Writing+Art Contest!   

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Writing+Art Contest!   

Writing+Art Contest!       

Credit to Rose bud for the original idea (felt the need to do that)

I was digging through Pudding's Place when I found Rose bud's "Writing/Art Contest!" and thought it was a really good idea! So, I'm gonna make one.

http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/puddingsplace/node/263703?page=... (Link to the original contest)

Here's how it works:

1. sign up as either an artist or an author.

2. on the 10th (or possibly sooner, whatever) I will assign each CBer a partner. There will be one author and one artist in each group.

3. There will be groups of two rounds. The groups will be judged on both partners' abilities. In the first semi-round, the author will post a short story. (Try to keep the stories under 1000 words) Then, the artist will draw a picture from the story. For the second semi-round, the partners will switch, with the artist posting a picture first, and the author writing a story for the picture.


You can request other CBers as your partner.

We won't start until we have perfect two-person teams.

I will periodically post lists of all the authors, artists, and requested teams that we have. 

Well, that's it! I'll post anything I've forgotten later, and make sure to ask me if you have any questions. 

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Castle Araluen
(March 6, 2021 - 10:49 pm)

Hi, I just submitted my story again, this time to be judged.  I was going to put your art along with it but then realized you had said you wanted to work on it some more.  So whenever you're done you can just post it as a reply to my story post.  I think Wreeboo will be judging soon.  Thank you for working with me!

submitted by Peregrine@Jaybells
(May 21, 2021 - 11:24 am)

Ah, thanks for remembering! I think I'll just leave it, though, on second thought. 

It's been lovely working with a talented person such as yourself, too! Good luck in the next round~

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(May 21, 2021 - 3:53 pm)

There have been a few (I think) requests to extend to deadline, so I'll push it off until the 26th. Is that okay with everyone?

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Castle Araluen
(May 21, 2021 - 12:34 pm)

Okay, here is my story! Technically it is the same as the last time I posted my story, but I wanted to make it more obvious that it was the final draft, and I thought I should add Feli's art. I hope you like it!



The Emerald in the Antique Shop


Leo frowned at the box in his hands. It was filled with all kinds of things, all different, special, in their own way. But that didn’t really matter to Leo, because the box felt so heavy in his arms. It had been a week since he had begun his job at the Blue Moon Antique Shop, and it confused him. The stuff inside it didn’t. They were everyday objects you could find in someone’s attic. But the shop itself, and Gloria, the owner of the shop, were anything but plain. Gloria was always talking about impossible things, things that sounded like they had come out of a fairy tale. Leo had figured she was just old, but Amy, who also worked at the shop and was only 14, completely agreed with her. He couldn’t help but wonder what in the world they were talking about. 


 Leo sighed and started putting stuff on shelves. Leo did love learning about the old things in the shop, and he loved wandering the shelves. They were filled with such interesting objects, like little pieces of history. He walked into his favorite aisle. There was a skylight put a perfect angle so that the sunlight coming from it would hit a mirror, illuminating the entire aisle. The things in the aisle didn’t seem quite real... It puzzled Leo. 


  On the shelves there was a key, a strange looking instrument that seemed to be a mix between a flute and a wind chime, a bracelet made of wood, a deep red scarf, an inkwell shaped like a teardrop, a single golden leaf earring, a clay sculpture that looked something like a twisted up woodwind instrument, two little jugs, a ribbon with a gem on it, an old ring in a little basket, a broken pot, what appeared to be some sort of hat rack, some kind of animal tooth, and a strange piece of wood that looked something like a wand. 



  Of all the things in this strange, even magical aisle, two things caught his eye, one of which was a person. Amy. She was staring at an emerald and... Talking to it? Amy was weird, but not that weird. Her back was turned to Leo, so she couldn’t see him. He spoke up to make himself noticed.


  “What are you doing?”


  Amy jumped, turned around, and smiled at Leo.


  “I’m talking to the girl in this necklace,” she said sweetly. 


  “Fine, don’t tell me what you’re doing,” said Leo, frustrated. He started putting things on the shelf across from Amy.


  “Well, excuse you!” Exclaimed the distant, annoyed voice of a girl.


  It was Leo’s turn to jump. 


  “Who... Who said that?” 


  Amy smiled again. “Emerald!” She moved out of the way so Leo could see a girl inside the necklace. She was looking indignantly out at Leo and Amy. 


 “I did!” She said angrily. “I’m Emerald.”




  Amy laughed. “Leo, meet Emerald. The princess with a bit of a temper.”


 “I am not a princess!” Emerald said in a voice that told Leo she had had to remind Amy about this multiple times.


 “Right, sorry,” said Amy. Then, after a long, awkward pause, she said, “Um, what are you again?”


  Emerald frowned. “I’m a Fairy Tale.”


 “A what?” Asked Leo. 


 “A Fairy Tale,” said Emerald, as if this was very obvious. “My story was never finished. I would be a princess if it was, but nope. I was just locked away in this necklace, completely forgotten. A Forgotten Fairy Tale. Wow.”


  Leo frowned and tilted his head. “Am I going crazy?”


  Emerald crossed her arms. “No,” she said. “You already are.” She stuck her tongue out.


  Since Emerald was not being much of a help, Leo turned to Amy and pointed meekly at the necklace. Amy nodded.


  “Yup,” she said. “I mean, no. You’re not going crazy. See, this shop, well, really only this aisle, has a connection to pretty much any storybook you ever read. Ever heard of Cinderella? Well, that-“ Amy pointed to the ring in the basket- “Was her wedding ring.” 


  Leo shook his head. “Huh?”


  Amy laughed again. “You’ll get used to it. Maybe.”


 “Anyway,” said Emerald, clearly trying to bring the conversation in some kind of direction, “I have to find my way out of here. And Amy, despite being a born Believer, doesn’t have the magic. Sorry, Amy,” she said, her voice softer.


 Amy suddenly perked up. “Maybe Leo has it!”


  Leo put his hands up and backed out of the aisle. He didn’t know what “the magic” was, but he didn’t want any part of it. “I severely doubt that.”


 “C’mon, Leo,” said Amy. She stuck out her lower lip and did puppy dog eyes.


 “Not going to work.” Leo looked away.


 “Leo, if you don’t at least try to get me out of this necklace, then I will-“


 “Yes ma’am!” Leo stood up straight and put his arms at his sides, not even letting Emerald finish the threat. He didn’t want to admit it, but even trapped in that necklace, Emerald was kind of scary.


  “Great!” Amy clapped her hands. She pushed Leo towards the necklace. “So Emerald, is he magic material?”


  Emerald looked irritated as she examined Leo, but slowly, her eyes  started to widen. “Woah.” Her voice dropped into a whisper as she said, “He is.”


  Amy smiled slightly, then walked to the piece of wood. It really did look like wand as she held it dramatically, then gave it to Leo, who held it nervously. The wood was smooth in his hands. 


 “So... What do I do now?” Leo asked tentatively.


 “Amy?” Said Emerald. “The spell.”


 Amy pulled an old, folded up piece of parchment paper from her pocket. “Recite these words,” she said, holding the paper out in front of Leo.


 “M-magic is in the strangest of places...”


 Amy nodded encouragingly, and Leo felt a warmth in his fingers.


“But not all magic was left in the pages,” Leo said, more confident now. 


“If tomorrow doesn’t come, let it see the light of day, if even for a moment, just before it runs astray.”



 Emerald looked excited. “Yes, yes! Again!”


 “Magic is in the strangest places,

  But not all magic was left in the pages.

  If tomorrow doesn’t come, let it see the light of day,

  Even for a moment, before it runs astray.”


 The emerald necklace started glowing, until it was so blinding Leo had to look away. When he looked back, Emerald was standing there. She had pale skin, bare feet, a dark green dress, green eyes, and long, wavy hair. She still looked annoyed, but much less so.


 “Thank you, both of you. I never liked fairy tales anyway. I’m excited to explore this new world,” she said. 


 “I’m not sure a name like Emerald will cut it,” said Leo, scratching the back of his neck.


 “Maybe... Emma? Em, for short?”


 For the first time, Emerald smiled. “Yes,” she said. “I like that.” Then she walked out of the shop and was gone.


 Leo shook his head. “This shop really is very weird.” But he smiled as he held the wand in his hand, feeling the magic flowing through him. What was so wrong with weird?

































submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(May 25, 2021 - 2:08 pm)
submitted by @Wree—judging...?
(May 26, 2021 - 9:44 pm)

Sorry I'm a day late! I forgot that I extended the date only to the 26th. Please tell me if I miss you or if your story is not in yet!

Also, I'm going to be sticking to the front pages, so before telling me I missed you (if I did) please check to see that your story/art is acessible and close to the newest pages. If it is not, please repost it. Sorry if this is inconvenient.

peppermint and Tealeaf!

pepper- (I know you said this was your first draft, but you haven't published another draft, so I'm going to judge this. Please tell me if I should change it.) 8/10! Beautiful story in its parts and its sum. Relateable characters, and a setting the reader can tell without you having to state it blatantly. I also love the repetitive first and last lines.

Tealeaf- 7/10! I absolutely love that you used watercolors for your art! It makes the desired effect have much more impact. Also- I love those flowers you painted! They're beautiful!

Nerd and Lumi!

Lumi- 8/10! I love your story, so, so much! I love how there are no names, and not much to identify characters by, but you can still tell who each character is and you can still tell what their relationships are with each other.

Nerd- 6/10! Your drawing was overall definitely really good, but I though it could've used some refining. Love your character and, especially, the waves!

Periwinkle and Feli!

Feli- 9/10! The shading in your drawing is absolutely perfect, and I love the character himself, as well as the detail you put into every item in your drawing!

Peri- 8/10! Your story really captivated me. I love your characters and their personalities, and I love how you ended the story.

Peregrine and Jaybells!

Peregrine- 9/10! Your story was captivating, unique, and just really good in general. I like how your story slowly releases information!

Jay- 9/10! Beautiful art! I can tell you have a grasp on human anatomy, for sure. Your use of chiaroscuro was also really good.

I know a few of you haven't submitted yet, so please submit soon! 

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Judging!
(May 27, 2021 - 4:48 pm)

Yep, that ended up being my final draft! I'm sorry for confusing you! I didn't end up having time to edit it. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to run the contest!! This was so fun!!

submitted by Pepper@Wreeboo, age confusing , lost in a book
(May 27, 2021 - 7:37 pm)

Is anyone going to be kicked out this round?

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(May 28, 2021 - 8:52 am)

Well, this is the last round, and this has been a lot more work than I anticipated. If you want another two rounds (a game) someone else will probably have to judge.

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Castle Araluen
(May 28, 2021 - 12:34 pm)

Sage Wolf and I have submitted ours!

submitted by Luna-Starr, age she/they, Existential Ponderment
(May 28, 2021 - 2:51 pm)

Yep, here it is all together!


Gaia's favorite place in the world was the Garden of Mada, the one place where the faeries still whispered. She would always come back to the garden, anxious to know what they were saying. In all the stories fae was told as a child, the faeries were always faer favorite- kind, wise, teaching their lessons in clever ways. Many other scorned her for believing in such things, but most of them had never been to the garden. Most of them had never heard the faeries' voices- soft as cream, bright as sunlight, powerful as sin. Gaia had never known anything else so real and so wonderful.

Fae walked happily through the garden, no paths created and none needed, the grass tickling her ankles. The flowers in this spot were younger than her, quiet yet eager in their beauty- though fae didn't realize that today, they weren't quite as brilliant, shrinking as though they'd become frightened of the world. She sat down in the grass, looking at the blooms of the other flowers around faer, and waited for the voices fae knew and loved so well. But they did not come.

Gaia didn't know to be sad, confused, or angry- perhaps all at once. Fae waited and waited. The faeries were always on time for her- what had happened to them?

Anxious now, she left the garden with her heart matching the pulsating, rapid pace of the world around faer. Her city was especially busy now, since the queen would be visiting soon, and everyone was trying to look their best for her. Gaia, with no idea where to begin, decided to go home. Faer older sibling, Ocimau, was smart, and they always listened to Gaia; they would have some ideas.

Ocimau, like everyone else, was busy getting ready. They were about to leave for their job preparing the town square for the queen's arrival. "Why don't you come with me, and you can look there?" they suggested after listening to Gaia's explanation. 

Town square was a big place with lots of people that Gaia could ask about her missing fairies. She agreed.

The town square always excited Gaia in a nervous sort of way. Life was buzzing all around; some of it beautiful, some of it strange, some of it frightening, all of it interesting and real. Gaia could give little thought to how the others would judge faer questions about faeries; she was beyond what they thought. But fae couldn't be surprised when she didn't get any answers- though fae felt her anxiety grow. With nothing left to do and no more clues to follow, Gaia started to look around, hoping to see the shimmer of a tiny wing, hear their ethereal voices. She wandered the shops, looking at intricate necklaces and odd machines. And when the workers weren't looking, Gaia slipped into their back rooms and snooped about.

By the time she reached the last shop, Gaia's hope was shrinking while her fear was growing. Still, fae went through the same routine. When she snuck into the back room, fae immediately knew faer tenacity had paid off. Her faeries were here, and they were all in cages.

Gaia ran to one of the cages, trying to set the faerie inside free, but it was locked. Before fae could start to look for a key, a voice called out. "Hey, you! What are you doing in there?"

Gaia drew in a sharp breath. There was no way fae could talk her way out of this. But she had to figure out why the faeries were here, trapped. So Gaia did what fae could: she asked.

"Why are the faeries here? What are you doing with them?" she asked, hoping the tremble in her voice wasn't so obvious.

"What's any of this stuff doing here? It's for the Queen! We were told faeries are some of her favorite decorations. Now move!"

"But faeries aren't decorations!" Gaia protested as fae emerged from the room.

"Get out!" The shop owner shouted. Gaia scurried away. In the distance, she could hear Ocimau calling faer name.

"Where were you?" they scolded. "You can't run off like that! I thought you were- Gaia? What's wrong?"

"They've captured the faeries! They're going to use them for decorations- they- they put them in cages! How could they do that?!"

Ocimau calmed Gaia down and suggested that they go home. She agreed, defeated.

Fae was up all night, thinking about the faeries, about what she could do to help them. Could she? Ocimau had told faer that they would talk to the shop owner, but what could that do? 

Fae felt tears on her cheeks. She thought about faer days in the garden; how when everyone else gave her advice that didn't make sense or demands that had no reason, the faeries knew what to say to her.

Gaia sat up suddenly. She knew what to do. She grabbed a flashlight, a piece of paper, and a pen. She'd use the faeries' power- and her own.

When the shopkeeper went to work the next day, there was a note pinned to the door, fluttering in the chilly breeze. 

It requested freedom. 


submitted by TSW@Wreeboo
(May 28, 2021 - 4:59 pm)

Sorry this was so late, I was kayaking yesterday!

TSW and Luna-Starr

Luna-Starr- 10/10!! Your story is heartfelt and I love the conflict you chose. You ended on such a hopeful not, and it left me wanting- no, needing- more!

TSW- 7/10! Positively beautiful, though I do think the flowers could be shaded a tad better. Other than that, though, I love this drawing so much! It conveys so much personality.

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Castle Araluen
(May 30, 2021 - 9:46 am)

Oh my gosh! I am sooooo sorry Agent Winter! I have really bad time management issues so I had A LOT of homework to catch up on. I am really really sorry. Your drawing was amazing!

submitted by Cranberry@Win , age 13, Pantala
(May 30, 2021 - 11:29 am)

It’s okay! I know life can be stressful sometimes. 

submitted by Win@Cranberry, age Classified, Overwatch
(May 30, 2021 - 3:25 pm)

Hi, Leo! Just checking in. How's it going?

submitted by Writing@Leo, age 11, NY but not NYC
(May 31, 2021 - 3:00 pm)