Ski Lodge!We

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski Lodge!We

Ski Lodge!

Welcome to the Sunbeam Inn!

Need a break from life? Preferably somewhere comfortable? We've got you covered! With plush rooms, state-of-the-art television, and, of course, lots of popcorn, the Sunbeam Inn has all you could need, and more! Hang out at our pristine pool (that definitely isn't just a hole in the ground filled with dirty water), borrow the latest from our library (that totally isn't a dusty bathroom filled with books in the toilet bowl), and shop at our exclusive candy shop (which of course isn't just a bowl filled with our expired chocolate, now why would you think that, certainly not because we told you so!), and more! Escape from everything, the right way!

We look forward to seeing you here,

Luxury & Contentment

P.S., beware the dragon. She's been in a mood.


We will be accepting a maximum of 12 CBers. 





What's in your bag?:

Closest thing that could be used as a weapon?: 

What are you wearing?:

You colored your hair?:

Would you rather be happy or healthy?: 

Greatest fear?:

What's after death?:

Fight or Flight?: 

Weirdest food combination?:

Favorite song:

When you grow up:

In the night lurks:

On your popcorn: 

Why did the chicken cross the road?:

Disclaimer: this will definitely finish but with school and all may take a while to start
submitted by Luxury & Contentment, The Sunbeam Inn
(September 10, 2023 - 7:37 pm)

@Celine, Silver, and Hawkstar, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! @Celine I am not Poinsettia or Lyric.

@Reuby, please tell me if you're fine with how I portrayed you

@Everyone, just a reminder that 4 spots are still open

I promise we’ll get to the exciting part soon!


Day 0, Part 2

The CBers had already seen the great room (the room they had all just been in), so they went to the game room, the room right next door, first. A foosball table, a ping pong table, air hockey, a dartboard but no darts for some reason… it wasn’t bad as far as game rooms went. A dazzling painting hung above a shelf of board games and puzzles, of sweeping mountains and glorious sunsets and rushing waterfalls. The CBers could almost hear the roar of the water, and could tell that they’d be spending lots of time in this room for the days to come. After all, there was a popcorn machine in the corner.


Next door was the kitchen, a brightly-lit, cheery room where the cook then happily introduced xemself. “Hi! I’m The Life of Riley, but call me Riley if that’s too much of a mouthful! Xe/xem/xyrs/xemself pronouns please! And don’t judge on the name, Lux is the one who picked it!” 

“I was only 4 at the time, all right?” said Luxury. “You can’t blame me for something I did at 4!” 

“4 and already horrible at naming things!” Riley quipped. Luxury shot xem a glare. 

“Xyrs also my twin!” Contentment intervened, trying valiantly to stop the siblings’ fight before it escalated. 

“And we don’t know about xyrs cooking yet, but xe claims that xe took cooking lessons at a ‘fancy culinary school’ and has developed ‘extraordinary taste when it comes to the art of preparing food’... we’ll see about that! ” Luxury added, not quite ready yet to give up. “We all know your scrambled eggs are horrible!”

“It was just that one time I added too much salt!” said Riley, “Besides, maybe I’d be more ready for this job if someone didn’t call me last minute for it in the first place!” 

“Last minute?” one of the CBers asked, but the conversation had already moved on.

The tour had been going on 40 minutes (it was a big Inn) when they got to a set of big oaken doors at the end of a drafty hallway. “Now, this,” Luxury had said, eyes shining. “Is my favorite place in the whole Inn.” They pushed open the doors and all the CBers surged towards the opening, eager for a peek at what made this one place so special. They were not disappointed. Rolling hills dotted the landscape, for it was a landscape - inside the building! - the doors led to, and trees reached high to touch the laughing sun. In the distance, clouds were gathered, but for now the sky was bright and clear, and waterfalls thundered majestically down all over, forming faint rainbows in the mist. It looked an awful lot like the painting in the game room, actually. 

“Are we outside?” asked BookGirl. 

“No,” Contentment answered. “Not truly.” 

“We’re in an illusion,” said Luxury. “One of the most powerful ones ever. In the way that it’s real but doesn’t exist.” 

Whispers of “what did they say”, and “what do they mean?” made their way through the crowd. 

Luxury took a minute to gather up their thoughts and tried their best to explain. “What I mean is, everything you see around you, it was put here, placed, it’s not natural. But it’s here and it’s tangible and it’s certainly not fake.” The crowd nodded. “This,” Luxury said, taking up a fistful of grass, “is real grass. Smell it, feel it, taste it… there’s no doubt that it’s real. But this grass also,” here they dropped the grass, scattering it on the breeze, “doesn’t exist. Not as grass, anyway. It’s not true grass. It’s not grass in the way grass is at the core, it’s just grass in appearance and traits and purpose, but not in meaning. It’s like if, say, you get turned into a puppy. You take the shape of the puppy, the personality of the puppy, even think the thoughts of the puppy. In many ways, you are the puppy. But it’s more like, the puppy is you. Because, what is a puppy, really? Feeding on a mother’s milk, being raised with love and care - or brutality, as often the case in life is-, fighting for a place in the world. You can never replicate that, never copy that. You can pretend, but that’s really all it is, at heart. Pretense. Does that make sense?” Some CBers nodded their heads hesitantly, some furrowed their brows in confusion, some just gave Luxury a blank stare. 

“It’s alright if you don’t understand,” Contentment jumped in. “I don’t either. That’s why we leave the explaining to Luxury here. And, anyways,” she added, “the illusion isn’t even the best part! Guess what IS!!?”

“Is it… DRAGONS?!?!?!?!” asked CelineBurning Bright, wearing a dragon shirt, and who had obviously been waiting for just this moment after first reading the PS in the letter.

“DRAGONS AND MORE!!!” shouted Contentment, sharing Celine’s enthusiasm. Even Luxury, a bit pissed that everyone had moved on from their lecture so quickly, had to smile. It was time to show the CBers the best part of the Inn!

submitted by Lux&Con-Second Part, age Day0,Part2, The Sunbeam Inn
(September 28, 2023 - 11:09 pm)

Oooh yes. I love this, and the way you portrayed me!

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(September 29, 2023 - 3:58 pm)


yes, that would be me irl :) 

submitted by CelineBurninDRAGONS!, age DRAGONS!!!, The Sunbeam Inn
(September 29, 2023 - 8:48 pm)

Apologies for how many "had"s there are here, and for how long it took to post this. I still can't get Contentment's speech quite to my exact liking but I guess it's time to let it go. I also lost my creature notes, so had to remake some names, and they honestly don't sound as cool as they did before. I promise we'll get to the action in maybe two more parts! Thank you for your patience! Just get through a couple more long introduction posts and then we'll get to the good stuff (the murders)!


@Reuby, thank you, and I'm glad you liked the way I portrayed you! 


Day 0, Part 3


The dragon’s name was Coco and she was a lovely, scaled beast, studded all over with plates that spoke of the ocean and unknown places and possibility, forever shifting in the changing sunlight. She had a long, tapered snout, and spiked tail, and amber eyes like droplets of fire. She had been sleeping when the CBers had first arrived, but with the scent of newcomers, had woken up and was jumping all over them like a large dog, except that she was twice the size. At first everyone had stood back, wary because of the warning in the invitation, but Celine had ventured out, unable to hold in her excitement, and found that the dragon was actually quite friendly, though the two hosts still cautioned carefulness. “Coco is usually a sweetheart,” Contentment said, “But as of late she’s been a bit… irritable, if you understand my meaning. She can snap at the slightest annoyance or discomfort, and trust me, you do not want to be anywhere near her when she’s angry. She’s got sharp claws and sharper teeth and isn’t afraid to use either, or both at once.” For now, though, Coco didn’t show any sign of aggression, and the CBers were happy to play games of fetch with her (using a rather large log) until Luxury and Contentment said it was time to move on. “There are more creatures to see,” Luxury said. And indeed there were.

The baku, a mix between a tapir, an elephant, and a mouse, was a sweet creature, aptly named Cozy - “but she only responds to ZZ or Z,” said Contentment, who seemed to know all the creatures’ preferences and such. Apparently, she was able to eat nightmares, if anyone was having any bad dreams. You just had to call her over, and she would suck up the bad and leave you to a peaceful rest-of-the-night. “Just call her in your head, and she’ll hear. She has tiger paws so she doesn’t wake you.” Z padded up to the group, displaying that she did, indeed, have tiger paws, and nuzzled each one of them in turn, prodding gently with her short trunk. 

“She’s checking you all out!” Luxury laughed, a clear bright sound like the tinkling of bells, and the CBers looked on in surprise. They had never seen Luxury laugh before!


There was also a regal flying tiger, who swooped over the group and landed gracefully, head held high, looking at them with imperious indifference. “And this,” said Contentment, “is Critique, but call her Tiki.” Tiki nosed Contentment’s hand, as if looking for treats, and Contentment stroked her gently. “She’s a wngetier, famous for her brilliant wings, as you can see, but her species is sadly becoming extinct because of humans stripping her for her beautiful golden feathers.” The CBers shielded their eyes as Tiki flared her wings suddenly, strutting like a peacock, and the sun caught the gilded gold feathers such that they cast a bright glow over the wngetier like that of the sun rising. When the CBers opened their eyes again, she was gone, just a dot in the distance. “I think she got bored of us,” Contentment giggled, watching the retreating speck of orange.


"There are so many creatures..." breathed Luna Silvermoon as they walked back to where they had started.

Contentment beamed at them. "That's right! This is the Deck, and we're lucky to have many wonderful beasts living here!"

Moon Wolf raised her hand. “But why aren’t they in enclosures?” she asked. The other CBers nodded, also wondering. Every time they’d seen creatures, they hadn’t had free reign, like these critters did, for both their and the animals’ safety.

A cloud passed over Contentment’s face, and even Luxury watched nervously as their sister looked at the CBers with a level gaze. “Why do you think?” she asked calmly.

“Maybe.. because it’s cruel to lock them up? Even if they are wild?” pangolin offered.

Contentment nodded. “And also, this is their home too, did you think of that? These creatures here, there were more before, but the ones here now chose to stay. They can leave at any time but they choose this place as their home. And that's important to remember, because this is not a menagerie, where we lock up living things, or a pet store, where we tame them. We call this the Deck because we think it suits the place better. A deck on a ship is open and free and quite the opposite of caged, it's where the wind blows and things happen, and it's always moving and changing. In other words, it's wild. And this is a place where things are wild. Everyone understands, right?"

The group nodded and Contentment continued.

"Besides, all these animals were here before us anyway, it'd feel weird telling them what to do. Luxury and I bought the Inn from an eccentric billionaire, who was collecting the animals for a private zoo." Her face wrinkled in disgust. "The billionaire's name was Richard Guy, I'm sure you've heard of him?"

Recognition flashed across the CBers' faces. They had all heard about the billionaire who famously was found murdered 12 years ago, in his own estate. Apparently he had been having a party - a party celebrating the Inn's transfer of ownership to Luxury and Contentment, they now learned - when he got up to go to the bathroom and was discovered dead on the stairs an hour later.

"So.." said Hawkstar. "This is where Richard Guy died? The Sunbeam Estate?" 

"I'm afraid so." Luxury said. "But don't worry about old Rich's ghost. We only have one here, and it's certainly not him!"

"Y-you have a ghost?!" BookGirl exclaimed.

"Well.. yes. Of course." Lux gave her an odd look. "You haven't heard about Sunbeam?"


"Yes. Rich named his estate after his goldfish, Sunbeam. That's where the Inn's name comes from too. You see, Sunbeam is how he made all his money in the first place. When he was a little boy, he had been splashing in the river, when he caught a goldfish and brought it home to his parents. Unfortunately, the fish died along the way, but Rich had trapped it in a bag and it's spirit couldn't get out, so it remained a ghost. He kept the fish and named it Sunbeam, because of the way sunbeams sliced straight through it, taking it on tour around the world. Folks would pay big bucks just to see the "Ghost of the Goldfish"! Sunbeam is still with us today, you'll probably see it somewhere around here. It likes to float through the walls, seems to find it enjoyable, so don't be spooked if you see a flash of orange suddenly poke it's head through a painting and stare at you."

The CBers looked at Luxury for a moment in awed silence. Finally, pangolin said "Wow." and they moved on to other topics.


"Are only Coco, ZZ, Tiki, and Sunbeam still living here? Or are there others too?" Hawkstar asked.

"One other," Contentment said. "We call him Mr. Dersir, but really he should be Camouflage or something. He's a pro at hiding and blending in, so we unfortunately can't find him right now. You'll probably see him around whenever he decides to show himself though! He's a Brsider Shdowonster, a species so rare it doesn't even have a common name yet! But he's a real sweetie, and a perfect example of why you shouldn't judge by appearance!"

"Why?" asked Moth. "What does he look like?"

Luxury shuddered. "You don't want to know."

"Anyways," Contentment said. "I think it's time to show you all your rooms! Trust me, you'll love them!"

Reuby Moonnight opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Luxury added, "and they really are 'plush rooms', right down to the silk sheets, just like it says in the invite!" Reuby shut her mouth quickly as Luxury glared at her, wolves in her eyes. Finally, they said, "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


Dead: 0

Alive: 12-15

Uncertain: 0

The creatures:

Coco - dragon

Cozy/ZZ/Z - baku

Critique/Tiki - wngetier

Sunbeam -  goldfish - ghost

Mr. Dersir -  Brsider Shdowonster - missing/in-hiding


Bonus: 1st version of Contentment's speech, because that's how unhappy I am with the 2nd version I'm using. :

This magical place, this.. illusion, though pangolin still couldn’t wrap their mind around how it was, was called The Deck, and housed many creatures you didn’t see normally in your everyday life. Creatures many doubted were real… until you were staring right at them. In fact, Pangolin hadn’t even known some of them existed before this! For example, the baku, a mix between a tapir, mouse, and elephant from Japanese myth that ate… nightmares? Pangolin couldn’t even figure out how that worked! Apparently, though, they were good to have around because if you were ever having a bad dream, you could ask the baku to suck it right up and you would be able to sleep the rest of the night in peace. At least, thought pangolin, the baku was awake (in the 1st version, Coco was asleep the whole time). It was wandering around a grassy field, waving its short trunk around. Which pangolin thought was interesting. None of the animals were locked up in an enclosure or anything of the sort. They were just free to roam around and do whatever they wanted, no boundaries, restrictions, or limits. They could even leave the property if they wanted, which, for some reason they never chose to do!

“Why do they get more privileges than us?” Moon Wolf asked now. 

Contentment glanced.. well, contentedly at the baku, lumbering about. Her name was Cozy, but the CBers had been told she only answered to ZZ. “Well, this is their home too.” she answered simply. “And they should be free to go wherever they want, whenever they want in their own home, should they not? That’s why this place is a “Deck”, not a menagerie. It isn’t some messed up zoo or even sanctuary. It’s their home. They chose it.” Contentment turned to face the CBers, a face made of iron. Pangolin startled, she had never seen their friendly host so.. intense, before! “You see, this place, the Sunbeam Inn, it used to be the home of a collector. An esteemed man. You may know of him. His name was-"


and that's where I ran out of steam writing, trying to figure out an appropriate name. 

submitted by 3 spots left-newpart, age Day0,Part3, The Sunbeam Inn
(October 9, 2023 - 1:57 am)

Amazing!!! Love the creatures, and the *ominous voice* goldfish ghost.

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(October 9, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

this is so good!! i love your writing style and worldbuilding, and the banter between Luxury, Contentment, and Riley was really fun :D the deck and all the creatures are so cool!! :0 hmm, i wonder if the goldfish ghost (which is very cool btw) is going to play a larger role later? perhaps once cbers start to die, the same thing that kept the goldfish ghost trapped will keep the ghosts of the cbers trapped? anyway, this is incredible so far! you've been portraying me perfectly :D

also, are you Sylver, maybe? 

i'm excited for the next part~ 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(October 14, 2023 - 12:46 pm)

Oops, sorry, forgot to top!

submitted by Top please!, age Cel@Taisry, The Sunbeam Inn
(October 27, 2023 - 2:13 am)
submitted by 3 spots left-newpart
(October 9, 2023 - 1:58 am)
submitted by 3 spots left-newpart
(October 9, 2023 - 1:59 am)

Yayy new part! With... DRAGONS!!!! Ackk Coco sounds so cute!!! And ZZ and Tiki and hmm.. Mr. Dersir seems suspicious... and wow that whole backstory with Sunbeam was really interesting! It's fine, take as long as you need to get to the murders, the description are pretty cool too (I wonder what our rooms will look like..?), and as long as you need to roll out the parts :)

submitted by Celine YAY NEW PART, age excited :p, with… DRAGONZZZZZ
(October 9, 2023 - 11:38 am)

Extremely sorry for the long wait (and all the repetition in this piece)! Hopefully it will be shorter next time, but I can't make any promises. Only one part left 'till the murders start though! Thank you all so much for your comments, they really make my day!

@pangolin, no, I am not Sylver, but good guess!

@Luna Silvermoon, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to capitalize "moth" or not?

@everyone, I would very much prefer it if we could start murders with the 4 remaining spots filled please! If you could fill out the form in a week, that'd be great! If not, that's fine also. You can join anytime, until the maximum of 12 CBers is reached. Thank you! Don't hesitate to tell me if you want anything changed!


Day 0, Part 4

Luna Silvermoon/moth had to say. The rooms really were exquisite. A golden chandelier hung in the middle of the room, giving off a warm glow - Contentment assured everyone that all the electricity came from the solar panels out on the roof and on the Deck. The Sunbeam Inn operated on literal sunbeams! - and the wallpaper was specially enchanted to show scenes of waterfalls thundering and fawns playing tag in the woods. In fact, in each corner, a huge tree acted as a support column, making moth feel as if they were in a real forest. A huge ornate window made of pieces of different colored glass took up one wall, so that the sun cast shifting colors to spin through the room like a kaleidoscope as it progressed throughout the day. Velvet curtains hung off a rod above the windows, and the floor was made of thick carpet, a bit like grass. There was a terrarium of crickets in one corner, and the sound of them chirping rhythmically almost lulled moth to sleep. The only things Luxury and Contentment had failed to mention, however, was that the CBers would be having roommates. Apparently, there had been some, ah, accidents, in some of the other rooms, as Luxury had put it, and so they were running low on space. “But I’m sure you’ll all get along fine with your new roommates!” they had added. 

“Totally not picked randomly last minute with a spinner!”

“Riley, that’s not helpful!”


Moth sighed as they dumped their pack on one of the two twin beds in the room. She supposed Silver seemed nice enough. At the very least, she had “silver” in her name. Moth decided to try to get to know her. They might as well if they were going to be sharing a room with this person for… huh, she didn’t know how long. 

“So… hey!” they said, turning to Silver, who was unpacking her suitcase on the opposite bed. “I’m Luna Silvermoon, as you already know, but you can call me moth also!”

Silver smiled shyly. “Well, I’m Silver Crystal, or Silver, but you know that.” The conversation stalled, and moth scanned through Silver’s belongings scattered on her bed (not in a creepy stalker way! Just saying! It feels like that once I reread it!), searching for something to continue the exchange.

“Umm, is that a notebook? Do you like to write?”

Silver brightened. “Yeah! Currently I’m writing a story about a witch who travels the world on a flying elephant, collecting and sharing the tales of the world with everyone!”

“That’s amazing!!” moth said, and she meant it.

“Uh, thanks!” Silver blushed. “Do you like to read or write?”

Moth gestured to their section of their room, where every manga in Komi can’t communicate lay on the bed.

Silver giggled, “Awesome!”

Suddenly, Contentment called up, “It’s time for dinner!” The CBers all rushed down. 


The dining table was an ornate simple stretch of wood, but even so radiated the magnificence and knowledge only a tree who has lived through thousands and thousands of eons, has seen things no other ever has, can. And indeed the tree was still alive, growing out of the floor and spreading out its branches to make a surface to set down pots and plates. Luxury and Contentment said that it had been here even before Richard Guy bought the place, maybe even since the beginning of time itself (if time ever began, of course). Wooden chairs that were actually quite comfortable lined the table, carvings of fairies and unicorns - and a frog for some reason - seeming to dance across their worn surface. They had high backs and plush seating and could swivel, as Moon Wolf had soon figured out, swiveling wildly, until all of the CBers were spinning in their chairs and laughing. 

Riley had made a scrumptious meal of lion’s head - a Chinese dish of stewed meatballs that delighted the CBers’ taste buds as spice and flavor mingled in their mouths. They also had an optional beverage, either a hot almond drink, winter melon tea, or plain water. Moth chose the hot almond drink, and was relieved when it tasted as good as it had sounded. Dessert was almond tofu, topped with fruits, which BookGirl declared was the best thing she had ever eaten. Riley said that xe was going to make a new cultural dish each night, and the CBers were excited. Dinner was family-style, with big bowls and dishes arranged in the middle of the table, so that the CBers could always come back for more. As they ate, moth learned that the other roommates consisted of BookGirl and Reuby, pangolin and Hawkstar, and Celine and Moon Wolf, and that each room was different. She and Silver had gotten The Enchanted Forest room, BookGirl and Reuby were in the Evening Walk room, pangolin and Hawkstar were in Sunset’s Laugh, and Celine and Moon Wolf resided in the Sea of Wonders.

After dinner, the CBers were given free-reign of the Inn to get used to where everything was. Hawkstar bolted for the library, Reuby went to “check out” (AKA criticize) the candy shop, and BookGirl and Celine ran outside to play on the lawn, taking a soccer ball with them. Moon Wolf had wanted to go see the Deck again, but since you had to be supervised in order to go in and Lux and Contentment were nowhere to be found, decided to go to the game room with Silver and moth. “Race you!” laughed moth, and they ran top speed to the game room, skidding to a stop when they got to the doorway. They bent over, gasping, trying to catch their breath.

“I-I think I may have-slipped on something,” said Silver, who had lost the contest.

“Nice try!” said moth, “But I think we all did. The floor’s all wet! It’s a hazard! Whose idea was it to race again?”

“Yours!” laughed Silver.

“Hey! Look, popcorn!” Moon Wolf said, pointing to the machine in the corner. All three grabbed cups by the machine and filled them to the top.

“Let’s bring the other CBers, and Lux and Contentment and Riley if we can find them, some popcorn too!” suggested Silver.

“Good idea!” Moon Wolf filled up some more cups and moth grabbed an armload of toppings. They, unfortunately, couldn’t find any of the hosts, but all the CBers met in the Grand Room and dug into their cups.

"So good.." pangolin said around a mouthful of salt and butter.

"Try it with some chocolate!" Hawkstar's popcorn already looked like a Roald Dahl book.

"I don't know, I prefer mine plain," said Celine, stuffing fistfuls of caramel popcorn into her mouth. 

The other CBers couldn't talk as they were too busy cramming their mouths with popcorn.



Luxury suddenly appeared in the doorway, eyes crinkled in the corners. "I see you guys have found the popcorn..." they said.

"Do you want any?" asked Moon Wolf, reaching for one of the extra cups.

"No thank you, Contentment and Riley are the big popcorn fans in the house, I couldn't care less."

Deathly silence filled the room, the crunching of mouths silent, as the CBers stared in shock at Luxury. "Y-you don't like popcorn?!" whispered Reuby.

Luxury quickly moved on. "Anyways, Contentment and I thought that for the first day, it might be good to do a little icebreaker game to get to know one another better. Sound good?"

"Yes!" cried the CBers. 

Luxury smiled. "Meet me in the library in 10 minutes."


Dead: 0

Alive: 8-12 (sorry, on the other ones I put "12-15", it's supposed to be "8-12". Likewise, when I put "3 spots left", I meant "4 spots left". So sorry again)

Uncertain: 0

The creatures:

Coco - dragon

Cozy/ZZ/Z - baku

Critique/Tiki - wngetier

Sunbeam -  goldfish - ghost

Mr. Dersir -  Brsider Shdowonster - missing/in-hiding

submitted by 4spotsleft - NEWPART, age Day0Part4, The Sunbeam Inn
(November 5, 2023 - 2:34 am)

Captcha says TYODE

submitted by 4spotsleft-NEW PART!
(November 7, 2023 - 12:48 am)

YAYY A NEW PART!! And, oooh, the ~sea of wonders~! Happy to be rooming with you, Moon Wolf! And ACKK NO WAY ARE YOU A MINDREADER I LOVEEE Lion's Head (shi zi tou in Chinese (literally, shi zi=lion, tou=head)!) AND hot almond drink (if you're thinking of the one I am, rich and frothy and no caffeine, right?) AND dong gua cha/wintermelon tea (just the other day I had it, it's absolutely PERFECT with milk!! Dong gua nai cha (literally, dong gua=wintermelon, nai=milk, cha=tea, I love dong gua tang (wintermelon soup) too!!)) and I have SCRUMPTIOUS almond tofu made fresh by my grandma for my birthday (my grandma doesn't believe in powder :) oh, and she tops with the tastiest fruit too, though I think everyone does) instead of cake (EVERYONE loved it so much!!)!! Sorry for all the Mandarin admins, it just feels soo weird calling this all in English. Like it's somehow not exactly the thing I love anymore, if that makes sense? Blech. But I understand if you have to delete it, so I put English too

I love the whole meal!! Excited for future ones! 

And, I get you, Luxury. I'm not a humongous popcorn fan myself (just the zebra and the caramel and occasionally the original :) )

Feiya says BAYED! Her second actual word (the first was woven, which I think is a beautiful word by the way)!! AWOOO!! :D

submitted by Celine ACKK NEW PART, age Eeeekkkkkk, The Sunbeam Inn
(November 8, 2023 - 12:52 am)

This is definitely one of the most accurate depictions of me in a Ski Lodge ever- I don't think I've won a single race in my entire life! I really like how detailed, fun, and creative this lodge is, and I can't wait to see where it goes once it gets into full swing. Also, a witch and a flying elephant is such a fun story idea, maybe I should really write that...

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 8, 2023 - 11:22 pm)

OMG I WOULD LOVE TO JOIN. This is a solo write which makes it even more awesome. I was just reading the parts and wishing I could join this is awesome news for me! 

Name: Cillian

Pronouns: She/her

Personality: Sweet and kind(most of the time) Can be super sarcastic and has a temper. Stands up for her friends but is not always brave. Can sometimes say dumb stuff. Goes crazy under pressure and also goes crazy when she stays up late. She can understand people well and sometimes (if she needs to) just sits down and is there with that person. She is pretty smart but like i said can be dumb. can get jealous and proud but not all the time. 

Appearance: Soft wavy light brown hair with streaks of brown and blonde, brown at the roots. Hazel eyes and a pretty face. Soft pastel clothing with lots of comfy hoodies. Creamy complexion. Sometimes wears reading glasses.

What's in your bag?: necessities, comfort snacks, big waterbottle, a few fat books, a journal and pencils, lots of random things like lip balm and gum. (also a few changes of shoes)

Closest thing to you right now that could be used as a weapon?: My huge stanley lol  

What are you wearing?: Soft creamy pink sweater with flared gray pants, a apple watch, hair in a loose bun, reading glasses on my head, soft pink nikes

You colored your hair?: Blonde and light brown

Would you rather be happy or healthy?: Happy

Greatest fear?: Being alone or abducted and creepy bugs

What's after death?: heaven

Fight or Flight?: Fight

Weirdest food combination?: Popcorn and pickles (popcorn preferably caramel but normal works)

Favorite song: Somewhere we only know by Keane

When you grow up: Lawyer or Buisness

In the night lurks: Bugs and murderers

On your popcorn: Anything yummy (PICKLES WORK)

Why did the chicken cross the road?: Because she was social distancing 

Other: I'm excited! Also captcha says Dydra. Did ya do what?

submitted by Cillian, age infinity, Somewhere :)
(November 16, 2023 - 7:38 pm)