Star Wars thread!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Star Wars thread!!

Star Wars thread!! particularly the animated series (Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Rebels, etc.) but you can talk about the movies too :)

to start, I'll give the ultimate question: opinions on episodes 7, 8, 9. unpopular opinion but I personally think they're... eugh. idk. I don't hate people for liking them, but to me they just have a very weak plot and the characters hardly have any development. but I'm open to hear others' views on them.

oh, and also, WOOT WOOT, where are my Bad Batch fans?? I finished it a few weeks ago and I loved it so much that I started it AGAIN. I'm already in season 3 D: my dad asked me what I'm going to do when I finish it again and I said, "...cry. then start it again :)". shh who says I'm obsessed?

ANYWAYS, enough about me, let the nerding commence. 

submitted by Ellesmere, age of ages, Barton IV
(May 24, 2024 - 12:19 pm)


submitted by Nooooo don't, age die like, Tech!
(June 23, 2024 - 10:10 pm)

eeuuugh. Hemlock just... augh. he's so horrible. the first time I watched through TBB, I was watching it with a writer's mind, like, "ah ma gooness, he's such an excellently written antagonist, I aspire to write a villain just like him (and I ended up writing an antagonist that also fidgets with hid hands and speaks eloquently), aaaah this show is amazing and Hemlock is incredible" and the second time I watched through, I literally felt FURY just SHIVERING in my VEINS every time I saw him, and I haaated him.

hey, but at least that means they really did write a good antagonist. if a viewer is loving their quality at the same time as hating their guts, you know you're on the right track. Dave Filoni you nasty moof milker <3 

submitted by Ellesmere, age || Eriadu, searching for Tech again
(June 24, 2024 - 10:50 am)

Yes I felt the exact same way! Like, I love Hemlock's character because I hate him! Dave Filoni is really good at his job if he can make me love and hate a character at the same time, but also make me want dead characters resurrected, or even wish places like Pabu were real. (I so want a vacay there.) When my family and I watched the finale and Hemlock got shot like a bajillion times we all were yelling and excited! I was likeヽ(´▽`)/. Do you know of the whole Ahsoka, Lux affair thing? We (my siblings and I) were watching Clone Wars this morning, and when they came on for some reason I couldn't stop laughing! Their ship dynamic is so funny and perfect. And I saw some sort of familiar looking characters today, characters that spend a lot of their time in Cid's place. Here's where you can see them, S4 E16 of the Clone Wars "Friends and Enemies" at about 11 minutes in the episode. I've seen Clone Wars, before but it was a long time ago, I didn't quite understand it at the time and I've wanted to see it again but hadn't committed to watching it until now so it's kinda like watching a new show where you know the premise but not the details. Ya know?

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age || Eriadu, Searching for Tech 4 eva
(June 24, 2024 - 6:21 pm)

ugh Hammy (my ten-year-old computer) bluescreened while I was replying to you so now I have to write it all again -_-

I actually am rewatching Clone Wars! I'm near the end of season 1 (I just started) and I know exactly what you mean--where you don't really remember all the details, and yet once you see them, you DO remember them. it's insane how much I can remember from when I watched it as a little kiddo--although I suppose I did rewatch it a lot, so it's probably ingrained, lol.

yes, Pabu is amazing!! in fact, thank you for mentioning it, now I know where my next destination is. would you like to come along? I have room for one more in my old TIE fighter :3 

submitted by Ellesmere, age 5,134 r., space, destination: Pabu
(June 25, 2024 - 12:36 pm)

Yaaaaaaaaaas! Lez gooooooooooo! What do you want to do at Pabu? I want one, no TWO of those Snow cone things that Wreaker wanted. ;P are there any other places that you wish to visit? Perhaps the home of the Togruta, Shili or Nevarro, maybe meet the high Magistrate Greef Karga. Do you have a favorite species? I like the Togruta, Clones (if that counts as a species) and Wookies. (But it's not limited to that.) I mean I'm not sure I know of ALL the species but of the ones I know those are some of my favorites. :3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age | in a Tie, fighter headed for Pabu
(June 25, 2024 - 8:21 pm)

let's go take a boat out and watch the lights come on at night! and then I want to sit in the tree at the top of the island and watch the stars.

clones are definitely my favorite species, and I personally think they do count as a species. sort of. idk but they SHOULD. time to make a clone rights flag and put it in my room lol. otherwise, I really like trandoshans (Cid, Bossk, etc.) and I think zygerrians look really neat and have an interesting history. also ortolans are so funny. and I think droids should be a speices!! most of them are sentient, aren't they? droid rights flag next.

next we should go to Kashiik! it's just so pretty. have you ever been there?

oh, and sorry if the TIE is a bit of a tight fit, but it was the cheapest ship I could find that wasn't half-dilapidated and still had a hyperdrive. she isn't pretty, but she still flies :3

submitted by Ellesmere, destination: Pabu
(June 26, 2024 - 9:53 am)

It sounds like we got a good plan, snow cones, boat ride, star gazing, then Kashiik! I have seen Kashiik and I like their architecture, the tree houses and such, but I've never been there myself. It'll be a adventure! (>u<)

I think clones should be treated better. I mean they were brought in the galaxy to fight for freedom and they got nothing in return. They aren't just tools to be used and disposed of. That's part of the reason I like Senator Chuchi do much. Now all we need is a Senator that will fight for droid rights.

What are your thoughts on Cid's betrayal? I was so disappointed in her. But I kinda thought she might do that. Always threatening the batch to do her work cuz she could turn them in. But she also looked a little ashamed when she betrayed them. Idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And yes I'm comfortable back here, it is a bit of a challenge to find a cheap ship with a good hyperdrive these days. Who taught you to fly? I'm self taught, I downloaded the manual to my data pad and passed the test first try. I was super excited! ;3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Destination: Pabu as well
(June 26, 2024 - 6:48 pm)

ughhh Cid... why'd you have to do that?? she was such a good character, such a fun personality, and she just had to turn them in. so sad. she looked genuinely sorry, though...

where I learned to fly? eh, here and there. my older brother (this is minorly based off reality) was a pilot, and I learned a lot of stuff from him. as well as my dad (also based off reality)--he wanted to be a podracer back on my home planet. he ended up coding droids for a transportation company instead, but he still knew a lot of mechanic stuff, and I picked that up from him. otherwise, I... well, I flew around for a... large business. but that's a story for another time.

for now, brace yourself a little bit, we're about to exit hyperspace :3

submitted by Ellesmere, age 5,139 r., Pabu airspace
(June 27, 2024 - 11:01 am)

Ah, I see. *buckles back up* My dad also works on droids, he reprograms old imperial and  separatist droids for different companies that sell them to different people for different purposes. (This is also based on real life. And what I said about reading the flying manual is also partly based on real life. I have not taken a driving test yet though.) My mother has taught my siblings and I almost everything we know. (also based on real life since I'm homeschooled.) Ahh, Pabu even from out here is beautiful.(- ω -) I've been doing some... odd jobs, to get enough credits for a ship. I've had to loan different ships to get around. But I want one of my own, it doesn't have to be much I could even try to customize it. Ahh dreams. But enough about me, what about you? Did you do some work with one of the syndicates? Pykes maybe? I don't mean to pry of course, I'm merely curious. :3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu airspace
(June 27, 2024 - 2:26 pm)

droids, huh? I have a droid--a Q7 unit. I had to leave him with a friend when I lost my old ship, but I'm saving my credits for a V-wing that his type of droid is built for.

I... I was a pilot. for the Empire. just for a few years, when it still had the taste of the Republic in its mouth. but I saw the corruptness, the way my fellow pilots were treated like tools instead of real people. but it doesn't matter now. my old life's behind me.

anyways, I've been looking for a specific type of V-wing--an Experimental Unit, one with a rudimentary hyperdrive installed. TIE Fighters aren't built with hyperdrives; I installed one on this one myself. it's been giving me fits lately, and I'd rather find a ship that I know how to fly that has a hyperdrive already in it. I set down a payment for one a few weeks ago. it's in rough shape, but nothing I can't fix. I just need to figure out how to pay the rest of the credits I owe.

all right, this'll be a bit of a clunky landing, TIEs aren't meant to land by themselves. 

submitted by Ellesmere, age 5,140, Pabu airspace
(June 28, 2024 - 10:24 am)

Ooooo a V-wing! I've thought about getting a A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter, but it is over my budget. So I'm looking at maybe an old V-19 Torrent or a clone Z-95 headhunter. Nether of those have the right hyperdrive system I want tho. You said that you have a droid, does it have a name? I've got a B-D droid in my pack but she ran out of charge so I'll have to take care of that when we land.

I used to be a... part time bounty hunter, I'm good at stealth and I mostly chose jobs that would bring the target alive. If I didn't choose that kind of job I gave my target a chance and a choice.(something like the Mandolorian) I never chose anything that would bring to much heat though. But I don't do that anymore like you said that is the past.

Also will it be a problem if we're flying into Pabu in a Tie? It won't send the wrong message, right? \:3 

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu airspace
(June 28, 2024 - 8:48 pm)

no, it should be all right. TIEs usually don't fly alone, so they'll know something's different.

bounty hunter. interesting. I've run into a few bounty hunters in the past. a rough bunch, they are. not very fun to mess with when you've been separated from the rest of your squadron.

my droid's name? ...well, I never really thought of giving him a name. in that weird in-between stage where some of my squad was still clones, they told me never to get really attached to the Q7 units I was given, since they were a volatile bunch and were prone to breaking a lot. guess mine just got lucky that it went to someone who knew how to fix it. you're right--he deserves a name. I'll think of one when I've got a V-wing he can help me fly.

all right, here we are. just pop out of the top hatch, the bottom one triggers emergency data deletion measures. let's go get us some of those snowcones :D

(I love how this thread turned from a normal, delusional Bad Batch discussion to a full-on roleplay lol, also starting new reply thread since the other one was getting a little skinny)

submitted by Ellesmere, age 5,142 r., Pabu
(June 29, 2024 - 12:49 pm)

Ah yeah that makes sense. About the Tie I mean.

I understand when you say bounty hunters are a rough bunch. I had to team up with some other hunters from time to time if a job was to hard to do alone. I didn't do it often though, I don't mean any wrong but they were to rough to be around. If you know what I mean. I would hunt my bountys with honor, they didn't, that's when I realized that bounty hunting was more than what I once thought.

Alrighty let's go. *unbuckles and goes out the top hatch* What flavor do you think you'll get? Jogan fruit? Meiloorun fruit? Something else? \:3

(Yes I agree. I'm having fun looking at an online source and lore to use in this role-playing thing we've gotten ourselves into. I was telling my grandmother about our conversations , star wars and bad batch, she told me " you do realize that these are fictional characters right? " I just looked at her and grinned like this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol. What will the thread that you're making be called?)


submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(June 30, 2024 - 4:06 pm)

(no I didn't mean I was making a new thread, I meant how I made a new comment to reply to because the long string of replies on the other one was getting difficult to read. and yeah, it's so much fun to be looking at sources and stuff. I've been learning a lot of things that I didn't know before. also, thing about the rp that we have going now, should we switch to a more roleplay-like form [like 3rd person past tense narrative or something] or do you want to keep it like this for now?)

I'll probably have the jogan flavor--I've always liked jogan fruit.

ugh, the hyperdrive came a little loose on the way here. I'll have to see if anyone has the tools to fix it. I really need that V-wing... this shamble of parts isn't going to last too long at this pace. 

submitted by Ellesmere, age 5,144 r., Pabu
(July 1, 2024 - 11:22 am)

So first, on the topic of our little rp we got here, I don't care what we do and I think I know what you're talking about with the first person past tence but do you think you could give an example?

Now I think I'll also have a jogan snow cone as well. Hey! I have an idea, hear me out what if you and I use our credits together and get a ship that we can both fly in. (kinda like Han and Chewie) We can either work together from scratch to get a new ship each or we could be a small crew together! Ehh Ehh? \:3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu ,getting snow cones
(July 3, 2024 - 9:39 pm)