Ski Lodge!We

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski Lodge!We

Ski Lodge!

Welcome to the Sunbeam Inn!

Need a break from life? Preferably somewhere comfortable? We've got you covered! With plush rooms, state-of-the-art television, and, of course, lots of popcorn, the Sunbeam Inn has all you could need, and more! Hang out at our pristine pool (that definitely isn't just a hole in the ground filled with dirty water), borrow the latest from our library (that totally isn't a dusty bathroom filled with books in the toilet bowl), and shop at our exclusive candy shop (which of course isn't just a bowl filled with our expired chocolate, now why would you think that, certainly not because we told you so!), and more! Escape from everything, the right way!

We look forward to seeing you here,

Luxury & Contentment

P.S., beware the dragon. She's been in a mood.


We will be accepting a maximum of 12 CBers. 





What's in your bag?:

Closest thing that could be used as a weapon?: 

What are you wearing?:

You colored your hair?:

Would you rather be happy or healthy?: 

Greatest fear?:

What's after death?:

Fight or Flight?: 

Weirdest food combination?:

Favorite song:

When you grow up:

In the night lurks:

On your popcorn: 

Why did the chicken cross the road?:

Disclaimer: this will definitely finish but with school and all may take a while to start
submitted by Luxury & Contentment, The Sunbeam Inn
(September 10, 2023 - 7:37 pm)

So good so far!

submitted by Luna silvermoon
(May 18, 2024 - 9:06 pm)

*not me forgetting I had this, no, definitely not. O_O  cough. cough.*

Thank y'all again for your lovely comments!!! They just made my day again because I had to skim through a couple parts to remember where I left off XD


Day 3, Part 6

Pangolin sat everyone down before she told them what they knew. "Mr. Dersir," she said.

"Who?" Luna silvermoon asked. The others nodded in agreement. No one remembered.

Contentment sighed, standing up. "Mr. Dersir. The only resident here you haven't seen. He's a Brsider Shdownster. And... yes, he's the one behind all this." She turned to pangolin, crossing her arms. "How did you know?"

"Well, the library doesn't have any windows!" pangolin said. "But remember when we all woke up in the library and there were windows??"

Everyone nodded, remembering the lifelike dream.

"In the library, while browsing through the books, I came across a chapter on Brsider Shdownsters. The few known in existence are capable of doing things like... that. They play tricks. They make people slip, trip, and sometimes..." pangolin trailed off, looking at Gloomy. Everyone caught her drift. "But, what I don't understand," they said, looking at Contentment. "Is that you said Mr. Dersir was sweet. Why would he do something like this?"

"He... he is sweet," said Contentment. "It's just..." she trailed off, then took a deep breath, regathered herself. "Mr. Dersir was here before any of us. He's the one who... gives the Inn its life. And before it was an Inn, when it was the Estate, he gave it life then, too. He chooses to give this building life, and we love him for it. Without it, we'd be just a run-down Inn. But with him... we're a home. If that makes sense. But Mr. Dersir... you know the quote, "with great power comes great responsibility"? He can create powerful illusions --  he gave us the Deck -- but he must pay a terrible price."

"Murdering the people who come here," said Riley, so softly that it could've been the breeze whispering. For once, xyr face was entirely without humor. 

"It's the Game," said Contentment. "Lux and I were too scared, in our first years here, to think that we could do anything to stop playing. People..." she choked. "I guess we were broken then. But we kept on, kept moving on, moving forward... it came to be too much. We closed last year. And we were determined to stay close..."

"You thought it was going to be different this time," remembered Silver.

"Mr. Dersir thought that maybe it could be. He's hiding away right now, watching, but not letting himself be seen. Helps him think. He thinks he's found a way to cheat the system -- if you all can find the murderer before you're all dead, he can stop. But... I don't know. I doubt it will work. I think he's just trying to instill some hope in us, some hope in himself, too. This hits him, maybe even harder than it hits us. We're desperate." Contentment looked up. "But maybe we can do this. Maybe it'll turn out okay. We just need to find out who the murderer is..."


Dead: 2 (CelineBurning Bright, GloomyBear)

Alive: 10

Uncertain: 1 (Lillagwaith)

The creatures: 

Coco - dragon

Cozy/ZZ/Z - baku

Critique/Tiki - wngetier

Sunbeam - goldfish - ghost 

Mr. Dersir - Brsider Shdownster - missing/in-hiding



this is poorly written and smashed together to make some smidgen (is that a word? Eh.) of sense but it's 1:31 AM currently so good night y'all :D thank you for reading my terrible writing (and if you don't, it's fine, makes sense :) most of this is made up of late night sprints)

submitted by Lux&Con - New Part!, age Day3,Part6, The Sunbeam Inn
(June 15, 2024 - 3:36 am)
submitted by Lux&Con - New Part!, SLEEP IS GOOD FOR YOU! :D
(June 15, 2024 - 1:23 pm)

Wow this part was really well written :) and yes, remember your sleep!

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 15, 2024 - 3:33 pm)

Well that was Intriguing! I wonder who's next.....

submitted by Luna silvermoon
(June 18, 2024 - 3:57 pm)