written on them. There's a low pile carpet with a pleasant yet faded pattern on it, a white wooden chair pulled up next to the desk. On the far side of the room by the door is a corner with a large painting of a jellyfish and a comfy blue armchair underneath it. On one side of the armchair, near a window, is a lamp that is not currently turned on. On the other side of the armchair is a white bookshelf filled with books on genetics and poetry and short stories, as well as assorted booksmarks and more seashells. Next to that are more shelves filled with schoolbooks dating back all the way to kindergarten, and then finally, the door, which has a pixel art of a DNA on it. 

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: *giggles*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: Hum...I do have a lot of dreams, most of which are really weird and oddly novel-like. But as for the other definitions of dreamer, I don't know. I'm not very ambitious...I'm just going with the flow and trying to think about what I want in life, which isn't clear yet...

How easily do you forget something?: Really easily. Especially dates. I cannot remember dates, which is why the only thing I use my planner for is to write down events so I can remember exactly when they happened. The only things that I haven't forgotten yet are a bunch of SAT test-taking acronyms, Latin conjugations and declensions from four to five years ago, the planets in order, and the 15 brightest stars in order, probably because I was required to recite them every day.

Favorite season/s (and why?): Summer! The sun fills me with a lot of energy, and it's the only time I can eat ice cream and popsicles and cold things in general without getting extremely cold. Also--it feels so free not to wear long sleeves and long pants and jackets and socks.

Opinion of physical exercise: Physical exercise is a good thing. I didn't have time to do very much of it during the school year, though :(

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: I didn't think it was real, but I guess it is, and after finding that out and reading too-many fairy tales and fantasy series, I've lost most of my interest in it. 

What made you decide to accept our invite?: I love the genre of ski lodges, but I feel most comfortable joining non-death ski lodges, so I think I've joined all (or almost all?) the ones that have been posted. 

What is wrong with this statement?: ?!

What qualities do you value in a friend?: Care, active listening, and sympathy/empathy

Ask a question: Which do you like better: apples or oranges?

Other: Thank you for writing this ski lodge! And also thank you for taking the time to read everything I just wrote! And if you did not, and you just skimmed it that is totally understandable. If I was another person, I may have done the same thing.

submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(June 7, 2024 - 1:00 pm)

...please disregard what I wrote in question 6. Looking back I realized that this almost functioned (although it wasn't intended) as a trick question. One reason for this is because "Bad" applies partially to me, but so does "Good" and "In-Between" so there really isn't a right answer.

submitted by Correcting mistake, age :D, Jellyfish
(June 8, 2024 - 9:16 am)

Lyric, your answer about good/bad is now making me feel guilty

submitted by Blossom
(June 8, 2024 - 11:26 am)

Oh...that was not my intention at all...I didn't completely think about how what I was saying about my beliefs and opinions could affect others. I'm sorry if my comment caused guilt or a lot of ultimately negative things :(

submitted by Lyric@Blossom, age :o, Jellyfish
(June 8, 2024 - 5:49 pm)

Oh, it doesn't make me guilty in a bad way! I am also Christian, and I believe that too, so it just makes me feel like maybe I should've put a little more thought into that making my characfter. Totally fine tho :)

submitted by Blossom
(June 9, 2024 - 1:10 pm)

Name: Wreeboo

Pronouns: they/them

Appearance: short and pale, with dirty blond hair that's usually in a ponytail over an undercut. blue-gray eyes that always look a little bit tired. my resting face is usually an absentminded smile

Regular wear: cuffed dark-wash skinny jeans, socks with a fun design, and Docs; a longsleeve of one solid color (usually with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows) and a t-shirt on top (typically graphic, as in it has some history or book joke or a painting on it)

Personality: quietly extroverted, a mediator, optimistic to a fault and to the point that negativity can sometimes get on my nerves. i make friends easily and will always be nice to somebody's face, even if they're my least favorite person ever.

Do you consider yourself good, bad, or just In-Between?: hard question woah; probably in-between on average

Design a room (be creative!): a small, square room with pale blue walls and an open window. the navy-and-white striped curtains billow gently in the salt-smelling breeze. the floor is rough stone tile with a woven rug, all blue and pink and red and white. the bed is small, with a white frame and coral-colored sheets and a quilt patterned with seashells. the closet has white doors with blue enamel doorknobs and is full of empty space. there's sand on the closet floor, pushed into piles in the corners where the broom or vacuum can't quite reach. there are shelves of dried flowers and pretty rocks, shelves of models and books. model planes hang from the ceiling, interspersed with hand-painted bird miniatures. the ceiling fan spins languorously, without any intent of properly cooling the room.

*burst out laughing for no apparent reason*: *laughs with you*

Are you a dreamer? What type?: yes, the sort of dreamer that always wants things but doesn't make a plan for how to get there.

How easily do you forget something?: very,,easily,,,

Favorite season/s (and why?): autumn, because it's just so gorgeous and there's so many colors and the weather's so nice!

Opinion of physical exercise: sometimes in very specific circumstances lol. i like to go on walks, but by the time i get home i usually wish i'd never gone

How does the word "magic" settle with you?: it's a really good adjective, tbh? magic in and of itself is a good word :p the concept of magic is something i debate myself on frequently tho 

What made you decide to accept our invite?: i came back to the CB after a couple years and saw a cool ski lodge and wanted to join!

What is wrong with this statement?: that there's two punctuation marks in a row, if i'm gonna be pedantic

What qualities do you value in a friend?: optimism, a good work ethic, loyalty and honesty

Ask a question: how are you doing?

Other: <3 can't wait to read this! super excited!

submitted by Wreeboo, <3
(June 9, 2024 - 2:29 pm)